Sunday, April 5, 2020

Coronavirus at beaches? Surfers, swimmers should stay away, scientist says

Coronavirus at beaches? Surfers, swimmers should stay away, scientist says
Rosanna Xia
LA TimesApril 2, 2020
Kim Prather, a leading atmospheric chemist at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, wants to yell out her window at every surfer, runner, and biker she spots along the San Diego coast.

“I wouldn't go in the water if you paid me $1 million right now,” she said.

The beach, in her estimation, is one of the most dangerous places to be these days, as the novel coronavirus marches silently across California.

Many beachgoers know they can suffer skin rashes, stomach illness and serious ear and respiratory infections if they go into the water within three days of a heavy rain, because of bacteria and pathogens washing off roads and into the ocean. Raw or poorly treated sewage entering the ocean also poses major health risks.

Prather fears that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, could enter coastal waters in similar ways and transfer back into the air along the coast.

In her research, Prather has found that the ocean churns up all kinds of particulate and microscopic pathogens, and every time the ocean sneezes with a big wave or two, it sprays these particles into the air. She believes that this new coronavirus is light enough to float through the air much farther than we think. The six-feet physical distancing rule, she said, doesn't apply at the beach, where coastal winds can get quite strong and send viral particles soaring.

“It's not going to kill you if you miss a few surfing sessions, but it could if you go out there and get in the wrong air," she said.

“You can't see the virus, you can't smell it ... It's a real silent killer right now.”

Scientists across the globe are scrambling to learn the basic characteristics of the virus, and so far, neither the World Health Organization, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention nor local health agencies have warned that the virus can be spread by ocean spray or coastal breezes. However, they have warned that it can be spread by droplets from sneezes and coughs, and by coming into contact with it on surfaces.

And though the virus has been detected in sewage, scientists are still investigating whether it remains infectious in fecal matter — and whether it survives treatment in a wastewater facility.

People walk along the beach in Coronado, which is among the few remaining beaches open in San Diego County on March 29, 2020. (K.C. Alfred/The San Diego Union-Tribune)
In the eyes of California health officials, beaches pose a health threat by drawing large crowds of people who will congregate too closely and trigger a chain of infections.

It hasn’t been easy keeping Californians off the beach even with those concerns, despite stay-at-home orders and officials urging the public to avoid crowding popular areas. By now most beaches, trails and parks in California have been roped off in an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19, which has overwhelmed hospitals and escalated medical emergencies across the nation and world.
Even the Coastal Commission, usually the gatekeeper of California’s landmark law that declares access to the beach is a fundamental right, is allowing local officials to put up temporary signs and barricades — citing the emergency need to protect public health and safety.
Patrol cars and loudspeakers can be heard blasting social distancing rules along Ocean Avenue in Santa Monica. In Manhattan Beach, a surfer was slapped with a $1,000 fine after he ignored numerous warnings by police and lifeguards cautioning him not to go in the water.


The Hermosa Beach Police Department closed off the strand. (Jay L. Clendenin/ Los Angeles Times)Prather, who directs the Center for Aerosol Impacts on Chemistry of the Environment, a large research hub at Scripps backed by $40 million from the National Science Foundation, sent her researchers and students home long before California officials issued stay-at-home orders. She suspected this virus was contagious by air, and knew from past studies that coronaviruses can be excreted in fecal matter. She worries SARS-CoV-2 could enter the ocean from sewage spills and outfalls, and then reenter the atmosphere..................Keep reading below....

Wastewater treatment plants don’t necessarily deactivate viruses before sending the sewage into the ocean — they tend to target bacteria like E. Coli, she said. And in areas like Imperial Beach, sewage from the Tijuana River often spills into the ocean completely untreated.

Coronaviruses are encased by what she calls a “hydrophobic” lipid, or fatty, membrane. Fat tends to float to the surface of water, similar to oil in a vinaigrette dressing. When waves break in the surf zone and all the foam and bubbles pop, Prather said, “all that stuff — the viruses, the bacteria, pollutants, all the gooey, oily stuff — just launches into the air."

