Thursday, July 29, 2021

Another coronavirus variant has reached Florida. Here's what you need to know.( Hey Joe.. all those millions that you are bringing here are bringing more of this crap)


Another coronavirus variant has reached Florida. Here's what you need to know.

College students from Iowa enjoy their time on Clearwater Beach during Spring Break, as the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic continues, in Clearwater, Florida, U.S. March 19, 2021. REUTERS/Octavio Jones

A coronavirus variant discovered in Colombia is showing up among patients in South Florida, increasing infections and putting health officials on alert as calls grow louder for unvaccinated individuals to get inoculated.

Carlos Migoya, CEO of Jackson Health System, told WPLG in Miami earlier this week that the B.1.621 variant has accounted for about 10% of coronavirus patients, trailing behind delta, the now dominant variant in the United States that's been ravaging the nation's unvaccinated, and the gamma variant. B.1.621 has yet to receive a Greek-letter designation as more prominent variants have.

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Migoya told the news station that he speculated B.1.621 is likely rising in South Florida because of international travel between Colombia and Miami, which serves as a gateway to Latin America.

A person who replied to an email sent from The Washington Post to Migoya's office said he was unavailable to comment.

Health experts will keep B.1.621 on their radar as the fall season looms and as parts of the country still lag in their vaccination efforts, experts told The Post.

Video: Fauci and Walensky comment on new CDC mask guidance

The earliest documented samples of B.1.621 were noted in January, and at least 16 cases have been recently reported in the United Kingdom, where health officials have noted that the majority of cases linked to the variant were the result of international travel.

Public Health England noted last week that there is currently no evidence to indicate that the variant causes more severe disease or evades the efficacy of vaccines. Yet, the agency has designated the variant to be under investigation as it continues to conduct lab testing to better understand the impact mutations have on the coronavirus.

The European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention has also chosen to assign the variant as one of interest, as evidence could suggest significant impact, but also noting that much of the data is preliminary and marked with many questions.

In the United States, the variant has yet to be named a variant of interest of concern, accounting for just more than 2.1% of cases as of July 17, noted John Sellick, a professor at the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at the University at Buffalo.

"The only time it becomes important is if it gives virus selective advantage, which we've seen with delta variant," he said. "We'll see with this one. . . . What we have to see is two weeks from now, or four weeks from now, is this going to do another trick and wind up being more?"

Sellick noted how quickly the delta variant went from accounting for just more than 10% of cases at the beginning of June to more than 80% of cases by mid July.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is monitoring more than 10 other variants in addition to B.1.621 that's popping up in South Florida.

Only time will provide more information about B.1.621, Sellick said.

"If this thing is really more transmissible and goes from two percent [of infections] to 30 percent or to 60 percent; we don't want to see that," he said. "It has to be more fit than the delta variant. It would have to be more transmissible."

It doesn't take much time for variants to spread, especially among unvaccinated people, said Preeti N. Malani, chief health officer and a professor of medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases at the University of Michigan.

Malani pointed to drug company Biogen's annual leadership conference in February 2020, from which the coronavirus spread across Massachusetts and the country, as an example of how quickly variants can spread.

"If you have a lot of unvaccinated people gathering and then they're going back home, you could have very rapid transmission in few weeks," she said.

Concerns about variants really set in when they are more contagious or elude the vaccine, she said.

Many worries about variants and further infections can be mitigated with more people choosing to get vaccinated, but that effort has become like a "whack-a-mole" initiative as new variants emerge and fears about vaccination hinder progress, she said.

"This concept of risk is interesting. We understand we take risks with a lot of things," she said, mentioning car travel or late-night dog walks as examples. "With coronavirus, that risk seems so high to some to and others it's not. [The risk is] somewhere in the middle. The risk of vaccination is really rare. As we move forward, the risk is not going to go to zero anytime soon."

As the Delta variant continues to cause havoc across the country along with other coronavirus variants making their debut in new infections, it might be time to reconsider travel and social plans even if one is vaccinated, experts say.

"This is a novel coronavirus. We're still learning about it," Malani said. "Each of these variants bring new challenges."


Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Biden Hater's Banners That Town Called Obscene Can Stay Up, Court Rules (Freedom of speech for ALL even if you don't agree)





Biden Hater's Banners That Town Called Obscene Can Stay Up, Court Rules

Andrea Dick outside her home in Roselle Park, N.J., on July 19, 2021. (Bryan Anselm/The New York Times)
Andrea Dick outside her home in Roselle Park, N.J., on July 19, 2021. (Bryan Anselm/The New York Times)

A New Jersey woman can leave up several banners that use what local officials called an obscenity to express her hostility toward President Joe Biden, a state court ruled Tuesday.

The ruling came after the woman, Andrea Dick of Roselle Park, enlisted the American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey to fight a municipal judge’s order that she take the banners off a fence outside the house where she lives with her mother or face $250 a day in fines.

After the civil liberties group joined the case, Roselle Park officials backpedaled on their earlier demand that Dick take down the banners and effectively dropped the matter.

“I feel amazing,” Dick, 54, said after the Superior Court of New Jersey dismissed the case, which was brought against her mother, Patricia Dilascio, who owns the home where the banners have hung since the Memorial Day weekend.

“I’m glad it’s over,” added Dick, who said she had gotten angry calls and at least 20 pieces of hate mail from as far away as California, North Carolina and Texas after reports about the dispute over the banners attracted national attention.

The clash was the latest such episode to emerge from America’s fractured political landscape and to highlight the delicate balance local officials must sometimes strike between defending free speech and responding to concerns about language that some residents find offensive.

The conflict involved three of 10 banners that Dick, a die-hard supporter of former President Donald Trump, had hung at the house. They included a crude word whose use the Supreme Court long ago ruled could not be restricted simply to protect those it offends.

Roselle Park officials, citing complaints from neighbors and concerns that children on their way to a nearby school could be exposed to the vulgar language, asked Dick to remove the banners. When she did not, she was issued a summons for violating a local obscenity ordinance and ordered to appear in borough court.

There, Judge Gary A. Bundy ruled against Dick, saying there were “alternative methods for the defendant to express her pleasure or displeasure with certain political figures in the United States” and noting the home’s proximity to a school.

“Freedom of speech is not simply an absolute right,” Bundy added, while noting that “the case is not a case about politics. It is a case, pure and simple, about language. This ordinance does not restrict political speech.”

Dick vowed to challenge the ruling on free speech grounds, and the civil liberties group stepped in, filing a brief on her behalf in Superior Court. At that point, Roselle Park officials reversed course and dismissed the summons.

In a statement, Jarrid H. Kantor, the borough attorney, said Roselle Park stood by the summons and agreed with Bundy’s decision.

“However,” Kantor continued, “the borough feels that the continued attention garnered by the inappropriate display and the escalating costs to the taxpayers of continuing to litigate the matter causes far greater harm to the borough, as a whole, than good.”

Mayor Joseph Signorello III called the matter a “moral loss” for Roselle Park, a town of 14,000 people about a 40-minute drive from Times Square that voted overwhelmingly for Biden in November.

“Those signs are offensive,” said Signorello, a Democrat. “And were I a neighbor, I would be offended.”

“You cannot legislate decency,” he added, “and I think that’s a sad reality.”

The civil liberties group hailed the court’s action as an “uncomplicated” victory for free speech.

“The First Amendment exists specifically to make sure people can express strong opinions on political issues, or any other matter, without fear of punishment by the government,” Amol Sinha, the executive director of the group’s New Jersey chapter, said in a statement.

Alexander Shalom, the group’s senior supervising attorney, responded to Kantor’s reference to the potential cost of litigation by saying it was “fiscally prudent” for Roselle Park to drop the matter because it was “a sure loser for them.”

Thomas Healy, a Seton Hall University law professor, had predicted in an earlier interview that the move to compel Dick to remove the banners was doomed. He cited a 1971 Supreme Court decision, Cohen v. California, that turned on the question of whether the same word at issue in Dick’s case was obscene.

“I’m not surprised,” Healy said Tuesday after learning that Roselle Park officials had backed off. “They never should have brought the case to begin with.” Still, he added, it was “no small matter to put Ms. Dick through this.”

Conflicts like the one involving Dick have come up this year on Long Island; in Indiana, Tennessee and Connecticut; and elsewhere.

On Wednesday, the code enforcement board in Punta Gorda, Florida, is set to rule on a summons issued to a resident for violating a recently adopted indecency provision by displaying an anti-Biden banner with a similarly crude message.

