Tuesday, August 1, 2023

(Real Men read their shirts) Activist Warns Democrats That They’re Failing to Reach Black Male Voters Ahead of 2024






(See... these are REAL MEN!  They use their brain and not depend on rumors on social media. AND They don't judge because of skin color. They research the FACTS




Activist Warns Democrats That They’re Failing to Reach Black Male Voters Ahead of 2024

Supporters with Blacks for Trump listen as President Trump speaks at his 2020 reelection campaign kickoff rally at the Amway Center, Orlando, FL, June 18, by Kristinn Taylor

A left wing activist has warned Democrats that they are failing to connect with black male voters in the run-up to the 2024 election.

Trump made impressive headway with black voters in 2016 and 2020, which is undoubtedly one of the reasons Democrats fear him so consistently.

This activist claimed that Democrats are focusing too much energy on reaching conservative white women.

FOX News reports:

Democrats ‘failing epically’ to reach Black male voters heading into 2024, activist warns

Democrats are worried about Black male voter turnout as they campaign for 2024 and some argue the party is “failing” to reach Black males and younger Black voters, the Washington Post reported.

Internal party analysis reportedly showed that Black male turnout and younger Black voter turnout were much lower in certain states in the 2022 midterms.

“The Democratic Party has been failing epically at reaching this demographic of Black men — and that’s sad to say,” W. Mondale Robinson, founder of the Black Male Voter Project, told the Washington Post. “Black men are your second-most stable base overwhelmingly, and yet you can’t reach them in a way that makes your work easier.”

Robinson told the outlet that Black men are “sporadic or non-voters” in multiple battleground states…

“We have to meet them where they are and we have to show them why the political process matters and what we have accomplished that benefits them,” Cedric L. Richmond, a senior adviser at the Democratic National Committee, told the outlet.

A small change in the number of black voters in 2024 could change the outcome.

This is precisely why Democrats depend so heavily on false accusations of racism. They have nothing else.


Saturday, July 29, 2023

Election Interference: YouTube Takes Down James O’Keefe’s Interview with Presidential Candidate Robert Kennedy, Jr.




Election Interference: YouTube Takes Down James O’Keefe’s Interview with Presidential Candidate Robert Kennedy, Jr.

On Friday, James O’Keefe published his interview with Democratic presidential candidate Robert Kennedy, Jr. The two luminaries discussed lawsuits, Anthony Fauci, Fear as a political tool, the FBI, the presidency and more.

The interview was posted on Twitter and YouTube.

Unfortunately, YouTube took the video down saying, “This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s Community Guidelines.”

YouTube is doing its best to interfere in the 2024 election. They are afraid of Robert Kennedy, Jr. The more you hear him the more you agree.

Again, this is election interference.

Trending Politics posted reaction.

Hasn’t everything Robert Kennedy, Jr. said turned out to be true?

Photo of author
Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016.

You can email Jim Hoft here, and read more of Jim Hoft's articles here.


Please read every word)Transgender Seeks Assisted Suicide in Canada, Claiming It’s the Only Way to End Suffering from Vaginoplasty Complication




Transgender Seeks Assisted Suicide in Canada, Claiming It’s the Only Way to End Suffering from Vaginoplasty Complication


China-linked Bio Lab in Fresno Co, California Had Over 900 Mice “Genetically Engineered to Catch and Carry the Covid-19 Virus”




China-linked Bio Lab in Fresno Co, California Had Over 900 Mice “Genetically Engineered to Catch and Carry the Covid-19 Virus”

On March 3, an illegal bio lab was discovered in a believed-to-be vacant building in Reedley, California in Fresno County. City code enforcement stumbled upon the building in December 2022 when they discovered a garden hose running up into the building through a hole in the wall.  In March, they obtained a warrant to inspect the property, and in April, the Fresno County Department of Public Health ordered an inspection of the facility.

Investigators inspected the building that contained the lab in July and found a room used to make COVID-19 tests and pregnancy tests.  They also found over 35 freezers and refrigeration units that contained “thousands of bodily fluids, serums, tissues, and other medical items.”

