Thursday, July 29, 2021

TOP DEMOCRAT INDICTED: NM House Majority Leader Charged with Embezzlement -Total May Top $954,000


TOP DEMOCRAT INDICTED: NM House Majority Leader Charged with Embezzlement — Total May Top $954,000


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The New Mexico House Majority Leader is in serious trouble after being charged in a massive embezzlement scheme.

Rep. Sheryl Williams Stapleton may have embezzled upwards of $954,000 dollars in a racketeering, laundering and illegal kickbacks scheme.



The New Mexico Democrat was the eventual recipient of up to 60% of the government contracts with Robotics Management Learning Systems LCC, a D.C. based company. reported:

Law enforcement agents have executed search warrants at the home and business of state Rep. Sheryl Williams Stapleton.

According to a filed warrant, she is under investigation for racketeering, money laundering and receiving illegal kickbacks.


In April, newly-appointed Albuquerque Public Schools Superintendent Scott Elder submitted a letter to the New Mexico Attorney General Hector Balderas referencing “Suspected Violations of Governmental Conduct Act and Procurement Code.”

According to the warrant, every invoice issued by Robotics to APS was for an even dollar amount, no cents, and in unchanging amounts over the years. Most were reportedly for $40,000. In all, APS paid Robotics more than $5.3 million.

Rep. Williams Stapleton is also directly involved with four companies that received payments from Robotics: The Charlie Morrisey Center for Creative Assitance Inc., the Ujima Foundation, S. Williams and Associates, and local restaurant A Taste of The Caribbean.

Evidence suggests that she was eventual recipient of 60% of the APS money — $954,386. Investigators are looking into additional payments that were redirected into her personal bank accounts.

State Democrats said they were “shocked and dismayed” with the allegations against their crooked cohort.





Minnesota Woman and Christian Missionary has Legs Amputated After Taking Pfizer Jab – May Also Lose Her Hands — GoFundMe Account Set up



Minnesota Woman and Christian Missionary has Legs Amputated After Taking Pfizer Jab – May Also Lose Her Hands — GoFundMe Account Set up

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Christian missionary Jummai Nache with her legs amputated after Pfizer COVID-19 jab.

A Minnesota woman and Christian missionary lost her legs after taking the Pfizer vaccine.

Jummai Nache came down with COVID days after taking the Pfizer vaccine. She lost her legs after contracting the disease. She may also lose both hands.


** Click here to donate to the Jummai Nache GoFundMe page.

The IBTimes reported:

A Minnesota woman had the most horrific experience of her life after both her legs had to be amputated after contracting COVID-19 despite being vaccinated.

Jummai Nache, a Nigerian healthcare worker in Minneapolis, received the second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on February 1 but still contracted COVID-19 a few days later.

Her condition soon deteriorated and she had to be hospitalized, with her legs now amputated. What’s worse is that she will soon have both her hands amputated as well. Nache’s family is now clueless and is trying to find out answers if the Pfizer vaccine is the reason behind her medical condition.

Nache, who works as a medical assistant, was taken to hospital by her husband Philip a few days after she received her Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine as she had developed some reactions and was having severe chest pain. A day later, she tested positive for COVID-19, and her condition quickly deteriorated and she had to be hospitalized, according to a Daily Mail report.

So much so that her legs started swelling and rotting and eventually had to be amputated. The family is now clueless about what to do as her hands too will now require amputation.

“Jummai and I were shocked when we received the result that she was Covid-19 positive because she had not manifested any symptom before taking the shot,” Philip wrote in a letter attached to a GoFundMe for the couple.

** Click here to donate to the Jummai Nache GoFundMe page.

Here is more from the GoFundMe account set up for Jummai.

Philip Nache, Jummai’s husband wrote this on their GoFundMe page.

As a result of the above complications, the Infectious Disease Dr decided to forward the case to CDC. According to the Dr, after going back and forth with the CDC, they decided to meet to deliberate with many experts around the country in which about 70-80 doctors met on a virtual call to discuss Jummai’s case. About 8 weeks after the meeting the CDC sent us a letter of their conclusions which stated that Jummai was infected with MIS-A and covid-19, but they cannot conclude whether the covid-19 vaccine contributed for now. Since Jummai’s blood specimen which was taken at the onset of this nightmare is saved in the lab, we pray for God’s provision of a separate body of experts who could study Jummai’s very unique case to draw other conclusions. As the CDC related, Jummai’s case is very unique. Since my request to be in that meeting was not granted, I submitted the following questions for the CDC experts’ response:

1. When her symptoms started, I was with her, eating and sleeping together, but I tested negative and did not have any symptoms. Why am I not positive? 


