Friday, September 18, 2020

Chinese virologist who claimed coronavirus was created in a lab and fled to US has been suspended by Twitter

Chinese virologist who claimed coronavirus was created in a lab and fled to US has been suspended by Twitter

James Crump
Dr Li-Meng Yan speaking to Tucker Carlson on Tuesday ((Fox News))
Dr Li-Meng Yan speaking to Tucker Carlson on Tuesday ((Fox News))
Twitter has suspended the account of a Chinese virologist who claimed that Covid-19 was “man-made” and created in a Wuhan lab.
Dr Li-Meng Yan, who claims to be a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Hong Kong School of Public Health, had her Twitter account suspended by the social media site earlier this week.
The virologist, who had more than 60,000 followers on Twitter before her account was suspended, made headlines this week when she claimed to have evidence that the Chinese government was involved in creating the virus, which has so far killed more than 936,156 people worldwide. She claims she fled to LA and is now in hiding in the U.S.
Twitter introduced a policy in May to label posts that contain information about Covid-19, which has been disputed or is controversial.
The site said the policy was introduced to “provide additional explanations or clarifications in situations where the risks of harm associated with a tweet are less severe but where people may still be confused or misled by the content.”
Twitter did not appear to label any of Dr Yan’s tweets, but instead suspended her account. A spokesperson told Newsweek that Twitter does not comment on individual accounts.
Dr Yan made the claims about the origins of Covid-19 in a report alongside three other colleagues, which appeared to be affiliated with the Rule of Law Society, a group founded by president Donald Trump’s former national security adviser Steven Bannon, according to Newsweek.
The report, which has not been peer-reviewed, read: “Natural origin theory, although widely accepted, lacks substantial support.
“The alternative theory that the virus may have come from a research laboratory is, however, strictly censored on peer-reviewed scientific journals.”
The researchers claimed to have evidence that showed that Covid-19 was created in a lab, but the report did not appear to shed new information on the virus.
The University of Hong Kong disputed the findings and released a statement to ITV, where they wrote: “Dr Yan's statement does not accord with the key facts as we understand them. They have no scientific basis but resemble hearsay."
Dr Yan also appeared on Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Tonight on Tuesday to talk about the report, and was referred to as a “whistleblower.”
She told host Tucker Carlson that the virus is “man-made” and claimed: “I have evidence to show why they can do it, what they have done, how [they did it].”
Dr Yan added: “The scientific world also keeps together with the Chinese Communist Party, they don't want people to know his truth.
“That's why I get suspended, I get suppressed, I am the target that Chinese Communist Party wants disappeared.”
The interview was uploaded to the Tucker Carlson Tonight Facebook page, but the social media site labelled it, and wrote: “The primary claims in the information are factually inaccurate.”
Facebook linked to three stories from and USA Today to debunk Dr Yan’s claims that the virus was man-made, according to Newsweek.
Dr Yan’s interview on Tucker Carlson Tonight was still available to watch on YouTube at the time of writing.
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Thursday, September 17, 2020

Because he is black......

Jerry Harris from 'Cheer' has been charged with producing child porn. He admitted receiving explicit photos from minors, court records show.

