Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Love this country or get the hell out you bunch of nasty ass people. THAT flag IS THE COUNTRY and if you hate the flag you hate the country.... get the hell out !!!!



this country gives YOU the right to act like a fool.



This is OUR country too.... I will NOT allow you to bring it down. Go live somewhere else since you are NOT A HUMAN.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

'Fully vaccinated people are getting sick': Doctor..............‘Bringing back mask mandate is a good idea’: doctor on Delta variant



‘Bringing back mask mandate is a good idea’: doctor on Delta variant

·2 min read

The World Health Organization’s decision to encourage those who are fully vaccinated to wear masks as a result of the highly transmissible Delta variant is "a good idea," according to University of Arizona College of Medicine-Phoenix’s Dr. Shad Marvasti.

“We don’t want to wait until after the fact and get caught with this thing already ahead of us when we know that masks work,” Marvasti told Yahoo Finance Live. “To put this in context, the Alpha variant, which originated out of the UK, was about 50% more infectious and transmissible. The Delta variant is 60% more infectious than that.”

The Delta variant, which was first identified in India, has now spread to more than 80 countries. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officials warn it will likely become the dominant strain in the U.S. in a matter of weeks as infections attributable to the highly contagious variant spread rapidly nationwide. COVID-19 cases caused by the Delta variant currently account for about one-fifth of new coronavirus infections in the U.S., according to the CDC.

PERTH, AUSTRALIA - JUNE 29: Members of the public are seen wearing face masks in the CBD during Lockdown on June 29, 2021 in Perth, Australia. Lockdown restrictions have come into effect across the Perth and Peel regions for the next four days, following the confirmation of new community COVID-19 cases linked to the highly contagious Delta variant of the coronavirus. From midnight, residents in the Perth and Peel regions are only permitted to leave their homes for essential reasons, including purchasing essential goods, receiving medical care, or caring for the vulnerable. People may leave home to get vaccinated or to exercise within a 5-kilometre radius of their home. Weddings are restricted to five people, funerals to 10 people while gyms, beauty and hair salons, casinos and nightclubs must close. (Photo by Matt Jelonek/Getty Images)




“The CDC needs to act quickly, without waiting, to follow the WHO guidelines and ask everyone to put the masks back on so we can stay open, protect folks, and keep the economy going,” Marvasti said. “We’re already seeing preliminary numbers out of Israel where fully vaccinated people are getting sick.”

Preliminary findings by Israeli health officials found that about half of adults infected by the Delta variant in the country were fully vaccinated, the Wall Street Journal reported, and as it stands now, the Delta variant is likely causing about 90% of new infections in Israel.

Outbreaks of infections largely driven by the Delta variant have prompted governments from around the world to reimpose coronavirus-related restrictions. South Africa is imposing at least two weeks of lockdowns while about 10 million Australians are also under lockdown. Here in the U.S., Los Angeles County officials are urging all residents to wear masks in public indoor spaces, regardless of vaccination status.

“We have gotten into this false sense of security thinking it's okay to take off masks,” warned Marvasti. “The best thing to do is to start putting the masks back on to prevent another surge from happening, and if you’re unvaccinated, now is the time to get vaccinated before this Delta variant comes for you.”

Seana Smith anchors Yahoo Finance Live’s 3-5 p.m. ET program. Follow her on Twitter @SeanaNSmith


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Monday, June 28, 2021

Bunch of LIARS !!! ......." Psaki casts GOP as party of 'defund the police' after slogan backfires on Democrats"




Psaki casts GOP as party of 'defund the police' after slogan backfires on Democrats

Republicans voted against Biden's $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan, she notes, which included police funding

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki accused Republicans of being the party of defunding the police on Monday — after "Defund the Police" became a rallying cry of progressive activists in 2020 and damaged Democrats' appeal with moderate voters.

Republicans voted against President Biden's $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan, which was signed in March, even though it included $350 billion for state and local governments that could be used for local police.


"Something one of the advisers said this weekend, Cedric Richmond, he said Republicans defunded the police by not supporting the American Rescue Plan," Fox News' Peter Doocy asked Psaki on Monday. "But how is it that that is an argument to be made when the president never mentioned needing money for police to stop a crime wave when he was selling the American Rescue Plan?"

