Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Over 100 fully vaccinated people contract COVID-19 in Washington state, officials say



Over 100 fully vaccinated people contract COVID-19 in Washington state, officials say

·2 min read

Over 100 people in Washington state have tested positive for COVID-19 more than two weeks after becoming fully vaccinated against the disease, officials said.

 read more

Have YOU decided that you're NOT going to get vaccine?

  Please comment and let us know why?

It is totally up to you what YOU do with YOUR body.


Man’s Skin Burns, Swells, Then Peels Off in Severe Reaction to Johnson & Johnson Covid Vaccine

 Read more here




Man’s Skin Burns, Swells, Then Peels Off in Severe Reaction to Johnson & Johnson Covid Vaccine

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Photo courtesy of WRIC

A Virginia man’s skin swelled, burned then peeled off in a rare reaction to the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine.

74-year-old Richard Terrell said he began to feel discomfort in his armpit four days after he received the Covid-19 vaccine earlier this month.


Soon Terrell developed an itchy rash and his skin began to swell, turn red and burn.

“It was stinging, burning and itching,” Terrell said as he described the pain. “Whenever I bent my arms or legs, like the inside of my knee, it was very painful where the skin was swollen and was rubbing against itself.”

TRENDING: Waste of Time and Money: Turncoat Mike Pence Laying Groundwork for 2024 Presidential Run

After a few days, the rash covered his entire body and his skin peeled off.

WRIC reported:

A Goochland County man suffered a severe reaction after getting his COVID-19 vaccine and VCU doctors believe it was a direct result of the shot.

Richard Terrell got the one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine earlier this month. He suffered a severe rash that spread over his entire body and turned his skin red. The 74-year-old was admitted to the hospital and spent five days at the VCU Medical Center.

Terrell was released from the hospital and is now sharing his vaccination story as he recovers from the comfort of his Goochland home. He tells 8News that he’s still very weak and that it will take some time for him to fully recover, but he’s thankful to have received his dose.

“It all just happened so fast. My skin peeled off,” Terrell said as he looked down. “It’s still coming off on my hands now.”

On March 6, Terrell received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine in Ashland. He shares that everything went perfectly fine, however four days later he started experiencing symptoms.

More from WRIC:



Monday, March 29, 2021

HIPPA Laws protect our Health records..........Don't let ANYONE force you to tell if you got a shot or not.




Don't let ANYONE force you to tell if you got a shot or not. 




He MUST be found guilty or it will be WAR in the streets.

 He MUST be found guilty or it will be WAR in the streets. 

Doesn't matter guilt or innocence.... MUST be guilty.

And everyone knows it.


Sad freaking world that NOTHING is fair anymore, think and do things ONE way or there will be hell to pay.






Sunday, March 28, 2021

And now we all know why Meghan COULD NEVER be a Royal.... she could NEVER have class like they DO.




Harry and Meghan are such cry babies. Always playing a victim in life.


No class whats so ever.... 

Harry what the hell happened to you? No more big strong just Meg's little boy.






USA so weak right now


Biden couldn't even talk without his "cheat sheet" and script.

He had a paper with the reporters pictures and their names so he knows who to call on.


He is an embarrassment. He's not running the country...Harris is.


Where is our STRONG POWERFUL U.S.A President ?



Biden official asked GOP senators visiting border to delete photos from facilities




Biden official asked GOP senators visiting border to delete photos from facilities

Braun and 18 of his Republican colleagues, including Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas inspected the holding center this week

Sen. Mike Braun, R-Ind., told Fox News that a Biden official asked Republican senators to delete photos they took at a border facility they were touring on Friday. 

Braun originally made the remarks to the Washington Examiner. 

"There was one of Biden's representatives. I felt sorry for the lady because she actually talked to me about deleting a picture, but by the time she got to me, all those other pictures were taken, and that shows you the hypocrisy," Braun told the Examiner of a migrant processing and holding center in Donna, Texas. 

