Saturday, December 31, 2022

24-Year-Old Flight Attendant at Air Albania Collapses and Dies Suddenly from Heart Attack Shortly After Landing in London


 Are you questioning why all these young people are dying all of a sudden?





 (read the complete article at link)


24-Year-Old Flight Attendant at Air Albania Collapses and Dies Suddenly from Heart Attack Shortly After Landing in London

Friday, December 30, 2022

30-Year-Old Chicago West Side Arts Organization Leader Dies Suddenly from Complications Due to Cardiac Arrest


 (When will YOU question why all these young people are dying of heart problems?)


30-Year-Old Chicago West Side Arts Organization Leader Dies Suddenly from Complications Due to Cardiac Arrest


Friday, December 23, 2022

9-Year-Old Boy from Ontario Dies Suddenly After Suffering a Blood Clot in his Brain


9-Year-Old Boy from Ontario Dies Suddenly After Suffering a Blood Clot in his Brain




The unexpected loss of a Grade 4 student at Scott Young Public School has left the community in grief. The child was remembered as a caring and cheerful young man.

Colton, 9, from Ontario, Canada died suddenly on Saturday, Dec. 17, after suffering a sudden blood clot in his brain stem, Northumberland news reported.

“It is with great sadness that Colton Austin Bertram Windrem passed away suddenly on Saturday, December 17, 2022 in his 9th year,” according to his obituary.

“He was an amazing kid, and I guess every parent would say that about their kid, but honestly all the messages are coming in saying he was so sweet and caring,” said Colton’s mother, Sheryl Windrem.

“He was always thinking of others and just hearing that from other people, I know he brought that out into the world as well.”

Colton Windrem died unexpectedly from a blood clot after a visit to the hospital on Dec. 16, according to a fundraiser set up for the family.


After a trip to the hospital, on December 16th, our dear friends and family Sheryl, Mike and Audrie Windrem’s lives have changed forever with the loss of their beloved son and brother, 9 year old Colton.

Colton was an amazing kid with a huge heart. He touched the lives of everyone who met him as he was a genuine soul who loved his friends and family. Colton loved life on the farm and he was always sharing his passion and knowledge about tractors and farming. He was the best big brother to Audrie who truly admired and looked up to him.

Colton is truly a superhero. Not only did he make our lives better by just knowing him, but he is an organ donor and is continuing to change others’ lives for the better.

Trillium Lakelands District School Board is providing grief counseling to students and faculty at Scott Young Public School in Omemee following the unexpected death of Colton.

“Special counseling services have been made available to students and staff, and will continue to be available throughout the week and longer, if needed.” Sinead Fegan, Communications Officer, Trillium Lakelands District School Board, told Kawartha 411 News.

 Toy tractors have been placed on mailboxes in the Omemee community as a sign of love and remembrance for Colton.

 Sunderland Co-op – Peterborough (Otonabee, ON, Canada) will also give all the proceeds from the sales of any toy tractors or tractor ornaments sold over the next month to help support the Windrem Family.

 A Donation Box has been set up at the Lindsay Store for Colton until January 7th, 2023.









Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Democrat Mayor Orders Crew To Dig Up Body of Confederate General



 Politics aside... NO ONE should ever be dug up...NO ONE EVER !!!

It sounds like TRYING to erase history

PLEASE go to the link and see photos and read the whole story. 

I am too p!ssed off to print.


Democrat Mayor Orders Crew To Dig Up Body of Confederate General



It doesn’t matter who is buried, digging up the dead body of anyone laid to rest (besides forensic investigators cracking a cold case) is extremely disrespectful.

Richmond, Virginia Democrat Mayor LeVar Stoney ordered a grounds crew to dig up the decomposed body of Confederate General AP Hill.

The move by Stoney comes a day after General AP Hill’s statue was taken down and due to his statue being used as a tombstone, his body was removed the very next day.


PLEASE go to the link and see photos and read the whole story. 

Monday, December 19, 2022

SICK: Drag Queen Pulls Bologna Out of His Crotch, Eats it, and Feeds it to Backup Dancers – One Parent Suggests It’s Like Watching Disney (VIDEO)



SICK: Drag Queen Pulls Bologna Out of His Crotch, Eats it, and Feeds it to Backup Dancers – One Parent Suggests It’s Like Watching Disney (VIDEO)




The Gateway Pundit reported this week that independent journalist Tayler Hansen documented a disturbing drag show event for “all ages” in Austin, Texas, at which minors were exposed to explicit sexual content.

The event is called “A Drag Queen Christmas,” a drag tour featuring alumni of RuPaul’s Drag Race.


This so-called family-friendly show will be traveling across the country up until the end of December, with only one purpose to groom young kids.

“This is a national tour with 36 shows in 18 different states, including DC,” said Hansen.

Tayler Hansen attended the event, describing it as the “most sexual and inappropriate family-friendly drag show I have ever attended.”

“From simulating sex, talking dirty to the crowd, sexualizing children’s stories, and much more,” said Hansen.





Hansen caught the drag queens in yet another sick stunt on Saturday.