"Well, the president did mention that the American Rescue Plan, the state and local funding, something that was supported by the president, a lot of Democrats who supported and voted for the bill, could help ensure local cops were kept on the beat in communities across the country. As you know, [it] didn't receive a single Republican vote. That funding has been used to keep cops on the beat," Psaki said.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki speaks during a press briefing at the White House, Monday, June 28, 2021, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

White House press secretary Jen Psaki speaks during a press briefing at the White House, Monday, June 28, 2021, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

"At the time, it was sold that local police departments might have pandemic-related budget shortfalls, not we need to keep cops on the beat because there's a crime wave," Doocy said.

"I think that any local department would argue that keeping cops on the beat to keep communities safe when they had to, because of budget shortfalls, fire police is something that helped them address crime in their local communities," Psaki said, later adding that "it was a pretty good bill and piece of legislation."

Biden advisor Cedric Richmond railed against Republicans on "Fox News Sunday."

"Let's talk about who defunded the police. When we were in Congress last year trying to pass a rescue plan — I'm sorry, not the rescue plan but an emergency relief plan for cities that were cash-strapped and laying off police and firefighters — it was the Republicans who objected to it. And in fact, they didn't get funding until the American Rescue Plan, which our plan allowed state and local governments to replenish their police departments and do the other things that are needed," Richmond said.

"So look, Republicans are very good at staying on talking points of who says defund the police, but the truth is, they defunded the police, we funded crime intervention, and a whole bunch of other things," he added.


More than seven in 10 voters think crime is on the rise nationally amid a backdrop of escalating crime rates in major American cities and FBI warnings for local law enforcement to prepare for increases over the summer.

That’s according to a Fox News poll released on May 26 and conducted May 22-25. The poll found that compared to last year, majorities think crime is increasing both nationally (73 percent say there is "more" crime), as well as in their local communities (54 percent).

A protester holds up a homemade sign that says, "Defund the Police" with the Manhattan Bridge behind them as they perform a peaceful protest walk across the Brooklyn Bridge. (Photo by Ira L. Black/Corbis via Getty Images)

A protester holds up a homemade sign that says, "Defund the Police" with the Manhattan Bridge behind them as they perform a peaceful protest walk across the Brooklyn Bridge. (Photo by Ira L. Black/Corbis via Getty Images) (Getty Images)

Republicans (83 percent) are more likely than independents (73 percent) and Democrats (62 percent) to say crime is up.  Equal proportions of Hispanics (75 percent), Blacks (74 percent) and Whites (72 percent) think crime has risen nationally compared to last year.


One year following the death of George Floyd and the intense nationwide protests and calls to defund police departments that followed, the poll shows most people have trust in law enforcement.  

Seventy-two percent of registered voters have "a great deal" (36 percent) or "fair amount" (36 percent) of trust and confidence in police and law enforcement.  Twenty-seven percent have "not very much" or "none at all" when it comes to confidence in those wearing the blue.

Fox News' Victoria Balara contributed to this report.


Sunday, June 27, 2021

(What a disrespectful Witch...feel free to RE Spell that word.)........."Berry turns away from flag during anthem


 (That WONDERFUL FLAG gave her the right to act like an ass.)


Message sent: Berry turns away from flag during anthem

Activist Gwen Berry was standing on the podium after receiving her bronze medal in the hammer throw when she turned to face the stands, not the flag

Fox News Flash top headlines for June 26

For the past week, they've played the national anthem one time a night at the U.S. Olympic track and field trials.

On Saturday, the song happened to start while outspoken activist Gwen Berry was standing on the podium after receiving her bronze medal in the hammer throw.


While the music played, Berry placed her left hand on her hip and shuffled her feet. She took a quarter turn, so she was facing the stands, not the flag. Toward the end, she plucked up her black T-shirt with the words "Activist Athlete" emblazoned on the front, and draped it over her head.

"I feel like it was a set-up, and they did it on purpose," Berry said of the timing of the anthem. "I was pissed, to be honest."

Berry's reaction to the "Star-Spangled Banner" took its fair share of the spotlight on a blazing-hot second-to-last day at trials that also featured some blazing-fast times.

