Tuesday, July 27, 2021

parents need to be parents NOT friends



YOU are screwing your kids up




Dallas Black Supremacist Org Demands White Liberals Pledge Not To Send Children To Ivy League Schools (read every word and pass on)






Dallas Black Supremacist Org Demands White Liberals Pledge Not To Send Children To Ivy League Schools


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Dallas Justice NOW, a Texas-based black supremacist group, are demanding white Americans pledge to never attend Ivy League schools and any other top school in the United States and instead amend centuries of institutional racism by reserving spots in elite institutions for minorities.

Despite being white and wealthy, Caucasian Americans have proven their willingness to support black supremacy with loyalty to the Democrat Party and Black Lives Matter, Dallas Justice NOW argues in an open letter sent to residents of Texas’ Highland Park Independent School District.


But championing Democrats and Black Lives Matter does not relegate white privilege, the racial activist group states.

“We are writing to you because we understand you are white and live within the Highland Park Independent School District and thus benefit from enormous privileges taken at the expense of communities of color,” the racial activist group states. “You live in the whitest and wealthiest neighborhood in Dallas. Whether you know it or not, you earned or inherited your money through oppressing people of color.

However, it is also our understanding that you are a Democrat and supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement which makes you one of our white allies and puts you in a position to help correct these crucial injustices. We need you to step up and back up your words with actions and truly sacrifice to make our segregated city more just.

White Americans must sacrifice their privilege by committing to keeping their children out of Ivy Leagues schools, allowing only minorities and students from marginalized communities to attend the elite institutions, and persuading their white privileged cohorts to do the same, DJN implores.

“We are asking you to pledge that your children will not apply or attend any IVY League School or US News & World Report Top 50 School. If you do not have children under 18 then we ask you to pledge to hold your white privileged friends, family, and neighbors with children to this standard,” the letter continues. “These schools have afforded white families for generations. Having your children attend these schools takes away spaces from students of color who really need the job opportunities, education and influence that these schools provide.

Rich, white Americans who refuse to comply with the pledge are perpetuating racism, the group argued.

We know that this sounds like a tough commitment to make. But it is truly disheartening to see wealthy folks sanding charitable donations, posting #BlackLivesMatter on social media, or putting up yard signs as if to say that minimal effort is all they are prepared to do in the fight for racial justice,” the pledge states. “The quest for justice requires commitment from our white allies and we thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in making such a commitment.”

In a pledge published its website, Dallas Justice Now doubles down its rebuke of white Americans


“As a white person with privilege both from my whiteness and my neighborhood I recognize the need to make sacrifices for the purpose of correcting hundreds of years of murder, slavery, discrimination, and lack of educational and economic opportunities perpetrated upon people of color. I understand that access to top schools is a key component in economic and social advancement. Therefore, I commit that my children will not apply to or attend any Ivy League School or US News & World Report Top 50 School so that position at that school is available for people of color to help correct historical wrongs,” the pledge states. “If I do not have children under 18 then I will commit to encouraging my white privileged friends, neighbors, and family members with children to sign the pledge and holding them accountable until they do so.”






Monday, July 26, 2021

Take your city back




Don't allow anyone to cause harm to your family.


I have given up on society. NOTHING but loud mouth nasty women and thugs for men.



We have never been so disappointed in people as this past weekend.


Not men and women...they were loud screaming nasty females and the men were just as bad.


They couldn't even speak ONE FULL sentence of proper English. 


How embarrassing for them.

Friday, July 23, 2021

More Evidence Leaked from China on the Deliberate Release of COVID-19 by the Chinese Military



EXCLUSIVE: More Evidence Leaked from China on the Deliberate Release of COVID-19 by the Chinese Military

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The following information was provided by a source inside China who has knowledge of the circumstances and has been vetted.

COVID-19 was created in a laboratory by the Chinese People’s Liberation Army and fine-tuned as a bioweapon.


It was specifically designed to be highly contagious, but often asymptomatic, have low lethality, but produce uncontrollable variants and possessing characteristics providing plausible deniability as a bioweapon.

