Wednesday, February 3, 2021

BREAKING: AOC Was NOT In the Capitol Dome Building - Embellished Her “Near Death Experience” Where Protesters Stormed Her Office (VIDEO)....(YOU FREAKING LIAR)


BREAKING: AOC Was Not In the Capitol Dome Building – Embellished Her “Near Death Experience” Where Protesters Stormed Her Office (VIDEO)

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Socialist Democrat Alexandria Cortez came out as a sexual abuse survivor in an emotional Instagram video on Monday night. Then she berated Republicans and shared her horrific experience in the US Capitol as a mob of Trump supporters stormed her hall and threatened her. She says she was forced to hide in the bathroom in the “near-death experience” and that the terrorists were screaming, “Where is she!?”

Ocasio-Cortez compared Republicans challenging fraud in the 2020 election — something Democrats do regularly when they lose — to sexual abusers.

Rep. Ocasio-Cortez: “Or my favorite this past week, Ted Cruz and now Representatives Chip Roy, and oh, by the way, some of the other representatives who actually encourage people to threaten members of Congress or tweeted out the location of the Speaker, are now telling me to apologize for saying and speaking truth to what happened,” she claimed. “These are the tactics of abusers. Or rather, these are the tactics that abusers use. And so when I see this happen, how I feel and how I felt was not again, I’m not going to let this happen again, I’m not going to let it happen to me again, I’m not going to let it happen to the other people who’ve been victimized by this situation again, and I’m not letting gonna let this happen to our country, ever. I’m not going to let it happen.”

But now it appears she embellished the entire “near-death experience.”

Sara Carter also discussed the latest from AOC:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) was not in the U.S. Capitol Building when a mob violently stormed it on January 6 but rather in her Cannon Office Building office. The second-term congresswoman has since recanted her experience during the deadly siege, which she has described as “near-death.” However, no rioters broke into Cannon, a Wednesday report from the conservative publication RedState claims.

Jack Posobiec was all over this on Twitter as well:   erm%5E1357076166163783681%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&


After Weeks of Delays the Detroit TCF Center Turns Over Security Camera Footage of 3:30 AM Biden Ballot Dump to Gateway Pundit


After Weeks of Delays the Detroit TCF Center Turns Over Security Camera Footage of 3:30 AM Biden Ballot Dump to Gateway Pundit


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The American media today would make Pravda blush.

The media keeps telling us there was absolutely no fraud in the 2020 presidential election. The Democrat establishment demands Republicans move on and accept Joe Biden’s improbable win and the unlikely results.

But we also know that President Trump was leading Joe Biden in Michigan alone by over 100,000 votes on election night when suddenly Biden received 150,000 votes in less than one minute at 6:31 in the morning.


In Wayne County, the election night counting of absentees took place at the TCF Center, formerly known as Cobo Hall. This is the site where Detroit City Officials put cardboard over the windows to prevent the GOP observers from seeing in, where poll workers were militantly hostile to the GOP, and where hundreds of affidavits claim they witnessed voter fraud.

And until now, no one has bothered to review the video footage. 

The video can settle for once and for all:

  • How many people were in the TCF Center and is there any validity to the excuse that they were past “COVID capacity” – the excuse they used to exclude the Republicans from watching vote processing
  • Why did so many Democrat poll workers bring in suitcases? Did they hide illegal ballots in them like their colleagues in Georgia?
  • Were the machines networked? Can we see the modem and the wires networking the tabulating machines as described by Patrick Colbeck?
  • Who brought in what at 3:30/4:00am, were they ballots as the Republicans have said they witnessed, or was it food/camera equipment as the media claimed? Shane Trejo and Jose Aliaga say it was ballots.
  • Was there any security keeping people out of the building who did not have credentials to get in?
  • Were there other unexplained ballot dumps past the 8:00PM deadline for ballots as several other witnesses have alleged?
  • Was Nick, the co-owner of Dominion Voting Services, present on site, as Mellissa Carone has said?
  • Were GOP Poll Challengers being ejected for making good-faith challenges or were they refusing to wear a mask?