Gabby Thomas became the second-fastest woman ever in the 200, winning the final in 21.61 seconds. The only woman faster: Florence Griffith-Joyner. And, as expected, Grant Holloway won the 110-meter hurdles, though his time in the semifinals was the eye-opener. His 12.81 was only 0.01 off the world record.

Other winners Saturday included Emily Sisson (10,000), Katie Nageotte (pole vault), Maggie Malone (javelin), Rai Benjamin (400 hurdles) and Brittney Reese (long jump).

Not winning: Allyson Felix, who finished fifth in the 200, but already had her spot secured in the 400.

Also, Noah Lyles finished second in his 200 semifinal and looked somewhat shocked to see that 17-year-old Erriyon Knighton had beaten him to the line. Knighton finished in 19.88 to top an under-20 world record that had been held by none other than Usain Bolt.

Earlier, with temperatures reaching 101 degrees (38 Celsius) on the field, Berry earned her spot, and her platform at the Tokyo Olympics, grabbing the third spot by a scant 2 inches over Janee Kassanavoid.

Berry has promised to use her position to keep raising awareness about social injustices in her home country.

"My purpose and my mission is bigger than sports," Berry said. "I'm here to represent those ... who died due to systemic racism. That's the important part. That's why I'm going. That's why I'm here today."

She found it to be no matter of coincidence that she was front and center during the anthem. Unlike the Olympics, they don't play anthems to accompany medals ceremonies at the trials. But the hammer throwers received their awards just before the start of the evening session, which has been kicking off all week with a video rendition of "The Star-Spangled Banner" played on the scoreboard.

USA Track and Field spokeswoman Susan Hazzard said "the national anthem was scheduled to play at 5:20 p.m. today. We didn't wait until the athletes were on the podium for the hammer throw awards. The national anthem is played every day according to a previously published schedule." On Saturday, the music started at 5:25.

And so, while winner DeAnna Price and second-place finisher Brooke Andersen stood still on the podium with their hands over the hearts and stared straight ahead at the American and Oregon flags, Berry fidgeted and paced on the third step. Then turned away. And finally grabbed her T-shirt.

"They said they were going to play it before we walked out, then they played it when we were out there," Berry said. "But I don't really want to talk about the anthem because that's not important. The anthem doesn't speak for me. It never has."

Berry's gestures drew virtually no reaction from the still-filling stands. And they were something far less than two summers ago, when she raised her fist on the podium after winning the Pan-Am Games.

That demonstration led to a sanction, but ultimately pushed the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee to commit to not punishing athletes who raise fists or kneel at the trials or in Tokyo. It's a potential flash point for Tokyo, where the IOC has said it will enforce its Rule 50 that bans demonstrations inside the lines. It's the same prohibition that got sprinters Tommie Smith and John Carlos sent home from the Mexico City Games in 1968.


Now, Berry will be heading to her second Olympics, and she saw what it will take to earn anything close to a similar moment in Tokyo.

Price won with a throw of 263 feet, 6 inches (80.31 meters), which was nearly 7 feet longer than Berry's throw. Price, who became only the second woman in history to crack 80 meters, had no problem sharing the stage with Berry.

"I think people should say whatever they want to say. I’m proud of her," Price said.

She figures to be going for gold along with world-record holder Anita Wlodarczyk of Poland, who is expected to be in Japan. Meanwhile, Andersen's throw was a mere 2 inches shy of Berry's personal best.

Berry said she needs to get "my body right, my mind right and my spirit right" for the Olympics. The women's hammer throw starts Aug. 1.

But she doesn't think she needs to be on the podium in Tokyo to have an impact.

"I don't need to do anything sport-wise," she said. "What I need to do is speak for my community, to represent my community and to help my community. Because that's more important than sports."


Saturday, June 26, 2021

I'm begging you to pass this on to everyone you know.. What if one of these children were yours..... "Make-A-Wish Foundation Announces They Will Only Help Fully Vaccinated Children



Make-A-Wish Foundation Announces They Will Only Help Fully Vaccinated Children (VIDEO)



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Make-A-Wish Foundation CEO Richard Davis has announced in a video that they will only be helping vaccinated terminally ill children.

Children and any relatives accompanying them to get their wish will all need to have been fully vaccinated at least two weeks prior.


The charity said it will not require proof of vaccination but will make families sign a waiver saying that they are.