According to the Mid Valley Times:

According to a declaration from Humero Prado, Assistant Director of Fresno County Public Health, which was filed in superior court, investigators discovered that one room of the warehouse was used to produce COVID-19 and pregnancy tests. In other rooms, investigators found blood, tissue and other bodily fluid samples. They also found thousands of vials that contained unlabeled fluids.

Over 900 mice were located at the facility. Court documents identify Wang Zhaolin as the Prestige representative onsite during the investigation. Zhaolin informed the investigators that “these mice were genetically engineered to catch and carry the COVID-19 virus.” Court documents describe the conditions under which the mice were housed as “inhumane.”

From May 2 through May 4, the CDC’s Division of Select Agents and Toxins inspected 850 I Street. Court documents confirm the CDC found potentially infectious agents at the location. These included both bacterial and viral agents, including chlamydia, E. Coli, streptococcus pneumonia, hepatitis B and C, herpes 1 and 5 and rubella. The CDC also found samples of malaria.

That phone call launched an investigation that would eventually involve the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the FBI, the State Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), the State Department of Health, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and FCDPH, and would lead to the discovery of a lab that had been operating illegally in the city since October 2022. For FCDPH Director David Luchini and FCDPH Assistant Director Joe Prado, the amount of biological materials and chemicals – over 800 – found at the lab was a first.

The company alleged to be running the lab, Prestige BioTech, is based out of Nevada and is the successor to Universal Meditech, Inc (UMI).  In Dec. 2022, the FDA announced a recall over 56,000 “Skippack Medical Lab” Rapid Anti-Gen COVID-19 tests distributed by UMI to California and Texas.

Another representative of Prestige BioTech, David He, dodged questions regarding accountability and ownership of the company and whether or not they were properly disposing of the hundreds of dead mice.  Prestige would not confirm if the biologics contained in the lab were theirs.

Prestige BioTech was able to operate 35 freezers and refrigeration devices without anyone questioning the electrical draw that would be required for a building that “was supposed to be vacant,” according to City Manager Nicole Zieba.  When investigators entered the building on July 5th, however, the power to the refrigerators and freezers “was lost” but the biological samples were still frozen.

Court documents show that “48 containers (appx. 44 gallons per container) full of biological material and medical waste” were removed on one day followed by another 31 the next day for a total of 75 containers full of biological material and medical waste.

According to court documents reported by NBC News, court documents claim “the other addresses provided for identified authorized agents were either empty offices or addresses in China that could not be verified.”


Does she looked worried?) Carlee Russell Charged in Connection with Kidnapping Hoax – Faces Up to 2 Years in Jail

 (Come on she's NOT worried. Is that her mugshot?)





Carlee Russell Charged in Connection with Kidnapping Hoax – Faces Up to 2 Years in Jail

Alabama police announced charges against hoaxer Carlee Russell for lying about being kidnapped by a man with orange hair and taken away in an 18-wheeler.

Earlier this month Carlee Russell vanished after she called 911 to report she saw a stranded toddler walking on the side of a highway.

Russell’s abrupt disappearance led to a nationwide effort to find the 25-year-old nursing student.

Carlee Russell suddenly reappeared after going missing for 49 hours.

Police were suspicious of her kidnapping story after they were unable to determine where Russell was during those 49 hours after she made the 911 call.

Russell initially told police she was forced into an 18-wheeler truck where she was taken to a residence and told to undress.

She then told police that the man and woman took nude photos of her.

Internet searches revealed Carlee Russell was likely lying to investigators.

“Investigators, with assistance from Secret Service, analyzed Russell’s cellphone for the days leading up to her disappearance. Officials did say that before she vanished, she made internet searches about paying for Amber Alerts, how to take money from a register without getting caught and the movie “Taken.”” NBC News reported.

On Monday Carlee Russell admitted to fabricating the kidnapping.

Authorities hit Carlee Russell with two misdemeanor charges: false reporting to law enforcement authorities and falsely reporting an incident, NBC News reported.

