Saturday, September 7, 2019

Stop this "color vs color" bull crap..... NOT ONE SINGLE COLOR IS BETTER THAN THE OTHERS.

This shit has to stop


Black girls in US pushed out of school over racist and sexist school dress codes, report finds

 Maya Oppenheim,The Independent 3 hours ago
Getty Images
Black girls in the US are being disproportionately pushed out of school over racist and sexist school dress codes and subjected to victim blaming by teachers, a new report has found.

Researchers at the National Women’s Law Centre (NWLC) found around half of secondary schools banned hair wraps or other head coverings, 59 per cent regulated the length of skirts and shorts, and 55 per cent regulated tightness and fit of clothing.

The study, which surveyed schools in Washington DC, found almost a quarter banned tights or leggings. And it found more than half of the schools with the harshest dress codes have a majority black student population.

Jasmine Tucker, the NWLC’s director of research, said many schools’ dress code policies target clothing most often worn by girls such as regulating tank top strap width.

She argued black girls face assumptions about “who they are and what they are like” built on stereotypes – adding that many traditionally black hairstyles and head coverings, which often have specific cultural or religious meaning, are sometimes seen to be “unprofessional”.

“Many schools ban head wraps or other head coverings and specify that hair must be ‘neat’, which is another way of banning certain hairstyles,” she told The Independent.

“NWLC spoke with many DC students who reported that black girls in their schools are being disproportionately targeted for violating dress code policies. This is unacceptable. Black girls deserve to bring their authentic selves to school and should not face unnecessary barriers to participating in the classroom.”

“Many dress codes specify disciplinary action that will be taken if a student is violating dress code, and includes barring students from class and even in or out of school suspension. They are disproportionately punishing students by standing in the way of learning for what are minor infractions.”

Ms Anderson noted high schools which are majority black tend to have more “stringent and harsher” student codes of conduct overall.

“Often times it is black administrators carrying out harsh discipline policies because they believe it’s necessary to prepare black students for a world that already views them as less innocent and more adult,” she said.

“But in actuality, restrictive dress codes and discipline policies reinforce anti-black stereotypes by telling black girls that their authentic selves are incompatible with academic success. Black girls deserve teachers and school leaders that are willing to challenge systemic racism and misogyny that have created barriers for too many students for too long.”

Ms Anderson added: “Any adult sexualising girls’ bodies by policing their clothing is problematic for students and results in negative academic, social, and emotional effects on students. Too often girls recounted stories about administrators implying that girls are inviting sexual harassment because of what they are wearing.

"Not only is this blaming the victim, it also communicates to boys or other harassers that they are not responsible for their own behaviour.”

This “boys will be boys attitude” prioritises the “desires of harassers over the bodily autonomy” of survivors, she added.

The campaigner called for schools to teach boys to respect their peers irrespective of what they choose to wear – arguing this issue would not arise when students get to university and then go into the world of work if it is addressed early in primary and secondary school.

NWLC carried out interviews with students, parents, and school administrators and looked at the dress code policies of 29 public and charter-schools.

Chloe Pine, a student at School Without Walls High School, said: “If you go to school every single day and a male teacher tells you that you are showing too much skin or that you look inappropriate, or that you are distracting other boys, you are again embedding in their head that they have to live up to some certain standard that a male made. And that is just not the way that society should be."

The report comes a year after the NWLC's initial study on racist and sexist enforcement of dress codes sparked far-reaching campaigning and activism from students and parents across the US. The Council of the District of Columbia passed the Student Fair Access to Schools Act of 2018 – a bill that would ban out-of-school suspensions for minor infractions including dress code violations.


Friday, September 6, 2019

Bernie Sanders Advocates Population Control in ‘Poor Countries’

Bernie Sanders Advocates Population Control in ‘Poor Countries’

During yesterday evening’s lengthy climate-change town hall, Democratic candidates proposed a variety of increasingly absurd policies to address environmental issues. California senator Kamala Harris, for instance, continued her theme of promising to arrogate unconstitutional power to herself as president, announcing that she would deal with supposed GOP obstruction on climate change by abolishing the filibuster.

Entirely ignored during the course of the event was the fact that all seven Democratic senators running for president have signed on as cosponsors of the Green New Deal in the Senate but, when it came to the floor this spring, refused to vote for it. So much for an “existential threat.”

