Monday, November 14, 2022

Bah-bye yellowstone



You have RUINED the show with all the CRAP ! 

Should have kept your mouth shut.... and shouldn't have turned it into a big fat commercial. 


the Dutton family is NO longer. 

You turned it into a  "store" to purchase items and to show the cast in MANY commercials CLAIMING they like certain items. 

 Just one big STORE ( and political views, Liz was NEVER for us). 

All of us here are done.

Sunday, November 13, 2022

When will YOU stop complaining about things and acually doing something about it? ( non violent of course)


Stop complaining and ....Stand up for what you believe in !!!


(no violence or it makes you nothing but a thug and no one will ever take you seriously) 




Saturday, November 12, 2022

 She made an ASS out of anyone that gave money. Same with here in the US.

My God people.... stop believing this crap....LOL




BLM Leader Charged with Fraud Involving Fundraisers Linked to 2020 George Floyd Riots




Xahra Saleem

United Kingdom – Black Lives Matter leader Xahra Saleem, 22, was charged with two counts of fraud linked to two crowdfunding pages related to BLM protests.

According to reports, one of the GoFundMe pages was set up to help protesters charged with crimes related to the toppling of Edward Colston’s statue in 2020.


Money from the crowdfunding page, BristBLM went missing.

Xahra Saleem is due in court before a Bristol Magistrate in January.

The Times UK reported:

One of the organisers of the Black Lives Matter demonstration that culminated in the toppling of Edward Colston’s statue has been charged with fraud over two crowdfunding pages linked to the protest movement.


Xahra Saleem, 22, is to appear before magistrates in Bristol in January, charged with two counts of fraud by abuse of position.

Avon and Somerset police investigated a GoFundMe page called BristBLM for Changing your Mindset, which was set up at about the time of the demonstration on June 7, 2020. The page was intended to raise cash for a local youth group.

Saleem also faces a charge relating to a second crowdfunding page, Bristol Protestors Legal Fees, which raised money for people facing criminal proceedings after the protests in the city.



 She made an ASS out of anyone that gave money. Same with here in the US.

My God people.... stop believing this crap.




Sunday, November 6, 2022

NEVER FORGET: (this thug beat old man) Whitmer Lies and Says She Didn’t Send COVID Patients to Nursing Homes… What About This Thug?


( I'll bet you would care and raise hell is it was one of YOUR relatives right?)




NEVER FORGET: Whitmer Lies and Says She Didn’t Send COVID Patients to Nursing Homes… What About This Thug?


Earlier this week Gretchen Whitmer went on television and claimed, “nursing homes were never required to take patients who had Covid. They just weren’t.”

Obviously, this is a bald-faced lie.


A 2020 study revealed 45% of all US coronavirus deaths occurred in US nursing homes.

Only 0.6% of the US population lives in nursing homes but over 45% of the coronavirus deaths were in these centers.

In August 2020 the Trump Department of Justice requested data from four Democrat governors on their orders to send sick COVID-19 patients to nursing homes.

As TGP reported numerous times last year — Five Democrat governors sent COVID-19 patients into nursing homes.  It was their policy to send the infected into the state nursing homes.  

Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer in Michigan was one of the governors who sent sick patients to the nursing homes in her state.

Here is her statement posted on her Michigan government website.




In July 2021 the Biden Department of Justice dropped all of the investigations into the Democrat governors who tossed the sick COVID patients into the nursing homes killing tens of thousands of American seniors.  They never were held responsible for their incoherent and deadly policies.


An auditor general report released in January stated that Michigan and Governor Whitmer may have undercounted nursing home deaths by 30 percent.

It was even worse than we thought.

And then there was this…





Whitmer sent this brute to a nursing home.

A very disturbing video circulated on social media on Thursday showing a young black Michigan man beating an elderly white man at a nursing home.

Jaden Hayden, reportedly from Westland, Michigan filmed himself beating elderly white nursing home patients for sport.