Tricia L. Nadolny, Marisa Kwiatkowski and Daniel Connolly, USA TODAY
Celebrity cheerleader Jerry Harris has been arrested by the FBI and charged with producing child pornography, the U.S. attorney's office said Thursday. According to federal court records, Harris admitted to agents that he solicited and received explicit messages on Snapchat from at least 10 to 15 individuals he knew were minors, had sex with a 15-year-old at a cheerleading competition in 2019 and offered a 17-year-old money in exchange for nude photos.
Harris, who experienced a meteoric rise to fame this year when he was featured in Netflix’s “Cheer” docuseries, has been under investigation by the FBI for soliciting photos and sex from minors.
USA TODAY reported Monday that the initial criminal investigation was based on allegations brought by 14-year-old twin brothers. In interviews with USA TODAY, the boys described a pattern of harassment, both online and at cheer competitions, that started when they were 13 and Harris was 19. They said it continued for more than a year. On Monday the FBI executed a search warrant at Harris' Naperville, Illinois, home. Since then, agents have interviewed other minors about their interactions with Harris, court records show.
Harris, 21, could not immediately be reached for comment. His arrest was first reported by the Chicago Tribune.
Kristen, the mother of 14-year-old brothers Charlie and Sam, told USA TODAY she filed reports with Fort Worth, Texas, police on July 10 and the FBI on Aug. 8. USA TODAY agreed to withhold the family’s last name because the boys are minors and alleging abuse.
The family provided USA TODAY with screenshots from five text and social media conversations between the boys and accounts they say belong to Harris. Several of the screenshots include messages explicitly requesting nude photos or sex. In one conversation on Snapchat, an account with the name “.jerry harris” responded to a photo of Charlie stretching his leg above his head.
“Do it naked and take a video and show me,” Harris replied privately, according to a screenshot provided to USA TODAY.
Harris is also accused of asking one of the brothers to have sex with him in 2019 at two cheerleading competitions. Charlie said he declined both times.
Varsity, which runs those competitions, on Aug. 1 also reported the allegations to police in Florida and Texas, according to letters obtained by USA TODAY. In the letters, Varsity’s Chief Legal Officer Burton Brillhart said the company had learned of “inappropriate sexual conduct” allegations against Harris and had banned him “from having any affiliation with Varsity Brands or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates, now and in the future.”
Kristen and the boys on Monday filed a lawsuit against Harris, Varsity, the U.S. All Star Federation and the Cheer Athletics gym at which Harris has cheered. In it, the family accuses Harris of sexual misconduct and the cheer organizations of negligence and failures to protect the boys from abuse. The lawsuit also claims Harris sexually exploited others in the cheer community.
"We are grateful that the U.S. Attorney and the FBI have taken swift action to protect children by investigating, arresting and charging Jerry Harris," attorney Sarah Klein, who represents the family, said in a statement. "This was made possible because our clients’ mother had the courage to report Harris to the FBI as well as the Fort Worth Police Department and provided evidentiary proof of the manipulation, sexual harassment, abuse, and exploitation that her sons had suffered."
Harris, who grew up in Illinois and has cheered since he was a child, gained national prominence in January through “Cheer,” the docuseries that follows Texas’ Navarro College cheerleaders in their quest for a national title. Viewers were drawn to his lively personality and ability to remain positive despite personal challenges, including the loss of his mother to cancer.
In the months that followed, Harris met Oprah Winfrey, interviewed celebrities on the red carpet of the Oscars and filmed a short video with former Vice President Joe Biden. Harris’ Instagram page has 1.2 million followers.
If convicted, Harris faces 15 to 30 years in federal prison. The U.S. attorney's office encouraged others who may be "a victim of sexual exploitation by Jeremiah Harris" to contact the FBI at (312) 421-6700.
This article will be updated.
Tricia L. Nadolny and Marisa Kwiatkowski are reporters on USA TODAY’s national investigative team. Tricia can be reached or @TriciaNadolny. Marisa can be reached at, @IndyMarisaK or by phone, Signal or WhatsApp at (317) 207-2855.

Every single race should stand up for themselves before it gets really UGLY

Never let anyone put YOU DOWN.

YOU are beautiful the NATURAL way.

A Biden ad stated that trump supporters are the ones looting and rioting

What the hell?

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

When will be get the calm world back? These monsters are getting crazy and showing what their "true" personalily is.


You can't call anyone of them " MEN ".... Men DO NOT act this way. 

There are people with "class"....
Then there are these people that act like asses

Monday, September 14, 2020

Please read every word

All you Fing people that hate cops..... don't you dare ever call for help. You LOW LIFE A--holes!


2 California deputies shot in apparent ambush; anger and protests follow

Associated Press
COMPTON, Calif. — The shooting of two Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies in an apparent ambush prompted a manhunt for the shooter, reaction from the president and protests outside the hospital where the wounded deputies were being treated Saturday night in California.
The 31-year-old female deputy and 24-year-old male deputy both underwent surgery Saturday evening, Sheriff Alex Villanueva said in a late-night news conference. Both graduated from the academy 14 months ago, he said.
The deputies were shot while sitting in their patrol car at a Metro rail station and were able to radio for help, the sheriff said. Villanueva, whose department has come under fire during recent protests over racial unrest, expressed frustration over anti-police sentiment as he urged people to pray for the officers.
“It pisses me off. It dismays me at the same time,” he said.
The department shared video of the shooting in a Twitter post showing a person open fire through the passenger-side window of the patrol car.

“The gunman walked up on the deputies and opened fire without warning or provocation,” the department stated.