Your Gateway Pundit has requested the TCF video back in December!

The TCF Center tried to quote us over $22,000 for one day’s worth of video

We requested two hours of video.

This week we were sent the requested video.

We have waited for two months for the requested video.

And for the record — The Michigan Legislature also recently subpoenaed the video, but there is no word on whether they will make the materials they gather public, or how aggressively they will pursue the anticipated failure to comply by one of the most corrupt cities in America.

This evidence has the potential to blow-up the results in Michigan.

So why did they slow-walk this information?

There has been a substantial period of time to cover their tracks, but since written affidavits make no impact on the media, witness video statements make little to no impact, perhaps the physical video evidence can corroborate the many witnesses and further establish the systemic voter fraud that took place in Detroit.

We will update our audience with our findings as soon as the video is reviewed.



BLM Wants to Get Into Schools. Here’s What They Plan to Teach.




BLM Wants to Get Into Schools. Here’s What They Plan to Teach.


BLM Wants to Get Into Schools. Here’s What They Plan to Teach.

Black Lives Matter is coming to a public school near you.

The national organization Black Lives Matter at School (BLMS) is seeking to foment a “new uprising for racial justice” by injecting Black Lives Matter’s “guiding principles” (including concepts such as “globalism,” “transgender affirming” and “queer affirming”) into school curriculums throughout the country.

BLMS already has the endorsement of the National Education Association, the largest teachers union in the U.S.

The union’s EDJustice website extolls BLMS, arguing that “As racism and xenophobia become more prevalent and overt in our schools and communities, it is more important than ever to listen to and elevate the voices, experiences, and history of our fellow citizens and communities under attack.” 

“The goal of Black Lives Matter at School is to spark an ongoing movement of critical reflection and honest conversation in school communities for people of all ages to engage with issues of racial justice.



What does BLMS want to teach our children? A document written by BLM activist LaleƱa Garcia, a self-described “queer kindergarten teacher,” provides a glimpse.

Titled “How to talk to young children about the Black Lives Matter Guiding Principles,” the document encourages educators to “consider age-appropriate language” as they indoctrinate students with cultural Marxist ideology such as “intersectionality” and “transgenderism.”

Many of the terms included in the document are pulled from Black Lives Matter’s 13 guiding principles. They include Globalism, described as “our ability to see how we are impacted or privileged within the Black global family that exists across the world in different regions.”

It’s no surprise that an organization funded by uber-globalist George Soros is teaching kids that globalism is a big beautiful way of everybody living together as one family⁠ — not a ploy by global elites to establish a totalitarian one-world government bereft of the safeguards to freedom our Republic offers us. 

The document defines “black families” as “creates a space that is family friendly and free from patriarchal practices.” Even though fatherlessness is a major driver of poverty and crime in black communities, BLMS decries the “patriarchal” practice of a father serving as head of the household.

BLMS is upfront about its desire to destroy families as we know it, stating in the document that “Black Villages is the disruption of Western nuclear family dynamics and a return to the ‘collective village’ that takes care of each other.”

Black Lives Matter’s insistence on creating a “collective village” comes from the same ideological place as Hillary Clinton’s It Takes a Village children’s book. One of the main objectives of the one worlders, the communists, and their Enlightenment-era intellectual precursors has always been eliminating the traditional family unit and replacing it with a system in which children are reared by the state.

Here’s what the document has to say about families: “There are lots of different kinds of families; what makes a family is that it’s people who take care of each other; those people might be related, or maybe they choose to be family together and to take care of each other.”

Elsewhere, Garcia writes, “It’s important to make sure that all families feel welcome.” In other words, a family isn’t a family. A family can be anything, including government caretakers.

The definition for “transgender affirming” reads, “The commitment to continue to make space for our trans siblings by encouraging leadership and recognizing trans-antagonistic violence, while doing the work required to dismantle cisgender privilege and uplift Black trans folk.”

Meanwhile, “queer affirming” is “Working towards a queer-affirming network where heteronormative thinking no longer exists.”

