Monday, March 27, 2017

Why do people believe that laws and rules are NOT for them?

You have driving laws .......( must have license, prof of insurance, legal tags)

City and States laws... ( must be 21 to drink, etc)

Dress code....... that you MUST follow or get another job.

Why do YOU think that the laws are NOT for you? Why do people that follow you on social media think they can complain to the the company on YOUR behalf because YOU didn't follow the rules?
And why do THEY also agree with YOUR choice to break the RULES IN PLACE ?

YOU are not special........ FOLLOW THE RULES LIKE THE REST OF US !!

Friday, March 17, 2017

Just sayin .......

Who is stopping you from getting a good paying job?
Answer: YOU.

Who is stopping you from getting a good education?
Answer: YOU

Who is stopping you from living in a nice house?
Answer: YOU

Who is stopping you from being a good man or woman?
Answer: YOU

Want to go to college? Work three jobs if you have to, we do !

Want a good paying job? Get you lazy butt up early AM and go find it ( or get to school or BOTH)
Want a nice house? Get your lazy butt out there and work those three jobs like we do.

Want to be a good person?  Stop blaming others for everything in your life and make something good with your life. Playing the victim will get you where you are today................. NO WHERE !

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Mom Busted in Alleged Attack on Woman, 71, With Victim's Own Cane for Saying Her Child Needs Manners

Oh my God...... REALLY??

Why the hell is this ok with YOU ?


Mom Busted in Alleged Attack on Woman, 71, With Victim's Own Cane for Saying Her Child Needs Manners

Caitlin Nolan,Inside Edition 5 hours ago

Police in New York say they arrested a mother who flew into a rage when an elderly woman suggested she teach her child some manners, attacking the senior citizen with her own cane in a subway station.
Breonna Turk, 24, surrendered Wednesday after she allegedly attacked a 71-year-old woman at the Q train station at 86th Street and Second Avenue in Manhattan two days earlier, police said.
The senior victim was waiting to enter an elevator when Turk and her young son, who were apparently also wanting to get on, pushed past a crowd getting out at about 2:10 p.m. Monday, a police source told
"You should teach your child to wait till people come out of the elevator instead of trying to get in," the septuagenarian said as they stepped onto the elevator, according to a police source.
Turk allegedly responded by attacking the elderly woman in full view of the little boy, cops said.
She allegedly threw the victim off the elevator, punched her and then snatched the woman’s cane to continue the attack, the police source said.
She then fled with the child in an unknown direction, authorities said.
The victim suffered a cut to her hand and was left with pain throughout her body, the source said.
Turk was charged with assault in the second degree.
Cops said she lives in a high-rise building about two blocks away from where the incident occurred.