Images of migrant children taken Friday, March 26, 2021 at the Donna U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) facility in Texas. Sen. Mike Braun took the pictures while touring the facility with other GOP senators.

Images of migrant children taken Friday, March 26, 2021 at the Donna U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) facility in Texas. Sen. Mike Braun took the pictures while touring the facility with other GOP senators. (Sen. Mike Braun)

"None of us would have gone down there if we were going to be muzzled," said Braun, who added that Border Patrol also asked that no photos were to be taken, but that "they were telling us that because they had to."

Braun and 18 of his Republican colleagues, including Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas inspected the holding center this week, which is at 700 percent capacity amid a surge in migrants.


The photos showed children sleeping on the ground in an enclosed area. 

Braun told the Examiner as the group stopped with border agents at the edge of the Rio Grande, where migrants often try to illegally cross. There he said a group of "coyotes," who guide migrants across the border for money, jeered at the group in Spanish.

 "All of a sudden to hear from the other side of the river taunting from the smugglers and coyotes, most of it in Spanish, telling the border guards that whatever you do, we're coming," said Braun. "That kind of hit home in such an anecdotal way because it is one story that kind of is a metaphor for what's happening all up and down the border."


Images of migrant children taken Friday, March 26, 2021, at the Donna U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) facility in Texas. Sen. Mike Braun, R-Ind., took the pictures while touring the facility with other GOP senators.

Images of migrant children taken Friday, March 26, 2021, at the Donna U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) facility in Texas. Sen. Mike Braun, R-Ind., took the pictures while touring the facility with other GOP senators. (Sen. Mike Braun)

Braun, after visiting the facility, penned a letter to the president imploring him to visit the border.

The letter, obtained first by Fox News, which includes pictures Braun took Friday during his visit of a U.S. Customs and Border Protection facility in Texas.

The images show migrants jammed into pods at the processing facility and children sleeping on mats on the floor.

"The crisis surrounding this surge makes it a moral imperative for you to see firsthand what is happening—and not the sanitized version of the border tour taken by some of my congressional colleagues," Braun wrote. "Having personally gone this week, I can testify to this being an inhumane, unsustainable and dangerous situation.

There were more than 18,000 unaccompanied minors in either Border Protection or Health and Human Services custody as of Thursday, according to homeland security records.

By law, children are not supposed to stay in the processing facilities for more than 72 hours before being transferred to HHS shelters specifically designed to care for children. But the surge of migrants at the border has overwhelmed the processing centers and caused delays.

"I know why President Biden doesn't want the media to be here - because we do have an open border," Sen. James Lankford, R-Oklahoma said Friday after visiting the facility. 


"If you were an unaccompanied minor, you were sent over to the Donna facility, which we went over and visited. That facility is designed for 80 people in a pod, and they had 709 people... literally wall to wall in every one of the little plexiglass cells that they have, and people flooding out into the hallway," Lankford said.


NO ONE will ever call her a lady.....






Chrissy Teigen Had Sex With John Legend In A Democratic National Convention Bathroom

Ron Dicker
·General Assignment Reporter, HuffPost

Chrissy Teigen said Thursday that she and husband John Legend once had sex in a bathroom at a Democratic National Convention.

The model and TV personality made the admission in a game of “Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts” with host James Corden on “The Late Late Show.” (Watch the video below.)

When asked to name the strangest place she had ever been intimate with her EGOT-winning spouse, Teigen opted to answer instead of eating what would have been a serving of bull penis.

Her explanation required some clarification, she said. She used to call the audacious tryst “sex at that Obama thing,” but wanted viewers to know “it wasn’t with them or near them.”

Teigen had attempted to clear that up before, but thanks for the update, Chrissy! She didn’t specify whether it was the DNC that preceded Barack Obama’s election in 2008 or his reelection four years later.

Now, about those times on a plane and at Fred Segal ...