According to Chinese military doctrine, such bioweapons are used prior to a declaration of war for political or international strategic needs, where the use of which can be denied. The intent (underlined) being:

TRENDING: Attorney: Jan. 6 Prisoners Brutally Beaten, Stripped, Hogtied, Humiliated by Guards - One Prisoner Blinded in One Eye - Worse Abuse Than Gitmo (VIDEO)

Even if the academic evidence, virological evidence and animal experiment data could possibly prove (that the virus comes from lab), we can just deny it, stop (investigation), suppress (scholars), make sure the international organizations and honest people’s work is futile.”

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A fully formed sample of COVID-19 was ready for testing in early 2019, while a parallel vaccine program was underway.

Scientists from the Wuhan Institute of Virology were chosen to participate in non-human primate (monkeys) transmission testing, simulated coronavirus release and response exercises such as at Wuhan’s Tianhe airport in September 2019 and an actual test release of COVID-19 at the 2019 Military World Games from October 18–27, 2019.

The source mentioned special health screenings at the Military Games, perhaps as a means of monitoring the results of a small, short-term test release of COVID-19.

A statement allegedly made by a Chinese People’s Liberation Army officer at the time was “Let the white pigs have some.”

The release of COVID-19 at the Military World Games was also a test of the longer term effects of that type of bioweapon because foreign visitors to the Games would carry it back to their own countries and the consequences could be observed.

Because COVID-19 was designed for plausible deniability, infections could not be easily traced back to China and it could also be attributed to a natural origin.

The source explained that the subsequent outbreak in Wuhan was entirely unexpected. That is, there was no laboratory leak, but the unintended spread among the Chinese population of Wuhan of a virus for which they had underestimated its transmissibility.

Beijing learned about the silent spreading of COVID-19 by the beginning of December, but kept it quiet and allowed international flights from Wuhan to continue.

The source speculated about the COVID-19 test release and why the Wuhan outbreak was then leveraged by the Chinese Communist Party.


COVID-19 was meant to hit United States, its allies and the whole western world because of China’s economic problems and the trade war being conducted by President Trump. The effects of a pandemic might cause Trump to lose the election.

If the U.S. military was disrupted by COVID-19, further pressure could be applied to Taiwan, perhaps even invasion, and the uprisings in Hong Kong could be suppressed under the guise of public health measures.

If China escapes responsibility for COVID-19 and its bioweapons program is allowed to continue, there will likely be another, perhaps more deadly, attack.

Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. is retired from an international career in business and medical research with 29 years of service in the US Army Reserve and a veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq. His email address is lawrence.sellin@gmail.com.







Potentially deadly 'superbug' fungus found in two US cities, CDC says (untreatable)





Potentially deadly 'superbug' fungus found in two US cities, CDC says

Associated Press

U.S. health officials said Thursday they now have evidence of an untreatable fungus spreading in two hospitals and a nursing home.

The “superbug” outbreaks were reported in a Washington, D.C., nursing home and at two Dallas-area hospitals, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported. A handful of the patients had invasive fungal infections that were impervious to all three major classes of medications.

“This is really the first time we've started seeing clustering of resistance" in which patients seemed to be getting the infections from each other, said the CDC's Dr. Meghan Lyman.

The fungus, Candida auris, is a harmful form of yeast that is considered dangerous to hospital and nursing home patients with serious medical problems. It is most deadly when it enters the bloodstream, heart or brain. Outbreaks in health care facilities have been spurred when the fungus spread through patient contact or on contaminated surfaces.

Health officials have sounded alarms for years about the superbug after seeing infections in which commonly used drugs had little effect. In 2019, doctors diagnosed three cases in New York that were also resistant to a class of drugs, called echinocandins, that were considered a last line of defense.

In those cases, there was no evidence the infections had spread from patient to patient – scientists concluded the resistance to the drugs formed during treatment.

The new cases did spread, the CDC concluded.

More Viruses?: Scientists discover more than 30 viruses frozen in ice, most never seen before

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In Washington, D.C., a cluster of 101 C. auris cases at a nursing home dedicated to very sick patients included three that were resistant to all three kinds of antifungal medications. A cluster of 22 in two Dallas-area hospitals included two with that level of resistance. The facilities weren't identified.