The ocean, in fact, is the largest natural source of aerosol particles after dust. These marine aerosols affect the formation of clouds over the ocean and can spread over large distances.

Once in the air, studies have shown that aerosols can travel around the globe in as little as two weeks. Prather has found dust in microbes from Africa that changed the snowfall in California. She’s been tracing the bacteria and sewage pollution dumped into the ocean from the Tijuana River, showing how much ends up transferring to the atmosphere.

“Once things are in the air, they can go pretty darn far. People are shocked whenever I talk about stuff becoming airborne,” she said. “I see pictures of the beach shut down, and the signs tell you don’t walk on the beach, don't swim, don't surf, but nobody tells you: Don't breathe.”

Scientists are still debating the characteristics of this latest coronavirus. Recent research in the New England Journal of Medicine found that when the virus was suspended in a mist under laboratory conditions, it remained “viable and infectious” for three hours — though researchers have said that time period would probably be no more than half an hour in real-world conditions.

Charles Gerba, a professor of microbiology at the University of Arizona who has studied coronaviruses in wastewater since the SARS outbreak, said these kinds of viruses have typically been found to survive two or three days in raw sewage.

With this new coronavirus, he’s done a few molecular tests: Though he’s confirmed that the virus does wind up in sewage, he found that more than 90% of this new coronavirus was removed by typical wastewater treatment —“it's very sensitive to disinfectants.”

Still up for debate, however, is whether the virus in the sewage is still infectious.
“One report says yes, another report says no, so we don't really know yet for certain,” said Gerba, whose research focuses on wastewater removal of viral pathogens. As for how long the virus could survive in saltwater, there's not much data, he said, but pathogens like hepatitis A or norovirus tend to survive much longer in wild environments.

For Prather, she hopes to fill in more data gaps and is preparing to test the air particles along the coast for signs of the virus — especially in areas known for inconsistent water quality.

“People kept saying respiratory droplets and surfaces, surfaces, surfaces, but I just felt like no way, this is something special,” she said. “This thing is so contagious …. Look at that choir in Washington — those people weren’t coughing. They were just singing! But it got so many of them.”

In the meantime, California beaches are likely to remain close to empty. Even beach advocacy groups have joined the Coastal Commission in urging people to avoid crowding the beaches and ocean.
 Fresh air and connecting with the outdoors are important, they said, but these are extraordinary times.
Some people worry the temporary closures could lead to permanent beaches behind lock and key — public beach access, after all, has been a contentious battle along the coast for decades. Coastal officials say they’ve been keeping track of which beaches have closed, and city and county leaders have been told that access restrictions expire immediately whenever shelter-in-place orders are lifted.
"We recognize there is an inequity in coastal access and we strongly encourage local governments to consider approaches that balance public health order requirements and equitable public access — the coast belongs to all," Jack Ainsworth, the coastal commission's executive director, wrote in a letter to local officials.

Surfrider Foundation, one of the most passionate public access groups in California, assured beachgoers that they will be out in full force once the restrictions are lifted to ensure that no oceanfront property owners took advantage of this unprecedented situation.

“We in California have fought for open beaches for decades,” said Jennifer Savage, Surfrider’s policy manager in California. “But we also believe in being responsible citizens and protecting the health and safety of our community.

"Right now, you can be the difference between life and death for somebody you don’t know.”


Saturday, April 4, 2020

It should be considered "murder" if people die after govenor and prez REFUSE to order people to stay at home.

They do NOT care about the citizens. How can they put so many lives on the line?

I say SUE them if your love ones die.

What about all those health care workers that don't need to be taking care of EXTRA people.

Make them stay at home !!!!!