2. If she got the vaccine before the virus or got them at the same time, did the clashing of the covid-19 and the vaccine cause such adverse reactions? Why didn’t the CDC or Pfizer let us know? Or why wouldn’t they ask everyone to be tested for covid-19 first, before taking the vaccine?

3. If the vaccine is meant to defeat the virus, either by destroying it or weakening its effect, why the adverse severe damage? If the vaccine did not work to defeat the virus, what role was the vaccine playing in Jummai’s body?

On one occasion, the doctor called and told me that Jummai could die at any moment, but God preserved my wife’s life in a miraculous way in response to all the prayers of the church. 













Inventor of mRNA Vaccine: Some Covid Vaccines Make the Virus More Dangerous


Inventor of mRNA Vaccine: Some Covid Vaccines Make the Virus More Dangerous

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Dr. Robert Malone, M.D., M.S.,, a distinguished physician who discovered RNA transfection and invented mRNA vaccines, was on Steve Bannon’s War Room Weednesday with some alarming news–new data indicates that people who have taken the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are at greater risk of getting Covid than someone who is not vaccinated.

Before you watch the video, you need to understand the term–Antibody-Dependent Enhancement aka ADE:


Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), sometimes less precisely called immune enhancement or disease enhancement, is a phenomenon in which binding of a virus to suboptimal antibodies enhances its entry into host cells, followed by its replication.[1][2] ADE may cause enhanced respiratory disease and acute lung injury after respiratory virus infection (ERD) with symptoms of monocytic infiltration and an excess of eosinophils in respiratory tract.[3] ADE along with type 2 T helper cell-dependent mechanisms may contribute to a development of the vaccine associated disease enhancement (VADE), which is not limited to respiratory disease.

According NBC reporting (I can’t believe I’m citing that outfit as a reliable source):

New data suggests that fully vaccinated individuals are not just contracting COVID, but could be carrying higher levels of virus than previously understood, facilitating spread, my NBC News colleagues are reporting. New indoor masking guidance expected today.

Dr. Malone has warned of this risk for several months. What are we to do? Malone says that instead of relying on the flawed vaccines, Doctors should use drugs for treating Covid that have proved effective, such as Ivermectin (more about that following the video), is neutralizing Covid:


What should scare the hell out of you is the extraordinary efforts being taken to silence and discredit Dr. Malone. I encourage you to read Michael Haynes piece from July 5, which details Malone’s Kafkaesque ordeal. Here are some relevant paragraphs from his article:

Information about the inventor of the mRNA technology used in certain COVID-19 vaccines was removed from the online encyclopedia site Wikipedia after he publicly warned against giving the experimental gene therapy vaccines to young people and that there was insufficient information about the injections to give informed consent. . . .

On June 10, 2021, Dr. Malone joined biologist Bret Weinstein, Ph.D, on the Dark Horse Podcast, where Malone raised numerous safety concerns about the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, both of which use mRNA technology. He warned about future autoimmune issues caused by the spike proteins within the mRNA injections.

Malone also stated that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was aware that the spike proteins were “biologically active and could travel from the injection site and cause adverse events, and that the spike protein, if biologically active, is very dangerous.”

YouTube swiftly moved to censor clips from the three-hour podcast interview.

This is the kind of authoritarian censorship carried out by Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin and Pol Pot. When the media and the Government conspire to quash dissenting opinions and legitimate, provable facts, we have crossed the threshold of fascism.

The same effort to discredit Dr. Malone also has been unleashed against non-vaccine treatment methods. Remember what happened to anyone who dared suggest using Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin?

And do you remember the news stories in May about how Covid was devastating India? I bet you have heard little about the efficacy of Ivermectin in stopping Covid in Dehli.


Ivermectin obliterates 97 percent of Delhi cases

Dr. Pierre Kory told the world on December 8, 2020, that Ivermectin “obliterates” this virus. Obliterate means to decimate, demolish, or annihilate. It means to eliminate or destroy all trace, indication, or significance.

This graph shows that Ivermectin, used in Delhi beginning April 20, obliterated their COVID crisis. No one should be able to talk you out of this – not a salesman, a drug company, a television celebrity doc, and certainly not the top doctor for the WHO or the NIH who is paid to do that.

It is your duty as an American to challenge and question everything the Government represents as true. We now have concrete evidence that Dr. Anthony Fauci has taken diametrically opposed positions without blinking an eye. Some call that “lying.” The same with the CDC (as I pointed out in my last article).  Perhaps the CDC should be renamed the Center for Disinformation & Confusion in light of the contradictory guidance issued regarding masks and vaccines.

