Friday, July 30, 2021

WOW! Jill Biden’s Dress Looks EXACTLY Like Hunter Biden’s Crack Couch — AND IT WAS ON THE COVER OF VOGUE!


WOW! Jill Biden’s Dress Looks EXACTLY Like Hunter Biden’s Crack Couch — AND IT WAS ON THE COVER OF VOGUE!


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A new meme is floating around the internet today on the Bidens.

Who wore it best?

The image shows Jill Biden’s dress along with crackhead mega-millionaire grifter Hunter Biden on a crack couch with a similar pattern.



What makes this even better is that Milkmaid Jill Biden was on the cover of Vogue Magazine recently wrapped in her mother’s drapes.


Who knew that Vogue was double-dippinng in fashion and upholstery?


Pelosi Orders Capitol Police to Arrest Staff and Visitors Who Fail to Comply with House Mask Mandate


Pelosi Orders Capitol Police to Arrest Staff and Visitors Who Fail to Comply with House Mask Mandate

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Speaker Nancy Pelosi ordered Capitol Police to arrest staff and visitors who fail to comply with her new mask mandate on the House side of the Capitol complex starting Thursday.


For lawmakers, Pelosi advised not arresting but “reporting Members to SAA for their failure to comply.” 


 “I cannot comply with this tyrannical order,” Rep. Cammack said. “This is the people’s house, not Nancy Pelosi’s house.”


Pelosi’s spox said the Speaker had nothing to do with this new order.

“The speaker of the House does not control the U.S. Capitol Police,” Pelosi spokesperson Drew Hammill told Fox News. “We were unaware of the memo until it was reported in the press.”


The Capitol’s attending physician late Tuesday night reinstated the mask mandate inside the Capitol complex on the House side due to rising Covid cases.


GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy on Wednesday said the mask mandate goes against the science.


Pelosi said McCarthy is a “moron” when asked about his comment on the mask mandate.


“To say that wearing a mask is not based on science, I think, is not wise, and that was my comment, and that’s all I’m going to say about that.” Pelosi said.


Here’s a photo of House attending physician Brian P. Monahan – MASKLESS – giving a briefing to GOP members on Pelosi’s new mandate: ( (NOT WEARING MASK)





Thursday, July 29, 2021

TOP DEMOCRAT INDICTED: NM House Majority Leader Charged with Embezzlement -Total May Top $954,000


TOP DEMOCRAT INDICTED: NM House Majority Leader Charged with Embezzlement — Total May Top $954,000


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The New Mexico House Majority Leader is in serious trouble after being charged in a massive embezzlement scheme.

Rep. Sheryl Williams Stapleton may have embezzled upwards of $954,000 dollars in a racketeering, laundering and illegal kickbacks scheme.



The New Mexico Democrat was the eventual recipient of up to 60% of the government contracts with Robotics Management Learning Systems LCC, a D.C. based company. reported:

Law enforcement agents have executed search warrants at the home and business of state Rep. Sheryl Williams Stapleton.

According to a filed warrant, she is under investigation for racketeering, money laundering and receiving illegal kickbacks.


In April, newly-appointed Albuquerque Public Schools Superintendent Scott Elder submitted a letter to the New Mexico Attorney General Hector Balderas referencing “Suspected Violations of Governmental Conduct Act and Procurement Code.”

According to the warrant, every invoice issued by Robotics to APS was for an even dollar amount, no cents, and in unchanging amounts over the years. Most were reportedly for $40,000. In all, APS paid Robotics more than $5.3 million.

Rep. Williams Stapleton is also directly involved with four companies that received payments from Robotics: The Charlie Morrisey Center for Creative Assitance Inc., the Ujima Foundation, S. Williams and Associates, and local restaurant A Taste of The Caribbean.

Evidence suggests that she was eventual recipient of 60% of the APS money — $954,386. Investigators are looking into additional payments that were redirected into her personal bank accounts.

State Democrats said they were “shocked and dismayed” with the allegations against their crooked cohort.