Monday, October 22, 2018

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

The Connors show just made a fool out of all that watched. What a mess.

You can't think for yourself, you need the political babble from them too?

It is supposed to be ENTERTAINMENT not make you want a drink.

How freaking depressing !

Nothing funny about this MESS of a show.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

By Taylor Swift telling the world that SHE was responable for thousands to register to vote, she really was saying that THOSE people didn't have a mind of their own.

How embarrassing for every single one of you.

Can't do it on your own huh?

Do you know ANYTHING about ANY Candidate? NOT what you are told but real honest FACTS.

Didn't think so.

Just because someone TELLS you something..... doesn't mean that it's TRUE.

Check the FACTS yourself  ( Like a REAL ADULT )


Saturday, October 6, 2018

As a woman...... I am embarrassed by all those SCREAMING women protesting about Kavanaugh.

You were NOT heard because of all the screaming and yelling and acting like animals instead of "women that want to be heard".

Whether we agree with you or not...... you were acting like animals.

Actually you sound like a bunch of BULLIES. Please stop so you can be heard.

How embarrassing.

(TIMOTHY A. CLARY via Getty Images)

photo from link

PLUS..... have you REALLY done your own research or are you letting someone tell you their opinion and you are following? 
Stand up for what you believe in but are you ready to answer questions if someone asks you?



Thursday, September 6, 2018

Just because they said it happened a certain way.... doesn't mean it did.

More stories every day about people LYING.

Just because it's on the internet....... doesn't mean that it is a FACT.

Don't look silly believing everything.

The world has gone to hell with its reporting.