Tuesday, September 21, 2021

A COVID-19 booster shot that could protect against multiple variants at once is being tested in humans for the first time ( FIRST TIME)


A COVID-19 booster shot that could protect against multiple variants at once is being tested in humans for the first time

·2 min read
Moderna vaccine
A person receives the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine at the East Boston Neighborhood Health Center (EBNHC) in Boston, Massachusetts on December 24, 2020. Joseph Prezioso / AFP via Getty Images
  • A COVID-19 booster shot that may protect against multiple variants is being tested in humans.

  • It uses new vaccine technology that self-replicates once injected in the muscle.

  • The vaccine may need a lower dose than existing shots, potentially reducing side effects.

A COVID-19 booster vaccine that could protect against multiple virus variants at once is being tested in humans for the first time.

The vaccine, called GRT-R910, uses a new technology called self-amplifying messenger-ribonucleic acid (mRNA), which replicates itself once injected into muscle. COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna use mRNA, which teaches our body how to make a protein that triggers an immune response, but it cannot self-replicate.

Self-amplifying mRNA promises lower doses than existing vaccines, which means it's potentially cheaper and has fewer side-effects, Insider previously reported.

The trial, which is sponsored by the US National Institute of Health, will eventually recruit 20 volunteers, all over the age of 60, the company said.

Gritstone, the US pharmaceutical company that developed GRT-R910, said in a press release on Monday that the vaccine could boost the immune response of "first generation COVID-19 vaccines" to a "wide array" of coronavirus variants.

Dr. Andrew Allen, chief executive officer at Gritstone, said the immune response could provide "more benefit than an additional dose of the same vaccine."

Results of the trial are expected in early 2022, Gritstone said.

Andrew Ustianowski, honorary clinical chair at University of Manchester and study local lead investigator, said in a statement that "we think GRT-R910 as a booster vaccination will elicit strong, durable, and broad immune responses, which are likely to be critical in maintaining protection of this vulnerable elderly population who are particularly at risk of hospitalisation and death."

Andrew Clarke, 63, and his wife Helen Clarke, 64, were the first to receive GRT-R910 as part of an early stage trial at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, UK, on Monday.

Self-amplifying mRNA could potentially be developed on hospital sites tailored for specific outbreaks, rather than in large centralized factories.

Professor Ian Bruce, chair at the Manchester COVID-19 Research Rapid Response Group, said in a statement that future studies will examine GRT-R910's efficacy in other-vulnerable populations.

On Friday, the Food and Drug Administration recommended an extra dose of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine for fully vaccinated Americans aged 65 and older, and for younger people at risk of severe illness.

Read the original article on Business Insider


Biden told all of us that he ordered a bombing that killed an ISIS k that ordered the bombing of our 13..

 They killed an Aide worker and his family of TEN.... SEVEN small children.

Good work Biden... just another lie!

 Now the U.S is apologizing but that won't bring those people back.

You have their blood on your hands just like our brave 13 and all the wounded.


Monday, September 20, 2021

What? New England Journal of Medicine Backtracks – Now Admits COVID Vax May Not Be Safe for Pregnant Women




What? New England Journal of Medicine Backtracks – Now Admits COVID Vax May Not Be Safe for Pregnant Women

Jim Hoft

The esteemed New England Journal of Medicine posted a correction last week and now admits the COVID vaccine may not be safe for pregnant women.

The study was updated after it found that 104 of 827 pregnant participants experienced a spontaneous abortion after receiving the COVID vaccine. That is roughly 1 of 8 pregnant women losing their baby after getting the vaccine.


Via Revolver News.


 Here is the corrected update from September 8, 2021:

t the time of publication of preliminary findings in the Original Article related to this editorial, the number of spontaneous abortions was 104 and there was 1 stillbirth. However, no proportion could be determined for the risk of spontaneous abortion among participants vaccinated before 20 weeks of gestation because follow-up information was not yet available for the majority of those persons. The article has now been updated. In the fifth paragraph of this editorial (page 2342), the first sentence should have read, “Among 827 registry participants who reported a completed pregnancy, 104 experienced spontaneous abortions and 1 had a stillbirth,” rather than, “…a completed pregnancy, the pregnancy resulted in a spontaneous abortion in 104 (12.6%) and in stillbirth in 1 (0.1%); these percentages are well within the range expected as an outcome for this age group of persons whose other underlying medical conditions are unknown.” In the same paragraph, in the sentence beginning “Among live-born infants” (page 2343), the expression “were also consistent” should have read, “were consistent.” In the seventh paragraph, beginning “Given that,” the first sentence should have ended, “…limitations in their ability to draw conclusions about spontaneous abortions, congenital anomalies, and other potential rare neonatal outcomes,” rather than “…to draw conclusions about congenital anomalies and other potential rare neonatal outcomes.” The editorial is correct at NEJM.org.





Chris Rock FULLY VACCINATED.... gets covid



Come on people....

Saturday, September 18, 2021

FDA Hearing: Doctors and Experts Testify Government Data Demonstrates COVID Shots are Dangerous and May Kill More Than They Save (VIDEO)...... PASS THIS ON !



FDA Hearing: Doctors and Experts Testify Government Data Demonstrates COVID Shots are Dangerous and May Kill More Than They Save (VIDEO)

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On Friday an FDA advisory panel declined to endorse authorization the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid booster shot for people aged 16 or older.

The panel voted 16-2 to reject extra doses of an experimental vaccine, citing insufficient data from incomplete clinical trials and the potential risk of heart inflammation – especially among young men. 

The FDA hearing prior to the decision was stunning. The hearing was 8 hours long and it included SHOCKING testimony from American doctors.

Dr. Joseph Fraiman, MD told the FDA on Friday that government does not have data to show the vaccine was more beneficial than it is harmful for teenage boys.