The man filmed himself beating the the elderly man, later identified as a 75-year-old veteran, in his bed until he was bleeding.

Judicial Watch boss Tom Fitton said the watchdog group contacted authorities after he was alerted to the disturbing videos.

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Saturday, November 5, 2022

Please tell me why is ok...Florida man kills 4, including 4-year-old girl, as young kids 'hid under blankets,' police say Florida man kills girlfriend, 3 others after argument, police say


Florida man kills 4, including 4-year-old girl, as young kids 'hid under blankets,' police say

Florida man kills girlfriend, 3 others after argument, police say




A Florida man gunned down four people, including a four-year-old girl, and wounded a fifth as other children "hid under their blankets," police said. 

Shavell Jordan Jones, 23, opened fire on his girlfriend and her family, including her mother and her young niece around 4 a.m. Friday after an argument at their Myers Drive home in East Orange County, the local sheriff’s office said later in the day. 

Police responded to the gruesome scene after the fifth wounded victim, who survived, was able to escape and run to the home of a neighbor who called 911. 

Orange County Sheriff’s deputies arrived at the home to find the three women and four-year-old girl dead from apparent gunshot wounds to the head, Sheriff John Mina told reporters. Jones then turned the gun on himself, but survived a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head and was taken to a nearby hospital, Mina said. 

Shavell Jordan Jones in an undated photo

Shavell Jordan Jones in an undated photo (Orange County Sheriff's Office)

According to Mina, Jones and his 29-year-old girlfriend had gotten into an argument overnight, and Jones began to remove his belongings from inside. 

He returned shortly thereafter and allegedly began firing off shots. Jones allegedly shot and killed his girlfriend, her 28-year-old sister, her 49-year-old mother and her 4-year-old niece. He also wounded his girlfriend’s other sister, who is in her 20s and was able to run to a neighboring home, police said. 

While the shooting unfolded, two other children, a 6-year-old and a 4-year-old whose twin had been killed, were found to have "hid under blankets when the shooting started," Mina said.  

Police said Jones has no criminal history other than for failing to appear for a misdemeanor charge. Investigators said there is no known domestic violence history at the home.

The scene of a Nov. 4, 2022, murder allegedly involving Shavell Jordan Jones

The scene of a Nov. 4, 2022, murder allegedly involving Shavell Jordan Jones (FOX 35 Orlando)

Mina said it’s "too early to tell" if Jones will survive the self-inflicted wound but said the suspect would be charged with the murders if he does. 


lol)Twitter Employee Posts Crying Picture After She Loses “Best Job Ever”… Then This Previous Tweet Popped Up

 (OK this is FUNNY !!!)



Twitter Employee Posts Crying Picture After She Loses “Best Job Ever”… Then This Previous Tweet Popped Up


On Friday, Twitter owner Elon Musk reportedly cut 3,700 Twitter employees, or over half of the company’s workforce globally, to reign in Twitter’s costs, according to the Verge.

To prevent sabotage, Twitter temporarily shut down all of its offices and disabled badge access to all physical locations. An email was sent to its employees on Thursday informing them to “go home and not return to the offices on Friday.”

Employees in the UK said that their computers were “remotely cleaned” while they slept and that they lost access to Slack and Gmail, according to Daily Mail.

One self-absorbed employee was so upset after learning she lost her HR job at Twitter that she posted a photo of herself crying.

Lindsey Kander tweeted a picture on Friday of herself in tears with the quote, “It’s insane because I knew it was coming but I’m absolutely ripped in half.  I’m embarrassed for posting, but it hurts because this company is so damn special




But that isn’t what Lindsey said last week.

On Sunday Lindsey posted, “I hate it here.”







Obviously, Lindsey made it easy for the Twitter staff to decide her future at the company.

More reaction…


at link above






Outrageous! Michigan NAACP President Pulls “Race Card” on Black GOP SOS Candidate For Suing City of Detroit Clerk Over Drop-Boxes, Signature Verification and MORE!



