Thursday, December 14, 2023

Stop trying to DIVIDE... it will come back and bite your butt.









What the hell happened to everyone wanting to be equal and.....being EQUAL ?























Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Vigilant Fox: Italian Health Minister Under Investigation for Murder for Concealing COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths


Vigilant Fox: Italian Health Minister Under Investigation for Murder for Concealing COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths


Finally people are opening their eyes) Support for Trump Among Black Americans is up Nine Points From 2020










POLL: Support for Trump Among Black Americans is up Nine Points From 2020



Black Americans are increasingly turning their support to Donald Trump for 2024, according to new polling from GenForward.

Trump’s support among black Americans has increased by nine points since the 2020 election.

This is likely due to issues such as the economy and the disaster at the southern border. In recent months, black Americans in Chicago and other cities have spoken out loudly against the flood of illegal border crossers being moved into their communities.

Breitbart News reports:

Poll: 17% of Black Americans Support Donald Trump, Up 9 Points from 2020

Former President Donald Trump’s support among black Americans is surging ahead of the 2024 election, polling from GenForward shows.

The black vote is a key demographic that has heavily favored Democrats for the past 50 years. Trump won 8 percent of black voters in 2020.

GenForward polling found:

– 17 percent of black Americans currently support Trump
– 20 percent of black Americans said they would vote for “someone else” other than Trump or Biden



“It is possible, and we’ve seen it before, that a higher number, in particular Black men because of a kind of hypermasculinity of Donald Trump, could vote for Trump [again],” the founder and director of the GenForward project and University of Chicago political science professor Cathy Cohen told Politico.

The poll surveyed 3,448 eligible voters from November 8–30 with a 3-point margin of error.

This news should terrify Democrats.

Black Americans should know that despite everything Democrats and the media tell them, they are welcome in the Trump coalition. Trump wants to make America better for all Americans, regardless of race.























Biden/Harris ONLY WANT YOUR VOTE...You are a person of color and they want YOUR VOTE.










 You're smart..... you can see it now

Sunday, December 10, 2023

What is up with all the LONG hair almost to the ground... it looks like a horse tail











Not pretty or classy.... just long braids or hair that EVERYONE knows is FAKE !! 














If whites tried to seperate by color there would be protests around the world. (But they are too weak


 If WHITES tried this there would be protests across the world.

and whites are too wimpy to do anything like that anyway.




 Black news 





black star news




Black lives Matter ( only black)




Black entertainment channel





Black and missing foundation




What would happen is the word "WHITE" was replaced instead of the word Black?

Saturday, December 9, 2023