Those cases were seen from January to April. Of the five people who were fully resistant to treatment, three died – both Texas patients and one in Washington.

Lyman said both are ongoing outbreaks and that additional infections have been identified since April. But those added numbers were not reported.

Investigators reviewed medical records and found no evidence of previous antifungal use among the patients in those clusters. Health officials say that means they spread from person to person.




Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Texas hospital reports its 1st case of "lambda" COVID-19 variant



Texas hospital reports its 1st case of lambda COVID-19 variant

·3 min read
Texas hospital reports its 1st case of lambda COVID-19 variant

A major Texas hospital system has reported its first case of the lambda COVID-19 variant, as the state reels from the rampant delta variant.

Houston Methodist Hospital, which operates eight hospitals in its network, said the first lambda case was confirmed Monday.

The lambda variant was first detected in Peru in December 2020, according to the World Health Organization and makes up 81% of COVID-19 cases sequenced in the country since April 2021, according to a June WHO report. Currently, WHO designates lambda as a "variant of interest."

PHOTO: Houston Methodist Baytown Hospital in Baytown, Texas, June 22, 2021. (Francois Picard/AFP via Getty Images, FILE)
PHOTO: Houston Methodist Baytown Hospital in Baytown, Texas, June 22, 2021. (Francois Picard/AFP via Getty Images, FILE)

Houston Methodist had a little over 100 COVID-19 patients across the hospital system last week. That number rose to 185 Monday, with a majority of those infected being unvaccinated, according to a statement released by the hospital Monday.

Among those infections, about 85% have been diagnosed with the delta variant, hospital officials said.

MORE: Statistics show the stark risks of not getting vaccinated against COVID-19

"We're seeing an alarming spike in the number of COVID-19 cases across the Houston area, with the steepest increase happening over the weekend," Houston Methodist said. "The increased hospitalizations add stress to many of our hospitals that are nearing capacity."

Hospital president and CEO Dr. Marc Boom stressed it is "imperative" that the community "get vaccinated and decrease virus spread."

Despite the report of the lambda variant, experts at Houston Methodist say delta is still the primary concern in the U.S.

MORE: Delta variant now makes up 83% of cases, CDC director says

"The lambda is the dominant variant in Peru and Peru has had a very difficult time with COVID-19. It shares mutations in common with the alpha variants, the beta, the gamma, which is the dominant variant in Brazil," Dr. Wesley Long, medical director of Diagnostic Microbiology at Houston Methodist, told ABC News.

"I don't think there's sufficient evidence at this point that we should be more concerned about lambda than delta, I still think delta is the primary concern for us. There's a lot more evidence that we have that delta is much more contagious, the viral loads are much higher," he added.

PHOTO: Volunteer doctors and nurses prepare ahead of a COVID-19 vaccine clinic on May 13, 2021 in Houston, Texas. (Brandon Bell/Getty Images, FILE)
PHOTO: Volunteer doctors and nurses prepare ahead of a COVID-19 vaccine clinic on May 13, 2021 in Houston, Texas. (Brandon Bell/Getty Images, FILE)

The lambda variant "has been associated with substantive rates of community transmission in multiple countries, with rising prevalence over time concurrent with increased COVID-19 incidence," the WHO said in its June report. In June, the variant was detected in 29 countries.

The delta variant, which was first detected in India in December, now accounts for about 83% of all sequenced COVID-19 cases in the United States, Center for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said during a Senate hearing Tuesday. The WHO designates delta as a "variant of concern."

MORE: COVID-19 vaccines protect you better than infection, doctors say

Long noted that Houston Methodist has seen its positivity rate increase and hospitalizations rise, but the situation on the ground is still "far below" the winter peak.

"[Infections are] on the increase. How many more cases are we going to get?" Long said. "We're going to need more folks to get vaccinated and folks who aren't vaccinated in particular to practice all the safe practices that we learned through the pandemic to help slow the spread of COVID. All those are critically important to keep this delta wave under control."

At the moment, 51% of Texas' state population aged 12 and up is fully vaccinated, according to state data.

Texas hospital reports its 1st case of lambda COVID-19 variant originally appeared on abcnews.go.com