“Drag Queen “Jimbo The Clown” pulls bologna out of his crotch, eats it, feeds it to backup dancers, and throws it into the crowd,” Hansen wrote on Twitter.

Jimbo The Clown (Source: RuPaul Drag Show)

Hansen caught the drag queens in yet another sick stunt on Saturday.

“Drag Queen “Jimbo The Clown” pulls bologna out of his crotch, eats it, feeds it to backup dancers, and throws it into the crowd,” Hansen wrote on Twitter.

BlazeTV’s Sara Gonzales spoke with a parent who attended the drag event, and she compared it to a Disney production. Another said her “kid sees simulated sex at school.”


watch video at the link at top










FDA Finally Admits Pfizer Covid Vaccine Causes Blood Clots


As The Gateway Pundit Reported for Over a Year – FDA Finally Admits Pfizer Covid Vaccine Causes Blood Clots


During a COVID-19 EU hearing last October, Pfizer’s President of International Developed Markets, Janine Small, admitted that the vaccine had never been tested on its ability to prevent transmission, contrary to what was previously advertised.

During the hearing, when asked by Dutch politician Ross if the Pfizer COVID vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market, Janine Small responded while smiling,

“Regarding the question around did we know about stopping immunization before it entered the market? No. We have to really move at the speed of science to really understand what is taking place in the market.”

This statement was confirmed by an unredacted Pfizer agreement from a FOIA request with the Slovenian government.


Here is a little snippet that indicates that Pfizer is evolving each component of the “vaccine”, presumably advising all deviations from clinical trial dosages and regimens to each EU member state (and every other country that has taken Pfizer injections).

“The Participating Member State acknowledges that the Vaccine and materials related to the Vaccine, and their components and constituent materials are being rapidly developed due to the emergency circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic and will continue to be studied after provision of the Vaccine to the Participating Member States under the APA,” according to the documents.

“The Participating Member State further acknowledges that the long-term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine are not currently known and that there may be adverse effects from the Vaccine that are not currently known.”



 Pfizer clearly states in the supply contract that the injections are not going to be the same as the clinical trial injections AND it has no clue as to long-term effects or efficacy AND there may be unknown adverse effects that are, presumably, ABOVE and BEYOND the adverse event rate of 24% in the injected group of 21,900 in the Pfizer phase 3 clinical trials v 6% in the 21,900 placebo group in those trials!


In November, The Gateway Pundit reported that big pharmaceutical companies Pfizer and Moderna have both begun clinical tests to investigate whether or not the use of their experimental COVID vaccines may have any long-term adverse effects on a person’s health.

Reports from the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) including non-domestic reports showed there are now over 1.4 million cases of COVID-19 vaccine adverse reactions including more than 32,828 deaths through December 9, 2022.




 After two years, FDA finally admitted Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine had been linked to blood clotting in older individuals based on the result of one of the largest studies of elderly persons aged 65 years and above.


Epoch Times reported:

Researchers looked at data covering 17.4 million elderly Americans who received a total of 34.6 million vaccine doses between Dec. 10, 2020, and Jan. 16, 2022.

The study was published by the journal Vaccine on Dec. 1.

FDA researchers, with assistance from researchers with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), analyzed data from the CMS database. They included Medicare Fee-for-Service beneficiaries aged 65 or older who received a vaccine within the timeframe, were enrolled when they were vaccinated, and were enrolled for a “clean window” of time prior to vaccination. The window was 183 days or 365 days, depending on the outcome.


About 25 million people receive the Medicare Fee-for-Service, but only about 17 million were vaccinated during the period of time studied.

Researchers used probability testing to detect an increased risk of one or more of 14 outcomes following vaccination. The goal was to see whether vaccination may increase the risk of adverse outcomes, such as pulmonary embolism, or blood clotting in the lungs. If an outcome met a certain statistical threshold, that meant it could increase the risk.

All three vaccines have been linked to a number of side effects. Heart inflammation is causally linked to the Moderna and Pfizer shots, experts around the world have confirmed, while Johnson & Johnson’s has been associated with blood clots.

Other conditions, such as pulmonary embolism, have been reported to authorities and described in studies, though some papers have found no increase in risk following vaccination.


Approximately 4,214 reports of post-vaccination pulmonary embolism, including 1,886 reports following receipt of Pfizer’s vaccine, have been reported to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System as of Dec. 9.

As of the same date, 1,434 reports of post-vaccination myocardial infarction, including 736 following receipt of Pfizer’s vaccine; 469 reports of post-vaccination immune thrombocytopenia, including 234 following receipt of Pfizer’s vaccine; and 78 reports of post-vaccination intravascular coagulation, including 42 after receipt of Pfizer’s vaccine, have been reported.

Reports to the system can be made by anybody, but most are lodged by health care workers, studies show. The number of reports are an undercount, according to studies.

The new study states that the FDA “strongly believes the potential benefits of COVID-19 vaccination outweigh the potential risks of COVID-19 infection.” No evidence was cited in support of the belief.



Read more here.