The most outrageous comment came from Senator Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.), who responded to a question about population growth by expressing support for taxpayer-funded abortion in poor countries. Here’s the full exchange:
Audience member: Good evening. Human population growth has more than doubled in the past 50 years. The planet cannot sustain this growth. I realize this is a poisonous topic for politicians, but it’s crucial to face. Empowering women and educating everyone on the need to curb population growth seems a reasonable campaign to enact. Would you be courageous enough to discuss this issue and make it a key feature of a plan to address climate catastrophe?
Sanders: The answer is yes. And the answer has everything to do with the fact that women in the United States of America, by the way, have a right to control their own bodies and make reproductive decisions. The Mexico City agreement, which denies American aid to those organizations around the world that allow women to have abortions or even get involved in birth control, to me is totally absurd. I think especially in poor countries around the world where women do not necessarily want to have large numbers of babies and where they can have the opportunity through birth control to control the number of kids they have, it’s something I very, very strongly support.
Sanders isn’t alone in linking abortion rights to concerns about the climate. Some of the most ardent abortion-rights activists routinely lament the choice to have children, on the grounds that doing so is bad for the environment. Pro-abortion organizations, meanwhile, turn that unwarranted concern into a policy agenda, spending their resources foisting abortion and contraception on women in Africa, most of whom want no part of it.

Pushing birth control and abortion as a means of lowering population growth, and specifically of eliminating “undesirable” populations, is not a new tactic on the part of progressives. Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, for instance, was a pioneer in the eugenics movement’s effort to provide contraception to minority communities, largely to limit the continued growth of what she deemed unwanted populations. Sanger put a fine point on this in her writings: “The feebleminded are notoriously prolific in reproduction.”

In the early 20th century, many medical experts, lawmakers, and activists in the U.S. even went so far as to advocate forced sterilization, which came to fruition in the widespread use of government-sanctioned, federally funded sterilizations targeted at thousands of disabled and mentally ill people, immigrants, minority women, and the poor. This regime was sanctioned by the Supreme Court’s decision in Buck v. Bell (1927). Referring to the defendant, who had been sterilized at birth, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. wrote that “three generations of imbeciles are enough.” That horrific decision has never been overturned.

In his 1968 manifesto The Population Bomb, Stanford biologist Paul Ehrlich turned the concern about minority overpopulation into a broader movement concerned that human reproduction in general would contribute to the apocalypse. Ehrlich swore that the end was nigh, predicting “an utter breakdown of the capacity of the planet to support humanity” within the following 15 years.

Adherents of Ehrlich’s group Zero Population Growth embraced the notion that childbearing ought to be forbidden, and Ehrlich argued that compulsion would be acceptable. “There’s too many people, and we’d like to see people have fewer children and better ones,” Ehrlich’s disciple Stewart Brand said at the time. “Maybe anybody who’s thinking of having a third child ought to go hungry a week.”

Ehrlich favored creating a blacklist of anyone who impeded population control, imposing taxes on those who had children, and awarding responsibility prizes to childless couples. The worldwide fear about his predictions was acted on most aggressively in India, where the government conducted 8 million sterilizations over a period of two years in the 1970s.

But Ehrlich has been proven obviously and dramatically wrong — and not because citizens of the world listened to his cries and ceased reproducing. “I was recently criticized because I had said many years ago that I would bet that England wouldn’t exist in the year 2000,” he said in a 2014 interview. “Well, England did exist in the year 2000, but that was only 14 years ago.”

Even so, today’s progressives evidently have internalized Ehrlich’s theories, despite no longer advocating methods as aggressive as forced sterilization. By advocating taxpayer-funded abortion in “poor countries,” Sanders not only exaggerates the environmental threat of overpopulation but also displays grotesque chauvinism in his demand that the world comply with the West’s determination to exterminate our future.


Thursday, September 5, 2019

Low Life Mother F..... Who the hell cares about his condition. What Wussy girl. I want to call him a word starting with a pr and ending in a K

I'll bet all of his family is proud of this THUG. This thing will never be a REAL MAN

The next story will probably read... "Young black man gets shot by police". Nothing about what he did.

Shocking footage shows a thug punching a police officer before taking her gun and firing

Shocking footage has emerged of an out-of-control man locked in an altercation with a sheriff before gaining control of her gun and firing it at her.
The bullets fired at the officer missed and she luckily escaped the incident without life-threatening injury.
The San Bernardino County sheriff's deputy had responded to calls from a distressed mother in Victorville who pleaded with police to remove her son from her home, shortly before 8:30 a.m. Wednesday.
Deputy Meagan Forsberg arrived on the scene in the 13000 block of Cabazon Court and attempted to arrest the man but he evaded her and a fight broke out.