Saturday, March 27, 2021

Shut the hell up unless you can show BOTH sides of the story... If not... shut the hell up because almost all of are NOT stupid






Stop making an ASS out of yourself. 

























BLM Activist Arrested For Allegedly Vandalizing Lincoln Statue With Feces And Paint





BLM Activist Arrested For Allegedly Vandalizing Lincoln Statue With Feces And Paint

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A Black Lives Matter activist has been arrested for allegedly vandalizing a statue of former President Abraham Lincoln with feces and paint.

The Daily Wire reported:

A Black Lives Matter activist in Boise, Idaho, has been arrested in connection to a vandalized statue of former President Abraham Lincoln.

Terry Joe Wilson, 37, was arrested late Tuesday night after a warrant was issued for his arrest last week, The Idaho Statesman reported.

00:02 01:14

TRENDING: EVIL: Lil Nas X and Nike Release Shoe Dedicated to Satan with a Pentagram and Human Blood in it - In a Limited Edition of 666 Pairs

More from the Idaho Statesman:

In February, police responding to reports of vandalism discovered the bronze statue of Lincoln in Julia Davis Park — known as “Seated Lincoln” — vandalized with feces, paint and signs. Parks and recreation staff were able to clean the statue, which was not permanently damaged.

At the time he was arrested, Wilson was found in possession of a firearm, marijuana, and drug paraphernalia.

Even freeing the slaves is not enough for the woke left.

Statues of Former President Abraham Lincoln have come under fire all across the country:

Abraham Lincoln Freed the Slaves — Violent Alt-Left Thugs Torch His Chicago Statue Anyway

City Of Chicago Reviewing ‘Potentially Offensive’ Statues Including Those Of Lincoln And Washington

Black Man Hijacks BLM Rally to Tear Down Lincoln Statue

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Mama Bears Amazing Reaction to Man Saving Her Cubs


Lil Nas X Says Children Are His Core Audience Before Releasing Music Video Giving Satan a Lap Dance, Selling Shoes Made With Human Blood





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Lil Nas X Says Children Are His Core Audience Before Releasing Music Video Giving Satan a Lap Dance, Selling Shoes Made With Human Blood

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A rapper by the name of Lil Nas X said that children are his core audience, just months before releasing a music video in which he pole dances down to hell to give Satan a lap dance.

The deranged rapper also announced a sneaker collaboration called “Satan” that features a pentagram and real human blood. The shoe also contains the numbers 666 and come in a limited edition of 666 pairs.


His new video, which has skyrocketed to number one on YouTube, is just about as subtle about his Satanism as the shoes.

Warning, this video is not appropriate for work, children, or really, anyone:


Before making headlines with this stunt, he was being praised for a children’s book he wrote called “C is For Country,” apparently based off his hit song “Old Town Road.”

That wasn’t the musician’s only attempt at making sure he had a young fan base.

In January, NPR reported in an article titled “Lil Nas X Says Children Are His Core Audience Right Now, And That’s OK,” “Reaching kids on their level has been a big part of the public persona of Lil Nas X in the past year. Last spring he did an appearance on The Not-Too-Late Show, singing the theme along with its host, Elmo. Leading into the holidays, he did a virtual performance on the online video game platform Roblox, reminiscent of the Travis Scott Fortnite concert in April. But Roblox has a huge younger audience — the company says over half its users are under 13 — and the Lil Nas X concert alone drew in over 30 million visits.”

The NPR report continued on to say that Lil Nas X says he isn’t particularly self-conscious about his extremely young fan base. “I’m well aware that life and careers and everything goes in chapters,” the rapper says. “That’s the chapter I’m in right now and I’m OK with that.”

To be clear, he specifically catered to a young audience to boost his career. Just a little over two months later, he’s grinding on Satan.

Responding to a tweet about how he specifically targeted children before releasing this trash, Lil Nas X played stupid. He wrote, “there was no system involved. i made the decision to create the music video. i am an adult. i am not gonna spend my entire career trying to cater to your children. that is your job.”




