Monday, November 25, 2019

Yahoo is posting news articles that happened TWO YEARS AGO just to cause tension and racial divide.

Damn it stop dividing and start bringing together.

I will not post it because we should be coming together instead of constantly blaming COLORS. Makes YOU look stupid.


Sunday, November 24, 2019

The fast-food chain has been criticized for supporting charities with controversial stances on LGBTQ rights...........(Please read and pass it on)

(two articles read both please and pass them on.)

Chick-fil-A will stop donating to the Salvation Army and Fellowship of Christian Athletes — and people are furious

Published: Nov 23, 2019 9:28 a.m. ET

 The fast-food chain has been criticized for supporting charities with controversial stances on LGBTQ rights

Getty Images
Chick-fil-A is ruffling feathers again.

The Georgia-based chicken-sandwich chain has long been criticized over its contributions to groups with anti-LGBTQ stances. In March, the San Antonio city council voted to ban the chain from its international airport, citing its history of LGBTQ issues, and the Buffalo, N.Y., airport followed suit a month later.

So on Monday, the Chick-fil-A Foundation (the chain’s charitable arm) announced that it’s introducing “a more focused giving approach” for next year. It will “deepen its giving to a smaller number of organizations working exclusively in the areas of education, homelessness and hunger,” and has committed $9 million to organizations such as the Junior Achievement USA, which fosters work-readiness and financial literary skills for students through 12th grade, as well as Covenant House International, which provides outreach to 70,000 homeless, runaway and trafficked young people each year.

But it won’t be making multiyear commitments to charities anymore, and will now reassess its philanthropy on a year-to-year basis. And that includes not renewing its annual donations to the Salvation Army and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, as reported by the Washington Post, which are two religious organizations that have made controversial statements about homosexuality and same-sex marriage in the past.

But rather than praising Chick-fil-A for being more inclusive and more supportive of gay rights, many people on Twitter TWTR, +0.81% — including some identifying as Christian and conservative — are slamming the chain for chickening out in the face of a “left-wing mob.”
“You caved to the extremists and are no longer a Christian company,” wrote one.

Even people who support Chick-fil-A’s move expressed skepticism over whether the restaurant is just paying lip service to LGBTQ groups. Indeed, its CEO, Dan Cathy, famously said he did not support same-sex marriage in 2012.
Still others complained that the Salvation Army is not an anti-LGBTQ organization at all. While fact-checking site Snopes notes that the Salvation Army’s Handbook of Doctrine has referenced biblical passages that condemned sexual intimacy between members of the same sex in the past, the Salvation Army has rejected such accusations of discrimination, and has an entire section on its website devoted to the LGBTQ community, which details how its services are available to all people.

The Salvation Army released a statement in response on Monday, expressing disappointment at Chick-fil-A for pulling its donations, and reinforcing its commitment to the LGBTQ community.

“We’re saddened to learn that a corporate partner has felt it necessary to divert funding to other hunger, education and homelessness organizations — areas in which The Salvation Army, as the largest social services provider in the world, is already fully committed,” it reads. “We serve more than 23 million individuals a year, including those in the LGBTQ+ community. In fact, we believe we are the largest provider of poverty relief to the LGBTQ+ population.” It also urged the public to “seek the truth before rushing to ill-informed judgment.”

The Fellowship of Christian Athletes states on its website, however, that “marriage is exclusively the union of one man and one woman.” And an employee application includes a purity statement that reads, “Neither heterosexual sex outside of marriage nor any homosexual act constitute an alternative lifestyle acceptable to God. “

Tim Tassopoulos, president and COO of Chick-fil-A, Inc., sent MarketWatch the following statement by email in response to the backlash: “Our goal is to donate to the most effective organizations in the areas of education, homelessness and hunger. No organization will be excluded from future consideration — faith-based or non-faith-based.”

Of course, Chick-fil-A is no stranger to backlash. And maybe it has nothing to worry about here. After all, despite its history of controversy, Chick-fil-A has been named America’s favorite fast-food restaurant for the past four years in a row.


Here is another article

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Fast-food chain Chick-fil-A's devoted conservative fanbase dealt the company some harsh criticism after it cut off support for three groups that oppose gay marriage and have drawn the ire of protesters.

The loss of funding from the chain, famous for refusing to open on Sundays because of its founder's religious beliefs, is significant to the organizations. In 2017 and 2018, the Chick-fil-A Foundation gave $2.4 million to the Missouri-based Fellowship of Christian Athletes for sports camps for underserved youth, and $165,000 to the Salvation Army to buy Christmas gifts for needy children.

 The foundation also gave $6,000 to the Paul Anderson Youth Homes.


Conservatives who stood by the restaurant in 2012 when CEO Dan Cathy said in several interviews that he didn’t support gay marriage, say the company has abandoned them. In more recent interviews, Cathy — who is the son of Chick-fil-A’s founder — has reiterated his personal beliefs but says he treats all customers with respect.

The Salvation Army said in a statement that it was "saddened" by Chick-fil-A's decision.

"We serve more than 23 million individuals a year, including those in the LGBTQ+ community," the Salvation Army told FOX Business in a statement. "In fact, we believe we are the largest provider of poverty relief to the LGBTQ+ population. When misinformation is perpetuated without fact, our ability to serve those in need, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, religion or any other factor, is at risk."

