Wednesday, January 20, 2021

In the First Declassified Russia Collusion Document Released – Christopher Steele Admitted in September 2017 that He Leaked His Dossier in 2016 to Help Hillary Clinton 

In the First Declassified Russia Collusion Document Released – Christopher Steele Admitted in September 2017 that He Leaked His Dossier in 2016 to Help Hillary Clinton


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Last week President Trump asked that the Russia collusion documents finally be released to the public and yesterday the first document was released:


On Tuesday night, hours before the President was to leave office, the first batch of documents were released and they are related to the FBI’s interview with former UK MI6 agent Christopher Steele.  The document of Steele’s interview shows:

Dossier author Christopher Steele admitted to the FBI that he leaked the Russia collusion story during the height of the 2016 election to help Hillary Clinton overcome her lingering email scandal and because he believed Donald Trump’s election would be bad for U.S. relations with his home country of Britain, according to documents declassified by the president in his final full day in office.

The FBI report of agents’ interview with Steele in September 2017, nearly a year after he had been terminated as an informant, provided explosive information about his motives in working simultaneously for the FBI and the opposition research firm for Clinton’s campaign. The document was obtained by Just the News and at times reads like a confessional from the now-infamous former MI6 agent and author of the anti-Trump dossier.

Steele told agents that then-FBI Director James Comey’s decision to re-open the Clinton email investigation in fall of 2016 became his tipping point for leaking the anti-Trump collusion research that his company Orbis Intelligence had gathered and given to the FBI.

Just The News reports:

The most explosive revelation about the sub-source in the newly declassified documents was that former Trump National Security Council Russia expert Fiona Hill, an impeachment witness in 2019 against Trump, had introduced Steele to his sub-source in 2011, well after the FBI had opened up its probe on the source.

The FBI knew likely before September 2017 but for sure at that time that the Steele dossier was created to help Hillary Clinton.  They knew this but still kept the Russia collusion fake investigation open for another couple years so they could harass President Trump and attempt to remove him from office. 

The FBI was in on it and yet they were the ones interviewing Steele and taking notes.  So we really can’t be sure we know all the facts about Steele and the FBI even now.  This is the best we got.  We do know they kept the Mueller investigation going for more than a year after receiving this information.




Update: Officials Tell Gateway Pundit VIDEO EVIDENCE of Detroit’s Reported 3 AM Ballot Dump Ready by End of the Week

Update: Officials Tell Gateway Pundit VIDEO EVIDENCE of Detroit’s Reported 3 AM Ballot Dump Ready by End of the Week


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UPDATE: This is our latest update on the video we requested from the TCF Center in Detroit. After several delays we were told the video will be ready by the end of the week.

We hoped to have this much earlier but at least one official slow-walked the process and prevented us from securing the video in a timely manner.

On Election Night 2020, multiple independent eyewitnesses claimed they saw a white van arrive at 3:30am, nearly 8 hours after the legal ballot deadline, with tens of thousands of illegal ballots for Joe Biden.

Election observer
Shane Trejo ran to the GOP attorneys like an Election Day Paul Revere to warn them that fraud was occurring. Many others saw the Biden ballot drop. Jose Aliaga saw the ballots as they came into the counting boards at the TCF Center in Detroit, where every ballot was suspiciously marked the exact same way, and where under-voting down-ballot races were marked in the exact same suspicious way.

The media immediately brought cover to this potential evidence of fraud by claiming it was “camera equipment” and others said it was merely food being brought in for workers. But the witnesses are adamant that they saw boxes of ballots brought in, processed, and counted to add illegal votes to the totals for Joe Biden so that he could win Michigan’s electoral votes.

Even though there are no cameras allowed inside the counting area, where Detroit City officials would later cover the windows and illegally expel the GOP so they could not view the processing of ballots, there are over 600 cameras throughout the rest of the TCF center.

When the Gateway Pundit originally requested the footage from these cameras, we were told by Detroit Regional Convention Facility Authority FOIA Officer Denise Jaison that it would cost $22,000. We then asked if we could merely have the footage from between 3:00AM-5:00AM and were quoted $10,000 as the price for that footage. Now, the Pundit is set to receive 1,200 hours of video footage from 600 cameras helping to settle once and for all whether there was a 3:30AM Biden Ballot Dump or whether it was a set of Nikons or a buffet plate of chicken fingers.

This evidence was also subpoenaed on December 15th by the Michigan Legislature but there is no word whether anything was tendered in response to the subpoena. And local legal figures relate that it is unsure whether the information collected will be public information, sealed, or provided to the legislature with the caveat that it must remain confidential information.

The mainstream media and left-wing ‘fact-check’ organizations have repeatedly claimed, despite mounting evidence, that there is “no evidence” of voter fraud in the 2020 elections.  This is a proven lie.



President HARRIS should be sworn in soon. Oops not yet but soon. She won not Biden.



am I wrong? nope and you know it LOL

People are boycotting by turning off phones tv computers 12-1 eastern



 I wonder how many will do it?


Anti-Gun Pelosi Ordered Crew-Served Automatic Weapons on Light Armored Vehicles for Inaugural



Ken Cucinnelli: Anti-Gun Pelosi Ordered Crew-Served Automatic Weapons on Light Armored Vehicles for Inaugural

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This post was updated after former Trump official said the request came from Nancy Pelosi and not Mayor Bowser

Democrats are preparing the US Capitol for the inauguration of Joe Biden this week.
Already the statement they and their allies are making to the American people is that “we fear you” and “we will crush any dissent.”

In the days leading up to the Biden inaugural, the nation’s capital has been turned into an occupied military zone like Baghdad. In fact, there are more US troops in the nation’s capital today than in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan combined.