Outrageous! Michigan NAACP President Pulls “Race Card” on Black GOP SOS Candidate For Suing City of Detroit Clerk Over Drop-Boxes, Signature Verification and MORE!


100 Percent Fed Up reports -Race Card Played Against Black Republican Secretary of State Candidate Kristina Karamo!




 A guest post by Becky Behrends, M.D. and Vice President of Research for Michigan Citizens for Election Integrity (


Here we go again! Now the race card is being played against Republican Secretary of State candidate Kristina Karamo by the reliably unreliable media and the leftist groups like the NAACP they serve over the lawsuit she filed against Detroit City Clerk Janice Winfrey.

The president of the Detroit branch of the NAACP, the Rev. Wendell Anthony, said: “This lawsuit is geared only towards the city of Detroit, a majority African American city. It is designed to stop the effort to mobilize and drive voter participation. It is targeted by its content and racist by its intent. It is intended to disenfranchise black people. There is no evidence of voter fraud. There is no pattern or practice of mail-in ballot abuse. It is simply a lawsuit in search of a violation.”

TRENDING: OMG! Jason Whitlock GOES THERE! "Nancy Pelosi Spent Her Money on Pair of Cans and All Her Husband Wants to Do Is Play Hide the Hammer" (VIDEO)

Karamo, with help from black female lawyer Alexandria Taylor, has filed a last-minute lawsuit against the City of Detroit, alleging improper and illegal practices with regard to the handling of absentee ballots.

 Attorney Alexandria Taylor, Plaintiff and GOP SOS candidate and former poll challenger Kristina Karamo, and Plaintiff Patricia Farmer, a lifelong Detroit resident.

Specifically, the lawsuit calls for halting the “use of absentee ballots that are obtained without proper identification of the voter.” The suit calls into question the use of Relia-Vote machines which are used to verify signatures on ballots but which are not endorsed or provided for by Michigan election law. There has been no public transparency as to how these machines are used in signature verification. Do they automatically check signatures? If so, what is the sensitivity threshold for determining what a signature is? If not properly specified, a stray mark could be construed as “a signature.” Or are the signatures subject to “visual inspection” by election workers? Is there a public accuracy test for these machines with bipartisan assessment?

The whole issue of signature verification of absentee ballots exploded in the 2020 general election when a judge ruled that Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson violated the Administrative Procedures Act (APA) with her signature verification guidance to clerks. She instructed them to “presume” absentee ballot signatures were valid if they had “redeeming qualities”. Judge Christopher Murray said .” Nowhere in the state’s election law has the Legislature indicated that signatures are to be presumed valid….Policy determinations like the one at issue- which places a thumb on the scale in favor of a signature’s validity- should be made pursuant to properly promulgated rules under the APA.” This requires months of public notices, drafts, public comments, and hearings. This was not done.





In addition, the lawsuit calls into question accepting absentee ballots that were deposited via drop boxes that were not effectively monitored.

What is “effective monitoring”? If surveillance videos are not being observed in real-time, is that “effective”? It has been acknowledged that the drop box videos in the Detroit 2020 election were not monitored in real-time. Are surveillance videos considered “effective” if they sit on the shelves of legislators for over a year with no viewing of their contents? It took a third party (private citizen) to insist that these videos needed to be examined. Secretary of State Benson and Attorney General Dana Nessel have not investigated the findings of those who reviewed these videos, so they are not in a position to say that illegal activity or fraud was not committed. The burden of proof should be on them.

MI Democrat SOS Jocelyn Benson and MI Democrat AG Dana Nessel



It seems entirely appropriate that these issues should be debated, investigated, and even litigated.

But, the kicker in this lawsuit was the charge that the lawsuit represents “blatant racism” reminiscent of the Jim Crow era in which black citizens were disenfranchised. And in the nation’s largest majority-black city. Why pick on Detroit was their outcry? “Why not Petoskey, Mi?” the judge asked.