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Drag Queen Performer: Time to “Kick Down Traditional Family Values,” “F**k Family”



Drag Queen Performer: Time to “Kick Down Traditional Family Values,” “F**k Family”





 The radical left long ago declared war on Christmas, traditional values, and Christianity in general.  Now an infamous contestant from RuPaul’s Drag Race is doubling down on the war while shoving a disgusting, anti-Christmas play down America’s throat.

Miz Cracker, a biological male whose real name is Maxwell Eiias Heller, is staging a one- “woman” show called Who’s Holiday!. The play mocks a prominent character from the classic Christmas tale The Grinch and the story’s moral lesson.


Cracker plays The Grinch’s Cindy Lou and reimagines her as a “hard-drinking, pill-popping, experienced woman.”  He explained to far-left gay website PinkNews Saturday why his “ungodly” show rejects family values and Jesus Christ:

“To say that Christmas is about traditional values or values of any kind anymore is pretty ridiculous.  Christ is nowhere featured in this.”

“In America, if you look at the way people knock down the doors of shopping centers, I think you can tell that we have separated Christmas from Christ.”

Cracker surprisingly makes a good point regarding the commercialization of Christmas. The combination of Corporate America’s unyielding desire for maximum profits and the decline of Christianity in America has led to people forgetting the true meaning of the holiday.

Lest one think Cracker actually wants traditional Christmas values to make a comeback, however, he says he desires the opposite:

“I think any opportunity that we have to kick down traditional family values is welcomed.”

“The way of thinking about family is old and tired and we need to reinvent it.”

“I think that Who’s Holiday! does that. It makes fun of family and I think it talks about chosen family and talks about the friends that really matter and what it means to have them in your life. So yeah, f**k family.”

Cracker also makes clear he suffers from Trump Derangement Syndrome. He told PinkNews that the former president’s return to the White House would show support for homophobia in America.

“I’m already worried right now,” Cracker said. “I think it would be terrifying. Not just because he would be president, which is one thing, but because it would show that there is support for hatred and phobia in our country.”

Trump, of course, actually supports gay marriage and has backed the gay community on several occasions. But no expects liberals to actually bother with learning facts.

The average American may not be interested in the culture war, but the culture war is interested in them. Winning this fight is essential for our national survival and all of us must engage.

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Sunday, December 18, 2022

13-Year-Old Football Player Drops Dead During Game in Spain




13-Year-Old Football Player Drops Dead During Game in Spain

By Jim Hoft
Published Decem





A football player from Malaga, Spain, who was only 13 years old, died suddenly last week after collapsing during a game.

Marvelous Onanefe Johnson, who was playing for CD Puerto Malagueño Ciudad Jardín, passed out with five minutes left in their match against UD Prados.


“Yesterday was a tough day for the CD Puerto Malagueño Ciudad Jardín G.I,” the club wrote on Facebook.

“In the disputed match of the 3rd Andalusia Children against U.D. Los Prados, with 5 minutes left for the end of the game, something unexpected arose for everyone, our 13-year-old player MARVELLOUS ONANEFE JOHNSON, fell down on the field or gaming.”

TRENDING: As Expected, The Gateway Pundit was the Top Target of the Big Tech-Govt. Alliance - Their Public Report Even Devoted Entire Section to Gateway Pundit

Despite the best efforts of the local police and medical personnel, Johnson could not be resuscitated.

“After a few moments of uncertainty from all match attendees and club staff and after the attempted resuscitation by local police and 061, our player could not be resuscitated.”

“From the Puerto Malagueño CD, we give our most sincere condolences to the parents and families following the tragic outcome.”

According to the team, they have never encountered such an incident before.

“Very tough times for our club, we’ve never experienced anything like it before. An angel left for heaven, life is very unfair. Wherever you are Marvellous, we’ll have you all in our hearts. R.I.P,” the post concluded.

The cause of death is currently unknown and still waiting for an autopsy.







Canada’s Health Director of Parliamentary Affairs Who Lead Canada’s Response Team to Covid-19 and Vaccine Rollout Dies at 35



Canada’s Health Director of Parliamentary Affairs Who Lead Canada’s Response Team to Covid-19 and Vaccine Rollout Dies at 35

By Jim Hoft
Published December 18, 2022 at 12:00pm





The Director of Parliamentary Affairs at Health Canada, who oversaw the country’s response to Covid-19 and the rollout of the vaccine, passed away unexpectedly at the age of 35.

Adam Exton, a long-time Liberal Party organizer, died suddenly on Friday, December 9th, according to his family.


“It is with great sadness that the family of Adam Exton announce his passing on December 9th, 2022 at the age of 35 in Ottawa, Ontario. Much loved son of Wendy Exton, brother of Bradley Exton (Ellen Wessel) and son of Allan Exton. He will also be deeply missed by his loving girlfriend, Reesha, as well as his many cousins, aunts, uncles and grandmother, Bette Readman,” his obituary reads.

“As a young person, Adam became actively involved in politics and had a passion for public service and volunteering in the community. In 2012, Adam won the Ontario Young Liberal Volunteer of the Year Award. He received a degree in political science from the University of Toronto. Adam spent many years working at various levels of government, eventually holding the position of Director of Parliamentary Affairs at Health Canada.”

