Thursday, November 8, 2018

Don't let anyone make you feel bad about YOUR opinion.

It is YOUR opinion so own it.

Even if we disagree, you have that RIGHT to your own opinion.

And you should respect me enough to not question mine.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

When did the Little Brats of world take charge?

If they don't like something they either protest or walk out.

Will someone please give them a pacifier and tell them to go take a nap.

Whaaaaaaaaa !!

If you don't like something, run for office and CHANGE it, STOP waiting for someone ELSE to do it.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Gun laws are for LEGAL people.... not for people buying guns on the street.

You are NOT stupid. Think things through, don't depend on others thinking FOR YOU.

Were these legal guns?

Were they registered? 

Were they stored locked up?

Were these crazy ass shooters members of the NRA?

 Of course not, don't be silly.

These shooters are MENTALLY ILL, you would have to be.

STOP the freaking HATE !!!


Monday, October 22, 2018

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

The Connors show just made a fool out of all that watched. What a mess.

You can't think for yourself, you need the political babble from them too?

It is supposed to be ENTERTAINMENT not make you want a drink.

How freaking depressing !

Nothing funny about this MESS of a show.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

By Taylor Swift telling the world that SHE was responable for thousands to register to vote, she really was saying that THOSE people didn't have a mind of their own.

How embarrassing for every single one of you.

Can't do it on your own huh?

Do you know ANYTHING about ANY Candidate? NOT what you are told but real honest FACTS.

Didn't think so.

Just because someone TELLS you something..... doesn't mean that it's TRUE.

Check the FACTS yourself  ( Like a REAL ADULT )