Friday, April 3, 2020

Dr. Fauci: ‘I Don’t Understand' Why The Entire Country Isn’t Under Stay-At-Home Orders

Dr. Fauci: ‘I Don’t Understand' Why The Entire Country Isn’t Under Stay-At-Home Orders


Scroll back up to restore default view.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, said he doesn’t know why the United States hasn’t instituted a nationwide stay-at-home order amid the spread of COVID-19, saying the country “really should be” doing so to protect American lives.
“I don’t understand why that’s not happening,” Fauci, one of the leading scientific voices behind the country’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, told CNN on Thursday. “The tension between federally mandated versus states’ rights to do what they want is something I don’t want to get into. But if you look at what is going on in this country, I do not understand why we are not doing that. We really should be.”
Fauci’s comments come amid increasingly dire figures related to the pandemic: At least 245,000 Americans have been infected and more than 6,100 have died. In New York, the state hardest hit so far, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said health workers would run out of ventilators in six days if stockpiles aren’t resupplied.

And those numbers are expected to grow. Fauci warned earlier this week that between 100,000 and 240,000 Americans could die of COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, even if social distancing guidelines are maintained.

In the past few weeks, many states and counties around the country have instituted some form of stay-at-home orders, encouraging residents to stay inside except for essential activities, including grocery shopping and exercise. The New York Times noted that about 297 million people in 38 states and a bevy of cities are under such guidelines, although some states have not yet announced any such measures.

Many lawmakers have encouraged President Donald Trump to issue a directive, but he has so far resisted instituting a nationwide order, saying such decisions required a “little flexibility.”

“If you have a state in the Midwest, or if Alaska, for example, doesn’t have a problem, it’s awfully tough to say close it down,” Trump said on Wednesday. “We have to have a little bit of flexibility.”

The president did extend nationwide social distancing guidelines — which he initially hoped to lift by Easter — until at least the end of the month amid the sobering predictions of death rates in the country. Surgeon General Jerome Adams told NBC’s “Today” this week that those guidelines should be interpreted as stay-at-home orders.

Anthony Fauci To Receive More Personal Security After Threats: Reports
Florida Governor Exempts Religious Services From Stay-At-Home Order
Jared Kushner Appears At White House Coronavirus Briefing
A HuffPost Guide To Coronavirus

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Hey Mr Prez.... every death after your comment is on YOUR head. You COULD STOP the spread.

(Mr Trump....every death after your comment is on YOUR head. You COULD STOP the spread. I can NO LONGER refer to you as President, a President PROTECTS his people NOT aide in killing them)

Trump says he doesn’t want a nationwide stay-at-home order because some states don’t have a high number of coronavirus cases

Yahoo News Video

At the coronavirus task force briefing, President Trump said he didn’t want to issue a nationwide stay-at-home order to fight the pandemic because there are some states that don’t have a large number of positive coronavirus cases.


An influencer, her husband, and their 5 kids broke quarantine to flee NYC in an RV. A wave of backlash followed. (ANOTHER ONE)

ANOTHER jerk not caring about US only themselves.

An influencer, her husband, and their 5 kids broke quarantine to flee NYC in an RV. A wave of backlash followed.

taza leaving new york
Naomi Davis let her nearly half a million Instagram followers know that she and her family were leaving New York City a day before the CDC issued a domestic travel ban.
Screenshot Instagram/@taza

  • A parenting blogger with nearly half a million Instagram followers sparked a wave a backlash when she posted that she, her husband, and her 5 kids were choosing to leave New York City in an RV amid the coronavirus pandemic. 
  • Despite leaving a day before the CDC issued its domestic travel advisory asking New York residents to stay put, Naomi Davis' explanation for fleeing the city was met with hundreds of negative comments.
  • "After two full weeks in the apartment, we made the family decision to drive out west so we can have a little more space (namely some outdoor space for the kids) for a little while," she captioned her announcement.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.
After two weeks spent quarantined in their Upper West Side apartment, an Insta-famous family of seven decided to flee the city and take an RV out west. Naomi Davis, who goes by "@taza" on Instagram and has more than 465,000 followers, posted this decision in full to her account, alongside a photo of her, her husband, and their five kids.

"My heart is breaking for what is happening in New York where I live and around the world right now," Davis wrote. "And after two full weeks in the apartment, we made the family decision to drive out west so we can have a little more space (namely some outdoor space for the kids) for a little while."

The backlash was immediate, and additional media coverage of the post turned hundreds of angry comments into thousands. Davis has since restricted comments on the post, and there are a few people offering support, but the overwhelming majority of responders are shocked and horrified by the decision.