"@ChickfilA had invaluable brand loyalty because of their beliefs and convictions," Newsmax host John Cardillo wrote on Twitter. "Their customers were brand ambassadors who appreciated that they stood their ground while the rest of corp. America caved to leftist radicals. Now they’re just another fast food chicken place.

"Lol. Chick-fil-A's just abandoned the only people who were defending them against these insatiable woke wolves. Good luck!" conservative commentator Allie Beth Stuckey wrote on Twitter.
Chick-fil-A, which operates about 2,400 restaurants, has been also taking heat from gay-rights supporters, which has impeded some of its growth efforts.

Earlier this year, airports in Buffalo, New York and San Antonio blocked the restaurant from opening at their sites because of the company’s record on gay rights. Some college campuses have banned the chain, while students at an Oregon high school walked out of classes last week, in part to protest the presence of a Chick-fil-A food truck at home football games, citing the company's donations to the anti-LGBTQ charities.

A location in the United Kingdom is also closing because of protests.


GLAAD, an LGBTQ rights group, said it greeted Monday's news with "cautious optimism," but said Chick-fil-A has made similar pledges before.

Drew Anderson, GLAAD's director of campaigns and rapid response, said if Chick-fil-A wants to be taken seriously, it should disavow its anti-gay reputation and ensure restaurants are safe for gay employees.

Chick-fil-A has committed $9 million to initiatives supporting education and fighting homelessness and hunger in 2020, according to its website.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.


Thursday, November 21, 2019

You ARE the Father.......

Woman Tells Court Joe Biden's Son Hunter Did Father Her Baby and Testing Proves It — Despite His Denials

 Adam Carlson,People 15 hours ago

Monday, November 18, 2019

Hello Everyone..... watch for many more posts coming up and a little of this and that.

Oh and what are YOU CRAVING right now?  I want something sweet or soup.
Not kidding.

Why not celebrate ALL skin colors not just dark-and brown skinned women? Why all the seperating?

 (what would happen if someone wrote a song or a book about WHITE skin? Oh that's right, it would be called racist.)


Like her parents, Blue Ivy now an award-winning songwriter

MESFIN FEKADU 8 hours ago

Meghan Markle and Hillary Clinton Secretly Spent the Afternoon Together at Frogmore Cottage.....................................pass it around

Meghan Markle and Hillary Clinton Secretly Spent the Afternoon Together at Frogmore Cottage

Joelle Goldstein  ,People Fri, Nov 15 12:07 AM CST

Meghan Markle had a special guest drop by her Windsor home this week.

On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton paid a visit to Frogmore Cottage and met Meghan, 38, for the very first time after being secretly invited to the London residence by the Duchess of Sussex, The Daily Mail reports.
A source confirmed to the outlet that the women shared a hug before spending the afternoon together, where they hit it off and even discussed a letter Meghan wrote to Clinton when she was 11 demanding to remove a “sexist” dishwasher soap advertisement.
“Both women have a lot of admiration for each other and it was a very sweet, warm meeting,” the source said. “They are mutual fangirls!”
Prince Harry and the royal couple’s seven-month-old son Archie also joined the ladies, with Clinton, 72, reportedly getting in some cuddles with the infant, while she chatted about her own grandson, Jasper, who made his arrival in July.

News of their meeting comes a few days after Clinton raved about Meghan while discussing the relentless attacks she’s been receiving from the British tabloids on BBC Radio 5 Live.
“Oh my God, I want to hug her!” Clinton told host Emma Barnett on Tuesday. “I feel as a mother I just want to put my arms around her. I want to tell her to hang in there, don’t let those bad guys get you down. Keep going, do what you think is right.”
The 2016 Presidential candidate — who is on a publicity tour for The Book of Gutsy Women, co-authored by daughter Chelsea, 39 — added that Meghan should be given a break because all she’s done is fall in love and look to raise a family.
“She has made her own way in the world,” Clinton told the BBC. “Then she falls in love, and he falls in love with her, and everybody should be celebrating that because it is a true love story. You can just look at them and see that.”
Clinton added, “You know, it’s not easy. And there are some techniques that can be learned along the way, some humor, some deflection, whatever, which I’m sure she will come to. But it is tough what she is going through. And I think she deserves a lot better.”

Having been in the spotlight for decades, Clinton knows better than most what it’s like to have every aspect of your personal life raked over in public.
In Meghan’s case, the grandmother of three said she believes the criticism has been driven by a combination of sexism and racism, which she called “heartbreaking and wrong.”
“It takes some getting used to having your every move scrutinized and analyzed and, frankly, things made up about,” Clinton said. “I really wish her and her husband the very best because they are struggling to have a life of meaning and integrity in their own terms — and that’s hard enough if you’re just walking around in today’s world, but if you’re on that big a platform it’s really difficult.”

Clinton added: “You know, people don’t choose who they fall in love with — they fall in love. And she is an amazing young woman. She has an incredible life story. She has stood up for herself.”
The former Secretary of State also echoed her sentiments in an interview with The Sunday Times last month, noting that “the way she’s been treated [by the British media] is inexplicable.”
“If the explanation is that she’s biracial, then shame on everybody,” she added, noting that she personally believed the Duchess of Sussex’s race is “certainly part of it.”