That is like asking Willie Sutton in 1933 why he robbed banks. He replied, “Because that’s where the money is.”


One would think that a judge would not have to ask why Detroit was opposed to Petoskey. It has nothing to do with racism. It has to do with Detroit’s well-known history of corruption. Remember the mayoral election race in 2005? Hip Hop mayor Kwame Kilpatrick had a “come from behind victory” despite the fact that his too numerous to count corrupt activities were well known. His challenger, black Detroiter Freeman Hendrix, was even declared the winner in a landslide initially by WDIV Channel 4. Then, late-night absentee ballots came rolling in! (Hmmm, shades of 2020?) Surprise, surprise, right?! Hendrix later said, “there has been enough evidence to raise legitimate questions about how the election was conducted and how the ballots were counted.” Was African American Hendrix a racist in saying this?

Karamo is black. Her attorney is black. One of the plaintiffs is a black resident of Detroit. Their position is that if the voting process is not secure or follows reliable and transparent procedures, it actually disenfranchises the citizens of Detroit – which is, well, racist!

Dan Hartmann, the attorney for the plaintiffs, said, in reference to the attorney representing Detroit Clerk Winfrey, “I’m tired of being called a racist by Mr. Fink!” (David Fink, representing the City of Detroit).

Hartman blasted the dirty defense lawyer Mr.David Fink, who’s representing the Detroit City Clerk. “To characterize me as trying to disenfranchise the military voter is offensive!” he said.

“I’m tired of being called a racist by Mr. Fink,” Hartman told the judge regarding the comments made by the far-left lawyer David Fink who claimed the lawsuit was “blatant racism” and “reminiscent of Jim Crow-era voter disenfranchisement.”

A frustrated Hartman, who was sick of the judge and the defense lawyer treating him like a punching bag, told the judge, “I’m tired of Mr. Fink saying I’m trying to disenfranchise the heroes in the military when I’m trying to secure this election!”

So, which is it? It seems appropriate to judge the case based on its merits with a proper investigation of the facts in the light of true transparency. To even claim that folks are using the “race card” to justify their positions is now considered deeply racist in itself. Enough!

In the words of J.R. Dunn:

 "For too long, too many blacks have been collapsing into whimpers every time somebody mentions blackmail, blackouts, or black markets. It’s a pathetic epilogue to the heroism and grandeur of the civil rights movement. It’s past time this adolescent posturing was put aside.”

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Thursday, November 3, 2022

Milwaukee election official fired for alleged fraudulent request of military ballots Milwaukee official allegedly requests fictitious military ballots in move to show voting loophole





Milwaukee election official fired for alleged fraudulent request of military ballots

Milwaukee official allegedly requests fictitious military ballots in move to show voting loophole



A Milwaukee election official was fired amid allegations she fraudulently requested military absentee ballots and sent them to a state representative, Mayor Cavalier Johnson announced on Twitter Thursday.

The Milwaukee Election Commission's Deputy Director Kimberly Zapata was terminated for what Johnson, a Democrat, called "an egregious, blatant violation of trust."

Johnson said he first learned Wednesday that Zapata requested "fictitious military ballots from a state election website" and had them sent to GOP state Rep. Janel Brandtjen. 

Mayor of Milwaukee Cavalier Johnson speaks to attendees at a stop during a march to get out the vote on the first day of early voting in the 2022 midterm elections Oct. 25, 2022, in Milwaukee, Wis. 


Mayor of Milwaukee Cavalier Johnson speaks to attendees at a stop during a march to get out the vote on the first day of early voting in the 2022 midterm elections Oct. 25, 2022, in Milwaukee, Wis.  (Daniel Boczarski/Getty Images for SEIU)

The state representative then shared a picture of the ballots last week, which apparently had fake names, according to Fox 6 Milwaukee.