TRENDING: As Expected, The Gateway Pundit was the Top Target of the Big Tech-Govt. Alliance - Their Public Report Even Devoted Entire Section to Gateway Pundit

Adam Exton was a part of the group that orchestrated the response to Canada’s totalitarian mandates against its own citizens.

His obituary stated, “During the challenging times of the pandemic, Adam was part of the leadership team that led Canada’s health response to COVID-19. He was a talented and respected campaign manager that was instrumental in helping to bring cabinet ministers and members to Queens Park and Ottawa. Adam always did and will continue to make his family extremely proud of who he was and his service to his community and country.”

The funeral service will be held on Tuesday, December 20th, at 11 am.

The cause of death is unknown.

Minister of Indigenous Services of Canada, Patty Hadju, released a statement Friday on Twitter:

Adam Exton was a long time Liberal Party organizer and served with me and other Ministers of Health as Director of Parliamentary Affairs. My heart is with his family and all the friends and colleagues missing him so profoundly.

Politics was Adam’s world. He was with me through one of the most challenging times of our careers, in the epicentre of Canada’s response to the COVID pandemic. Our team formed a bond that will remain, and Adam will forever be in my memories of that time.

He played a role in so many important milestones – including getting our government elected in 2015, and supporting Ministers of Health Jane Philpott and Ginette Petitpas Taylor to get big things done like cannabis legalization and launching a new Canada Food Guide.

Despite the ways Adam contributed, he struggled too, like many others may be right now. The pandemic was traumatizing for so many. So many things need to change so that people who are living with poor mental health or problematic substance use can get effective care.

Adam’s brother, Bradley Exton, paid tribute following his brother’s death.

My brother was my first hero.

He protected me and always looked out for me.

I was amazed by everything he did and wanted to be just like him.

My brother was my first best friend.

We did everything together. Every passion and hobby we shared, camping, video games, music, tech and politics, we would discus it all.

My brother was my first role model.

Growing up with him he demonstrated strong values that I still carry with me today. No person has had more influence on the person I am more than him.

I feel extremely blessed to have been given such an amazing older brother. He made me the man I am today and I know I wouldn’t have gotten this far in life without him having my back the whole time. He was truly a guardian angel in my life.

Saying goodbye is heartbreaking but I am going to do my best to stay strong and be the best person I can be because I know that is what he would want.


 I love you brother, thanks for looking out for me all these years.

 Interestingly, there was no press coverage of his death and the cause of death was not disclosed.



























14-Year-Old “Fit and Healthy” Child Suffers Cardiac Arrest While Out Biking



14-Year-Old “Fit and Healthy” Child Suffers Cardiac Arrest While Out Biking





A 14-year-old child from England suffered from cardiac arrest while he was out riding his bike last week.

Oscar and his stepfather, Adam Dawe, 34, were mountain biking along with the mountain biking group Cornwall Bicycle Project on Bodmin Moor when Oscar complained of feeling dizzy, according to Essex Live.


“Oscar has always loved mountain biking, since he was nine or 10 he’s been out with me doing 18-mile rides and absolutely smashed it,” said Adam.

“So when he started falling behind on a relatively easy ride, it was strange. It wasn’t like Oscar. We managed to get him back to the car park when he said he felt dizzy, but when we got there he just collapsed, his heart stopped beating and he stopped breathing.

TRENDING: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: The CIA's Murder of My Uncle Was a Coup d-Etat From Which Democracy Has Never Recovered

“It was horrendous. I can’t stop thinking about what would have happened if it had happened 15 minutes before when I was alone with Oscar.”




Someone in the group performed CPR, sparing his life, while others went to retrieve a defibrillator. Oscar was taken to the hospital, and his mother, Emmie Moran, 38, has been by his side at Bristol Children’s Hospital.

He spent four days in an induced coma and, although he has now regained consciousness, is still awaiting open heart surgery.

The abnormal growth of one of his arteries, compared to a normal heart, is what the doctors think was the cause of his cardiac arrest, according to Essex Live. They diagnosed him with an untreated underlying heart condition. The doctor said Oscar had six months to recover.

“Oscar is usually so fit and healthy; we had no idea he had an underlying heart condition,” according to the fundraising campaign organized for Oscar.

“Oscar’s life was saved by the quick thinking of one individual there that night and also the team effort of everyone out riding with him.”


“Luckily, they managed to perform CPR and get a defibrillator from the local village very quickly. This ultimately resulted in saving his life and had there not been a defibrillator so close, we know that Oscar would not have survived. Oscar is still in Bristol’s Children’s Hospital, awaiting open heart surgery, to fix the issue the Doctor’s found with his heart.”

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Saturday, December 17, 2022

Prince Harry, Meghan Markle's docuseries seen as 'fluff and nonsense' within 'palace walls': royal expert

 (and just think of the foolish people believing this crap)




Prince Harry, Meghan Markle's docuseries seen as 'fluff and nonsense' within 'palace walls': royal expert

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex released the second volume of their Netflix series Thursday



Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s docuseries, "Harry & Meghan," has viewers talking. And, according to one royal expert, it's not in a good way. 

