Monday, October 26, 2020

My OPINION of cardib is that she is..... (how do I say this?).... she is NOT what I would call a lady



Loud mouth ....

screaming and yelling....

the words she uses are gross and discusting

showing disgusting body parts...


all fake (hair nails eye lashes etc)


and YOU made her that way.


A lady does not need to raise her voice to be heard. She is a slob.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Friday, October 23, 2020

Why didn't Biden help the black community when he was Vice Pres?



Why now? Why not then?

Stop bitching about not being able to pay your rent.... get the hell out of the protests and start looking for a job



the job will not come and look for you.... 

get off your lazy ass and get a job




Did you see the numbers of NEW black americans and YOUNG white voters?


Say bye bye trump... 


this quote came from my neighbor....

"the white people are too lazy to go register to vote "


If you think that Biden is going to help black communities.... you are NUTS. Why didn't he do anything to help when he was Vice Prez ?


come on people are you really that stupid?


We will be in trouble no matter who wins. They are both useless.





