Thursday, April 15, 2021

CDC reports 5,800 breakthrough COVID-19 infections in people who were vaccinated. Doctors say, 'Don't panic.'


CDC reports 5,800 breakthrough COVID-19 infections in people who were vaccinated. Doctors say, 'Don't panic.'

Korin Miller

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has found about 5,800 cases of COVID-19 infections among people who have been fully vaccinated in the U.S., according to a new report. 

CDC officials tell Yahoo Life that as of April 13, about 5,800 breakthrough COVID-19 infections — meaning someone who was fully vaccinated against the virus still contracts COVID-19 — have been reported to the CDC among the more than 66 million Americans who have been fully vaccinated. Of those, 396 (or 7 percent) required hospitalization and 74 people (0.0001 percent) died. 

Overall, it amounts to a rate of 0.008 percent of Americans who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 that have gotten the infection.

Doctor in protective gloves & workwear holding Testing Kit for the coronavirus test. The doctor is collecting nasal sample for a senior woman with a sampling swab.
A doctor collects a sample with a nasal swab to test a woman for COVID-19. (Getty Images)

“COVID-19 vaccines are effective and are a critical tool to bring the pandemic under control. All of the available vaccines have been proven effective at preventing severe illness, hospitalizations and deaths,” CDC spokesperson Kristen Nordlund tells Yahoo Life in a statement. “However, like is seen with other vaccines, we expect thousands of vaccine breakthrough cases will occur even though the vaccine is working as expected.” 

Nordlund adds, “To date, no unexpected patterns have been identified in case demographics or vaccine characteristics.” 

Breakthrough infections were reported in people of all ages eligible for vaccination, but a little over 40 percent of the infections were in people age 60 and up. Other important information to note:

  • 29 percent of the vaccine breakthrough infections were reported as asymptomatic.

  • 65 percent of the people experiencing a breakthrough infection were female.

“The male-female differences that we’re observing ... no one has a good idea as to why it’s occurring,” Dr. Stanley H. Weiss, professor at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School and the Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology at Rutgers School of Public Health, tells Yahoo Life. “We do know that men and women’s immune systems do tend to react differently.” Weiss says it could simply be “by chance” or may be that women are more likely to seek medical care when they have a breakthrough infection. “Were fewer men detected because of that or something biological? We don’t know the answer to that,” he says.

The CDC is monitoring the breakthrough infections and collecting data on them. The agency has also developed a national COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough database where state health department investigators can enter, store and manage data for cases in their jurisdiction.

News of any COVID-19 infections after a person has been fully vaccinated against the coronavirus can be frustrating and even scary, but doctors say it’s to be expected.

“No one expected the vaccine to be 100 percent efficacious,” infectious disease expert Dr. Amesh Adalja, senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, tells Yahoo Life. “Breakthrough cases are still extremely rare and often without any major consequence.”

The efficacy rate of each COVID-19 vaccine authorized for use in the U.S. varies. The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is 95 percent effective at preventing symptomatic COVID-19 infections, the Moderna vaccine is 94.1 percent effective, and the Johnson & Johnson vaccine — the administration of which is currently on “pause” due to blood clotting concerns — is 66.3 percent effective

“These vaccines are 95 percent effective at best,” Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious disease specialist and professor at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, tells Yahoo Life. “These are wonderfully effective vaccines, but nothing in life is perfect — except maybe my wife.”

Dr. Thomas Russo, professor and chief of infectious disease at the University at Buffalo in New York, tells Yahoo Life that the findings are “not surprising” and points out that there is a difference between clinical trials and the real-world use of the vaccine. “Clinical trials excluded people who are immunocompromised, and those patients have immune systems that don’t function as well as people in the general population,” he says. As a result, the vaccine is often not as effective in them, Russo says. 

Schaffner agrees. “We’re now vaccinating very, very frail people and people who are immunocompromised — you’re more likely to have breakthrough cases because their protection won’t be as complete as a normal healthy person’s protection is,” he says. 