Neil Sean was a guest on "The Story with Martha MacCallum" Friday and said the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s Netflix show has been perceived as "fluff and nonsense" to people in the U.K., and those "particularly within palace walls."

MacCallum shared a clip of Harry in the series claiming his brother, Prince William, screamed and shouted at him when Harry decided to step away from royal duties in 2020 and move to California with Meghan Markle.


"It’s seen over here, and particularly within palace walls, as just fluff and nonsense," Sean said. "The bigger problem, Martha, is this: The continuation of the tissue of lies that, of course, Meghan [Markle] and Harry have presented about staff working within the palace. That's the bigger problem."

Neil Sean was a guest on "The Story with Martha MacCallum" Friday, and he shared that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s Netflix show has been perceived as "fluff and nonsense" to people in the U.K. and those "particularly within palace walls."

Neil Sean was a guest on "The Story with Martha MacCallum" Friday, and he shared that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s Netflix show has been perceived as "fluff and nonsense" to people in the U.K. and those "particularly within palace walls." (Mike Coppola)

Sean mentioned the moment of Harry flashing his phone to the screen, alleging an aggressive text message from William. 

"Really, there's no recollection of that particular text from William to Harry," Sean said. "So what was on it? And why didn't you show it to the camera? Is it really true is a question that a lot of people are asking over here."

King Charles III and the royal family, including Prince William and Kate Middleton, have not publicly commented on the docuseries and have been conducting business as usual. 

Meghan Markle cries while sitting beside Prince Harry.

Meghan Markle cries while sitting beside Prince Harry. (Netflix)

On Thursday, the Princess of Wales hosted her second annual "Royal Carols: Together at Christmas" event. 


Middleton and Prince William were joined by their children, Prince George and Princess Charlotte, as well as King Charles III and Camilla, queen consort, for the event.

Prince William, Prince of Wales; Princess Charlotte of Wales; Prince George of Wales; and Catherine, Princess of Wales, attend the "Together at Christmas" carol service at Westminster Abbey Dec. 15, 2022, in London.

Prince William, Prince of Wales; Princess Charlotte of Wales; Prince George of Wales; and Catherine, Princess of Wales, attend the "Together at Christmas" carol service at Westminster Abbey Dec. 15, 2022, in London. (Chris Jackson/Getty Images)

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry stepped away from royal duties in 2020 and moved to California. They are pictured here with the late Queen Elizabeth II. 

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry stepped away from royal duties in 2020 and moved to California. They are pictured here with the late Queen Elizabeth II.  (Getty Images)

Earlier in the day, Netflix released the second installment of the docuseries "Harry & Meghan," which focuses on the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s exit from royal life, coined "Megxit" by the press. 

In 2020, the couple announced they were stepping back as senior members of the British royal family.


Friday, December 16, 2022

Yes, bullies are Women too. Big mouth and nasty.









Big mouth...pointing fingers at others instead of looking in the mirror. They would see the BIGGEST LOW LIFE of them all. 




Thursday, December 15, 2022

Anyone else think Archie looks like he has a perm? Come on.... look.









Damn it... don't let those Bullies get away with it. They are only tough when they have a gun.




stop these bastards now!!!

Stand up for what you beleive in.... or shut up








Stop being weak and waiting for someone else to do it for you. 





The Drag Queen Biden Invited To The White House Has Shocking Record Promoting Kiddie Sex



The Drag Queen Biden Invited To The White House Has Shocking Record Promoting Kiddie Sex


Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Famed DJ and Executive Producer on Ellen DeGeneres’ Talk Show Dead at 40 by Suicide


 (What is making all these people commit suicide? Why aren't YOU questioning it??)





Famed DJ and Executive Producer on Ellen DeGeneres’ Talk Show Dead at 40 by Suicide




 Famed DJ and executive producer on the Ellen DeGeneres talk show has died by suicide at the age of 40.

Stephen ‘tWitch’ Boss died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound on Tuesday, according to TMZ.


 TMZ reported:

Stephen “tWitch” Boss, the famed DJ on Ellen DeGeneres’ talk show, is dead … and TMZ has learned it appears to be a suicide.

Law enforcement sources tell us Stephen’s wife Allison Holker ran into an LAPD station Tuesday, and she was frantic because she said Stephen had left home without his car — something that was not like him at all.

We’re told, a short time later — around 11:15 AM — paramedics got a call for a medical emergency at an L.A. hotel … and they found Stephen there, dead from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. He was pronounced dead at the scene

Holker tells TMZ, “Stephen lit up every room he stepped into. He valued family, friends and community above all else and leading with love and light was everything to him.”

She continues, “He was the backbone of our family, the best husband and father, and an inspiration to his fans. To say he left a legacy would be an understatement, and his positive impact will continue to be felt. I am certain there won’t be a day that goes by that we won’t honor his memory.”

Concluding, “Stephen, we love you, we miss you, and I will always save the last dance for you.”

Stephen started DJing on Ellen’s show in 2014, and was with her until the show ended in May 2022. He had become an executive producer on the show in 2020.











