Wednesday, June 26, 2024

What is going on?) Violent Transgender Person Pays a Fatal Price After Marching Toward Denver Police Officers and Threatening Them with a Knife (VIDEO)





 (What the heck is going on?)



Violent Transgender Person Pays a Fatal Price After Marching Toward Denver Police Officers and Threatening Them with a Knife (VIDEO)


I read one thing on a news site and then at 3:30 AM the news on abc says the COMPLETE opposite.






Now i see how so many people are confused and start listening to ABC news at 3:30 and at 4:00 AM. 

They have people telling them info that is the opposite of MANY news sites.


This morning was so bad I was yelling at the tv.




Monday, June 24, 2024

Mayor Adams’ Budget Pushes Permanent Taxpayer-Funded Spending for ‘Migrant Crisis’



 (If Democrats stay if office this might happen in ALL States.WILL YOU want to pay for them for YOUR entire LIFE)

Mayor Adams’ Budget Pushes Permanent Taxpayer-Funded Spending for ‘Migrant Crisis’


Sunday, June 23, 2024

(whoa) Explosive Study Once Removed by Lancet within 24 Hours, Now Peer-Reviewed and Public: Reveals 74% of Deaths Directly Linked to COVID-19 Shot





 News media doesn't want you to see these stories... pass it on and go to the link above to read more TRUE stories that they don't want you to see




Explosive Study Once Removed by Lancet within 24 Hours, Now Peer-Reviewed and Public: Reveals 74% of Deaths Directly Linked to COVID-19 Shot



Thursday, June 20, 2024

Weatherman said we have not had this temp since 1936 so global warming then too?







Whatever !!!













Taxpayers Build Luxury High-Rise Homeless Shelter in Los Angeles with $600,000 Units




 this will be the first of three towers. 

The second tower is set to open in 18 months, while the third is in its development stage. did NOTHING to STOP it... you deserve it.




Taxpayers Build Luxury High-Rise Homeless Shelter in Los Angeles with $600,000 Units


Hey all you big "talkers and complainers". What are you doing to save our country? NOthing? Of course not.






So many things you could do to help save our country. 

ALL of our freedoms are being taken away and you're sitting

on your butt just "talking".








CBS Forced to Delete Segment After Most Embarrassing Biden Reporting in History Exposed On-Air




Go to the link above and read TRUE stories. 



CBS Forced to Delete Segment After Most Embarrassing Biden Reporting in History Exposed On-Air

CBS News did a segment that purported to show "cheap fake" video that was supposedly manipulated to make President Joe Biden look bad, but the two clips were virtually identical.


CBS News was forced to remove a video from social media platform X on Wednesday after arguing it was an example of a “cheap fake” of President Joe Biden apparently wandering off during the G7 Summit in Italy last week.

The White House has accused Republicans of creating cheap fake videos of Biden, taken out of context, to build on the narrative that he has cognitive problems.

CBS News chief White House correspondent Nancy Cordes claimed such was the case with the G7 footage of Biden and other world leaders watching a skydiving demonstration.

“Outlets claimed that he was sort of just aimlessly wandering away. The clip amassed millions of views …, when actually if you widen out, you can see that he was talking to one of the members of the military that was participating in that demonstration,” she said.

The problem is the so-called “digitally altered video” CBS aired next to the actual one is exactly the same. In both, you can see that Biden is trying to talk to a paratrooper.

But he did wander off, while the other G7 leaders stuck together. Then Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni went to Biden to wrangle him up.

CBS acknowledged its mistake in the video comparison in a later post on X, saying it had removed the earlier version.

“An earlier post was removed as it included the wrong version of a video. This version has been updated to include the correct clip and label on the edited video,” the news outlet said.

In the new video CBS shared, the paratrooper is blurred out. Further, rather than labeling it “digitally altered,” CBS called it an”edited clip.” But who did that editing? CBS?

Another example of what the White House called a cheap-fake video was when Biden appeared to freeze on stage at a Los Angeles fundraiser on Saturday. Former President Barack Obama then stepped in and led him off the stage.

Fox News chief political anchor Bret Baier observed Tuesday, “There was nothing fake about former President Obama reaching over to President Biden’s wrist and kind of tugging him to go.”

The same was true when Meloni pulled Biden back to where the other world leaders were, Baier further noted.

Biden seems to be having more of these freezing moments of late.