Deputy Meagan Forsberg arrived on the scene in the 13000 block of Cabazon Court and attempted to arrest the man but he evaded her and a fight broke out
In distressing scenes, the man can be seen punching the deputy multiple times in the face and head before a short struggle for her weapon ensues.
He gains control of the gun and proceeds to fire it at the officer multiple times as she attempts to run away.
'He got the gun, standing like this and pointing at her. Because she was on the ground just waiting, just waiting to get killed,' a neighbour told ABC 7.
Moments later, three police cars with their sirens blazing arrive on the scene and the man appears to surrender before another shot can be heard.

According to local media reports, Officer Meagan Forsberg (pictured) did not sustain any bullet wounds, and was taken to hospital without serious injury (Picture taken from Meagan Forsberg's Instagram)

'She was so lucky. She was lucky this time,' the neighbour said. (Picture taken from Meagan Forsberg's Instagram)
A police officer then opens fire on the man.
According to local media reports, Officer Meagan Forsberg did not sustain any bullet wounds, and was taken to hospital without serious injury.
'She was so lucky. She was lucky this time,' the neighbour said.
The suspect, who police have identified as 21-year-old Ari Young, was seen being placed on a stretcher and taken to hospital. His condition is not known.
In an online blog for 'Vita Atletica', Officer Forsberg describes herself as a single mother whose favourite food is sushi. She said her proudest achievement is her job.
'I know it sounds cliche - but there were so many times I wanted to give up and go down the easier path..and I am so happy I stuck with it,' she said.
When asked what advice she would give to her younger self to promote and encourage self-love, she said: 'This is the hardest thing, I know. I battle with it everyday.
'There is something special and unique about every single person on this planet. Find yours, and shine. Don't let social media tear you down.'


Mom who was teaching son to drive killed in Milwaukee road rage shooting

This "THING" will never be a REAL MAN


Mom who was teaching son to drive killed in Milwaukee road rage shooting

Bruce Vielmetti, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel,USA TODAY 15 hours ago
MILWAUKEE, Wis. – A Wisconsin man was charged Wednesday in a fatal road rage incident that took the life of a mother who was teaching her son to drive.

Matthew Lee Wilks, 35, of Whitefish Bay faces one count of first-degree intentional homicide in the death of Tracey Smith, 47, and one count of being a felon in possession of a gun.
According to the criminal complaint:

Smith's son told police he and his mother were driving Friday to Playmakers, a clothing store on Fond du Lac Avenue in Milwaukee. He said he that as he was turning left onto Fond du Lac, a gold van cut in front of him from the lane to his right and collided with the front passenger corner of his car.

He said he stopped in the intersection, and the van stopped. His mother got out of the passenger seat to inspect the damage. He saw Wilks open the van door and stand on the running board looking back.

Road rage incident: She tried to shoot someone in a road rage incident. She shot her husband instead, police say

Matthew Wilks
Smith's son said his mother was yelling at Wilks when he said, "Bitch, I'll kill you," before shooting her once in the chest.

Smith said, "He shot me," and fell to the street. As her son and other bystanders ran to help her, Wilks did a U-turn and drove away.

Smith's son drove her to a hospital where she was pronounced dead about 35 minutes later, at 5:38 p.m

Video from the area revealed the van's license plate, which was for a 2004 GMC Savanna van registered to Wilks. Smith's son picked Wilks' photo from among several as the man who shot his mother, a sergeant for the Department of Corrections who worked at the Milwaukee Secure Detention Facility.

Wilks had a 2008 conviction for distributing cocaine and possessing a gun as a felon.

Follow Bruce Vielmetti on Twitter: @ProofHearsay

This article originally appeared on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Road rage shooting: Mom killed while teaching son to drive in Milwaukee

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Missing Indiana 10-Year-Old Found Strangled in Trash Bag Inside Shed, and Stepmother Is Arrested

Missing Indiana 10-Year-Old Found Strangled in Trash Bag Inside Shed, and Stepmother Is Arrested

Christine Pelisek,People 3 hours ago

Ohio Teens Charged For Allegedly Tainting Crepes With Bodily Fluids

Ohio Teens Charged For Allegedly Tainting Crepes With Bodily Fluids

David Moye,HuffPost 2 hours 33 minutes ago

Cardi B Slams 10-Year-Olds for Diss Track: 'Not Gonna Let No Little F—ing White Boys Come at Me'

(what a trashy female.... CAN NOT call her a lady)

Cardi B Slams 10-Year-Olds for Diss Track: 'Not Gonna Let No Little F—ing White Boys Come at Me'

Jordan Runtagh,People 1 hour 7 minutes ago

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