Monday, April 5, 2021

Armed Gunmen Appear at Georgia Capitol on Monday – But It’s Ok – They’re with Black Lives Matter

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Armed Gunmen Appear at Georgia Capitol on Monday – But It’s Ok – They’re with Black Lives Matter

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The Big Media is quick to label the events that occurred in Washington D.C. on January 6th as an armed insurrection, when it was not.  But when BLM members bring AK 47’s to the Georgia Capitol, there’s no mention of guns.

The Big Media reported for months that the Capitol protests in Washington, D.C. on January 6th, included armed protesters but to date, there is no evidence of anyone being armed besides the Capitol Police there that day:

However, on March 25, a Georgia politician was arrested and taken out of a press conference where the Georgia Governor was announcing Georgia’s new law protecting voter integrity in the state.

The Democrat was not to be deterred. A couple of days later, she reappeared at the Georgia Capitol but this time she brought along armed friends. For some reason, the media never reported that her friends were armed at the Georgia Capitol.

PJMedia reported:

Georgia State Representative Park Cannon returned to the State Capitol on Monday following an arrest on May 25, 2021, for making a scene banging on the door to the office where Governor Brian Kemp was signing the election security bill. How that works out is of little interest to me personally. She is not my state representative and legislators who pull stunts to make themselves the story rather than their accomplishments annoy me.

She claimed that she should be able to watch Kemp sign the bill along with the activists who accompanied her. Cannon could have done that by pulling out her phone and watching on YouTube. She claimed she was arrested for fighting voter suppression when she was actually arrested for refusing to follow the police’s instructions and stomping on one officer’s foot repeatedly. That’s conduct unbecoming her position, in my humble opinion.

Her return was quite a spectacle with a presser and an entourage that garnered additional media attention, including from national outlets like Fox News. There were many pictures on social media and in the press showing the activists supporting her. Here is an example from the ACLU of Georgia:

Of course, the ACLU is upset with any new voter laws in Georgia since they were heavily involved in the 2020 election in the state that occurred in November with numerous questionable scandalous acts:




This guy is a freaking NUT...yes my OPINION


Warnock deletes Easter tweet amid backlash

Warnock also conducted a Sunday service

Sen. Raphael Warnock, who is a reverend, faced criticism over a tweet posted on Easter Sunday saying the meaning of the holiday "is more transcendent" than the actual resurrection of Jesus.

The tweet was deleted, but it was picked up by websites like Mediaite and the Daily Wire.

"The meaning of Easter is more transcendent than the resurrection of Jesus Christ," the senior pastor of New Ebenezer Baptist Church's account said. "Whether you are Christian or not, through a commitment to helping others we are able to save ourselves."

There are about 2.3 billion Christians across the globe and Easter is one of the holiest days of the year, as it celebrates the resurrection of Jesus. "In doing so, he conquered death and redeemed us from sin if we believe in Him," according to




 that's all.... he is too strange to print any more of his words.




What the hell???? Now the teachers union want child care before the teachers go back to the classroom. Oh hell no

 What about childcare for the families that have their children at home because of them not going back to the classroom?

OH hell no.... people fight this !!!

Saturday, April 3, 2021

AOC is really...... ummm....... strange. She says WILD things that couldn't be true... .YOUNG does NOT mean stupid... don't believe her.



She plays the race card NO MATTER what she is talking about...


Black Americans are NOT happy with her using the race card when it does NOT fit in anything she says.

DON"T be stupid... she is PLAYING YOU !!


Don't be stupid... you are NOT kept away from the voting box ...YOUR VOTE is welcome but they are trying to FRIGHTEN YOU because they think that you are too stupid to do your research.


She said..... the border children are NOT a surge.


Here is the definition of  "surge".

"a sudden powerful forward or upward movement, especially by a crowd or by a natural force such as the waves or tide."


So YES.. it is a surge. 

She is making a fool out of ALL that follow her LOL 




Biden is making black americans look stupid... they are NOT to poor to get a FREE ID card at DMV. They are NOT too poor to get a drivers license.



He is making you look too POOR to be a productive adult.


Of course you have an ID card...of course you have a driver's license. 


He is making you look AWFUL.... don't let him.


Georgia voting laws are the same laws in all states.




Don't be STUPID... those voting rules have ALWAYS been for every state and every person. BIDEN is lying to YOU... read the rules for all voting, don't let him make a fool out of you.




Georgia wants everyone to vote LEGALLY and so does EVERY other state.


Georgia has a "backbone" and is finally standing up. The other states are COWARDS !!!




Boycott BASEBALL !!!




Our parties are now rescheduled and the themes have been changed.


EVERYONE has agreed and will be attending.