Davis' rationalizations for leaving New York have been met with criticism from commentators and public health experts alike

"While I recognize the importance of supporting one another during times such as this one, your decision to leave literally THE largest hotspot [sic] in the United States is putting many other people at risk," reads one comment with nearly 4,000 likes. "If everyone makes the decision to leave New York City, other states' healthcare systems are quickly going to be overburdened by the number of cases, just as New York's is now."

Davis specified in the post that she and her family chose the RV "to avoid hotels and people," but public health experts interviewed by BuzzFeed News echoed the disapproving comments, calling the decision "highly irresponsible."

A day after Davis wrote that she and her family left, the CDC issued a domestic travel advisory that asks residents of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut to refrain from non-essential travel for 14 days.

"Potentially spreading covid further by traveling is not brave," another comment with more than 3,300 likes says. "I fully understand the decision, but it's not brave."

After two days, Davis left an update on her post in the comments section, which further summarizes her decision-making and justifies the family's move by saying "We are NOT like some people who ignored advice while in New York and then traveled in crowded public spaces to somewhere with fewer restrictions so they could pretend like this new Coronavirus isn't happening."

Davis left an update in the comment section of her post, but the responses to her update are still predominantly negative.
Davis left an update in the comment section of her post, but the responses to her update are still predominantly negative.
Screenshot Instagram/@taza
She also says that her family gathered supplies ahead of their exit from the city so that they wouldn't have to stop and acquire them, and reiterated that they would "eat, sleep, and spend all our time" in the RV on the way to a home they are planning to quarantine in somewhere "out west."

"During our next phase of quarantine I want you to know we will not be going out, not to stores, or parks, or even around the block," Davis wrote in the update. "We have friends who have been kind enough to stock the home where we will be staying and prep it for us."

The update didn't impress most of the people who continued to comment on Davis' own comment, with one person writing "You are not being 'ripped' apart for a decision you made. You're being held accountable for a decision you made in your own self interest [sic] in mind and disregard for others. Every single piece of advice from the CDC/WHO said to stay home. Yes, you're held to a higher standard because you influence half a million people and ultimately you displayed negligence for others."

Davis didn't respond to Insider's request for comment.


A fashion influencer who contracted COVID-19 is receiving backlash for fleeing NYC to the Hamptons with her family

A fashion influencer who contracted COVID-19 is receiving backlash for fleeing NYC to the Hamptons with her family

arielle charnas
Influencer Arielle Charnas attends the Beach Magazine Celebration of Cover Star Arielle Charnas at the Southampton Social Club on July 24, 2019 in Southampton, New York.
(Photo by Mark Sagliocco/Getty Images for Beach Magazine)
  • "Something Navy" blogger and fashion influencer Arielle Charnas is receiving backlash online for leaving New York City shortly after testing positive for COVID-19.
  • Charnas first sparked controversy when she received one of the limited COVID-19 test swabs from a doctor friend

  • Since testing positive, Charnas has posted content from her Manhattan apartment and from a rental property in the Hamptons.
  • Comments on her Instagram criticized her decision to relocate before the 14-day quarantine period ended. 
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.
Arielle Charnas, the influencer behind the fashion blog "Something Navy," is sparking more controversy online after leaving New York City for the Hamptons in the wake of her positive COVID-19 diagnosis.

Charnas first received backlash when she shared her health journey with her 1.3 million followers, posting an Instagram story in which received flu and COVID-19 test swabs from a doctor friend — despite telling her followers that she did not qualify for one of the limited tests.

"THE LATEST COOL NEW PERK FOR INFLUENCERS — getting tested quickly for coronavirus, while everyone else waits," New York Times Reporter Kenenth Vogel tweeted in response.

"Still fuming that something navy went and used one of the like 5 tests we have," Twitter user @alainapol22 wrote in a post.

"Influencers are always getting everything first," writer Michael Williams added.

Later that day, Charnas told her followers via an Instagram post that she would no longer be sharing content about her health, and she would continue to post her typical lifestyle content.