Davis did not appear to make any exceptions for children who are under 12-years-old and cannot be vaccinated in the video. The Gateway Pundit has reached out to them for clarification and will update when it is provided.

The So called VP landed at a detention center NOT THE BORDER and then left. NOW she thinks she is an expert??



YOU were hundreds of miles AWAY from the 


CRISIS... My God what kind of people wanted 


this kind of administration to run the country?

Friday, June 25, 2021

All black something is just as racist as all white something.





Stop this crap

If African Americans can have BLONDE hair.... White girls can wear Braids



Please stop this crap.

Many missing after building collapse are from Latin American countries



Many missing after building collapse are from Latin American countries

An estimated 27 people reported missing following the Thursday morning building collapse are from Latin American countries, including at least nine from Argentina, six from Paraguay, four from Venezuela and three from Uruguay. according to the Miami Herald and The Associated Press.

Among those people were Argentines Dr. Andres Galfrascoli, his husband, Fabian Nuñez and their 6-year-old daughter, Sofia, who had spent Wednesday night there at an apartment belonging to a friend, Nicolas Fernandez.

Galfrascoli, a Buenos Aires plastic surgeon, and Nuñez, a theater producer and accountant, had come to Florida to get away from a COVID-19 resurgence in Argentina and its strict lockdowns. They had worked hard to adopt Sofia, Fernandez said.

The Paraguayans included Sophia López Moreira — the sister of first lady Silvana Abdo and sister-in-law of President Mario Abdo Benítez — and her family.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.


New Jersey lung transplant recipient who was vaccinated dies of rare breakthrough coronavirus case


New Jersey lung transplant recipient who was vaccinated dies of rare breakthrough coronavirus case

Breakthrough deaths of vaccinated people are extremely rare

A New Jersey woman who received a lung transplant 11 years ago and was recently vaccinated against the coronavirus died last month from a rare breakthrough case, according to a report. 

Joan Barrows, 62, became seriously ill after she was exposed to the virus by an unvaccinated person and died on May 15 in the New York hospital where she received her transplant in 2010, reported. 

Breakthrough deaths of vaccinated people are extremely rare. Only 549 out of 144 million vaccinated Americans have died from the virus — 0.000004% — as of June 14, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, but transplant patients are highly vulnerable and some have no antibodies to fight off the infection, the newspaper reported. 

Barrows' brother, Jim Russo, called her the "glue who held us all together."


 "She reminded me of others’ birthdays. She prepared almost every Christmas dinner, and a lot of other holiday meals," he said. 

Her sister said after staying inside last year and missing celebrations and holidays, Barrows had many plans for after she was vaccinated, including driving to Florida to meet her newborn grandnephew. 

Since her death, Barrows’ family and friends say they see getting vaccinated as a person’s duty to protect others. 

"When I hear somebody doesn’t want to get vaccinated, my head comes off. She could have been alive today," Barrows’ best friend, Karen McGuirl, said. 

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy mentioned Barrows in a briefing last week, saying her brother and sister had asked him to "remind everybody through Joan’s example of the vulnerability that some residents retain, even through vaccination, because of their longstanding medical conditions." 

He added, "The time to get vaccinated is now," the newspaper reported. In a tweet last week, the governor wrote, "May God bless Joan." 

 Russo added, she "was so determined to survive [she] probably would have lived much longer." 


Only weak people take HAND OUTS


There are MORE than enough jobs out there.

Get two jobs like the rest of us.


Hand outs are for NOBODYS.

 It takes a REAL adult to support themselves. Any loser can ask for MORE money or go fund me.





Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Please pass this on EVERYWHERE)....Kamala Harris Tells Activists to Knock on Doors and Harass People Who Haven’t Been Vaccinated in Desperate Push to Meet 4th of July Goal


Kamala Harris Tells Activists to Knock on Doors and Harass People Who Haven’t Been Vaccinated in Desperate Push to Meet 4th of July Goal (VIDEO)

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Kamala Harris told left-wing activists to knock on doors to pressure people to get vaccinated as Biden’s July 4th vaccine goal is likely to fall short.

The Biden Admin set a goal to fully vaccinate 70% of Americans by July 4th.

Americans are refusing to get the Covid vaccine for many different reasons, but the Biden Admin is pushing for 70% vaccination so they can wield power over the unvaccinated.