My OPINION is.... YOUR presidnet is a weak. My Presidnets have always been strong, powerful, and NOT a person to mess with.




Good thing we are old.

What has Biden done for the minorities? The "money hand out " will NOT continue.




What will he do next?

BLACK man arrested .... ".Atlanta man arrested with 6 guns, body armor at PUBLIX grocery store"..... PASS this on please

 FOX 5 Atlanta has PHOTO of 22 year old black man arrested. Rico Marley 22



Atlanta man arrested with 6 guns, body armor at Publix grocery store




Two days after 10 people were murdered at a grocery store in Colorado, a man was arrested at an Atlanta supermarket with a semiautomatic rifle, a shotgun and four handguns. The man also was wearing body armor and had a cache of ammunition, according to police.

Atlanta police identified the suspect as Rico Marley, 22, and said he'd been charged with reckless conduct.

The incident happened at about 1:30 p.m. when a witness saw Marley allegedly enter the Publix grocery store's bathroom with a cache of weaponry. The individual called police and the suspect was arrested when he left the bathroom, law enforcement said.

No shots were fired and no one was injured in the incident.

MORE: Atlanta spa shootings revive calls for gun reform: 'This moment has to be different'

Authorities said Grady Memorial Hospital emergency services were conducting a mental health evaluation on Marley.

"At Publix, the safety of our associates and customers is our priority," the grocery store said in a statement about the incident. "We are cooperating with local law enforcement on an incident that occurred earlier today in our Atlantic Station store. We are thankful that there were no injuries, and all were able to exit the store safely. The store is currently closed. Additional questions should be directed to the Atlanta Police Department."

PHOTO: A man was arrested with two long guns and four handguns at a Publix grocery store in Atlanta. No shots were fired and no one was injured in the incident. (Provided)
PHOTO: A man was arrested with two long guns and four handguns at a Publix grocery store in Atlanta. No shots were fired and no one was injured in the incident. (Provided)

Charles Russell, who saw the man in the bathroom, told Atlanta ABC affiliate WSB that he immediately notified workers at the store.

"I saw an AR-15 and I was like ... you know, this kind of startled me, again with the events that just recently happened in the grocery store up in Colorado," Russell said. "I went to the clerk at the customer service desk working at the time and let them know. It wasn't acted upon right away. It was actually taken a little more lightly than I thought it would be, especially with the recent events."

MORE: 3 graphics tell the story of mass shootings during the pandemic

Not only were 10 people killed at a King Sooper grocery store in Boulder, Colorado, on Monday, but eight individuals were killed in the Atlanta area last week in shootings at three spas. Robert Aaron Long was arrested and charged with eight counts of murder in those shootings.

Marley is being held at Fulton County Jail.

ABC News' Will Gretsky and Darren Reynolds contributed to this report.

Atlanta man arrested with 6 guns, body armor at Publix grocery store originally appeared on






Friday, March 26, 2021

What a bunch of horse crap..............Oakland Mayor Announces Program to Give $500 Per Month to Low-Income Families – But Not If They’re White




Oakland Mayor Announces Program to Give $500 Per Month to Low-Income Families – But Not If They’re White

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Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf

Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf this week announced a privately funded universal income program that would give $500 a month to poor families – unless they’re white.

The Oakland Mayor is coming under fire for her race-based program that excludes poor white families

“We have designed this demonstration project to add to the body of evidence, and to begin this relentless campaign to adopt a guaranteed income federally,” Mayor Libby Schaaf said.

The mayor of Oakland, California, on Tuesday announced a privately funded program that will give low-income families of color $500 per month with no rules on how they can spend it.

The Oakland Resilient Families program has so far raised $6.75 million from private donors including Blue Meridian Partners, a national philanthropy group. To be eligible, people must have at least one child under 18 and income at or below 50% of the area median income — about $59,000 per year for a family of three.

