Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Expert Michael Yon Looked for Cells at Capitol Protests and Immediately Identified Antifa and Others




Expert Michael Yon Looked for Cells at Capitol Protests and Immediately Identified Antifa and Others

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Expert Michael Yon confirms again that Antifa very much led the attack at the Capitol on January 6th. 

We reported Yon’s work before at both the Capitol and in Hong Kong:



Yon again reported that Antifa clearly led the attack and his report was discussed on the Morgan Streetman Show:

Yon also was on AON where he shared the same with Jack Posobiec.

The entire Capitol attack was led by Antifa and others to make the President and his followers look bad.






Antifa? Three Provocateurs Dressed All In Black Caught Changing Into Trump Attire [VIDEO]




Antifa? Three Provocateurs Dressed All In Black Caught Changing Into Trump Attire [VIDEO]

By Patty McMurray | Jan 20, 2021

Three men dressed in all black, (which is typical of members of the violent left-wing, domestic terror group, Antifa) were captured on video hiding under a tree while quickly dressing from all black into Trump t-shirts and sweatshirts.  As the unidentified cameraman approaches them and zooms in on their change of apparel, one of the men notices they’re being filmed and becomes agitated. A woman can be heard shouting at the cameraman to delete the video. “Delete that!” she shouts, as the cameraman appears to run away with the footage that reveals the duplicitous nature of these leftist thugs.

It’s not clear where this footage was taken, but it’s possible this footage was taken at the Capitol on January 6, as you can hear “USA! USA!” being chanted in the background. The woman who posted the video is claiming it was taken at the Capitol building, but we have no clear evidence to prove her claim. Police barricades can be seen on the street next to the tree where the 3 men are changing into Trump gear, which would indicate that the protest is taking place near a government building.


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The video, which has now been viewed by thousands, has yet to make its way to fake news CNN where Anderson Cooper would surely admit how the left doesn’t play by the same rules as everyone else—wouldn’t he? Or would the CNN host instead, interview the quick-change artists and treat them like journalists, or as innocent “left-wing activists,” you know, as he did when he interviewed Antifa leader John Sullivan after the Capitol siege, who just happened to be standing next to Ashli Babbit when she was shot to death inside the Capitol building. Sullivan, who was recently seen in one of his own videos, addressing a crowd in Utah, where he explained how they’re going to rip President Trump out of the White House before he has a chance to serve a second term, has since been arrested and charged in the Capitol riots.


This isn’t the first time someone who appears to be a member of Antifa has been caught changing their appearance in an effort to trick people into believing they’re a Trump supporter.

Last week, we shared an incredible video interview analysis with the Epoch Times, Japanese investigative journalist Misako Ganaha, where she describes the events that took place only moments before the murder of Ashli Babbit by a Capitol Police officer inside the US Capitol building on January 6, 2020.

At around the 3:25 mark, Ganaha discusses a particularly telling moment when, after encouraging the violence that led to Ashli Babbit’s death, one of the agitators steps away, behind the officers and down the stairs behind police in order to change clothes, in what appears to be an effort to prevent himself from being recognized from a moment before when he has been breaking the glass on doors and agitating the crowd.

Is the male dressed in all black that Ganaha analyzes a Trump supporter or an agent provocateur? You be the judge.


Has anyone noticed that Harris normally is in the color black with black mask?




I think she hates colors.



Top Conservative Leader Tom Fitton Is Still Suspended by Twitter 7 Days After a 7 Day Suspension for Tweeting the Truth on HCQ




Top Conservative Leader Tom Fitton Is Still Suspended by Twitter 7 Days After a 7 Day Suspension for Tweeting the Truth on HCQ

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Tom Fitton from Judicial Watch was censored by Twitter for 7 days on January 9th. 

Big Tech, Big Media, the Democrats and foreign states are doing all they can to prevent any mention of Joe Biden’s election steal away from President Trump.  We’ve never seen anything like this in a country that once valued free speech. Fitton is a leader in the conservative movement.

Fitton posted a truthful tweet on the drug Hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malarial drug that continues to prove its success in treating the China virus.

There are now over 193 international studies that prove the effectiveness of Hydroxychloroquine in treating the coronavirus, especially when administered at the onset of the disease.

The tech giants would rather see tens of thousands of innocent people die than allow this information out to the public.  We have never seen anything like this.

On Saturday we heard word that Tom Fitton is still suspended off of Twitter — 14 days later.  Tom is a leading voice for truth in this nation.

Maybe family members should start a class action suit against Twitter for knowingly hiding a successful Coronavirus treatment from the American public?

Tom Fitton wrote about this on Facebook:





AWKWARD: After Inauguration Bidens Were Locked Out of White House – They Fired Trump Butler and No One Was There to Open the Doors




AWKWARD: After Inauguration Bidens Were Locked Out of White House – They Fired Trump Butler and No One Was There to Open the Doors

y Joe Hoft
Published January 23, 2021 at 12:15pm
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The Clown show continues.  The Daily Mail reported that the Bidens were locked out of the White House on Inauguration day.  President Trump’s butler was fired hours before the inauguration and no one was there to open the door.

The Daily Mail reported on another embarrassing gaffe at the Biden Inauguration.  No one showed up for the Biden’s Inauguration other than soldiers, media and politicians.  This showed what millions believe: Biden stole the 2020 election.  The embarrassing day turned into more of a clown show as the Bidens approached the White House.



Joe and Jill Biden walked through the gates and up to the front doors, only to find the doors wouldn’t open. 

This was reportedly because the incoming administration had fired President Trump’s butler hours before and the butler was the one to greet guests to the White House.

No one was there to open the doors.

How embarrassing. 

To think these people inserted themselves as leaders of the free world.


Insurrection! Violent Antifa-Black Lives Matter Goons Storm Bellingham, WA City Hall – Mayor Forced to Be Evacuated





Insurrection! Violent Antifa-Black Lives Matter Goons Storm Bellingham, WA City Hall – Mayor Forced to Be Evacuated

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Violent Antifa-Black Lives Matter goons stormed the city hall in Bellingham, Washington on Saturday.

Officials were forced to evacuate the mayor during the violent assault.

Reporter Deedee Sun drove by city hall later.
The area looks like a homeless slum.


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