This has nothing to do with saving lives.

It’s all about power.

Kamala Harris told so-called ‘volunteers’ in Atlanta to knock on doors and harass people who may be hesitating to get the vaccine for one reason or another.


Harris even gave the activists several pointers on how to overcome objections.

“For example, if you knock on the door and someone says they ‘don’t have the time to get the vaccine’ — because people are busy. They’re just trying to just make it through the day. Or they say that pharmacies are never open when they do have time, well, let’s address that. Because now, you can let them know that pharmacies across our country are keeping their doors open for 24 hours on Fridays in June, including today. Because we need to meet people where they are! Some folks are working two jobs…” Harris said.

“And what if they say they can’t miss work? Well, you can tell them that there are employers across the country who are offering paid time off for their employees to get vaccinated and we want to encourage and challenge more employers to do the same,’ she said.

Have young children? Kamala’s got you covered.

“Other folks who need time to recover after they get the shot, right? And may need a little moment where they need some help with their kids. So we have partnered with the YMCA, with KinderCare, and the Learning Care Group to provide free childcare for both vaccination and recovery. We need to meet people where they are.” 


“You might run across people as you’re out talking and knocking, folks might say, ‘I don’t have a car’ or ‘there’s no public transportation or bus that comes by my house.’ And that’s fair, because how can we expect them to get to a vaccination site? Well, now, as part of the solution, rideshare companies are giving free rides to and from vaccination centers,” Kamala said.


Submit a Correction







So do they really beiieve that blacks are too poor or not educated enough to get an ID ? Stop being JERKS.



Blacks are NOT too poor or un educated to get one if they REALLY want to vote.




Juneteenth Mob Twerks on Ambulance as it Tries to Move Through Crowd to Reach Injured and Dying Oakland Shooting Victims

 (NOT classy ladies.....just a bunch of nasty gross dancers) Yep my opinion


Juneteenth Mob Twerks on Ambulance as it Tries to Move Through Crowd to Reach Injured and Dying Oakland Shooting Victims

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A Juneteenth mob blocked an ambulance trying to reach shooting victims in Oakland, California this past weekend.
Several women started twerking on the ambulance hood as others took video.

The Daily Mail reported:


Multiple women were seen twerking on the top of an ambulance in Lake Merritt in Oakland, California on Saturday night, as paramedics attempted to make their way through to the scene of a shooting in which one person was killed and at least seven others were wounded.

At least one person was also spotted on top of the roof at one point.




The ambulance was stopped in its tracks by the crowd which was said to be around 1,0

Violent Fights and Shootings Break Out at Juneteenth Celebrations Across the Country





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Violent Fights and Shootings Break Out at Juneteenth Celebrations Across the Country (VIDEOS)

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Joe Biden on Thursday signed a law making Juneteenth a federal holiday.

No one knew what Juneteenth was until recently.


Barack Obama never tweeted about Juneteenth and he never gave a speech about the event.

Juneteenth celebrations across the country turned violent on Saturday.


A massive brawl broke out in Long Branch, New Jersey (Pier Village).



An emergency responder was shot while assisting a child with a medical call at a Juneteenth event at Roberts Park in Raleigh, North Carolina.



Meanwhile in Flint, Michigan, a police officer returned fire when a car pulled up to an intersection at a Juneteenth parade and opened fire.

The officer struck the 19-year-old female suspect and she succumbed to her injuries.

“A preliminary investigation showed the shooting happened around 2:14 p.m. while an officer, who was working a traffic point for the Juneteenth Celebration Parade, was fired upon by the lone occupant of a vehicle who drove up to the officer. Upon taking fire, the officer returned fire and struck the suspect, police said.” The Detroit News reported.

“The officer was not injured, nor were any bystanders who were in there area. The shooting suspect, a 19-year-old female from Flint, succumbed to her injuries at the hospital, police said.”








Monday, June 21, 2021

Rantz: Seattle Gay Pride Group Charges Whites Reparations Fee

Rantz: Seattle Gay Pride Group Charges Whites Reparations Fee

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Seattle’s Taking B(l)ack Pride even this year is charging white people a reparations fee to attend the event.
The local gay activists say they support the move.

Via Jack Posobiec.

