Wednesday, August 21, 2019

That S O B.....


Disgraced Judge Lay in Wait to Kill Ex-Wife After She Dropped Off Kids: ‘Singular Mission to Murder’

Harriet Sokmensuer,People 1 hour 38 minutes ago

Dad handcuffed after arguing with school officials over daughter's dress code violation

(Again why does anyone think that they are special and the laws or rules aren't for them?)


Dad handcuffed after arguing with school officials over daughter's dress code violation

Hope Schreiber,Yahoo Lifestyle 12 hours ago

Waymon Arms, 40, was taken into custody after causing a scene at his 16-year-old daughter's high school after she was suspended for violating the dress code. (Photo: Metro Nashville Police Department)
Waymon Arms, 40, was taken into custody after causing a scene at his 16-year-old daughter's high school following her suspension for violating the dress code. (Photo: Metro Nashville Police Department)
A Nashville father was put into a chokehold by school resource officers after he and his 16-year-old daughter refused to leave her high school. The incident, which stemmed from an argument regarding the dress code, was partially captured on video.

According to Metro Nashville police department, Waymon Arms Jr., 40, and his daughter entered Stratford High School on Monday after the 16-year-old student was suspended on Friday for a dress code violation.

It is unclear how the student violated the dress code, but according to the school's website, students must wear white, black, or gray shirts with a collar and khaki or black pants, skirts, or shorts. The Metro Nashville Public School student handbook's discipline table shows that a dress code violation would not result in out-of-school suspension or expulsion.

When the student was asked to leave by school personnel, both she and her father left the office, with the teen continuing towards classrooms instead of the exit. The father and daughter then began to argue with school officials and refused to leave, despite multiple requests.

"It was at this point that School Resource Officers George Patonis and Akira McSwain attempted to intervene," the Metro Nashville police department said in a statement provided to Yahoo Lifestyle
"After repeated requests for Arms and his daughter to leave were ignored, Officer Patonis attempted to arrest him. Arms resisted arrest for about four minutes during which he went to the ground and placed both of his arms under his body, presumably to avoid being handcuffed."

During the struggle, Officer Patonis "briefly had his arm at Arms' neck," which is captured on video. The teenager also allegedly kicked Officer McSwain and administrative personnel. Eventually, both Arms and the teenager were taken into custody.

Arms reported no injuries to an intake nurse at the Metro jail. He was charged with disorderly conduct, criminal trespassing, and resisting arrest. He is currently free on a $1,500 bond.

Arms' 16-year-old daughter was charged in Juvenile Court with two counts of assault against school administrators, two counts of assault against police, disorderly conduct, and trespassing.

"A use-of-force review will be conducted concerning Officer Patonis’ actions," the police department said in the statement. "He is a 25-year MNPD veteran who has been working with students and staff at Stratford High School for the past 16 years."

Representatives for Stratford High School and Metro Nashville Public Schools did not immediately respond to Yahoo Lifestyle’s requests for comment.


Tuesday, August 20, 2019

(Lay over in Omaha at Airport).......Today Omaha news said that it is BLACK BISNESS MONTH. Huhhhhh???

(update what was said again. Read bottom of page.)

Could there ever be a White business month?.... hell no! And NO other color either.

How the hell is there "black" everything without calling it racist?

What is going on in this world? You should have seen the people in the airport when they also heard the news report.

How is anything calling out ANY SINGLE COLOR okay? Black White Brown Purple Green etc... ONE color is wrong. It separates all of us.

Deborah Dogba started Business Seals Consulting Firm in 2018, but this isn't her first time owning a business.

"I do have experience, how business is done in different parts of the world," Dogba said.
She is from Africa and owned businesses there. She said the diversity of business owners in Omaha only helps the metro area.

"It enriches the culture and businesses here," Dogba said.

Dogba said there is a lack of black business owners. 

"There could be more. A lot of people have great ideas they just don't know how to put it together to make it a source of income," Dogba said.

"Its all about supply and demand. We're trying to make available services that you don't have to go as far to get," Felicia's Beauty and Barber Shop owner Felicia Russell said.

Russell said she's seen black businesses come a long way.

"I think right now we are in touch with the community and meet their needs," Russell said.

Russell has had her business for over a decade, but for someone just starting out finding the footing can be hard.

"As I'm learning while I'm doing this. There is no one here to show me who to talk to," Catering by Terrance owner Terrance Tilson said.

Tilson worked his catering business from the ground up using social media as the main form of advertising.

Dogba said she helps business owners that feel overwhelmed. 

"First step is to sit down with them and listen to their ideas and brainstorm and work on a vision," Dogba said. 

Just like many entrepreneurs the business ventures don't stop. Tilson already has plans for expansions. 

"My five-year plan is to have a couple of different locations up and running," Tilson said. 

"Omaha still needs those people to come forward and get help as much as they can to start their own business," Dogba said. 

Dogba recommends new or future business owners to check our The Start Center. You can sign up for classes.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Dress code is dress code. Why do you think that you are special?

