Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Study: NBC, ABC, CBS Haven't Mentioned Hunter Biden in 259 Days






Study: NBC, ABC, CBS Haven't Mentioned Hunter Biden in 259 Days


hunter biden walks
Hunter Biden walks to Marine One on the Ellipse outside the White House May 22, 2021, in Washington, DC. (Photo by Brendan Smialowski / AFP via Getty Images)

By    |   Monday, 28 March 2022 06:56 PM

Corporate news giants such as NBC, CBS, and ABC, have not mentioned Hunter Biden's name in 259 days, according to a study conducted by the Media Research Center.

"It has now been 259 days — 37 weeks — since July 12, 2021. That's when any of the corrupt network newscasts last uttered the words 'Hunter Biden.' Scandal after scandal, nothing seems to shake the determination of the ABC, CBS, and NBC morning and evening news shows to keep the public from knowing about the President's wayward son and his sketchy financial and foreign dealings," Scott Whitlock, the research director of MRC, wrote.

According to Whitlock's analysis, programs such as ABC's "Good Morning America," "World News Tonight," CBS' morning offerings, "CBS Evening News," NBC's "Today," and "NBC Nightly News" have all not mentioned Hunter Biden since last July.

Despite the reluctance of some networks to mention Hunter, The New York Times confirmed earlier this month that "a cache of files ... appears to have come from a laptop abandoned by Mr. Biden in a Delaware repair shop."

The story of the laptop, first reported on by the New York Post in Oct. 2020, was censored by Twitter. But the story of the laptop's contents includes emails, text messages, photos, and financial documents between Hunter, his family, and business connections that would indicate Hunter was peddling his father's political influence. One instance mentioned in a Fox News report points to Hunter hawking his father's influence while sitting as a board member of a Ukrainian energy company, Burisma Holdings.

"In the nearly two weeks since that concession, the morning and evening newscasts on ABC, CBS and NBC have allowed ZERO coverage, totally censoring the revelation," Whitlock stated. "Twelve days after the Times confirmed that Hunter Biden's laptop is real, ABC, CBS and NBC are still silent. They need to say his name, report on this controversy, and all the other Hunter Biden scandals."

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If Will Smith is allowed to hit someone WITHOUT charges....EVERYONE should be able to get away with it too



What is good for ONE...is good for EVERYONE !!

Yahoo is not showing the whole story for Rowdy Spring Breakers.....they are NOT showing anyone of color



Damn WHITE spring breakers causing all the trouble at a Waffle House and the shooting etc.

 Listen to ALL the interviews of business owners  there. THEY ARE TELLING THE WHOLE TRUTH.




Monday, March 28, 2022

Will Smith is a THUG !!!



Violence is NOT how you support your family.

You were a favorite in this family....NOT anymore. Your movies will NEVER be shown in this house or in any family members house.




A REAL MAN would have handled it with class.

But don't worry... he WONT be punished....

everyone would say that he is getting punished because he is black.


Just shows that the Oscars are really for LOSERS !!


 From the three women hosts to crap like this....LOL






Saturday, March 26, 2022

Read these words... Biden said "get the vaccine" and it's all done. Okay Biden SECOND booster now?



Why are people so stupid to believe this crap? 


first....get a shot

then.... get second shot

then ....get booster

now second booster


Are you really that stupid?


When you get pregnant.... would you EVER allow the government to tell you to get an abortion?

No? You would NEVER allow anyone to tell you what to do to your body.......well why are they telling you to put these shots inside your body?

YOUNG people dying...athletes dying.... band members dying..people in office dying.......young kids dying.... tennis players dying.... soccor players dying...





(We want to be equal..we want to be equal..) Black News Channel Shuts Down Two Years After Launch, Will File For Bankruptcy


 MLK would be so ashamed of all these people SEPARATING the world.


What if this was called the "WHITE NEWS"? How many people would be in the streets burning down buildings and cars?

Tell the truth.... you KNOW I"M RIGHT.



Black News Channel Shuts Down Two Years After Launch, Will File For Bankruptcy

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Black News Channel is shutting down after originally launching in 2020 and will file for bankruptcy, according to an email sent to staff on Friday.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported:

The Black News Channel will shut down today at 5 p.m.

The Los Angeles Times broke the news the day after an email was sent to employees that they would not be getting their payroll checks on Friday. Majority stakeholder and Jacksonville Jaguars owner Shad Khan had invested about $50 million into BNC, but audience and revenues failed to meet the company’s hefty cost structure. He decided he couldn’t keep throwing more money at the operation, which has 230 employees, mostly people of color, the Times story said.

CEO and former CNN executive Princell Hair, who joined the operation last year, sent an email to staff mid-day Friday which noted that, “Unfortunately, due to challenging market conditions and global financial pressures, we have been unable to meet our financial goals, and the timeline afforded to us has run out. It’s with a broken heart that I am letting you all know that, effective immediately, BNC will cease live production and file for bankruptcy. We are saddened and disappointed by this reality and recognize the stress that this puts on you and your families.”

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