Unfortunately, the chaos of Biden’s Covid policy reflects the dysfunction and incompetence evident in the rest of his Administration. Keep praying and continue to resist.








OpenVAERS Website Is “Currently Offline” After Number of COVID Vaccine Deaths Reaches 11,405 as Listed on the Website





OpenVAERS Website Is “Currently Offline” After Number of COVID Vaccine Deaths Reaches 11,405 as Listed on the Website

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The OpenVAERS website released its most recent weekly numbers on Saturday.

** is currently down. It has been down for hours. OpenVAERS is a privately run site that data mines the official CDC VAERS site. The more difficult to read CDC-linked *VAERS* website is still up.

According to the website there are now 11,405 reported deaths from the COVID vaccines in the United States according to the latest numbers.



 The number of deaths linked to the CDC promoted vaccines this year has absolutely skyrocketed. According to the CDC’s own data. 


The OpenVAERS database contains information on unverified reports of adverse events (illnesses, health problems and/or symptoms) following immunization with US-licensed vaccines.  The CDC government website links to VAERS platform.

Obviously, the VAERS website has gained much attention — not from the fake news mainstream media — but from Americans seeking the truth on the COVID vaccines.

This had the vaccine pushers in a panic.
They immediately called on the tech giants to “fact-check” anyone who would report on the CDC-linked website’s numbers.

But now the VAERS website is offline.
It’s been offline for hours.





Delta, American, United Airlines Are Providing African Migrants Free Flights To The U.S.


Delta, American, United Airlines Are Providing African Migrants Free Flights To The U.S.

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As hundreds of illegal immigrants surge across the southern border daily, migrants from Africa are gaining entry into the United States with free plane tickets paid funded by American taxpayers.

Asylum seekers wanting entry to the United States from Africa typically embark on journeys to South America by boat or plane, then make a treacherous trek on foot through Colombia and Panama towards the United States.

Now, migrants and their families can entirely circumvent checkpoints at the U.S. southern border


Miles4Migrants, a 501(c)(3) charity dedicated to donating frequent flyer miles to refugees and their family members provides free flights to thousands of Africans refugees into the interior of the U.S.

Miles4Migrants, which is funded by the Shapiro Foundation and the Tripadvisor Foundation, works with Delta Airlines, American Airlines, United Airlines, Uber, and a network of over 50 nonprofit partners including the UNHCR, the United Nations Refugee Agency.

In June, Uber launched a ride credit fund to support Miles4Milate, allowing migrants to safely get to their destination using donated frequent flyer miles and credit card points.

The Democratic Republic of Congo Africa has been the primary country of origin of refugees seeking admittance to the United States following the country’s 2019 Ebola outbreak according to the Department of Homeland Security.

Illegal immigrants can also receive free commercial flights into the U.S. interior from Catholic Charities, a non-profit organization funded by US taxpayers.

Catholic Charities has assisted more than 700 border crossers with “pass[ing] through the hotels” in southern California before taking off on commercial flights to resettle into the U.S. interior, Daily Mail reports.

Once into the United States, illegal immigrants are allowed to bypass photo identification requirements all American citizens are required to adhere to. They are able to board flights without a photo ID and do not have to verify their coronavirus or vaccination status.

Migrants are relying on the network of nonprofit organizations for entry into the US.

While the Trump administration purchased discounted tickets to deport illegal migrants back to their countries of origin, Biden’s catch and release mandate essentially accommodate illegal aliens with a taxi service.

Since Biden has taken office in January, “the number of [illegal immigrant] minors in federal custody has more than tripled to over 7,000. In response, the Biden administration has flown approximately 7,200 border-crossers into the U.S. interior on domestic commercial flights from February 19 to April 22 and continues to offer free flights to illegal aliens to their destination of choice.

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is reportedly directing “ICE to help transport migrants northward so they can be processed and released.”

Biden officials are also placing border crossers in free hotel rooms at $71 to $90 a night who stay for sometimes less than 48 hours before one of the assisting nonprofit organizations puts them on commercial flights, for free, into the U.S. interior.

While the Biden administration’s open border policy welcomes migrants from around the world with open arms, Cubans fleeing persecution from a communist dictator in Cuba are the exception.

Any Cuban who tries to sail over to Florida or the US in any location “will not come” into America,   Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas warned.

“Do not risk your life attempting to enter the United States illegally,” Mayorkas said in a July 14 briefing. “You will not come to the United States.”

Even Cubans who make it to the US and can prove they face torture and literal danger will be sent to “third countries” to be resettled.