Via Jason Rantz:

Seattle gay pride event organizers say they’re charging white people a “reparations fee” to attend. They have the support of Seattle City Council president and mayoral candidate Lorena Gonzalez and the Seattle Human Rights Commission.

TAKING B(L)ACK PRIDE organizers say all are welcome to attend. However, “white allies and accomplices” must pay the reparations fee. It will be charged on a sliding scale of $10 to $50 depending on one’s ability to pay. The event location is Jimi Hendrix Park, owned by the city of Seattle. This raises questions about the legality of a reparations fee.

Critics question whether race-based admissions fees are appropriate. Seattle Municipal Code clearly prohibits racial discrimination. But organizers push back, calling criticism of their admissions structure “casual violence.”














US Olympic athlete Chelsea Wolfe threatened to burn flag on podium BMX Freestyle rider Chelsea Wolfe identifies as a trans woman


US Olympic athlete Chelsea Wolfe threatened to burn flag on podium

BMX Freestyle rider Chelsea Wolfe identifies as a trans woman




EXCLUSIVE - BMX Freestyle rider Chelsea Wolfe, who qualified as an alternate to represent the U.S. at this year's summer Olympics in Tokyo, said last year that her goal was to win an Olympic medal "so I can burn a US flag on the podium."

"My goal is to win the Olympics so I can burn a US flag on the podium. This is what they focus on during a pandemic. Hurting trans children," Wolfe wrote on Facebook on March 25, 2020, along with a link to a PinkNews story about the Trump administration's stance on transgender girls in female athletics.



Wolfe identifies as a transgender woman. 


Wolfe told Fox News that the post, which has since been deleted, doesn't mean she doesn't care about her home country.

"Anyone who thinks that I don't care about the United States is sorely mistaken," Wolfe told Fox News. "One of the reasons why I work so hard to represent the United States in international competition is to show the world that this country has morals and values, that it's not all of the bad things that we're known for. I take a stand against fascism because I care about this country and I'm not going to let it fall into the hands of fascists after so many people have fought and sacrificed to prevent fascism from taking hold abroad. As a citizen who wants to be proud of my home country, I'm sure as hell not going to let it take hold here."

Earlier this month, Wolfe posted about what it meant to qualify as an alternate for the Olympics as a transgender athlete.

"I searched for so long trying to find out if there had ever been a professional trans bmx rider to show me that who I am would be okay and unfortunately I found no one," Wolfe wrote on Instagram on June 12. "Eventually I started to meet some amazing women who helped me accept that I am a woman just like any other and that I deserve a place to exist in the world just like everyone else."

BMX rider Chelsea Wolfe last year threatened to burn an Olympic flag on the podium. 

BMX rider Chelsea Wolfe last year threatened to burn an Olympic flag on the podium.  (Atsushi Tomura/Getty Images)

International Olympic Committee policy specifies conditions under which those who transition from male to female are eligible to compete in the female category.

Among them is that the athlete has declared that her gender identity is female and that the declaration cannot be changed, for sporting purposes, for a minimum of four years.


The athlete must also demonstrate that her total testosterone level is below a specific measurement for at least 12 months prior to her first competition.

The IOC policy also states: "the overriding sporting objective is and remains the guarantee of fair competition."

Fox News' Gregg Re and the Associated Press contributed to this report.


Friday, June 18, 2021

There's a news show called "Black News Tonight".Is there a show called "White News Tonight"?




NYC psychiatrist claims White people are 'psychopathic,' lie to themselves with false sense of identity



NYC psychiatrist claims White people are 'psychopathic,' lie to themselves with false sense of identity

Aruna Khilanani: 'The level of lying that White people do ... we’re just used to it'

New York City psychiatrist Dr. Aruna Khilanani confirmed her belief Wednesday that White people are "psychopathic," claiming they lie to themselves with a false sense of identity that makes them unable to discuss issues of race.

Khilanani made the claim while appearing on "Black News Tonight," as she defended her past comments made during a lecture at Yale University, in which she told the audience that White people made her blood boil, and she fantasized about shooting them in the head when they got in her way.


"The intention is to actually talk about unconscious negative feelings, because if we're not actually aware of unconscious negative feelings, it’s going to turn into a violent action," Khilanani said after far-left host Marc Lamont Hill asked about her intention with the comments.