Garcia’s writing is pure social-justice word salad: pseudo-scientific-sounding psychobabble meant to dress up Marxist tyranny and make it palatable to minorities. An actual read-through and meditation on what Black Lives Matter believes should be enough to convince most people that their ideology is poison for black lives and all lives.

It’s right in keeping with previous writing by Garcia, who has written that intersectionality is “the complex, cumulative way in which the effects of multiple forms of discrimination (such as racism, sexism, and classism) combine, overlap, or intersect especially in the experiences of marginalized individuals or groups.”

That the Left is attempting to force this thinly veiled propaganda on our children should be worrisome to every parent and prompt phone calls and letters to school boards and principals — or convince parents to pull their children out of public schools altogether.

If Black Lives Matter gets its way, it’ll soon be social justice instead of STEM in classrooms throughout America.

 Image: screenshot from

Luis Miguel is a marketer and writer whose journalistic endeavors shed light on the Deep State, the immigration crisis, and the enemies of freedom. Follow his exploits on Facebook, Twitter, Bitchute, and at



If this was WHITE they would be accused of being racist or the KKK



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Since I am offending some ( tough crap, my blog).... I need to know if you want me to stop blogging.




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I will either keep it going or I will stop and delete blog.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

(pass around)“I Didn’t Declare War on the Establishment; It Declared War on Me” – Frank Miele Puts to Paper on What We All Are Thinking... ( Pass this around )


Pass this around !!

“I Didn’t Declare War on the Establishment; It Declared War on Me” – Frank Miele Puts to Paper on What We All Are Thinking


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In today’s America everything is upside down.  American patriots are labeled ‘enemies of the state.’ Their accusers prove they are ‘enemies of the people.’

Published with permission from RealClearPolitics “Enemies of the State vs. Enemies of the People” Commentary by Frank Miele

I didn’t declare war on the establishment; it declared war on me.

It declared war on me when it supported energy policies that could enrich Saudi Arabia and Russia and would cost me more money at the gas pump or on my power bill.

It declared war on me when it told me my ideas weren’t worthy of debate and discussion or that they were even so dangerous they couldn’t be shared publicly.

It declared war on me when it used the police powers of the FBI and CIA to first spy on a presidential candidate and then worked to undermine the administration of that candidate after he was elected.

It declared war on me when it told me my religious beliefs did not deserve the protection of the First Amendment.

It declared war on me when it told me boys could compete against girls in high school sports and that they could shower together afterwards.

It declared war on me when it offered citizenship to illegal aliens and shipped American jobs to China.

It declared war on me when it mocked the usefulness of a wall on the Mexican border and simultaneously put up a razor-wire fence around the Capitol.

It declared war on me when it tried to defund the police so that millions of Americans would be left defenseless against mobs from antifa and Black Lives Matter.

It declared war on me when it said America was never great.

It declared war on me when it told my children they are not good enough because they are white.

It declared war on me when it said that defending the Constitution’s rules on federal elections is sedition.

It declared war on me when it told me that I was a domestic terrorist if I didn’t believe the government’s official pronouncements about elections, about free speech, and about right and wrong.

Let’s just say it plainly: The establishment declared war on me and on all conservative Americans when it decided that leftist orthodoxy was more important than the Constitution.

Don’t believe me? Fine, why should you believe a Trump supporter? You’ve been indoctrinated by the national media, Big Tech oligarchs, the Democratic Party, and academic elites to believe without questioning that people like me can’t be trusted. But you don’t have to take my word for it. Listen instead to John Brennan, the former CIA director under President Obama, who speaks authoritatively for the Deep State:

He said on MSNBC that “the members of the Biden team who have been nominated or have been appointed, are now moving in laser-like fashion to try to uncover as much as they can about what looks very similar to insurgency movements that we’ve seen overseas, where they germinate in different parts of the country and they gain strength and it brings together an unholy alliance frequently of religious extremists, authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists, nativists, even libertarians.”