Jay Nadelson, a member of the board, said he believed the provision was unconstitutional. Asked how he thought the meeting on Wednesday would go, he said he expected it to be “contentious.”

Signorello of Roselle Park said the borough planned to alter its regulations to limit how much signage can appear on a homeowner’s property. Dick’s banners would most likely not be subject to any new rules because she hung them before any changes occurred, he said.

As far as Dick is concerned, the banners are not going anywhere.

“What’s up there is staying until I’m told differently,” she said.

© 2021 The New York Times Company


Tuesday, July 27, 2021

The President LIED when he said get vax and go without mask



Don't YOU feel stupid now? You should.... just ANOTHER lie. Just because someone says something....doesn't mean it's true.


He will be caring for you for another 3 1/2 years... tee hee









parents need to be parents NOT friends



YOU are screwing your kids up




Dallas Black Supremacist Org Demands White Liberals Pledge Not To Send Children To Ivy League Schools (read every word and pass on)





Dallas Black Supremacist Org Demands White Liberals Pledge Not To Send Children To Ivy League Schools


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Dallas Justice NOW, a Texas-based black supremacist group, are demanding white Americans pledge to never attend Ivy League schools and any other top school in the United States and instead amend centuries of institutional racism by reserving spots in elite institutions for minorities.

Despite being white and wealthy, Caucasian Americans have proven their willingness to support black supremacy with loyalty to the Democrat Party and Black Lives Matter, Dallas Justice NOW argues in an open letter sent to residents of Texas’ Highland Park Independent School District.


But championing Democrats and Black Lives Matter does not relegate white privilege, the racial activist group states.

“We are writing to you because we understand you are white and live within the Highland Park Independent School District and thus benefit from enormous privileges taken at the expense of communities of color,” the racial activist group states. “You live in the whitest and wealthiest neighborhood in Dallas. Whether you know it or not, you earned or inherited your money through oppressing people of color.

However, it is also our understanding that you are a Democrat and supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement which makes you one of our white allies and puts you in a position to help correct these crucial injustices. We need you to step up and back up your words with actions and truly sacrifice to make our segregated city more just.

White Americans must sacrifice their privilege by committing to keeping their children out of Ivy Leagues schools, allowing only minorities and students from marginalized communities to attend the elite institutions, and persuading their white privileged cohorts to do the same, DJN implores.

“We are asking you to pledge that your children will not apply or attend any IVY League School or US News & World Report Top 50 School. If you do not have children under 18 then we ask you to pledge to hold your white privileged friends, family, and neighbors with children to this standard,” the letter continues. “These schools have afforded white families for generations. Having your children attend these schools takes away spaces from students of color who really need the job opportunities, education and influence that these schools provide.

Rich, white Americans who refuse to comply with the pledge are perpetuating racism, the group argued.

We know that this sounds like a tough commitment to make. But it is truly disheartening to see wealthy folks sanding charitable donations, posting #BlackLivesMatter on social media, or putting up yard signs as if to say that minimal effort is all they are prepared to do in the fight for racial justice,” the pledge states. “The quest for justice requires commitment from our white allies and we thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in making such a commitment.”

In a pledge published its website, Dallas Justice Now doubles down its rebuke of white Americans


“As a white person with privilege both from my whiteness and my neighborhood I recognize the need to make sacrifices for the purpose of correcting hundreds of years of murder, slavery, discrimination, and lack of educational and economic opportunities perpetrated upon people of color. I understand that access to top schools is a key component in economic and social advancement. Therefore, I commit that my children will not apply to or attend any Ivy League School or US News & World Report Top 50 School so that position at that school is available for people of color to help correct historical wrongs,” the pledge states. “If I do not have children under 18 then I will commit to encouraging my white privileged friends, neighbors, and family members with children to sign the pledge and holding them accountable until they do so.”






Monday, July 26, 2021

Take your city back




Don't allow anyone to cause harm to your family.


I have given up on society. NOTHING but loud mouth nasty women and thugs for men.



We have never been so disappointed in people as this past weekend.


Not men and women...they were loud screaming nasty females and the men were just as bad.


They couldn't even speak ONE FULL sentence of proper English. 


How embarrassing for them.