"So of course I don’t want to kill White people. That’s completely ludicrous," she added. "But I think through my words, White people feel like they’re actually getting murdered because my words are troubling. It's going to cause the death of their preferred self-image, the image that they've had through colonialism of being good, helping and teaching." 

In the April lecture, Khilanani told the audience that for non-White people, the cost of talking to White people was that they "suck you dry" and "there are no good apples" among them.

Khilanani claimed she was trying to show racism was inside everyone and people get defensive when called out on it.

"Would it be fair to say based on your expertise that White people are psychopathic?" Hill asked.

"I think so. Yeah … the level of lying that White people do that has started since colonialism – we’re just used to it," Khilanani said. "Every time that you steal a country, you loot, you say you've discovered something. I mean, this level of lies [is] actually part of history."

Khilanani argued there was a "feeling of futility" by non-Whites when trying to talk to White people about race, and that the latter were defensive in conversations about race because they weren't acknowledging the "dark places" of their unconscious. 

"White people actually – they have a different conscious experience of themselves, rather than what they're actually doing," she said. "So I’m saying the reason they can’t get it at this moment in time … is what is White identity? How do they view themselves that is actually very different from their actions? So sort of naming that problem first so that we can actually move forward and talk about race."

"I think the way that I framed the lecture was … I’m inviting you into a room where we talk about you," she added. "And this is sort of a special invitation to first see how we view you, because that might be very different than your conscious experience of yourself. So it’s sort of an invitation into sort of a sacred space to see how it is that White people are actually viewed."


Naked Tennessee woman armed with ax accused of vandalizing WalmartNaked Tennessee woman armed with ax accused of vandalizing Walmart



Naked Tennessee woman armed with ax accused of vandalizing Walmart


A caller said she was throwing items at employees and had defecated on herself, police said


Officers in Knoxville responded to the giant retailer after a caller said a naked woman was throwing items at employees and defecated on herself, according to a police report. 

Nashea Brown, 35, was found in the sporting goods section with an ax and a knife tucked into her bra, police said. The officers ordered her to drop the ax but she allegedly refused to comply. 

Nashea Brown, 35, allegedly had an ax and knife when confronted by officers inside a Walmart. 

Nashea Brown, 35, allegedly had an ax and knife when confronted by officers inside a Walmart.  (Knox County Sheriff's Office )

One officer attempted to use a Taser but it was ineffective. Another officer used their Taser and Brown was taken into custody. 

She is charged with disorderly conduct, resisting arrest and vandalism up to $1000. She is being held in the Knox County jail. 


The store estimated more than $500 worth of property was vandalized.


Joe Biden Is Now Flying Family Members of Fake Refugees into the County Who Are Not Even Approved to Be Here — All on the US Taxpayers’ Dime


Because Open Borders Are Not Enough: Joe Biden Is Now Flying Family Members of Fake Refugees into the County Who Are Not Even Approved to Be Here — All on the US Taxpayers’ Dime

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Because they just can’t destroy the country quick enough!
The Biden-Obama administration opened the US border with Mexico the day he was sworn in.

 The last three months alone saw more than half-a-million illegals and fake refugees caught at the border and then released inside the US homeland.

President Joe Biden is allowing Central American economic migrants with pending asylum claims — not just approved claims — to have the Department of State fly their families on the American taxpayer dime to live with them in the U.S.

On Tuesday, the Los Angeles Times revealed:

The Biden administration on Tuesday announced the major expansion of a program that would allow many such youths into the country legally, part of its stated goal to increase “legal pathways” for immigration. The changes could boost the number of Salvadoran, Guatemalan and Honduran children joining their families in the U.S. from several hundred to tens of thousands.

The in-country processing will resume with Tuesday’s announcement, administration officials said. Advocates warned against allowing burdensome backlogs to form in El Salvador, Guatemala, or Honduras, with screening, interviews, vetting, and cross-border paperwork that delay and ultimately discourage applicants, some of whom feel too at risk to wait it out [and choose to take their shot trying to sneak into the U.S.]




The number of illegals crossing the border in Texas in April was TEN TIMES the number from the same month a year ago.
President Joe Biden is allowing Central American economic migrants with pending asylum claims — not just approved claims — to have the Department of State fly their families on the American taxpayer dime to live with them in the U.S.

Breitbart reported: