Sunday, August 4, 2019

Westminster mother, daughter accused of ‘largest housing fraud case in Orange County history,’ DA says

(there was 600,000 int the bank account) see their photo

Westminster mother, daughter accused of ‘largest housing fraud case in Orange County history,’ DA says 
The pair are accused of bilking more than $190,000 from the county.
A mother and daughter from Westminster are facing felony welfare fraud charges after allegedly bilking $190,000 from Orange County housing services, the Orange County District Attorney’s office says. Errica Mickens (left), 55, and Brittany Mickens (right), 29, were arrested on Thursday, Aug. 1. (Photo courtesy of the Orange County District Attorney) 

By Emily Rasmussen | | Long Beach Press-Telegram
PUBLISHED: August 2, 2019 at 5:08 pm | UPDATED: August 2, 2019 at 5:08 pm
A mother and daughter from Westminster are facing felony welfare fraud charges in what the Orange County District Attorney’s office says is the “largest housing fraud case” in county history.

Errica Madkins Mickens, 55, and Brittany Monet Mickens, 29, were arrested Thursday, Aug. 1, on suspicion of bilking more than $190,000 from county housing services.

The pair are accused of concealing their identities to gain funds from Orange County’s Housing Authority Section 8, which provides rental assistance to low-income households, and In Home Supportive Services, which provides benefits to its disabled clients such as support for family care.

“The brazen way (the IHSS) program was exploited by these two individuals to steal taxpayer dollars is beyond disturbing,” District Attorney Todd Spitzer said in a statement.

The mother and daughter allegedly used multiple birth certificates and ID cards to gain eligibility for the public programs, hiding their true identities, but investigators say Errica and Brittany Mickens have more than $600,000 in their bank accounts.

Errica Mickens is an IHSS client who received the maximum benefits – for clients who need 285 hours of assistance per month. Brittany Mickens served as the care provider for her mother, who she said she could not speak or walk, according to prosecutors.

But during surveillance in the district attorney’s probe, Errica Mickens was seen moving trash cans, carrying vehicle tires, driving a vehicle and shopping in grocery stores, without aid. Investigators also said the mother and daughter took a recent trip to Europe, which they posted on social media, and bought a new SUV.

Multiple charges were filed at the county’s Central Justice Center and the pair were arraigned Friday morning, Aug. 2, the district attorney’s office said

Errica Mickens and Brittany Mickens each face one felony count of grand theft public housing fraud, grand theft of housing funds, medical insurance fraud of In Home Supportive Services, and grand theft of IHSS funds. They also face four enhancements of aggravated white collar crime over $100,000 and under $500,000.

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Don't look at a photo of a celeb or beautiful woman's PERFECT body and feel bad about yourself.

Most of them PAID for their bodies.

You are PERFECT and Natural.


Hey McDonalds.... you just lost another family... McDonald’s employee refused service to paramedics: ‘We don’t accept anyone with a badge’

You can't tell me that this person never told employees his feelings about Law Enforcement or First Responders.

Managment never knew this person's feelings, coworkers never knew?
Bull workers probably agree with them.

What a bunch of THUGS !!  

YOU ARE an embarrassment!


Friday, August 2, 2019

Over confident, over comfident, over confident. YES she is !!!!

for Women that claim they are strong......
are a bunch of whining babies.

Blacks for Trump state that they DO NOT think Trump is Racsist.

This was at his rally. Read their signs and shirts. Many more would have gone but were probably afraid of what would happen to them.