Wednesday, February 5, 2020

An Iowa caucusgoer tried to retract her support for Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg after learning he's married to a man.

An Iowa woman tried to retract her support for Pete Buttigieg after learning he's gay (Connor Perrett)
Business Insider
pete buttigieg chasten buttigieg
pete buttigieg chasten buttigieg
Kamil Krzaczynski/AFP/Getty Images
  • An Iowa caucusgoer tried to retract her support for Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg after learning he's married to a man.
  • Buttigieg came out of the closet in 2015 and married his husband, Chasten, in June 2018.
  • "He better read the Bible," the woman who asked for her preference card back says in a video that went viral.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.
A caucusgoer in Iowa retracted her support for Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg and asked if she could take her preference card back after learning that he's in a same-sex relationship.
The interaction occurred between two women in the middle of a caucus event Monday night and was captured in a video that went viral.
In the video, one woman is wearing a pin that labels her a "precinct captain" for the Buttigieg campaign. The other woman is wearing a Buttigieg sticker and a bright-green pin for the campaign of Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar.
"So are you saying that he has a same-sex partner?" the second woman asks in the video.
"Yes," the Buttigieg organizer says.
"Well then I don't want anybody like that in the White House," the woman says before asking if she can get her card back.
According to McClatchy, organizers distribute preference cards out to the caucusgoers so that the organizers can determine the viability of a candidate. The woman presumably asked for her card back so she could change her preference for another candidate.
In the video, the Buttigieg organizer seems to want to find out if she can help the other caucusgoer revise her support. But she also suggests that the other woman stick with Buttigieg, saying his sexual orientation "shouldn't really matter."
"Well, he better read the Bible," the woman says.
The woman also asks in the video why Buttigieg, a former Indiana mayor who has been open about his position as the first major openly gay candidate for president, hasn't discussed his sexuality more, adding that she had never heard he was gay.
"It's common knowledge," the Buttigieg organizer says in the video.
The supporter of the 38-year-old former mayor tells the woman it shouldn't matter if a candidate is a man, a woman, gay, or straight and urges the woman to caucus based on whether she agrees with what the former mayor stands for.
"It all just went right down the toilet is where it all just went," the woman says.
Buttigieg married his husband, Chasten, a high-school drama teacher, in June 2018, a few years after they began dating in 2015. Chasten Buttigieg would be the nation's first "first gentleman" if his husband were elected, and he said he would use his platform to reform public schools.
Buttigieg came out as gay in 2015, when he was 33 years old, according to The New York Times.
It's not clear if the caucusgoer was able to change her selection Monday night.
The Buttigieg campaign did not respond to Business Insider's request for comment.
Read more: 
The nonprofit that initially took credit for 'launching' the Iowa caucus app developer quietly changed its website to distance itself from the controversial tech
Pete Buttigieg is backtracking his victory speech from Iowa, noting that he doesn't have any official numbers but that it's 'extraordinary' that his campaign made it this far
From the wealthy to Wall Street, here's how the 2020 Democrats would redraw the US tax code with their plans
Pete Buttigieg is a trailblazing presidential candidate. But for his supporters, his identity is in the background.
Read the original article on Business Insider


Monday, January 27, 2020

FBI Investigating Whether Ilhan Omar Married Her Brother

FBI Investigating Whether Ilhan Omar Married Her Brother

Zachary Evans
The FBI is looking into reports that Representative Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) married her brother in order to ease his immigration to the U.S., the New York Post reported on Sunday.
Two agents interviewed a person with knowledge of the case in Minnesota in mid-October. The person presented a trove of documents relating to the marriage of Omar and Ahmed Nur Said Elmi in 2009.
A number of right-wing blogs have for years posited that Elmi, a British citizen, is Omar’s brother based on a years-old Instagram post that identified him as the “uncle” of Omar’s child. The agents are reportedly now looking into the possibility that Omar married Elmi in order to obtain a Green Card for the brother.
Omar did not comment on the latest report, but has repeatedly denied the allegations she married her brother. The claims were initially sourced to a post, since deleted, on the website Somalispot, a blog forum that caters to Minnesota’s Somali community.
Before the marriage to Elmi, Omar was engaged to Ahmed Hirsi in 2002, however the congresswoman has said she did not legally marry Hirsi. Omar and Hirsi split in 2008, but reunited in 2012, even though Omar was legally married to Elmi until 2017.
Omar separated from Elmi in a no-fault divorce, which she obtained by stating under oath that she had no way of contacting Elmi. That claim came under scrutiny last year when the Daily Caller reported that Elmi may have designed source code for a website run by Omar’s sister from Nairobi, Kenya.
In addition to the speculation surrounding her family, Omar has also drawn fire for a series of anti-Semitic comments on Twitter. She and Michigan Representative Rashida Tlaib were refused entry to Israel in August due to their support for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, which seeks economic and cultural boycotts of Israel.
Omar and Tlaib had planned their trip in conjunction with Miftah, a Palestinian non-profit that has published a blood libel accusing Jews of using the blood of Christians to make matzoh for Passover. Miftah also republished an American neo-Nazi article alleging that Jews control the news media and entertainment industries.

Just because one person has more "followers" than someone else, it doesn't mean that they are RESPECTED more... sometimes it COULD mean that

they are like a train wreak and it's fun to watch.

Go ahead and deny that.

There were NINE people that died.... PLEASE MOURN ALL OF THEM not just Kobe.

May you ALL rest in peace !

Kobe turned his life around since that case against him (She chose not to press criminal charges but opted to sue in civil court.Bryant chose to settle out of court for 2.5 million.).....

It goes to show that everyone makes mistakes and can turn their lives into something that everyone admires. Rest in peace Kobe, hold your daughter tight. The world will miss you.

Life is so darn short..... everyone go home and hug your loved ones and tell them how much they mean to you.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Let's see if I have this right.... Grammy's can only be for African Americans.... You can't write a book about another race unless you are from that race

Grammy's can only be for African Americans....

You can't write a book about another race unless you are from that race.....

The Oscars are for African Americans only

Anything other than the above...... you're a racist.

I say that if you have REAL talent.... you will win the award. Black white purple or green.....talent is talent.

And if you're a writer..... write whatever you want to write about.

STOP letting people tell you what THEY want you to do.

My opinion is that I beleive that ABC are instagaters. They will do almost anything for ratings

I will NOT watch that channel again for ANY reason.

Only one sided and too many drama queens (male and female).

There are TWO sides to a story but they will NOT show you both.