Monday, December 10, 2018

I agree with Beth Chapman...............

Her quote....

NOW HEAR THIS!!! I am going to watch Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and Charlie Brown’s Christmas. I’m going to listen to Baby it’s Cold Outside and Santa Baby. I will continue to use the phrases “bring home the bacon”, “kill two birds with one stone” or any other damn thing that may offend you bunch of snowflakes. I’ve had it with all this political correctness. If you don’t like it then tough, because this is a free country, at least for now.
Feel free to share this, it’s just my opinion.Oh and MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!!!

I agree 100%

What a bunch of whining babies !

Friday, December 7, 2018

Kevin Hart is right.... You cannot apologize over and over from about something that happened in the past.

We'll see how that goes for you Kevin.

The black community keeps insisting that the rest of the world keep apologizing for slavery that THEY HAD NO PART OF.

How does it feel Kevin? Not fair for anyone right?

WHITE people have been paying the price for slavery and always will.

Even if they apologize African Americans bring it up over and over and over and over.

He said the past is the past right?

Well everyone can say the same.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Amid #MeToo, radio station nixes 'Baby, It's Cold Outside' ( what a bunch of idiots)

Amid #MeToo, radio station nixes 'Baby, It's Cold Outside'

Associated PressAssociated Press Sat, Dec 1 8:54 AM CST 

CLEVELAND (AP) — A Cleveland radio station says it has stopped playing "Baby, It's Cold Outside" after listeners said the song heard on countless holiday playlists is inappropriate.
They're certainly not the first to question the song's undertones and criticize the duet, in which one singer tries to persuade the other to stay and their exchanges include lyrics like "What's in this drink?  and "Baby, don't hold out."
WDOK-FM midday host Glenn Anderson says he recognizes that society was different when the song was written back in 1944, but he doesn't think it has a place today, especially in the era of the #MeToo movement against sexual harassment.
He announced on the pop music station's website this week that the song would no longer be in its around-the-clock rotation of holiday music.

In 1944 when this was written, women acted like women and were NOT sluts. They didn't sleep with someone just because they stayed at someone's house.

Get YOUR freaking mind out of YOUR life and stop acusing ladies of doing what YOU WOULD DO. 

What the hell is wrong with you people.... you make things up in your head and whats worse .. you talk people into believing that it was true. 

You are sooooo strange.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Please stop teaching COLORS. There should NOT be one color more important than another.

ALL colors are special.

When you speak, type about ONE color....... that is what is called RACISM.

Stop dividing colors and bring Everyone together.

Stop teaching separation and teach love. 

STOP living in the past, and look forward to the future.


Why do you care what the internet thinks about you?

No really....... why do you care? Does it really matter that they don't like your hair? Does it matter that they don't like your outfit? Does it matter that they think that you stole your outfit idea from a celeb? ( by the way...... so only one person on the earth can purchase a certain item?)


Thursday, November 8, 2018

Don't let anyone make you feel bad about YOUR opinion.

It is YOUR opinion so own it.

Even if we disagree, you have that RIGHT to your own opinion.

And you should respect me enough to not question mine.