77-Year-Old Woman Stabbed to Death in Her Own Garage by Carjacker in Gated Georgia Community

 Hey Mom and Dad of this Low life THUG....good job teaching him right from wrong. Are you proud now? Are you 100% responsible? No, turn your kid in.



77-Year-Old Woman Stabbed to Death in Her Own Garage by Carjacker in Gated Georgia Community




Atlanta, Georgia – A beloved grandmother was found stabbed to death in her own garage over the weekend.

Eleanor Bowles, 77, was found stabbed to death in the garage of her home in a gated Buckhead community on Saturday.

23-year-old Antonio Brown was taken into custody on Monday and is being held at Fulton County Jail on “charges of murder, aggravated battery, elder abuse, possession of a knife during the commission of a felony and hijacking a motor vehicle.” WSBTV reported.

According to reports, a citizen spotted Antonio Brown and called police.

Eleanor Bowles’ stolen Lexus was tracked down in DeKalb County.

Deputy Chief Charles Hampton said police have had previous encounters with Antonio Brown. 


WSBTV reported:

A man is now in custody accused in the murder of a 77-year-old woman who was found stabbed to death in her own home over the weekend.

Eleanor Bowles was found dead in the garage of her home in a gated Buckhead community on Saturday on Paces West Terrace.

Police say they believe Bowles was in her home at 11:30 a.m. when Antonio Brown, 23, broke in and tried stealing her 2021 Lexus RS350. They believe she interrupted the robbery and was stabbed and killed.

Brown is currently being held in the Fulton County Jail on charges of murder, aggravated battery, elder abuse, possession of a knife during the commission of a felony and hijacking a motor vehicle. We first obtained his mugshot during Channel 2 Action News This Morning.

 Investigators say Brown walked into the gated community, but it is unclear how he was able to get past security. The car was tracked and recovered in DeKalb County.

Eleanor’s family and friends said this arrest brings some comfort, but her friend Annette Loper said they have lost such a great woman.

“She was just one of the most wonderful people that you could, have asked for. Devoted to her sons and granddaughters



RACISM BY THE BAY: California Democrats Are Handing Out Cash to Everyone—EXCEPT WHITE PEOPLE

 Wow.... read ALL of this article....white people just sit back and TAKE IT !!!!



RACISM BY THE BAY: California Democrats Are Handing Out Cash to Everyone—EXCEPT WHITE PEOPLE

The Constitution of the United States guarantees the basic rights of all U.S. citizens, including equal protection under the law. Many Democrats, however, do not believe our founding document should apply to white individuals.

San Francisco Bay Area Democrats are applying this noxious principle to guaranteed minimum income (aka basic income) programs. These initiatives, unlike traditional welfare programs, provide taxpayer dollars with absolutely no strings attached. Hypothetically, one could purchase drugs and booze without worrying about running afoul with the law.


The Washington Free Beacon on Tuesday revealed that three basic income programs in the Bay Area are barring white residents from participating. One of the initiatives is the Guaranteed Income for Transgender People program (GIFT), which TGP’s Cassandra Fairbanks covered in November.

From The Beacon:

“The initiatives include the Black Economic Equity Movement, which provides $500 a month exclusively to “Black young adults,” the Abundant Birth Project, which provides $1,000 a month to “Black and Pacific Islander mothers,” and the Guaranteed Income for Transgender People program, which will dole out $1,200 a month and “prioritize enrollment” of transgender “Black, Indigenous, or People of Color (BIPOC).”

“They are financed by the National Institutes of Health, the California Department of Social Services, and the city of San Francisco, respectively.”



“All three initiatives appear to violate the 14th Amendment, which bans states from discriminating based on race, said Dan Morenoff, the executive director of the American Civil Rights Project, as well as the California constitution and the Civil Rights Act of 1866, which ban racial discrimination in contracting.”

“In addition, the Black Economic Equity Movement appears to violate Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which bans racial discrimination by the recipients of federal funds. The National Institutes of Health, whose “health equity” initiative funded the program, did not respond to a request for comment.”

Democrats in the San Francisco area are handing out free money to nonwhite individuals. At the same time, they are openly defying the United States Constitution by denying white people government handouts.

The new Democrat motto: we will care for you cradle to grave unless you have white skin.

This is far from the first time Democrats have attempted to utilize government to discriminate against white individuals, however. The so-called American Rescue Plan (which is largely responsible for the inflation crisis) contained a $4 billion loan forgiveness program exclusively for minority farmers to “address” previous racial wrongs in farming.


The program, which was known as Section 1005, said the federal government must provide debt relief to “socially disadvantaged farmers.” This term refers to farmers who are Black, Hispanic, Asian, Pacific Islander, and Native American. Guess which ethnic group is missing?

Thankfully, white farmers sued the Biden Administration and forced a reversal of course. The Democrats reworked the loan relief package in the ironically named “Inflation Reduction Act” so it no longer mentioned race.

Another example of anti-white racism occurred when the State of New York prioritized non-white individuals for COVID treatments last December. The state claimed being non-white was a risk factor for COVID due to “long-standing systemic health and social inequities.”