A day later, however, Charnas posted a follow-up note in which she revealed that she'd tested positive for COVID-19.

In the post, she addressed her access to the limited COVID-19 tests, writing that she was "lucky," and widespread access to care should be a "#1 priority."

Since testing positive for COVID-19, she's continued to update her followers on her activities via Instagram and TikTok — prompting more criticism

Charnas' Instagram posts, stories, and TikTok videos since getting diagnosed reveal that she spent time with her family in their Manhattan apartment before leaving the city to recover in a Hamptons rental home. Posts on Charnas' Instagram show her taking walks outside with her daughter and posing in front of a Hamptons rental home with the caption "fresh air."

The decision to leave New York before 14 days of quarantine — the recommended period of time for those exposed to the virus — had passed received swift backlash online from commenters calling the decision "selfish" and "disappointing."

Twitter thread by writer Sophie Ross documents and critiques Charnas' activity since the positive diagnosis.

"[Charnas] literally LEFT her palatial manhattan apartment so she could get Hamptons content," Ross wrote.

"As a nurse, I'm super bummed you couldn't stay quarantined for the whole 14 days past positive testing," one follower wrote in a comment before the comments feature was turned off on the post. "Your privilege does not excuse you from following simple rules to contain yourself. And you influence a lot of young people."

"Do you realize you have a very contagious and, for many, deadly disease? Do you realize that going out and about puts at risk, let's say, the people in your building that need to take the elevator after you?" another added. "Do you realize this is not the best message?"

Charnas did not return Insider's request for comment.


Thursday, March 26, 2020

People In Kentucky Threw A “Coronavirus Party” & It Didn’t End Well

Britni de la Cretaz
In Kentucky, at least 160 people have tested positive for COVD-19 — including one person who attended a “coronavirus party.” Yes, shockingly, someone who attended a party mocking the virus causing the current pandemic has contracted said virus.

Shortly after news broke of the truly chaotic coronavirus party, Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear called for an end to all gatherings of this sort. “This is something that no one should be doing across the commonwealth,” Beshear said. “We are battling for the health and even the lives of our parents and grandparents. Don’t be so callous as to intentionally go to something and expose yourself to something that can kill other people.”

The Kentucky coronavirus party was reportedly composed of young adults in their 20s, and more people who attended are expected to test positive as well, as large gatherings in close quarters are a hotbed for transmission. The aim of the party was to reject instructions of social distancing and refute the severity of the coronavirus, which is clearly not ending well for party goers.

But unfortunately, Kentucky isn’t the only coronavirus hub dealing with this kind of outright protest that is spreading the virus. In Connecticut, after a large farewell party in early March, the town of Westport experienced a massive spike in COVID-19 cases. The party is being referred to as “party zero” because the 40 attendees scattered across the county when they left, carrying the virus with them. In South Korea, one churchgoer — known as Patient 31 — can be tied to over 60 percent of the country’s cases.

Gov. Beshear speculated that the young adults attending the party probably thought “they are indestructible” or believed they were “invincible flaunting the mass gathering prohibition.” Many people have expressed frustration over millennials not adhering to social distancing recommendations after photos of crowded Spring Break beaches in Florida went viral.

But the reckless 20-somethings at the party (and the ones on Spring Break) may be the exception rather than the norm. In fact, experts say young people actually seem more likely to take quarantine and isolation recommendations seriously than their parents, for a variety of reasons that include older folks having lived through many things and therefore assuming this won’t be so bad and younger people having a lot more years ahead of them that could be negatively affected by this pandemic.

Either way, many young people think COVID-19 is only dangerous for older people when data is showing that’s not true. A report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) last week found that 20 percent of the people hospitalized with the virus were between the ages of 20 and 44. But as Michael Arceneaux wrote for NBC News, young people hadn’t heeded the warnings because the government failed to properly convey the risk.

“The disease is spreading because the people in power — largely old white men — have failed the nation by not properly preparing for its effects in spite of dire warnings,” writes Arceneaux. “They did not sound the alarm for Americans to start worrying and getting ready, so of course young people are on beaches risking it all; the people in charge have given them no real reason to give a damn.”