Worth noting: The CDC did not disclose details about the health of the people who had breakthrough infections.

But Russo says the news underscores the importance of continuing to follow COVID-19 prevention recommendations, regardless of your vaccination status. He stresses, though, that it doesn’t mean these protocols will be in place forever. “Masks and social distancing are still important in the community until more people are vaccinated,” he says. “Once we can get these cases down, we’re going to be able to step away from public health measures.”

Adalja says it’s smart for public health officials to track these breakthrough infections to try to get more answers. “It’s important to study the breakthrough cases to understand if the vaccine took in those individuals to better characterize this very low risk,” he says. 

Ultimately, doctors urge people to stay calm and focus on the bigger picture. That is, the vaccine is highly effective at preventing COVID-19 infections in those who have been fully vaccinated. Breakthrough infections “didn’t happen in 99.93 percent of cases,” Adalja says. 

“Don’t panic,” Schaffner says. “Everybody, please take a deep breath. Vaccines profoundly reduce your risk of getting an infection, but it’s not zero.”


12 Fully-Vaccinated Los Angeles Residents Infected With Covid-19, Says County Health Official


Tom Tapp
·2 min read

On Wednesday, in response to a query from Deadline, Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer confirmed that at least a dozen local residents had been infected with Covid-19 after being fully vaccinated.

“Yes, it is possible to test positive for the virus after being fully vaccinated,” Ferrer reported. She estimated that the number of post-vaccination infections is likely “very small.”

More from Deadline

Ferrer said all of the so-called “breakthrough cases” of infection detected in the county occurred in long-term care facilities. In all, there were 12 fully-vaccinated people who were infected. Four of them were residents of those facilities, and eight were staff.

“I’m sure there are other places [in L.A. County] because I know across the country that there have been more [breakthrough] cases,” Ferrer said before noting the detected cases in long-term care facilities weren’t likely because of any lack of precaution but rather because the data from those environments is better.

“This is one place where we have really good data in part because of our strong partnership with long-term care facilities.”

Ferrer also added, “The vast majority of people who have tested positive after being fully vaccinated are asymptomatic or have very mild symptoms.

“Here in L.A. County we don’t know of anybody who has been hospitalized or — unfortunately — passed away.”

But, as for other local breakthrough cases of Covid-19 infection, the data is very incomplete, she said making an overall assessment “a hard question to answer.”

Earlier on Wednesday, 39 breakthrough cases were reported in Sonoma County over the course of the past 2 1/2 months, according to county officials.


Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Don't be stupid people.... Colorado has TOUGHER voing laws than Georgia. Do your research and stop depending on social media for your FACTS




Come on people they are making an A_S out of you !


 Do you really think that Georgia is the only state to require an ID?

You need ID for...

getting on a plane

buying booze

getting your vaccine

buying a house (oops sorry)

buying a car (oops sorry again)

buying a gun ( LEGALLY)

and soooo many other LEGAL things.

What the hell is wrong with you? Now they are saying the blacks are too POOR to get an ID or dirvers Lic.... LOL

 So do you really want to be "that" kind of person?








Man suspected of pointing gun, throwing pizza at Domino's workers over toppings dispute dodges assault charge


Man suspected of pointing gun, throwing pizza at Domino's workers over toppings dispute dodges assault charge

Minnesota man reportedly facing disorderly conduct citation



The Minnesota man suspected of drawing a gun and throwing pizza slices at Domino's employees because he was dissatisfied with his order is facing a disorderly conduct citation, rather than assault charges, according to a report.

Rochester police responded to a disturbance at a local Domino’s where an employee alleged that Victor Fortner, 34, threatened workers with a gun.


His complaint: the toppings were not on the side of the pizza, according to My Fox 47.

Fortner then threw pizza slices at two employees before drawing his gun on them and then driving off.


Police say that Fortner admitted to being at Domino's but denied pointing a gun at anyone.

Additionally, no gun could be found in his car, but police still arrested Fortner.