Dr. Fraiman told the FDA panel he has NOT seen that those who show vaccine hesitancy are uninformed. “That is not what I’ve seen… The vaccine hesitant I’ve met in the ER are more aware of the vaccine studies and more aware of their own COVID risks than the doctors do. For example, many of my nurses refuse the COVID vaccine despite seeing more COVID deaths and devastation than most people have.”

Dr. Fraiman went on to say he cannot assure a nurse associate who is 30 that the vaccines are safer than catching the virus is for a healthy woman her age.


Steve Kirsch, the Executive Director of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund was up next to testify before the FDA.  Kirsch argued the vaccines kill more people than they save.

Kirsh pointed out that there patients were 71 times more likely to suffer a heart attack after taking the vaccine than those taking other vaccines. 20 died from the drug, 14 from the placebo.

Kirsh argued that the vaccine killed more people than saved lives.

Myocarditis affected 1 in 1,000 who took the vaccine.



Steve Kirsch also pointed out that early treatments are more successful than boosters, noting that cases in Israel are at an all-time high and cases in Uttar Pradesh, India where they administer Ivermectin, the cases are nearly non-existent today.

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Friday, September 17, 2021

The U.S is so weak and cowardly.



I am ashamed to be an American right now with these jerks in the Yellow Belly House.


My God, they surrendered to the Taliban and are now hanging people and burned a woman yesterday because she wasn't a good cook.


NICE GOING Biden ( and all the people that voted for him).

YOU ALL have blood on your hands..





Thursday, September 16, 2021

New Missouri COVID Whistleblower: HOSPITALS are LYING to the public about COVID… and I CAN PROVE IT

 Just because they say it.... doesn't make it true. They are making fools out of people. Think for yourself.






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New Missouri COVID Whistleblower: HOSPITALS are LYING to the public about COVID… and I CAN PROVE IT

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Another COVID whistleblower has come forward to allege that the statistics about ICU’s being overrun are wildly inflated, over-reported, and in many cases an outright LIE by political officials.

Josh Snider worked in facilities management at Missouri Baptist Medical Center or “MBMC”, “I watched our hospital administrators say in the media that our intensive care units were overflowing with COVID patients, at 98% capacity, knowing that it was a complete and utter lie.” 


nider relates that the MBMC hospital, part of a larger $5.5 billion annual network within the Barnes Jewish hospital system in St. Louis, Missouri, actually shut down three out of four floors of intensive care during COVID because they were UNUSED.


“And even after shutting down three-fourths of our ICU capacity, they were still never more than 50% full with that drastically reduced overall capacity. These medical systems that are saying they are overrun with COVID patients are likely LYING TO THE PUBLIC,” Snider said.

Empty hospital ICU wing during COVID: no COVID patients to admit!



Snider says that three out of floor ICU floors were closed because there were no COVID patients to put in them. So when hospitals like theirs say they are at 98% of capacity, they are LYING.


COVID whistleblower Josh Snider took photos of 3 of 4 of the MBMC ICU wings SHUT DOWN because there were no COVID patients to admit during the pandemic.

MBMC has refused to comment for this story after repeated requests for comment.


Snider provided documentary proof of the COVID case load of the MBMC system, whose COVID patients do not track national trends, and where the number of COVID patients in ICU were, at many points, a single, solitary person.

“I would have to adjust the airflow in some of the rooms of people in the ICU with COVID, they were fine. I believe in COVID, I know it’s serious, but I also personally saw people who were fine, they had a terminal case of boredom. I spoke with these people and they weren’t sick at all, they felt fine but were told they had to stay there. Many brought their PlayStations with them to waste away the days with video games instead.”


This matches news today from World Net Daily that many COVID hospitalizations were for mild or non-existent cases



The case charts published by the MBMC hospital chain also demonstrate that COVID hospitalizations were always very minor. Snider says their ICU COVID capacity was 60 patients.

Snider provided an INSIDER CHART from the hospital that shows VERY DIFFERENT NUMBERS than were being reported to the public and to the government.

This chart was INTERNAL and distributed to employees of MBMC. In it, you can see that the number of COVID patients in critical care was always under 20. The hospital shut down 3 of 4 ICU wings, and in the remaining one had the capacity for 60 beds/patients. They never came close to being at capacity for COVID ICU patients.

These charts, provided by Snider, show that there was a relatively normal track for COVID infections at the MBMC Center, an acute care facility in St. Louis. Even during periods of infection spikes in the national population, those spikes are not found in the hospital data. As well, the bottom line showing serious cases of COVID requiring intensive care remain significantly small and reduced throughout the months of the pandemic.


INTERNAL: on August 18, 2021, MBMC said they had 19 COVID patients in ICU.

EXTERNAL: on August 20, 2021, MBMC told the public they had 35.3 COVID patients in ICU.


Here is the chart generated from information submitted to the US Department of Health and Human Services, as published by the Gannett News Service:

The overstated COVID ICU statistics are visible here. Not only is this chart misrepresenting reality because it doesn’t account for the three ICU wings that were shut down, but the actual numbers presented are almost 100% off what they were reporting to employees internally.

The government reports this data very poorly on this site as well.

Snider has provided his personal statement, documentary evidence, and clear data discrepancies that all suggest that hospitals are not telling the public the truth about the COVID pandemic.

“The real flu season in the hospital was always more serious than COVID has been,” Snider said. “Flu season in a hospital is very challenging, and even the tamest flu season in years past was still worse than COVID has been so far. The people who have been suffering and sadly dying are clearly people who are hundreds of pounds overweight, and people with multiple other comorbidities like stage 4 cancer. I’m not a Doctor, but the response and panic to this virus is clearly wildly disproportionate to reality.”