Thursday, August 9, 2018

Police Chief Pens Heartbreaking Letter After Learning Son Allegedly Attacked Sikh Man..(.UPDATED...Chief son flips the bird in court)

you can google the video but it is sooooo disturbing to watch.

You can also find a photo of the thug.


Police Chief Pens Heartbreaking Letter After Learning Son Allegedly Attacked Sikh Man



Rebecca Shapiro,HuffPost 13 hours ago

A 71-year-old Sikh man was violently assaulted in Northern California during
A 71-year-old Sikh man was violently assaulted in Northern California during his morning walk on Monday ― and a police chief later identified his own estranged son as one of the perpetrators.

Union City Police Chief Darryl McAllister penned a heart-wrenching open letter to his community on Wednesday, saying he was “disgusted” to share that his 18-year-old son, Tyrone Keith McAllister, is a suspect in the crime.

“Words can barely describe how embarrassed, dejected, and hurt my wife, daughters, and I feel right now,” McAllister wrote in a letter posted on Facebook.

“Violence and hatred is not what we have taught our children; intolerance for others is not even in our vocabulary, let alone our values. Crime has never been an element of our household, our values, nor the character to which we hold ourselves.”

Footage of the attack, caught on a nearby security camera, shows Sahbit Singh Natt walking along Greystone Park in Manteca, California, when two individuals confront him. One of them, suspected of being McAllister’s son, can be seen kicking Natt to the ground and then kicking him repeatedly.

According to McAllister, Natt suffered “minor physical injuries.”

Police said the incident was a suspected robbery, but the San Francisco Chronicle reported that detectives are also trying to determine if the attack was motivated by hate. Manteca is located about 60 miles east of Union City.

Dr. Rajwant Singh, co-founder of National Sikh Campaign, said he was “appalled” and “disturbed” by the recent attacks on Sikh Americans. A 50-year-old Sikh man was brutally attacked in California last week. That incident is being investigated as a hate crime.

McAllister described how he and his wife helped Manteca authorities track down his son and arrest him on Wednesday.

“Despite having the desire any parent would have in wanting to protect their child, my oath is (and always will be) to the law and my vow of integrity guides me through this horrendous difficulty,” McAllister wrote. He shared details of his son’s journey over the past few years, which involved running away, associating with a “bad crowd,” participating in theft-related crimes, serving a stint in juvenile hall and another 3-month sentence in adult jail. McAllister says his son has not returned home in several months.

“It’s difficult for us to comprehend how one of three kids who grew up with the same parents, under the same roof, with the same rules and same values and character could wander so far astray,” McAllister wrote.

Within a few hours of the chief’s posting, the letter received overwhelmingly positive feedback from commenters for its honesty.

Read the letter in its entirety below.

America does not do a good job of tracking incidents of hate and bias. We need your help to create a database of such incidents across the country, so we all know what’s going on. Tell us your story.


Police chief's son, 18, charged with beating elderly Sikh man, smiles, flips bird in court: reports

The 18-year-old son of a police chief in California’s Bay Area, who allegedly attacked a 71-year-old Sikh man, appeared in court Friday, smiling and waving his middle fingers at media cameras, a report said.

Tyrone Keith McAllister, estranged son of Union City police Chief Darryl McAllister, entered the courtroom and flipped his middle fingers at their camera, Sacramento's FOX 40 reported.

He appeared to be grinning, and made suspected gang signs while his hands were cuffed, the Record of Stockton reported.

"[W]ords can barely describe how embarrassed, dejected, and hurt my wife, daughters, and I feel right now," the chief wrote on Facebook. He also wrote that his son, who has spent time in both juvenile and adult jail, needs to be held accountable for his actions.

The younger McAllister and a 16-year-old companion allegedly confronted Sahib Singh Natt while he was taking a stroll in Manteca, near Stockton in the Central Valley, on Monday at about 6 a.m., and asked him for money.

Authorities said the pair kicked Natt to the ground. Police said the video shows the suspect kick him at least three times and that one of the suspects may have waved a gun.

The police chief and his wife worked with local police to track down their son and the 16-year-old. The pair were arrested Wednesday on one count of attempted robbery, elder abuse and assault with a deadly weapon.

Investigators were still looking into whether the attack meets the legal criteria for charging a hate crime, the Record reported.

"As to whether it was just a crime or a hate crime, I’m of the opinion that at this point, looking at the videos, that it’s just a crime committed by some young people," Bobby Bivens, president of the Stockton branch of the NAACP, told FOX 40.

Bail wasn't set during the arraignment. McAllister was scheduled appear again Aug. 17.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

The New York Times Has Embraced The Bigotry Of Identity Politics (Yet another story about NY Times bigot.)

The New York Times Has Embraced The Bigotry Of Identity Politics

Identity politics regulate and dictate human relationships. This is how power-mongering totalitarians operate.
Stella Morabito
The New York Times’ decision to hire white-people obsessed Sarah Jeong as a member of its editorial board is getting a lot of virtual ink. That’s because Jeong has written a pile of hateful tweets about “whiteness” and men.

Dave Marcus at the Federalist is one of many who have exposed the double standard the paper displayed in hiring Jeong despite her discriminatory attitude towards people of a certain race. Many have called out her tweets as racist. For example, on June 14, 2014 she tweeted: “Let’s fund a study on whether killing all the white people would make black people safer.” But that’s not an isolated example. Her tweets on “whiteness” and men are a voluminous constant since at least 2013.

Jeong clearly has an unhealthy preoccupation with “white people.” It’s obsessive-compulsive, and certainly not a stable or happy way of relating to humanity. But ultimately, this is not really about Sarah Jeong or race or “gender” or any other issue du jour. Her tweets, and the hypocrisy shown by The New York Times is a symptom of a greater illness that renders people incapable of seeing individuals as real people.

This isn’t just about race, because it’s totally anti-person to reject our common humanity. Identity politics are the foundation for Jeong’s attitude, and her favorable treatment from The New York Times. Identity politics are a pathogen that spreads ill will towards fellow humans with no knowledge of them as people. We need to defeat this erroneous and unhealthy way of looking at people, and replace it with respect for our common humanity.

Please go here to read the rest of this very interesting story... copy and paste link