He initially faced face possible charges of assault but was instead cited for disorderly conduct, My Fox 47 reports.

There were no reported injuries during the incident, according to WHDH.

Woman who fired into Burger King drive-thru window over wait time arrested: report





Woman who fired into Burger King drive-thru window over wait time arrested: report

Woman who fired into Burger King drive-thru window over wait time arrested: report

The suspect is facing charges of attempted first-degree murder

Sometimes, it’s better to just wait in line.

Police in Tennessee arrested a woman they believe was responsible for a violent incident at a Burger King drive-thru last month. According to reports, the woman is believed to be the same person who allegedly fired a gun through the drive-thru window because the wait was too long.

Police have arrested Keona Jackson after identifying her as the woman who fired the gun into the Memphis restaurant, Fox 13 reports. She has reportedly been charged with two counts of first-degree murder and one count of employment of a firearm over commission of a felony. According to the Shelby County jail’s website, Jackson was taken into custody on Monday.


The alleged crime occurred at a BK on Winchester Road on March 30, and the Memphis Police Department discussed details on Facebook soon after.

Witnesses reportedly said that the woman, who had yet to be identified at the time, was upset at how long she the wait at the drive-thru was. She allegedly exited her vehicle and approached the window, where she began arguing with one of the workers.


The suspect then reportedly returned to her vehicle (which someone else was driving) and retrieved a handgun. Authorities say she returned to the drive-thru window, leaned inside the restaurant and fired the gun several times.


The woman then returned to the car, which fled the scene. Authorities said that the Burger King workers escaped the restaurant through a rear door and were unharmed.


Monday, April 12, 2021

Dishonest Media Forgot To Mention Part About Loaded Gun Allegedly In Front Seat Next To Army Lt. Nazario’s Leg

(Read more great TRUE stories at site above)


Dishonest Media Forgot To Mention Part About Loaded Gun Allegedly In Front Seat Next To Army Lt. Nazario’s Leg

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Yesterday, the Windsor, VA Police Department was notified that they were being sued by Army Second Lieutenant Caron Nazario for a December traffic stop that turned ugly.

As reported by 100 Percent Fed Up – In the recorded traffic stop, Army Second Lieutenant Caron Nazario, who is Black and Latino can be seen in uniform as a Latino police officer attempts to convince Nazario to get out of his vehicle. The police officer, who appears to be frustrated after driving a mile behind Nazario’s vehicle with their lights flashing, is then confronted with a belligerent driver who refuses to exit his vehicle.

Instead of complying with the request of the Latino police officer, a defiant Nazario tells him, “I’ve not committed any crime.” The two Windsor police officers can be seen drawing their guns and ordering him to get out.  “I’m honestly afraid to get out,” Nazario tells them. One of the police officers replied, “Yeah dude, you should be.”


Instead of complying, Nazario chooses instead, to repeatedly push the limits of the police officers. The Windsor Police officer uses pepper spray to subdue the subject. They handcuff him and then search his vehicle, a Nazario asks, “Why am I being treated like this—Why? This is really messed up! You know this is f**ed up!” The police offer explains, “Because you’re not cooperating.”

The video has now gone viral on social media, as the typical BLM radicals make the traffic stop into a racial crisis. Qasim Rashid, a popular far-left agitator on Twitter tweeted a video of the incident, calling it “Horrific police violence.”

What the BLM activists and our dishonest media is not telling everyone is that Nazario refused to stop for over ONE MILE, that he had no visible tag on his license plate, that he was NON-COMPLIANT when he did stop and that he had a GUN in plain view!

News Max host Greg Kelly, called Nazario a “bad lieutenant” and revealed that he had a loaded gun by his leg on the floor of the vehicle in the front seat. Of course, the media and the BLM hysteria messengers forgot to mention that part!

ewsmax host Greg Kelly tweeted about strict policies that most Army bases have about storing weapons, asking which base he was coming from and if he had been in compliance or non-compliance with the Army bases rules, as he carried a gun on the floor of his vehicle.