Armed US troops authorized to use lethal force are manning checkpoints to enter and leave downtown Washington, D.C. Green Zone and Red Zone perimeters have been established.

And according to former Deputy of Homeland Security Ken Cuccinelli told Newsmax TV that Nancy Pelosi called for crew-served automatic weapons on light armored vehicles be included in the National Guard’s arsenal to mow down any people who may storm the US Capitol on Inauguration Day.

.@KenCuccinelli says DC @MayorBowser requested crew-served machine guns be included in the National Guard’s arsenal to protect the capital. Cuccinelli says she was told no – that weapons like that have no place in securing a civilian event.


Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Armed LGBT and BLM Activists Show Up For “Armed Violent Protests” at MI Capitol After Left-Wing Media Warned About “Militias, Right-Wing Activists, White Supremacists” Descending On Capitol



Armed LGBT and BLM Activists Show Up For “Armed Violent Protests” at MI Capitol After Left-Wing Media Warned About “Militias, Right-Wing Activists, White Supremacists” Descending On Capitol

By Ulysses S. Tennyson | Jan 17, 2021

On Sunday, January 17th, 2021, armed protesters began assembling at Michigan’s capitol building in Lansing.

Armed Protesters at Michigan’s Capitol Building in Lansing, wearing masks, BLM, and LGBTQ gear

In an unprecedented fashion, federal armed troops have been amassing in Capitol cities by the thousands around the country in preparation for the 2021 presidential inauguration. Such oppressive militant behavior is generally indicative of dictators in third-world countries who were not elected lawfully and who fear retaliation from their oppressed countrymen.  It is a show of complete dominance over a helpless people who have no Constitutional rights.

One such display is taking place in at the Michigan State Capitol Building in Lansing.  It is being met with a small band of protesters who have begun to amass.

In a video by BGOnTheScene, a leader of the small group who is wearing an LGBTQ flag delivers a very brief statement while holding a rifle outside a make-shift fence surrounding the state Capitol as a precaution for the Biden inauguration on January 20th.  He is standing next to what appears to be a Black Lives Matter protester in a BLM hoodie.  All of the protesters, except the speaker, are masked to hide their identities, much like BLM/Antifa would do.  Given all of these facts, it is difficult to believe that most or all of the people taking part in this protest are conservatives or Trump supporters.

Trending: Mike Lindell Responds To Threatening Letter from Dominion Lawyer: “I want Dominion to put up their lawsuit because we have 100% evidence that China and other countries used their machines to steal the election”

This supported by the fact that the first arrivals to the protest had very sturdy home-made Pro-Whitmer signs attached to their truck beds:

In fact, we have reached out to all of our right-wing contacts in Michigan.  All our sources on the right insist that they want to have nothing to do with any protests surrounding the inauguration because they believe them to be false flag events designed to trick Trump supporters and conservatives.

In his brief statement, the speaker in the group who refuses to give his name or organization begins by stating that “We come in peace. We do not intend to commit violence”

However, he does offer a somewhat ominous warning:

“If you continue to oppress the American people, they will remain rational no longer”

He finishes by saying that “We can do this together…I don’t want Americans fighting Americans…and I don’t want the government to laugh all the way to the bank while they do it”

The author of the video states that the speaker is with the Boogaloo Bois, a group that is neither pro-Trump nor right-wing and has been known to support groups like Antifa/BLM or LGBTQ.  However, there is no verification about what groups these people are with because he doesn’t say the group’s name or organization in the video.  However, the BLM hoodie and other noteworthy bits of attire would suggest they are not right-wing extremists or Trump supporters.  Especially since President Trump has denounced the violence at the capitol and insisted on peacefulness.

We encourage our readers to avoid any protests surrounding the election in the coming few weeks. There are several indications that anti-Trump conspirators are attempting to ensnare well-meaning conservatives and Trump-Supporters in false flag events, much like what happened at the capitol building on January 6th. 

Be peaceful and safe, everyone.


Orwellian! Twitter Suspends Gateway Pundit Account for Violating “Civic Integrity” Rule — No Questioning of Election Results Allowed! By Jim Hoft




Orwellian! Twitter Suspends Gateway Pundit Account for Violating “Civic Integrity” Rule — No Questioning of Election Results Allowed!

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You are no longer allowed to question the regime.

Questioning the fraudulent election will no longer be tolerated.


So what if Pennsylvania had 205,000 more mail-in ballots than the number that were sent out?
You are not allowed to question the results.

So what if GOP poll workers were locked out of the counting rooms in Philadelphia, Detroit and Milwaukee?
You are not allowed to question the results.

So what if they were trucking trailers full of ballots from New York to Pennsylvania and into Wisconsin?
How dare you question this operation?

So what if they were rolling out suitcases of ballots in Atlanta and pulling in trucks in Atlanta and Detroit?
This is a common practice we are told.


So what if you could see tens of thousands of votes switch from Trump to Biden on national TV in real-time?
You saw nothing!

Dissent is not allowed.
You can no longer question the results.

Twitter handed The Gateway Pundit account a 12-hour suspension for questioning the stolen election.  Then upped it to a six-day suspension.  This was doled out in the middle of the night.  Someone on the late shift was targeting us.

Last week Twitter banned a tweet questioning fraud in the election.

The Gateway Pundit is one of the top 120 websites in America today and a leading voice for conservatives.

Only Democrats and Marxists are allowed to question an election.

Now this…
Twitter suspended the Gateway Pundit account on Tuesday for another week for violating the “civic integrity” rules.
What the hell is that?


This is beyond Orwellian.

And they did not even point to a specific tweet to ban our account!


Twitter will no longer allow discussion of the 2020 election results.