Half the spots are reserved for people who earn below 138% of the federal poverty level, or about $30,000 per year for a family of three. Participants will be randomly selected from a pool of applicants who meet the eligibility requirements.

Oakland’s project is significant because it is one of the largest efforts in the U.S. so far, targeting up to 600 families. And it is the first program to limit participation strictly to Black, Indigenous and people of color communities.

The reason: White households in Oakland on average make about three times as much annually than black households, according to the Oakland Equity Index. It’s also a nod to the legacy of the Black Panther Party, the political movement that was founded in Oakland in the 1960s.




Are white people lazy or scared or sissies or just don't care?



Asking a legit question.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

At the airport.... watching tv and this crap came on. ABC... WXYZ reporter spreading gossip about voting.... READ what HE said and then read the article




This is how the shit starts !!!


Good thing I don't there here, I would be so pissed at his gossip. 


Where is it printed in the article what "he was told" ? 

Who did he talk to? 

What organization is that person with? 

WHY ISN'T IT PART OF THIS ARTICLE if it was so important to talk about on the LIVE news?



(Isn't it a state law that EVERYONE MUST CARRY and ID ?... Hmmmm 


And are you saying that people are too poor to buy a stamp? So they are missrable people that they neighbors or family won't buy them a stamp? 

Wait... there are SO MANY organizations to help people with food, money, clothes, utilities etc and They can't get a stamp?

They must have CRAPPY churches too because I know my church would give you a ROLL of stamps.

STOP Making excuses for LAZY people unless it is YOU that is not telling the WHOLE truth.










Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Kamala Harris’s Niece Meena Harris Slams All White Men After Colorado Shooting — Then Quietly Deletes Tweet After Shooter ID’ed as Muslim from Syria....( wow boy is she ever RACIST.... I wonder how many in her family are also RACIST ?) PASS THIS ON TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW>>> EVERYONE !!!!



Kamala Harris’s Niece Meena Harris Slams All White Men After Colorado Shooting — Then Quietly Deletes Tweet After Shooter ID’ed as Muslim from Syria


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On Monday ten people were gunned down in a mass shooting at a Boulder, Colorado King Soopers grocery store.
The shooter was arrested by police after the deadly assault

Following the shooting Kamala Harris’s niece, Meena Harris took to Twitter to spew racist hatred against white men. <<< -------


Meena deleted her tweet.
But she refused to apologize for her racist attack.

It shows you how filled with hate this woman is.

And tonight she says she won’t be silenced.
You don’t have to worry about it, Meena. You’re not conservative.

BLM Mob Traps 100 Customers Inside Grocery Store: ‘We’re Shutting S*** Down!’




BLM Mob Traps 100 Customers Inside Grocery Store: ‘We’re Shutting S*** Down!’ (VIDEO)

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Black Lives Matter protesters mobilized in Rochester, New York, attacked a Wegmans grocery store, and trapped an estimated 100 customers inside.

The protests were triggered by the death of Daniel Prude, a black man who died after a viral encounter with the Rochester Police Department. Democrat New York Attorney General announced last month that a grand jury will not seek charges against officers involved in the incident.


According to local news reporter Michael Schwartz, the cadre of BLM supporters yelled, “We have a long walk today, we’re shutting s*** down!”

About 200 protesters then marched all the way to the Wegmans grocery store on East Avenue. Once there, the mob trapped about 100 customers inside.

Schwartz reported, “The group has set up here at East Ave. Wegmans. Cars following have carried these supplies. Last time I saw a tent setup was at Occupy City Hall. Shoppers cannot leave.”

“Hundreds of people trapped in the East Avenue #ROC Wegmans by this mob,” Rochester journalist and radio host Bob Lonsberry said. “The Rochester Police Department is just watching and letting it happen. I guess fire codes and trespassing aren’t things in Rochester anymore. What an embarrassing day for the city and the PD.”

