Friday, July 26, 2019

Buisness Owners have a RIGHT to chose their own clients. They should NEVER be forced.

Who the hell are you to force someone to serve you? 

Go somewhere else where someone WILL serve you.

YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL, you're a jerk.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Stand up for yourself......... (but don't whine like most are doing)

someone gives you shit.... give it right back.

don't ever let anyone bully you.

don't be afraid of what others may think

Stand up proud and tall, be yourself

And NEVER compromise on your beliefs and values

White, black, brown, purple, green...

Stand up and SPEAK UP


Thursday, July 18, 2019

Chris Pratt Is in Hot Water for This Controversial T-Shirt & the Internet Has Thoughts ( KNOW what it means before acting like an ass.) Please pass on.

(Stupid people don't know the TRUE meaning. Thank God many of us Do including this comment below)

Stop looking for something to be mad about. Get a job, get a life, have a family and be a leader not a follower. Do research instead of believing everything you read.

Please pass it on

15 hours ago
We at @forgedclothing would like to address the ridiculous accusations that @prattprattpratt supports white supremacy because he wears our “Don’t Tread On Me” T-Shirt.

First and foremost, we are a Navy SEAL-founded, patriotic, and military-inspired brand. Our CEO and members of our Forged team served alongside military service members of all races, cultures, and ethnicities. As we fought for our country, many of us wore the 1st Navy Jack flag on the sleeves of our uniforms, which the Gadsden military-authorized flag is based on. This incredibly powerful symbol was one of the first flags flown by our Continental Navy since 1776 and is still widely used by our military forces today.

Secondly, @prattprattpratt has been a great friend and loyal supporter of Forged since our paths crossed back in 2011. Since then, his support has helped both @forgedclothing and the @murphchallenge raise millions of dollars for military and law enforcement families and foundations. He has never ONCE asked for a dime in return and has always used his own funds and resources to help promote these campaigns in honor of others.

@prattprattpratt is by far one of the most humble and selfless Americans we have ever known. We will ALWAYS have his back.

And finally, we are not @nike. The four tweets that have been posted by small-minded people with myopic views (one of which has already been deleted) DO NOT scare us. We will not back down and recall our Gadsden Flag shirts. Instead, we are going to re-release this design. So to the few ignorant critics offended by our patriotism and Chris Pratt’s patriotism...Standby. This one is for you! 🇺🇸 PLEASE SHARE THIS MESSAGE AND HELP US SUPPORT @prattprattpratt AGAINST THESE ACCUSATIONS.

Monday, July 15, 2019

What the hell is wrong with so called adults ( over 18 ) following and worshipping celebs and others?

Is your life worthless that you have to follow and bow to "others"?

We feel sorry for you.

Be a freaking LEADER instead of a FOLLOWER. 

Do you really think that THEIR life is more important than your own?

So they can sing ( or talk to music)
So they can act
So they have had multiple surgeries and injections
So they can pose nude
So they have blah blah blah

You don't need to strip down to have everything.

Have CLASS first and the rest will follow. They will be known for stripping you will be known for having CLASS (not ass)

link back do not copy 


Saturday, July 13, 2019

Stop crying like a freaking baby and follow ALL OF THE LAWS.

Stop the shit of "you are stopping me because I'm ________"

You were stopped because you broke the law dumb ass.

Don't be an ass..... read All THE FACTS BEFORE REPOSTING A STORY

Just because you read it on facebook,twitter or news outlet.... that doesn't mean that they gave you all the facts.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Please read. It does NOT matter your political party, we all should be "adults". Please read his words below

Billionaire Home Depot co-founder shreds Trump haters in new Facebook post

  Brian Sozzi 13 hours ago
Billionaire Home Depot co-founder and noted philanthropist Bernie Marcus — forever a feisty fella even at the youthful age of 90 —has no plans to run from his fresh batch of social media trolls.

Marcus has been under fire all week after telling the Atlanta Journal-Constitution he supported President Donald Trump’s election bid. The now frequent Fox News commentator didn’t stop there, however. Marcus told his hometown digital paper that he plans to support Trump’s re-election bid.

The president deserves kudos for a strong jobs market, pushing back on China on trade and taking action against Iran, according to Marcus.

Obviously, that hasn’t sat well with the anti-Trump crowd. Said legion has since taken to Twitter calling for a boycott of Home Depot (HD). The home improvement retailer has tried to distance itself from Marcus, noting he hasn’t been with the company for nearly 20 years.

After several Facebook posts this week on the issue, Marcus dropped the hammer on his critics on Wednesday. Here is what he wrote in a new Facebook post:
“I woke up this morning thinking it was going to be another great day. I've been celebrating with friends, family and the community since I turned 90. I've told you about the gracious gift of $117 million that was collected and given in my honor to four charities that mean a lot to me. All that happiness blew up because I said in a newspaper interview that I have supported and will continue to support Donald Trump.
Negative stories... vicious threats, without cause, to boycott the company that has enabled my foundation to give billions to support autism, medical research, education, heart and neurological issues like stroke, and to help our veterans. The company that I retired from in 2002 and have not had a business relationship with in almost 20 years. A company that has employed more than a half-million people. The people who work there are affiliated with both political parties or no party at all. They are of all religions and all colors and backgrounds. Why would people want to hurt them?
All because I give my voice and some of my money to our President. Am I in China? Argentina? Russia? That's what it feels like to me.
It saddens me that our country has come to this, where I, as a private citizen, cannot express my feelings. It angers me and it saddens me, but it sure as hell is not going to stop me. If you thought it would, you've got the wrong guy.
In the next ten years, God willing, I will accomplish more to save this world than my critics will do even if they had forty lifetimes.”
We aren’t sure what other 90-year-olds are having a similar week to Marcus’. But, it’s not hard to see what drove his success — he doesn’t take any BS.