During the days of Jim Crow, southern states denied basic human rights and services to black people. Thankfully, America rediscovered her moral clarity to eventually end this evil.

Leftists today are practicing their own form of Jim Crow against white people. Time for our nation to rise to the occasion once again.

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Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Satanic Temple installs holiday display in Illinois capitol next to Nativity scene, menorah


Satanic Temple installs holiday display in Illinois capitol next to Nativity scene, menorah

Satanic Temple members said 'Hail Satan' at event unveiling holiday display

The Satanic Temple of Illinois installed a holiday display in the state’s capitol next to a Nativity scene and menorah to commemorate the group’s "satanic values."

"Let us stand now, unbowed and unfettered by arcane doctrines born of fearful minds. ... Let us demand that individuals be judged for their concrete actions, not their fealty to arbitrary social norms. ... Let us stand firm against any and all arbitrary authority that threatens personal sovereignty," Minister Adam of the Satanic Temple of Illinois said in the rotunda of the Illinois State Capitol last week, according to the Chicago Tribune.

"Hail Satan," Adam and other Satanic Temple members said after the invocation.

It is the fourth year since 2018 that the Satanic Temple installed a display in the state’s capitol at the holidays This year’s display features a snake crocheted by a satanist that is resting on a leather-bound copy of astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus’ 1543 book "On the Revolution of the Heavenly Spheres." 


Minister Adam gathers with other members of the Satanic Temple of Illinois, Dec. 6, 2022, outside the Illinois State Capitol in Springfield before installing their seasonal display inside the rotunda.

Minister Adam gathers with other members of the Satanic Temple of Illinois, Dec. 6, 2022, outside the Illinois State Capitol in Springfield before installing their seasonal display inside the rotunda. (Brian Cassella/Chicago Tribune/Tribune News Service via Getty Images)

Most of the roughly 20 members who attended the event were dressed in black or deep red, according to the Chicago Tribune. The display commemorates Sol Invictus, which falls on Dec. 25 and celebrates "being unconquered by superstition and consistent in the pursuit and sharing of knowledge," according to the temple’s website. 

A crocheted snake and apples and a book by Copernicus on Dec. 6, 2022, make up the seasonal display placed by members of the Satanic Temple of Illinois at the Illinois State Capitol.

A crocheted snake and apples and a book by Copernicus on Dec. 6, 2022, make up the seasonal display placed by members of the Satanic Temple of Illinois at the Illinois State Capitol. (Brian Cassella/Chicago Tribune/Tribune News Service via Getty Images)

Other year’s displays for the Satanic Temple included a swaddled goat baby named Baphomet, or a pedestal with a hand offering an apple and an inscription reading: "Knowledge is the greatest gift." The Baphomet display received pushback and protests when it was installed last year. 

"There is no devil worship here," Adam told the Chicago Tribune. "In fact, I’m insulted when people think of us as devil worshippers. Satan is more of a mascot and metaphor for us."

Adam told WCIA the display is a statement on banned books, citing that Copernicus’ book was banned by the Catholic Church in 1616. 

A person who goes by the name Laocoon polishes the mirrored base under the Satanic Temple of Illinois display on Dec. 6, 2022, at the Illinois State Capitol.

A person who goes by the name Laocoon polishes the mirrored base under the Satanic Temple of Illinois display on Dec. 6, 2022, at the Illinois State Capitol. (Brian Cassella/Chicago Tribune/Tribune News Service via Getty Images)

"The serpent of Genesis and the apples symbolizes that whole ‘forbidden knowledge’ sort of thing." Adam said. "The book, obviously, is one that was banned but also something that is really important to remember, which is that Copernicus himself was not actually persecuted by the church. Instead, he worked in harmony with them. And we like to see that this is an affirmation of our Satanic values by existing in harmony with other religions."

The display is placed next to a two-story Christmas tree, a Nativity scene and a menorah.

A sign near the displays says, "The State of Illinois is required by the First Amendment to allow temporary, public displays in the state capitol so long as these displays are not paid for by taxpayer dollars."

"Because the first floor of the Capitol Rotunda is a public place, state officials cannot legally censor the content or speech of displays," the sign near the holiday displays continues.

Roman Catholic Bishop Thomas Paprocki of the Springfield Diocese condemned the satanists’ display.

"Christians look forward to eternal happiness with God in Heaven," the bishop told WCIA. "Those who worship Satan are doomed to suffer the pains of Hell with the evil one and his minions forever. People are free to choose. I pray for the conversion of sinners and their eternal salvation." He also called on people to "reject the devil’s lies and turn to Christ."

Joe Biden Invites Drag Queen Named “Marti Gould Cummings” to Attend ‘Respect For Marriage Act’ Signing Ceremony at White House


Joe Biden Invites Drag Queen Named “Marti Gould Cummings” to Attend ‘Respect For Marriage Act’ Signing Ceremony at White House




Joe Biden invited a drag queen named “Marti Gould Cummings” to attend a ‘Respect for Marriage Act’ signing ceremony on the South Lawn of the White House on Tuesday.

The ‘Respect for Marriage Act’ codifies same-sex marriage.