Follow the rules like everyone else. 

Tough crap.... follow the rules.

Everyone else is following the rules....stop being a cry baby.


Friday, August 16, 2019

She wanted a late-night hookup, but he fell asleep. So she burned his house down, police say


She wanted a late-night hookup, but he fell asleep. So she burned his house down, police say

 Jim Walsh,USA TODAY 2 hours 17 minutes ago
WOODBURY, N.J. – A New Jersey woman is accused of torching a man's house after he invited her over for late-night sex, then fell asleep and did not hear her at his door.

Taija Russell, 29, was arrested Tuesday in connection with a fire that destroyed a home earlier this month, said Woodbury police.

Police accuse Russell of sending a series of angry texts to the slumbering resident, then buying lighter fluid, matches and a lighter at a nearby gas station around 4 a.m. on Aug. 4.

She's accused of setting a fire outside the sole doorway to the man's home, then fleeing as the flames spread, according to a probable cause statement for her arrest.

The victim, whose name has not been released, awoke around 4:30 a.m. to find flames blocking the exit from his smoke-filled residence. He escaped by physically removing a window frame and climbing through the opening, police said.

Taija Russell of Gloucester Township
The man, described as "covered head to toe in soot and ash" and wearing only a T-shirt, then ran around two-tenths of a mile to Woodbury's police station.

He "frantically" announced that his residence was burning, then ran back to his home, says the probable cause statement.

The victim was taken to a hospital to be treated for smoke inhalation and first- and second-degree burns, according to police.

Firefighters from Woodbury and surrounding towns responded to the blaze, saving the man's dog.

'Extremely organized': Wave of arson attacks targets scores of cars in Sweden
Elsewhere in Jersey: Man charged with attempted arson after bringing gas cans into St. Patrick's Cathedral, police say

"The residence and its contents were completely destroyed," says the probable cause statement, which notes the fire was determined to be an arson.

Police then learned of texts sent by Russell to the victim, which included "I see you wanna die" and "You wasted my money to come out here."

The victim's phone also showed eight missed calls, according to the probable cause statement.

The man told police he'd invited Russell to his home "and stated that she was a 'side chick' whom he had been having a sexual relationship with," it adds.

Video surveillance showed the woman outside the man's house "just prior to the fire" and making a purchase at a Conoco station on Mantua Pike, police said.

Russell is being held on charges of attempted murder, aggravated arson, endangering and criminal mischief.

The incident marked the second time this year a woman was accused of setting fire to a man's home in Woodbury.

A city woman, 33-year-old Tasia Young, was charged with aggravated arson and other crimes in April.
According to police, Young confessed she engaged in a threesome at her boyfriend's duplex, then became angry when he sent her home and the other woman stayed.

Police said Young also bought lighter fluid and matches at the same gas station.


Thursday, August 15, 2019

Five Burger King Workers Were Fired For Drawing A Derogatory Cartoon Pig On A Police Officer’s Order

(This is YOUR future. What a bunch of disrespectful idiots. Some day YOU will be very old can you imagine the home invasions, messing with your food orders, telling you that YOUR opinion is wrong and WILL be changed etc. Good Luck to YOU and YOUR KIDS.)


Five Burger King Workers Were Fired For Drawing A Derogatory Cartoon Pig On A Police Officer’s Order

3 hours ago
Photo credit: Facebook / Getty

Burger    King doesn’t mess around when it comes to tampering with food. The fast-food chain reacted swiftly after five of its workers drew a pig on the order of a local cop.

Timo Rosenthal, a police officer in New Mexico, swung by the establishment to order a burger for a mid-shift lunch. After driving away, he noticed the workers went a little off script while preparing his meal. Someone had taken a sharpie and drawn a pig with large eyes and a police badge on the white bag. Then, when he opened the burger, Rosenthal noticed it was burned.

Rosenthal took to Facebook to share his experience with friends and family. He captioned the photo, "Well, while on lunch break (and in uniform) I ordered food at Burger King and received this. The patties were burnt and the burger was of very poor quality. Guess that was the last time I ate at Burger King in Clovis, NM."

The post has since gone viral. As of this post, it had 1.5K shares and 4.4K comments. Soon after posting the photo, the officer was invited on Fox & Friends to share his story. "I saw the pig and I was like 'Wow, this is kind of funny,'" he said in the interview. "You know, I have a good sense of humor, I'm an immigrant, so, we have good sense of humors. But once I opened up the burger and saw the burned patties and the poor quality of the burger, I knew it wasn't a joke, I knew it was out of spite."

When Burger King heard about the incident, they swiftly fired the employees involved, issued an apology, and announced they'd be sending a catered lunch to the Clovis Police Department "as a gesture of good will." A spokesperson for the company said, "What occurred is unacceptable and not in line with our brand values."

Rosenthal added that he doesn't blame Burger King for what happened and appreciates how they responded to the matter. "It's the fault of a few people that worked there and they [Burger King] took swift action and got them fired."



One Million at Woodstock and no violence.

Things that make you go Hmmmm