CBS and the White House can try to spin it any way they want, but Americans can watch the raw video footage and see there’s a problem.









Karma is real





It comes back at you 2-fold.... be careful lol








Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, Labeled ‘Delusional’; ‘Irritated’ About Not Being Wealthier than Other UK Celebs: Book




(But Noooooooo she didn't marry for money.....LOL )


Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, Labeled ‘Delusional’; ‘Irritated’ About Not Being Wealthier than Other UK Celebs: Book



Wednesday, June 19, 2024

This Unknown Governor May Soon be a Household Name… The Left’s Next Anointed One (VIDEO)






 So the democrats think that the BLACK voters will FALL for this guy because of his skin color? 

They will give up on their beliefs and worship him JUST BECAUSE HE IS BLACK ??

 Hey Democrats.... They are NOT STUPID !!!!

The smart ones won't fall for it.




This Unknown Governor May Soon be a Household Name… The Left’s Next Anointed One (VIDEO)


Here’s the Real Story Behind the Juneteenth Holiday – And It’s Not What They’ve Told You!







Here’s the Real Story Behind the Juneteenth Holiday – And It’s Not What They’ve Told You!


Another one?) Transgender Suspect At-Large Following Double Homicide — Perpetrator Considered “Armed and Dangerous”







Transgender Suspect At-Large Following Double Homicide — Perpetrator Considered “Armed and Dangerous”

Why would Anyone believe the things said on the view? People just hear it and automatically believe without doing research?







They brainwash the viewers..... so sad but it is LAUGHABLE the things they say.







Well well well..... looks like my blog is being censored and blocked.






What are they so afraid of?






“Ya’ll, Jill Biden is a Disgusting Evil Piece of Crap” — TikTok User Does Not Hold Back — Tells the World What She Thinks of Joe Biden’s LA Fundraiser (VIDEO)









  Go to the link above to see her video and read other true stories the Democrats don't want you to see



This lady is my hero !!!! 

What kind of woman would put their husband through this? You should be PROTECTING him not PUTTING HIM ON DISPLAY


And...Yes the rich were there and that is the only way to keep making millions is to have a democrat in white house.



“Ya’ll, Jill Biden is a Disgusting Evil Piece of Crap” — TikTok User Does Not Hold Back — Tells the World What She Thinks of Joe Biden’s LA Fundraiser (VIDEO)


Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Protect your community, protect the small restaurants and stores in your neighborhood.



These LOW LIFE BULLIES want to TAKE from YOU.






Walk someone to their car etc. 

NO Violence... that is for ANIMALS.





Are people really that stupid to believe this?) Head of Chicago Teachers Union Tells Radio Host Conservatives Do Not Want Black Children to Read, It’s “Part of the Oath They Take to be Right Wing”








 Is there ANYONE out there that would believe these crap?

NO, Of course NOT.... I DIDN'T THINK SO !!!


Head of Chicago Teachers Union Tells Radio Host Conservatives Do Not Want Black Children to Read, It’s “Part of the Oath They Take to be Right Wing”











CNBC Analyst Arrested on Federal Charges After Disappearing and Being Declared a Fugitive







CNBC Analyst Arrested on Federal Charges After Disappearing and Being Declared a Fugitive


Democrat Insiders Reveal Clinton, Obama, Pelosi, Schumer’s Secret Plot to Replace Feeble Joe Biden



 (no kidding)




Democrat Insiders Reveal Clinton, Obama, Pelosi, Schumer’s Secret Plot to Replace Feeble Joe Biden


Monday, June 17, 2024

General Hospital line in script said something like "Drews opponent's platform will be sending everyone who is not straight white billionaire back to the stone age"




 Update... thanks for telling me

ABC is pushing this crap during commercials, shows etc.

 Drews opponent's platform will be sending everyone who is not straight white billionaire back to the stone age 


Aren't soaps supposed to help escape from the REAL world? If I want this crap I'll watch the view.


(I am getting this second hand )





The democrats will do what they can to make sure Trump does NOT win.





Don't get too relaxed..... the democrats will do what they can to make sure he doesn't win.


320,000 GHOST VOTERS Identified in MUST WIN State of MI — Are Democrats Resorting to Dirty Tricks Reportedly Used by a Third-World Country to Win in 2024?






320,000 GHOST VOTERS Identified in MUST WIN State of MI — Are Democrats Resorting to Dirty Tricks Reportedly Used by a Third-World Country to Win in 2024?