Friday, March 30, 2018

Why must someone apologize for their OPINION? Aren't WE entitled to have them?

What the hell is going on with this world?

I may not like YOUR opinion but I would never ask you to apologize.

This world is going crazy and WE/YOU are allowing it to happen.

Okay, now I need YOU to leave me a comment and tell me to either shut up or keep blogging

Leave me a comment

I have had so many stand for me to keep this going until I came home a few days ago.

There will be recipes or complaining about the news or family or neighbors or gadget reviews etc.

Leave a comment if I should continue.

Why is it that the protesters are allowed to say anything they want including nasty foowl languge.

But when anyone calls them a whiner.... that bully/protester has everyone boycott her supporters.


She called you a whiner and YOU ARE A WHINER.

Where is that thick skin?

Who the heck would want a "child" like that on their campus to WHINE about everything on the campus?

Thursday, March 29, 2018

What makes YOUR beliefs right..... and MINE wrong?

You say that you are "for" it.
I say I am against it.

Why are you YELLING at me and calling me wrong?
Who is to say that YOU are right?

Stop freaking yelling and screaming and talk like an adult.

Parents should be ashamed of their children acting like idiots during the protests. Most act like young adults but then you have the other loud mouth, screaming little babies.

We all agree that you should stand up for your beliefs.

But it should be a peaceful protest.