Thursday, June 8, 2023

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

New flag "trans lives matter".. and other flags "black lives matter".... WHEN WILL YOU SEE" WHITE LIVES MATTER" or "Asian Lives Matter", or "Brown lives Matter"????




Oh that's right......



Cowards... LOL

Outrageous! Christian Man Arrested for Reciting Bible Verse at Pride Event in Pennsylvania (VIDEO)


 (“Now in this country, ‘God’ is a derogatory term,” Atkins told The Lancaster Patriot. “That makes me sick to my stomach.”)







Outrageous! Christian Man Arrested for Reciting Bible Verse at Pride Event in Pennsylvania (VIDEO)


A Christian man was arrested while exercising his first amendment right at a Pride event held in Reading, Pennsylvania, on Saturday.

Reading the Bible in public places is generally considered a protected form of free speech under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. The First Amendment guarantees individuals the right to freedom of speech, which includes the right to express religious beliefs.

Damon Atkins, a devout Christian, attended the event to share his religious beliefs and to express his interpretation of scripture.

Reading’s first-ever “Pride March and Rally,” supported by Mayor Eddie Moran, drew dozens of people outside the City Hall.

Atkins walked up to a public sidewalk just across the street from City Hall, holding a slogan that says “Jesus said go and sin no more.”

Police Sergeant Bradley T. McClure approached Atkins to intervene and prevent him from reciting the Bible verse, emphasizing respect for the LGBTQ+ community’s pride rally. Atkins responded by asserting his right to freely express himself, citing the fact that they were in a public space.

Atkins continued and chose to read from 1 Corinthians 14:33, which states, “For God is not a God of disorder but of peace.” However, before he could finish reading the verse, McClure rushed toward Atkins and placed him under arrest.

It took less than sixty seconds for Atkins to be placed in handcuffs, according to The Lancaster Patriot.


As per a court document acquired by The Lancaster Patriot, Damon Atkins faced charges of “Disorderly Conduct Engage in Fighting.”

The criminal complaint entails “the intent to cause substantial public inconvenience, annoyance or alarm, or recklessly creating a risk thereof, he engages in fighting or threatening, or in violent or tumultuous behavior” and that Atkins “despite being warned by police just moments prior, yelled derogatory comments at an organization that was holding a permitted event.”

“Now in this country, ‘God’ is a derogatory term,” Atkins told The Lancaster Patriot. “That makes me sick to my stomach.”

Atkins is set to appear in court on June 16, and he is hoping to be represented by Alliance Defending Freedom.

Matthew Wear of Reading, who filmed the entire incident and reported it to The Lancaster Patriot, said that he had been preaching before Atkins’ arrival and was instructed to stop by the same police officer who later arrested Atkins.

“Today, as our family was driving out of Reading for a family adventure, we saw that there was a Pride rally at the City Hall building in Reading City,” Wear wrote on his Youtube.

“I saw two Christian protesters out there, and so I pulled us over and I came out to support and encourage them. I preached for 10 minutes or so until a tyrant cop laid hands on me and threatened to arrest me if I continued. 10 minutes later, another Christian protester came out. He stood his ground against the cop, and got arrested as shown in the clip. Most of the attendants, drag queens and children had come from out of town, either Lancaster, or as far away as New York. The locals in Reading were not “out in droves,” he added.

“The Gospel went out, but it got pretty rough pretty quickly. Didn’t have my GoPro or anything because I had no idea this was going on today. Just the Providence of God that we drove by it,” he concluded.

Watch the full video below:

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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016.

You can email Jim Hoft here, and read more of Jim Hoft's articles here.










Tuesday, June 6, 2023

When will the cowards stand up and be proud of being white and straight?




They are AFRAID to say WHITE and STRAIGHT.

Be proud of your family.... don't be ashamed of them.


Oh and BI RACIAL (talking about the black and white parents or blood line).... is still PART is NOT going to go away. White will always be part of them. Just because they are also black... it does NOT erase the white... how dumb to think that way... LOL






Bud Light to Donate $200,000 to ‘LGBTQ Business Owners of Color’



Bud Light to Donate $200,000 to ‘LGBTQ Business Owners of Color’

Bud Light has announced that it will donate $200,000 to LGBTQ business owners of color amid a massive boycott of the brand.

Anheuser-Bush has lost a jaw-dropping $27 billion in market value since partnering with controversial transgender activist and influencer Dylan Mulvaney in March.

On May 30, Bud Light announced in a quiet press release that they would donate $200,000 to the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce’s Communities of Color Initiative.

“Bud Light was brewed to be an ‘Easy to Drink, Easy to Enjoy’ beer for everyone 21+ and that still holds true today,” said Anheuser-Busch in the press release. “We look forward to extending our work with the NGLCC to continue making a positive impact on the LGBTQ+ businesses that play a critical role in bringing people everywhere, together.”

The company stated that the “initiative is designed to support the growth and success of minority LGBTQ+-owned businesses through certification, scholarships and business development in an effort to create equal opportunities for the economic advancement of small businesses in the LGBTQ+ community. The brand will also be supporting NGLCC’s first-ever CoCi Biz Pitch program, where the winning minority LGBTQ+ business owner will receive $5,000 and have the chance to go on to compete at the 2023 NGLCC International Business & Leadership Conference LGBT Biz Pitch Competition for $50,000 in cash and prizes.”

“We’re honored to continue our partnership with Bud Light in support of LGBTQ+ businesses,” said the NGLCC. “We appreciate the brand’s ongoing efforts to bolster our Communities of Color Initiative that empowers and supports both minority LGBTQ+ business owners and entrepreneurs, as well as the vital roles they play in communities across the United States.”

Anheuser-Busch noted that the company has “a strong track record of industry leadership in supporting the LGBTQ+ community.”

“Over the past 20 years Anheuser-Busch has supported both local and national non-profit organizations that are committed to advocating for LGBTQ+ equality,” the press release added.

The sizeable donation came after LGBTQ organizations began to demand that the company “reaffirm” its support for transgender people after trying to distance itself from the Mulvaney fiasco.

Jay Brown, a senior vice president at the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, has sent a letter to Anheuser-Busch’s head of human resources calling the company “cowardly” for attempting to back away from the scandal.

“In this moment, it is absolutely critical for Anheuser-Busch to stand in solidarity with Dylan and the trans community,” reads the letter obtained by The Hill.

“However, when faced with anti-LGBTQ+ and transphobic criticism, Anheuser-Busch’s actions demonstrate a profound lack of fortitude in upholding its values of diversity, equity, and inclusion to employees, customers, shareholders and the LGBTQ+ community,” the April 26 letter continued. “This not only lends credence to hate-filled rhetoric, it exposes Anheuser-Busch to long-term business impacts with employees and customers increasingly looking for steadfast commitment to LGBTQ+ corporate citizenships.”

The Hill reports, “according to the HRC letter, the group is preparing to lower Anheuser-Busch’s long-standing 100 percent Corporate Equality Index score, a national benchmarking tool on corporate policies, practices and benefits relevant to LGBTQ employees.”

Mulvaney, an adult biological male, has become controversial over his “Days of Girlhood” series on TikTok and meeting with President Joe Biden on “Day 222 of being a girl” to advocate for allowing minors to transition.

The activist-influencer said then, “I’m ready to step up and show that trans people are not going anywhere and that trans kids deserve a fighting chance to be their true selves.”