This “guilt by labeling” is the antithesis of fair play or justice. It is a convenient mechanism for the ruling class to herd people into identity clusters so that individual rights can be supplanted by group responsibility. If this reminds you of China’s Cultural Revolution, you are not wrong. The ruling class wants you to conform, confirm and comply. If you step outside the lines, be prepared to be shamed, silenced and ostracized.

A shocking example was provided Wednesday when Douglass Mackey of Delray Beach, Fla., was arrested for creating memes that allegedly misled voters in 2016 to think they could vote by texting instead of by actually going to the polls. This is the equivalent of arresting Sacha Baron Cohen for exposing the gullibility of the rich and famous. The FBI offered no evidence that Mackey actually convinced anyone not to vote, but even if it did, so what? Would you rather live in a country where the FBI is hunting down pranksters — four years after the supposed transgression — or a country where voters are expected to be able to recognize a joke when they see one?

But nothing can be taken for granted any more. The people — and even their representatives and senators — are considered enemies of the state because they hold opinions that don’t meet the standards of Joe Biden or (this is even scarier!) Jake Tapper.

No wonder the people are starting to rise up and rebel against the plutocracy. It’s not “We the Oligarchs” who are the source of power in the Constitution, but “We the People,” yet the ruling establishment has forgotten that. If people like Donald Trump and Douglass Mackey are deemed to be “enemies of the state,” then those who would suppress them and their freedoms must be considered “enemies of the people.”

A house divided against itself cannot long stand, but if there is to be a truce it will not come from submission, but from a recognition that all people are created equal, that they all have certain inalienable rights, and that among those are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Those words were worth fighting for once. Are they worth fighting for today?

I don’t know, but I do know this: If Americans can’t have liberty, we can’t have America either — at least not one that is distinguishable from China. The time has come to make a choice.



Frank Miele, the retired editor of the Daily Inter Lake in Kalispell Mont., is a columnist for RealClearPolitics. His new book “How We Got Here: The Left’s Assault on the Constitution” is available from his Amazon author page. Visit him at to read his daily commentary or follow him on Facebook @HeartlandDiaryUSA or on Twitter or Parler @HeartlandDiary.









America Last: Joe Biden to Open Special COVID Vaccination Sites for Illegal Aliens (hmm have you been able to get yours?)


America Last:... Joe Biden to Open Special COVID Vaccination Sites for Illegal Aliens


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On Monday, Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced that they will open special COVID vaccination sites for illegal immigrants.

The Daily Wire reported — DHS also asserted that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and U.S. Customs and Border Protection “will not conduct enforcement operations at or near vaccine distribution sites or clinics. … ICE does not and will not carry out enforcement operations at or near health care facilities, such as hospitals, doctors’ offices, accredited health clinics, and emergent or urgent care facilities, except in the most extraordinary of circumstances.”

The US government is setting up special vaccination sites for illegals.

DHS issued a statement saying:

DHS and its Federal government partners fully support equal access to the COVID-19 vaccines and vaccine distribution sites for undocumented immigrants. It is a moral and public health imperative to ensure that all individuals residing in the United States have access to the vaccine. DHS encourages all individuals, regardless of immigration status, to receive the COVID-19 vaccine once eligible under local distribution guidelines.

DHS carries out its mission, including all areas within its COVID-19 response, without discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, nationality, or other protected class, and in compliance with law and policy. Further, DHS supports the equitable and efficient distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine to all populations, including historically underserved communities.

To reach underserved and rural communities, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), in collaboration with federal partners, will coordinate efforts to establish and support fixed facilities, pop-up or temporary vaccination sites, and mobile vaccination clinics. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and U.S. Customs and Border Protection will not conduct enforcement operations at or near vaccine distribution sites or clinics. Consistent with ICE’s long-standing sensitive locations policy, ICE does not and will not carry out enforcement operations at or near health care facilities, such as hospitals, doctors’ offices, accredited health clinics, and emergent or urgent care facilities, except in the most extraordinary of circumstances.

DHS is committed to ensuring that every individual who needs a vaccine can get one, regardless of their immigration status.