Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Don't make a hero out of trash

A hero does something GREAT....... NOT because they talk/sing a freaking song.

Wake up people, how embarrassing.

George Zimmerman sues Pete Buttigieg and Elizabeth Warren over tweets honouring Trayvon Martin

George Zimmerman sues Pete Buttigieg and Elizabeth Warren over tweets honouring Trayvon Martin

Chris Riotta
The Independent
George Zimmerman, the Florida neighbourhood watchman famously acquitted after killing 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, has filed a lawsuit against Elizabeth Warren and Pete Buttigieg over tweets the presidential candidates posted to commemorate the shooting victim's birthday.
The lawsuit cited separate tweets both candidates posted on 5 February, the victim’s birthday, in which they call out issues of gun violence and prejudice in the US.
“Trayvon Martin would have been 25 today,” Mr Buttigieg, former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, wrote in his tweet. “How many 25th birthdays have been stolen from us by white supremacy, gun violence, prejudice, and fear?#BlackLivesMatter.”
Ms Warren (D—MA) said her “heart goes out” to the shooting victim’s family and friends, writing: “He should still be with us today.”
The senator added: “We need to end gun violence and racism. And we need to build a world where all of our children—especially young Black boys—can grow up safe and free.”
Though neither of their tweets so much as named Mr Zimmerman, the 36-year-old claimed in his lawsuit that Mr Buttigieg and Ms Warren were committing “defamation with actual malice or at a minimum a reckless disregard for the truth”.
The lawsuit was seeking $15,000 (£11,524) in damages, while alleging the Democratic candidates wrongly connected the shooting victim’s death to gun violence.
Mr Zimmerman, who has long claimed self-defence after killing the unarmed black teenager, said Mr Buttigieg and Ms Warren posted the tweets as part of a “political agenda to garner votes in the black community”.
This is a breaking news story. More follows...

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Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Chasten Buttigieg Could Be America's Inaugural "First Gentleman"


Chasten Buttigieg Could Be America's Inaugural "First Gentleman"

Katherine J Igoe
Marie Claire

Photo credit: Tom Brenner - Getty Images
Photo credit: Tom Brenner - Getty Images
From Marie Claire
Pete Buttigieg, a.k.a. "Mayor Pete," is the only millennial candidate in the 2020 race—and if elected, he'd be the youngest president in American history. Despite his youth and local experience, a loyal band of supporters have gathered around the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, who is openly gay and married to husband Chasten Glezman (who now goes by Chasten Buttigieg on social media). It's not hard to see why: Pete, a veteran and scholar, is charismatic and whip-smart, and has been described as the future of the Democratic party by Obama himself.