Monday, August 30, 2021

DISGUSTING – Joe Biden Checks Watch During The Dignified Transfer Of 13 American Heroes Killed By His Incompetence – “Is It Nap Time Yet?”


DISGUSTING – Joe Biden Checks Watch During The Dignified Transfer Of 13 American Heroes Killed By His Incompetence – “Is It Nap Time Yet?”

Joe Biden Checks Watch

Today, Joe Biden checked his watch while Military Generals stood at attention, saluting our fallen heroes.




Epshteyn: @JoeBiden checking his watch during the dignified transfer of American Heroes killed by his incompetence. Despicable. Resign now.

Also, notice that Joe Biden does not Salute our fallen troops, but instead he covers his heart hiding his face behind a mask while outdoors?

This is not how it is done. This is not how the President acts.

This is what you get when you replace a leader with a puppet.


You killed 3-6 children today thinking it was ISISk... YOU want smart Americans to beleive you hit target of ISIS k?



We aren't that stupid ! Okay MOST of American is not that stupid... Media will believe you.


update 9-12 Yes Joe... an Aide worker and his  family..... ISIS k huh? 

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Stop blaming Trump...Biden is president and is the person running the USA



What fools !


How DARE you surrender to the same people that KILLED our Brave.






Speaking about Biden...."Our Allies don't respect him, Our Enemies don't fear him, and American's don't trust him"



True words by Jesse Waters

Does anyone really beleive that we killed an ISIS K fighter? Really ? LOL



Biden NEEDED to blow something up to show dumb people and ISIS that he will give orders and carryout a "destruction". LOL

ASK ANY VET.... they will tell you that biden's story doesn't make sense. LOL\



Kamala Harris Poses In Front Of Communist Ho Chi Minh Bust – “The WORST Photo Op For An American In That Country Since Jane Fonda Donned A Helmet There In 1972.”



Kamala Harris Poses In Front Of Communist Ho Chi Minh Bust – “The WORST Photo Op For An American In That Country Since Jane Fonda Donned A Helmet There In 1972.”

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While in Vietnam last week, Kamala Harris posed with Vietnamese Communist leaders in front of the Ho Chi Minh sculptures.

Ho Chi Minh was a brutal dictator and the founder of the Vietnamese Communist Party. His regime carried out a class genocide against wealthy farmers and landowners, killing hundreds of thousands in Vietnam.


Who is she appealing to in this photo?

Kamala Harris bailed on the United States when catastrophe struck in Afghanistan, traveling to Singapore and Vietnam.


Fox News and The Gateway Pundit reported,

This week’s scenes of crowds gathering at Kabul’s airport and U.S. military helicopters arriving to pick up passengers at the U.S. Embassy in Afghanistan’s capital revived grim memories of desperate Vietnamese people trying to board U.S. helicopters as they left the embassy in Saigon more than four decades ago.


The prospect of Harris visiting Vietnam at this particular moment raised the possibility of the worst photo op for an American in that country since Jane Fonda donned a helmet there in 1972.

Radio Free Asia reports,

The land reform was a massacre of innocent, honest people, and using contemporary terms we must say that it was a genocide triggered by class discrimination.

More than 172,000 people died during the North Vietnam campaign after being classified as landowners and wealthy farmers, official records of the time show.


 he Vice President of the United States posed for a photo in front of a Communist Dictator.

Ho Chi Minh was once an enemy but to this Administration, he is a friend.

Kamala is one of them.





Friday, August 27, 2021

Un-American DISGRACE:Terrorist-Sympathizer Ilhan Omar Tweets Photo of 9/11 Attacks on Deadliest Day in a Decade for US Military



Un-American DISGRACE: Terrorist-Sympathizer Ilhan Omar Tweets Photo of 9/11 Attacks on Deadliest Day in a Decade for US Military

In a sick display of disrespect, radical progressive Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) tweeted out a photo of the 9/11 attacks on the same day 13 US soldiers were killed, among dozens of others, in a pair of barbaric terrorist attacks at the Kabul airport.

It was the deadliest attack on US forces in at least a decade. 

Omar tweeted the photo along with an incoherent rant about her “being old enough to remember” the backlash she had received for her previous comments about 9/11 that downplayed the vile terrorist organization who savagely murdered thousands of Americans.


She just cannot help herself.


Keep in mind, Omar is a Muslim refugee from Somalia, she wouldn’t be able to enjoy the freedoms that she has without US military members, like the ones who tragically lost their lives today in Afghanistan.

Instead of honoring them or paying her respects, she spits down on them with ingratitude.

In addition to her clear hatred for America, she has a long history defending terrorist organizations and frequently spews anti-semitic garbage.

But hey.. anyone who would marry their brother can’t be that stable right?



So, lets get this straight.. she’s a radical anti-semite, a progressive America-hating socialist, a terrorist sympathizer, a brother-lover, and a fraudster.. 

In other words, she’s the whole package!

Sheesh.. The Democrats really know how to pick em,’ don’t they?