The video sparked thousands of reactions, including from President Donald Trump, who responded, “Animals that must be hit hard!”
Protesters gathered outside the emergency room at the hospital where the injured deputies were being treated.
“To the protesters blocking the entrance & exit of the HOSPITAL EMERGENCY ROOM yelling “We hope they die” referring to 2 LA Sheriff’s ambushed today in #Compton: DO NOT BLOCK EMERGENCY ENTRIES & EXITS TO THE HOSPITAL,” the sheriff’s department tweeted. “People’s lives are at stake when ambulances can’t get through.”

A radio reporter who was near the protest scene was taken into custody, KABC-TV reported. The sheriff’s department later tweeted that the reporter interfered with the arrest of a male protester.
“The female adult, who was later identified as a member of the press, did not identify herself as press and later admitted she did not have proper press credentials on her person,” the department stated.
Capt. Kent Wegener said officers were blanketing the area in search of the suspect seen on the video opening fire with a pistol.
“We have a very, very generic description,” he said.
The incident happened around 7 p.m. a short distance from the Compton sheriff’s station.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Texas police group puts up billboard warning "enter at your own risk," saying Austin defunded police

Texas police group puts up billboard warning "enter at your own risk," saying Austin defunded police

Caitlin O'Kane
The Texas Municipal Police Association (TMPA) has put up two billboards along Interstate 35 entering Austin after the city council voted last month to cut the Austin police budget. One of them reads: "Warning! Austin defunded police. Enter at your own risk!"
The second says, "Limited support next 20 miles," according to the association.
TMPA, the largest law enforcement association in Texas, said on Facebook it released the billboards – which include the hashtag #BacktheBlue – "to raise public awareness that Austin is a defunded city."
Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick backed the campaign, calling them "great new billboards" in a tweet on Wednesday, while Texas Governor Greg Abbott tweeted about them with the hashtag #TexasBacksTheBlue.
Abbott has called on every Texan and candidate for public office to sign a pledge against defunding the state's police departments and post it on social media Thursday afternoon to show support for law enforcement.
"Defunding our police departments would invite crime into our communities and put people in danger," reads the pledge. "That is why I pledge to support any measure that discourages or stops efforts to defund police departments in Texas."
Thank you to the Texas Municipal Police Association for these great new billboards that went up in Austin today. @austintexasgov ignored public safety and made a dangerous decision to #defundpolice #bigmistake #backtheblue #txlege
— Dan Patrick (@DanPatrick) September 9, 2020
"Defunding the police" has been a focal point for protesters who have taken to the streets in recent months following the death of George Floyd at the hands of police in Minneapolis. Some cities across the U.S. have acted on the calls, which come as part of a wider movement against racial injustice and police brutality.
Supporters have said "defunding" isn't about doing away with all funding for police departments. The practice is often a reallocation of some money from law enforcement to other services that could help the community.
In Austin, the city council approved a $150 million cut in funding to the Austin Police Department last month, with the majority of money being redirected to other departments and social services, according to CBS Austin.
Austin Mayor Steve Adler and other council members argue the changes will improve public safety. He took to Twitter last month to explain the changes.
"This budget responds to concerns expressed all over the community and embodies our values as a city. New investment is focused on the underlying causes of crime," he wrote.
The new budget maximizes officer effort and invests in programs and strategies to decrease crime, Adler said.
Adler has pointed to Denver as a city that effectively transformed its police department, CBS Austin reports. Denver is now sending mental health professionals instead of police to respond to non-violent 911 calls. According to Adler, none of the calls in Denver have required police backup. This frees up officers for other police work.
While cities like Denver and Austin call the defunding effort "reimagining public safety," others, including Texas Governor Abbott, see it as a threat to law and order, according to CBS Austin.
However, Adler says Austin continues to be the safest big city in Texas. "I mean you could have a 50% increase in homicides in Austin and you still wouldn't get up to where Fort Worth is, a smaller city than we are," the mayor said.
In a news conference Thursday, Abbott, a Republican, was joined by other officials who signed the pledge against defunding police departments in the state.
Texas Democrats issued their own pledge in response to the "Back the Blue" campaign. The Democrats' "Texas First Pledge" includes protecting public health by following scientists' recommendations in responding to COVID-19, providing coverage for pre-existing conditions, and supporting small businesses and education. The party shared the pledge on Twitter and urged Abbott and Senator John Cornyn, a fellow Republican, to sign it.