The measure passed the Senate in a 61-36 vote.

It passed the House 258-169 and Biden will sign the bill on Tuesday with a ‘non-binary’ drag queen who thinks ‘drag is for children.’

TRENDING: BREAKING: SEC's Indictment of FTX's Bankman-Fried Released - Any Mention of the AMOUNT of Donations from FTX to Politicians is Omitted - (Attached)

Marti Gould Cummings once tweeted, “anyone who thinks drag isn’t for children is wrong.”

The creepy drag queen also repeatedly attacked police online.

Fox News reported:

The White House invited Marti Gould Cummings, a nonbinary drag queen who has repeatedly attacked police online, to attend the Respect for Marriage Act signing ceremony Tuesday.

Cummings thanked President Biden and first lady Jill Biden and shared an image of the digital invitation in a social media post Monday. Last week, the House passed the legislation, which mandates the federal government recognizes same-sex marriages instates where they are legal, in a 258-169 vote that included 29 Republican votes days after the Senate approved the bill in a 61-36 vote.

“To be a non binary drag artist invited to the White House is something I never imagined would happen,” Cummings tweeted. “Thank you President & Dr. Biden for inviting me to this historic bill signing. Grateful doesn’t begin to express the emotions I feel.”

Fox News Digital did a review of Cummings’ Twitter profile and found an extensive history of bashing police.

“[Police Benevolent Association of the City of New York] are scared whiny and weak,” Cummings said in a June 2020 tweet. “The people will win #DefundPolice.”

“F— the police,” Cummings tweeted on Aug. 24, 2020.

“Yes we want to defund police. Yes we want to abolish ICE. No we won’t settle for anything less and will continue to fight for this to happen,” Cummings added in a tweet later that same day.

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LOL what a bunch of dumb, stupid people...LOL) Miami man bought Lamborghini with federal pandemic funds. Now, he faces prison


 (Those 100k followers are just as dumb for believing him. 

Come on people..just because they type it or say it....doesn't mean it's true.


Miami man bought Lamborghini with federal pandemic funds. Now, he faces prison

With a Lamborghini as his ride, Valesky Barosy was living large thanks to federal funds he was accused of stealing from a COVID-19 relief program for struggling businesses.

But unlike dozens of others who’ve been charged with fleecing millions from the government’s pandemic program, the 28-year-old Miami man went to trial instead of striking a plea deal to cut his losses.

On Monday, a federal jury quickly found Barosy guilty of nine counts of wire fraud, money laundering and aggravated identity theft. He now faces 20 years or more in prison at his sentencing on Feb. 23 before U.S. District Judge Rodney Smith in Fort Lauderdale federal court.

Barosy was not shy about showing off his exploits while ripping off the Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program, posting social media shots of himself driving an exotic Lamborghini and flying on a private jet. He boasted an Instagram account with over 110,000 followers.He touted himself as an immigrant success story, arriving from Haiti a decade ago, working his way up from a menial job at Walmart to “regional vice president” of a credit repair company that purportedly racked up “$3.6 million in sales,” according to court records.

But in reality, federal authorities say, Barosy was ripping off taxpayers — fraudulently securing $2.1 million in loans from the PPP system to buy classic Miami status symbols: a Lamborghini Huracán EVO, Rolex and Hublot watches, and designer clothing from Louis Vuitton, Gucci and Chanel.

The Paycheck Protection Program was approved by Congress in 2020 to help businesses decimated following shutdowns caused by the rapid spread of the coronavirus. The program allowed for the loans to be forgiven, if borrowers followed criteria laid out by the Small Business Administration.

As the nation’s No. 1 fraud capital, South Florida has led the financial crime wave that followed the passage of the CARES Act, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

In South Florida, that’s included a businessman using PPP money to buy a $318,000 Lamborghini, a nurse alleged to have lied about his business to get $474,000 that was used in part to pay a Mercedes-Benz lease and child support, and a North Miami suburban couple that claimed to be farmers to qualify for $1 million in relief benefits.

Around the same time that Barosy was arrested last December, two Florida men pleaded guilty to helping arrange over $35 million in PPP loans. The ring also netted the conviction of former NFL player Joshua Bellamy, who was sentenced to more than three years in prison for wire-fraud conspiracy.

Valesky Barosy, 27, pictured here on his Instagram page, is accused of fraudulently obtaining pandemic-relief loans to buy a Lamborghini, among other luxury goods.
Valesky Barosy, 27, pictured here on his Instagram page, is accused of fraudulently obtaining pandemic-relief loans to buy a Lamborghini, among other luxury goods.

According to an indictment, Barosy was the president of a company known as VBarosySolutions Inc., or VBS.

For various loans, Barosy fabricated prior-year expenses, net profit, and payroll, and submitted bogus IRS tax forms to secure the payments, which were then used to buy the Lambo, the watches and the clothes, according to the indictment.

On Instagram, he posed often with the white Lambo, pitching himself as an inspiring mentor. “It’s not the Lamborghini or the million dollar home that will inspire the world but the trials and tribulations you overcame,” he wrote in one post.

Miami Herald staff writer David Ovalle contributed to this story.