Fox News Digital could not immediately reach Brandtjen, who claimed she did not request the ballots in an interview with the Epoch Times, saying, "I believe someone was trying to point out how easy it is to get military ballots."

Military members are exempt from voter ID laws, and city officials believe Zapata was attempting to prove there was a loophole in the election process, Fox 6 reported.

A Michigan voter inserts her absentee voter ballot into a drop box in Troy, Mich., Oct. 15, 2020.

A Michigan voter inserts her absentee voter ballot into a drop box in Troy, Mich., Oct. 15, 2020. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya, File)


Johnson rejected this and said it "does not matter that this might have been an effort to expose a vulnerability" and noted he will not "accept" or "defend any misrepresentation by a city official involved in elections."

"It does not matter that this alleged crime did not take place at work. It does not matter that City of Milwaukee ballots were not part of this. Nor does it matter that there was no attempt to vote illegally or tamper with election results," Johnson said on Twitter Thursday. 

Wisconsin courts shot down attempts to change rules for absentee ballots.

Wisconsin courts shot down attempts to change rules for absentee ballots. (AP Photo/Wong Maye-E, File)

"Let there be no doubt about this, election integrity is absolutely essential."

Johnson said he and Milwaukee’s Election Commission executive director will "make certain Milwaukee’s election administration is conducted with the very highest level of accuracy and honesty — without any hints of impropriety."

The Milwaukee mayor said Zapata had been "forthcoming" with her actions and that no further fraud has been suspected, though officials are still looking into the "possibility of other misdeeds."










Are YOUR daughters or sons safe from these idiots? NOPE ! When will YOU have enough?





Homeless Man with 18 Prior Arrests Taken Into Custody For Choking, Raping and Robbing Female Jogger in New York City’s West Village





 homeless suspect arrested for raping and robbing woman

Thank a Democrat!

A 29-year-old homeless man was arrested on Thursday for raping and attacking a female jogger.

According to reports, an unidentified 43-year-old woman jogging in New York City’s affluent West Village was violently attacked, raped and robbed at 5:30 am by a homeless man with 18 prior arrests.

The homeless attacker is a suspect in two other sex crimes The New York Post reported citing sources.

The victim was jogging at Hudson River Park in Manhattan early Thursday morning when the homeless man approached her on a bike, shoved her to the ground, choked her and sexually assaulted her before taking off with her phone and credit cards.

This homeless man was free to rape, rob and assault women because of Democrats such as Governor Kathy Hochul. DA Alvin Bragg and Mayor Eric Adams.


The New York Post reported:

A homeless man wanted for at least two sex crimes — and who has at least 25 prior busts — was arrested Thursday in connection with the rape of a jogger in the West Village on Thursday morning, law-enforcement sources said.

The 29-year-old suspect — who has yet to be charged in connection with any of the attacks — was taken into custody at the Port Authority bus station several hours after the assault, the sources said.

Police believe he raped, choked and robbed a 43-year-old woman while she was out for a run at Pier 45 around 5:30 a.m., according to the sources.

Cops tracked him down after he used the woman’s credit cards at a Target in Midtown.



Read the article at link at top....









Paul Pelosi “Friend” David DePape Was a Progressive Per His Ex-wife – How Did He Get to Pelosi House in the First Place?

 Go to link above for complete article



Paul Pelosi “Friend” David DePape Was a Progressive Per His Ex-wife – How Did He Get to Pelosi House in the First Place?


So ebay charges to "be seen" or no one will see your ad?




 I was just talking to someone that that sells and she told me they charge to be something like promoted and then charge a final payment etc.


Wow.... just have a garage sale.

Father of Democratic state House candidate says son lying about military service Brett Shavers, father of Democratic candidate Clyde Shavers, claims to have served as a nuclear submarine officer



Father of Democratic state House candidate says son lying about military service

Brett Shavers, father of Democratic candidate Clyde Shavers, claims to have served as a nuclear submarine officer

A Democratic candidate for the state House in Washington is involved in an ongoing feud with his family about the veracity of his military service.