Democrat & Chronicle reporter Justin Murphy tweeted, “There are a bunch of shoppers inside Wegmans who aren’t being allowed to leave.”



copy and past link below and go read this complete article and the other great articles.









Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Ahmad Al-Issa Identified as Suspect in Colorado Grocery Shooting



Ahmad Al-Issa Identified as Suspect in Colorado Grocery Shooting

Brittany Bernstein

Police have identified 21-year-old Ahmad Al-Issa as the suspect in the grocery store mass shooting in Boulder, Colo., that left ten people dead on Monday.

Law enforcement officials said Al-Issa opened fire on customers and responding officers at a King Soopers grocery store with a rifle before being shot in the leg by police and taken into custody. He is in the hospital in stable condition, officials said.

Police identified victims between the ages of 20 and 65, including Boulder Police Officer Eric Talley, 51; Denny Strong, 20; Neven Stanisic, 23; Rikki Olds, 25; Tralona Bartkowika, 49; Suzanne Fountain, 59; Teri Leiker, 51; Kevin Mahoney, 61; Lynn Murray, 62; and Jody Waters, 65.

Al-Issa has been charged with ten counts of murder.


CO shooter is a Trump Hater....................Breaking: Boulder, Colorado Killer a Jihadist – 21-Year-Old Ahmed Al-Issa – Charged with 10 Counts of First Degree Murder — IS A TRUMP-HATER!




Breaking: Boulder, Colorado Killer a Jihadist – 21-Year-Old Ahmed Al-Issa – Charged with 10 Counts of First Degree Murder — IS A TRUMP-HATER!

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The Boulder, Colorado killer was identified on Monday after his supermarket killing spree.

21-Year-Old Ahmed Al-Issa was charged with 10 Counts of First Degree Murder

BREAKING: Gunman Ahmad Al-Issa had ISIS sympathies. President Biden has been briefed. Just when the media was telling us that white terrorists were the biggest threat.

Monday, March 22, 2021

Racist Black Man Stabs 12-Year-Old Boy in the Neck at McDonald’s While Ranting About ‘White Devils’



Racist Black Man Stabs 12-Year-Old Boy in the Neck at McDonald’s While Ranting About ‘White Devils’

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A black man stabbed a white 12-year-old boy at McDonald’s in Pittsburgh in what appears to be a clear anti-white hate crime.

The child is in stable condition after being stabbed by Charles Edward Turner, 51, on Sunday.


The child was with his family when the man tackled the boy and stabbed him in the neck with a box cutter.

“According to police, the boy was stabbed in the neck inside the McDonald’s at Liberty Avenue and Stanwix Street near Market Square around 2 p.m. Officers Ross Small, Harry Siwik and Steve Harris sustained injuries during the arrest. David Lewandowski and Henry Seifried, employees at McDonalds’s, also were injured,” the Pittsburgh Post Gazette reports. “According to the criminal complaint, Mr. Turner fought with officers as they tried to arrest him. The complaint alleges that Mr. Turner used racial slurs against officers, patrons and employees during his arrest and bit one of the witnesses.”

According to local television reports, Turner was muttering “white devils” and other anti-white slurs at the crime scene, though the Post Gazette opted not to include the details about the “racial slurs” he was using.

The report goes on to say that “In the criminal complaint, a witness told police that Mr. Turner tackled the child from behind. As people tried to pull Mr. Turner away they noticed the child’s neck was slashed.”


Police do not believe that the boy and his attacker knew each other, but they do not know if it was a random spontaneous attack or if Turner had went out with the intent to kill someone.

Turner has a lengthy criminal history and had been arrested multiple times for aggravated assault, aggravated harassment by a prisoner and simple assault, with crimes going back to the 1980s.

The child was in critical condition when he was initially brought  to the hospital, but is now said to be in stable condition.

Turner is charged with criminal attempted homicide, four counts of aggravated assault, two counts of simple assault, and resisting arrest. He is currently being held in the Allegheny County Jail.