Monday, April 12, 2021

Watched morning news at airport in Detroit.. WOW.. ABC reporting sounds so "anti white". Every story and anchor's remarks



Wow... so obvious. So sad 

Good thing I'm not here.

COVID-19 ‘spreading like wildfire’ despite increasing vaccination numbers




ABC News Videos

COVID-19 ‘spreading like wildfire’ despite increasing vaccination numbers

While the U.S. reaches a record number of vaccinations given in a single day, front-line medical workers in Michigan worry about a fourth wave as hospitals fill up with new coronavirus cases.


All you Americans that are having a hard time paying your bills.....When will YOU tell Biden "enough is enough, when will you take care of us"?

 (YOU don't matter to Democrats)



U.S. considering cash payments to stem migration


The U.S. is considering sending money to Central Americans in an attempt to stem the flow of migration.

A senior White House official told Reuters the program would aim to address the economic woes pushing people to move.

There's been a steady increase in arrivals at the U.S.-Mexico border in recent months.

Some 168,000 people were picked up by U.S. Border Patrol agents in March - the highest monthly tally in twenty years.

Roberta Jacobson, the White House's southern border coordinator, said the potential program would be targeted at people in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.

She told Reuters: "We're looking at all of the productive options to address both the economic reasons people may be migrating, as well as the protection and security reasons."

Republicans have already hit out at the idea.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said Friday that the idea was insulting to millions of Americans out of work.

Republicans also blame the recent surge in arrivals on Biden's decision to reverse former President Donald Trump's hardline immigration policies.

Biden has instead called for $4 billion in development aid to Central America over four years to address the underlying causes of migration.

On Friday, the White House requested $861 million from Congress for that effort in Biden's first annual budget proposal.

Video Transcript

- The US is considering sending money to central Americans in an attempt to stem the flow of migration. A senior White House official told Reuters the program would aim to address the economic woes pushing people to move. There's been a steady increase in arrivals at the US Mexico border in recent months.

Some 168,000 people were picked up by US border patrol agents in March. The highest monthly tally in 20 years. Roberta Jacobson, the White House's southern border coordinator said the potential program will be targeted at people in Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.

She told Reuters, "We're looking at all of the productive options to address both the economic reasons people may be migrating, as well as the protection and security reasons." Republicans have already hit out at the idea. House Minority leader Kevin McCarthy said Friday that the idea was insulting to millions of Americans out of work.

Republicans blame the recent surge in arrivals on Biden's decision to reverse former President Donald Trump's hardline immigration policies. Biden has instead called for $4 billion in development aid to Central America over four years to address the underlying causes of migration. On Friday, the White House requested 861 million from Congress for that effort, in Biden's first annual budget proposal.


Friday, April 9, 2021

INSURRECTION? Black Lives Matter Goons Take Over Iowa Capitol (VIDEOS)


INSURRECTION? Black Lives Matter Goons Take Over Iowa Capitol (VIDEOS)

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Black Lives Matter militants stormed the Iowa State Capitol, in a move that would be described as an “insurrection” if conducted by people on the right.

The militant leftists forced their way into the building to stage a die-in.



BRUTAL: Female Postal Worker Viciously Beaten in Flint, Michigan Over Delayed Stimulus Checks (VIDEO)


BRUTAL: Female Postal Worker Viciously Beaten in Flint, Michigan Over Delayed Stimulus Checks (VIDEO)

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This was horrible.
A female postal service worker was brutally beaten in broad daylight in Flint, Michigan by several women over delayed stimulus checks.

The women are filmed pummeling the woman and pulling her hair.

Police say the woman is in good condition and an arrest was made in the beating.

According to the video, the white female is a USPS postal worker and she is attacked by multiple African American women regarding “stimulus money”:



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TRENDING: BRUTAL: Female Postal Worker Viciously Beaten in Flint, Michigan Over Delayed Stimulus Checks (VIDEO)