The father of Clyde Shavers, Democratic candidate for Washington state's 10th Legislative District, claims in a recently published letter that his son lied about the details of his service in the U.S. Navy, according to local outlet Herald Net.

Clyde Shavers has run on a platform emphasizing his service in the U.S. Navy, claiming to have been installed as a nuclear submarine office — a position which requires a great amount of training and three separate courses.

"Clyde was never a submarine officer, not even for a day," Brett Shavers wrote.

Photo provided via Elect Clyde Shavers website media gallery

Photo provided via Elect Clyde Shavers website media gallery (Elect Clyde Shavers )

Brett Shavers, a former Marine, went on to dismiss any notions that his son served proudly in the military, going so far as to say Clyde Shavers has a "disdain" for enlisted service members.

"Clyde has only disdain for the military. I have seen Clyde's use of veteran status used heavily as a seal of endorsement of honor and integrity, even as he or his campaign continually use the phrase 'son of a Marine' for his credibility," Brett Shavers wrote.

He continued, "There are no words that I have that could come close to overemphasize Clyde's negative view of the military, his disdain of enlisted service members, and his revulsion to wear the uniform."

Brett Shavers reportedly sent the signed letter on Sunday to the campaign of Greg Gilday — Clyde's Republican opponent. The text was then circulated to local outlets, including the Daily Herald and Herald Net.

Photo provided via Elect Clyde Shavers website media gallery

Photo provided via Elect Clyde Shavers website media gallery (Elect Clyde Shavers)

Brett Shavers went on in his letter to allege that his son is also only tied to the 10th Legislative District by renting a bed and breakfast in the area.

He also claims Clyde Shavers embellished his family history and law credentials. 

Clyde Shavers has denied his father's claims outright, saying that the letter is "inaccurate" and "all about politics."

"His political letter is inaccurate and, personally, very painful to me as his son," Shavers said of his father's claims. "To be clear, this letter is all about politics."

He continued, "This is the kind of politics that’s tearing apart families and communities, and my campaign is about healing and moving forward."

Fox News Digital reached out to Clyde Shavers and Brett Shavers for comment.


Obama Interrupted by Protester at Campaign Rally in Arizona for Supporting Katie Hobbs Who Has History of Discriminating Against Black People



Obama Interrupted by Protester at Campaign Rally in Arizona for Supporting Katie Hobbs Who Has History of Discriminating Against Black People (VIDEO)


Drew Hernandez began shouting at Barack Obama at the rally for supporting Katie Hobbs, who has a history of engaging in discriminatory behavior toward black people.

“Wait, wait, hold up, hold on,” Obama shouted back. “You have to be polite and civil when people are talking, and then you get a chance to talk.”

“Set up your own rally. A lot of people worked hard for this,” Obama continued.

“Democrat supporters unleashed screaming in my face and deported me from the rally,” Drew Hernandez said.



Watch the videos and read the rest of the article here...













Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Biden's picks can't win on their own..... he needs OLD presidents . This is too painful to watch.






Soooooo Sad !

The FBI, San Fran Police, and San Fran DA Won’t Confirm Whether Third Person Opened Door at Pelosi Home




MYSTERY CONTINUES: The FBI, San Fran Police, and San Fran DA Won’t Confirm Whether Third Person Opened Door at Pelosi Home


Bail reform is dumb... She was killed in front of her babies hours after he was let go




Hochul’s Bail Reform Claims Another Victim: Mother Killed in Front of Three Children Hours after Husband Freed on No Bail





It is not surprising that Republican Lee Zeldin has the lead over crazy Kathy Hochul in the latest Trafalgar poll for New York Governor.

