Thursday, May 30, 2019

Adults speak in full sentences and spell the complete word.

this slang stuff is making them sound DUMB. Okay the other young crowds may not think so because they too are doing it.

Trust me ...... later in life you WILL regret it.


Tuesday, May 28, 2019

So you think that "gun control" will stop the killing? Think again, this goes on all the time if you bother to read.

Knife-wielding man slashes schoolgirls at bus stop in Japan, killing two

By Chang-Ran Kim and Kiyoshi Takenaka,Reuters 1 hour 0 minutes ago

Friday, May 24, 2019

Wendy's employee fired after taking a bubble bath in restaurant sink: 'It is obviously totally unacceptable'

Wendy's employee fired after taking a bubble bath in restaurant sink: 'It is obviously totally unacceptable'

Elise Solé,Yahoo Lifestyle 17 minutes ago

Black man on tape PUSHING 88 year old woman to the ground

in the black shirt right in middle of screen next to the flowers and next to a person in light blue helping the lady.


A REAL MAN would never even think about doing something like this. 

If the races were reversed it would be all over the internet.

Please pass it around.