Russell faces up to two years in jail and fines.

Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall said more charges against Russell may be forthcoming.

“Her decisions that night created panic and alarm for the citizens of our city and even across the nation as concern grew that a kidnapper was on the loose using a small child as bait,” Police Chief Nicholas Derzis said. “The story opened wounds for families whose loved ones really were victims of kidnappings, some of which even helped organize searches.”

NBC News reported:

Carlee Russell, the Alabama nursing student who claimed she was kidnapped for 49 hours in a stunt she later confessed was a lie, was charged with two misdemeanors in connection with the hoax, police announced Friday.

The arrest warrant was issued earlier today, Hoover Police Chief Nicholas C. Derzis said in a news conference.

She surrendered to authorities, accompanied by her attorney, at the Hoover City Jail to face two misdemeanor charges: false reporting to law enforcement authorities and falsely reporting an incident, he said.

The charges carried a bond of $1,000 each and are punishable by up to a year in jail and a $6,000 fine if convicted, the chief said. Russell was released from jail after posting bond.

Watch the Hoover Police Department’s press conference on the Carlee Russell hoax:








Primal Blood Pressure

Not One 8th Grade Student at the Lebron James Akron School Has Passed a State Math Test in 3 Years

 (Wait... how many OTHER schools have the same record? How many teachers PUSH the kids through? Come on... it happens )





Not One 8th Grade Student at the Lebron James Akron School Has Passed a State Math Test in 3 Years


Japanese man who spent $16K to become a ‘dog’ shares video of 1st public walk




Japanese man who spent $16K to become a ‘dog’ shares video of 1st public walk



A Japanese man who shelled out thousands of dollars on a realistic rough collie costume to fulfill his childhood dream of becoming a dog has shared a video of his first public walk.

The video: The man, known only by his canine moniker “Toco,” can be seen interacting with people and other dogs in the five-minute video, which was posted on his YouTube channel last Friday. Toco said it was filmed last year during an interview with German TV station RTL.

“Thankfully, I received permission to use the videos, so I am releasing them to the public! On the day of the interview, they were very kind to me,” Toco wrote in the description.

As in most of his videos, Toco masterfully behaves like a four-legged furball. His stunt appears to be well-received by both bystanders and their own dogs, although some dogs show initial fear after approaching Toco.


What we know about Toco: Toco rose to global fame last year after commissioning model and sculpture company Zeppet to create the costume for him. The whole thing cost him 2 million yen, or around $15,700 at the time.

Since then, Toco has chronicled his journey on his YouTube channel, which now has about 31,000 subscribers. Most of his videos are filmed indoors, which makes the latest one extra special.

While fans celebrate Toco for living his dream, the anonymous canine has been adamant about not revealing his identity, particularly with coworkers. “I don't want my hobbies to be known, especially by the people I work with,” he told the Daily Mail last year.

Even with friends, Toco remains careful. “I rarely tell my friends because I am afraid they will think I am weird,” he told the Mirror in December.

Online reactions: Toco’s latest video has drawn many positive reactions, but some — likely those watching him for the first time — remain shocked at his appearance and antics.

“Now this is a unique surprise. I never thought you would go into the public,” one YouTube user commented. “I'm glad you had a good time.”

Another wrote, “This is the most bizarre and insane thing I’ve ever seen.”

“This is THE weirdest thing I've seen in a long time,” another user declared. “All those people laughing and acting like it's a dog doing tricks – no! It's a weirdo in a dog costume, stop it!”

Meanwhile, one fan urged others to open their minds:

Alright, I'm done with everyone talking crap in the comment section. Not understanding one man's dream is a thing, despising him because you find his dream weird is another. Like come on, let the guy enjoy his life to its fullest, let him achieve his dream the only way he can. We don't all have normies dreams, and some of our dreams are not attainable. He managed to go halfway through one of them and this is great. So yeah, I support Toco through his journey as a human-dog, to be the best Collie he can be. If the world were more open-minded, we wouldn't be afraid to be ourselves, when it doesn't hurt anyone.