Hochul is a disaster for New York and her misguided and failed no-bail  “Less is More” act signed into law in 2021 has led to yet another violent crime and this time, the death of a mother of three in front of her children.


The Less is More Act gives more leniency to parolees and removes reasons to put parolees back behind bars.  According the the New York Post, “It removes technical parole violations like being late for an appointment, missing a curfew or finding alcohol or drugs in urine samples. And the act would speed up the timeframe to judicial review for any violations.”

In this recent incident, a suspect was arrested after the beating of his estranged wife,  a mother of three, was caught on camera and posted to her Facebook.  The suspect was released on no bail and, less than 24 hours later, gunned the mother down in front of her children.




The New York Post reports: 

A mom of three was executed in front of her kids less than 24 hours after her estranged husband was sprung from jail on no bail over a caught-on-camera beatdown she’d posted to her Facebook page in a desperate plea for help.

The shocking case — in Gov. Kathy Hochul’s western New York hometown — has sparked fresh outrage to New York’s no-cash-bail laws and to the governor and fellow Democrats for refusing to repeal them.

Adam Bennefield, 45, who has a prior conviction for kidnapping another ex at gunpoint, is now charged with shooting dead his 30-year-old wife, Keaira Bennefield.

The victim was taking her young children — ages 6 months to 9 years — to school on the morning of Oct. 5, when he ambushed her on a road and gunned her down, authorities said.

Bennefield was free to carry out the alleged murder after being released from custody a day earlier on only misdemeanor charges despite the horrific attack on his wife inside her home.

Tragic Keaira Bennefield had shared the sick footage of Bennefield allegedly punching, kicking and slapping her on Facebook in a cry for help less than a week before she was murdered.

Now, in the weeks since the grim slaying questions have continued to mount as to whether more could have been done to prevent Keaira’s demise.

The Post continues, “The mom posted the disturbing video, which was captured on surveillance cameras inside her home, later that evening with the harrowing message: ‘This is what this man dose [sic] to me but i’m always treated like i’m the abuser!’ The nearly eight-minute video allegedly showed Bennefield tackling his wife, pinning her down and savagely punching her repeatedly.”

Despite the brutal assault, because he only faced misdemeanor charges he was not allowed to be held under the New York  State Penal Code bail law.  The misdemeanors included third-degree assault, fourth-degree criminal mischief, second-degree menacing and second-degree unlawful imprisonment.



Less is More cost Keaira Bennefield and robbed three young children of their mother.

The rise in crime in New York, and Hochul’s failed leadership, will play a pivotal role in next week’s election.














Hey BLACK Americans read this... Biden is LYING TO YOU again.

 He keeps doing this and yet YOU vote for him. He just thinks you're too dumb to check his fake stories.


Biden Tells Black College Students He ‘Got His Start’ at ‘Historically Black College’ Delaware State University… He Didn’t… He Went to University of Delaware (VIDEO)


Joe Biden on Tuesday evening campaigned for Democrat duds Charlie Crist and Val Demings at Florida Memorial University in Miami.

Biden told the black students at Florida Memorial University, a HBCU (Historically Black College) that he ‘got his start’ at HBCU Delaware State University. 

Joe Biden went to the University of Delaware.

Biden is very clever in how he tricks people into believing he attended Delaware State University.

Joe Biden says he “got his start” at Delaware State University so if he gets called out for lying, the so-called ‘fact-checkers’ will swoop in and say Biden never claimed he attended Delaware State University.


Apparently Joe Biden took on Corn Pop, grew up in a Puerto Rican community and got his start at HBCU Delaware State University. 


Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Trinity College Sends Campus Employee to Forcibly Remove a Student’s American Flags – While Pride Flags and Others Allowed



Trinity College Sends Campus Employee to Forcibly Remove a Student’s American Flags – While Pride Flags and Others Allowed (VIDEO)


When will YOU be sick and tired of the bullies? How many times will they BEAT your child?



When did people STOP caring about protecting EACH OTHER???