Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Fox News host slams network for coverage of false stories about Biden’s red meat plans and Harris’s book




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Fox News host slams network for coverage of false stories about Biden’s red meat plans and Harris’s book

Stephen Proctor

Juan Williams, co-host of The Five on Fox News, called out the network on Tuesday for its recent repeated coverage of false stories. This was in the context of discussing the as-of-yet unsubstantiated story that recently broke about former Secretary of State under President Obama, and current Climate Czar John Kerry, allegedly giving classified Israeli information to Iran when he was Secretary of State, which Kerry denies. Williams suggested using caution when reporting on the story, pointing to two recent narratives that got a lot of airtime on Fox News that turned out to be untrue.

One such story was the false claim that President Biden plans to limit the amount of red meat Americans can consume as part of his climate plan. The story was first printed in British tabloid The Daily Mail, which combined Biden’s goal of cutting down on greenhouse gasses with a year-old study out of the University of Michigan which suggested cutting down on red meat as a way of doing just that. The story blew up among conservative groups, right wing media and Republican elected officials at all levels of government. After reporting on Biden’s nonexistent plan for days, on Monday, Fox News issued a correction.

“To me, when you talk about, you know, ‘Oh, is this right wing going after John Kerry. They don’t like John Kerry.’ It just worries me,” Williams said. “Like last week we had the hamburger story. ‘Oh, Biden’s gonna take your hamburger.’”

Williams also pointed to another bogus story, that Vice President Harris’s children’s book was being given out at a migrant shelter. Once again, many in right wing media, including Fox News, jumped on the story, some suggesting the book, Superheroes Are Everywhere, was part of an official welcome package handed out to every child. But in reality, only one copy of Harris’s book was given to a child at a migrant shelter in Long Beach, California, and that particular book was a one-time donation during a charity drive. The New York Post reporter responsible for the story resigned on Tuesday, claiming she was ordered to write it.

“Or, you know, it’s always, ‘Kamala Harris’s book is being given to immigrants.’ These stories are false,” Williams said, “but the right wing echo chamber starts going crazy because you can go after a Democrat.”

As for the Kerry story, Williams pointed out that even staunch Republican Lindsey Graham is unsure of the validity of the allegations.

“On this story, I think it’s important that you notice that people like Lindsey Graham, you know, strong Republican voice out of South Carolina, says he doesn’t know whether or not we can trust this so-called tape,” Williams said. “The State Department saying that the timeline is way off."

The Five airs weeknights at 5 p.m. on Fox News Channel.


If African Americans can have blonde hair.... Caucasians can wear braids or dreads.




If African Americans can dye their hair blonde.... Caucasians can wear braids or dreads.


ANYONE OF ANY RACE should be able to dress or wear their hair any way that makes them happy so shut the hell up.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Oprah... we have lost all respect for you. How could you do that? Was it for the ratings?



It has to be the reason. Why would you stoop so low to promote GOSSIP? 


Bye bye Oprah and all your "people".








Stop the lies... how could anyone believe the vaccine is out to hurt black Americans? Stop the lies



This is out of control.... it has to stop.


Why would anyone make a vaccine to hurt black americans

(Oh my... pass this on to everyone you know LOL).Can You Have Alcohol After the COVID Vaccine?




Can You Have Alcohol After the COVID Vaccine?


Anahad O'Connor
Tasting a red wine in New York on Sept. 26, 2019. (Tony Cenicola/The New York Times)
Tasting a red wine in New York on Sept. 26, 2019. (Tony Cenicola/The New York Times)

After a long year and a lot of anticipation, getting the COVID-19 vaccine can be cause for celebration, which for some might mean pouring a drink and toasting to their new immunity. But can alcohol interfere with your immune response?

The short answer is that it depends on how much you drink.

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There is no evidence that having a drink or two can render any of the current COVID vaccines less effective. Some studies have even found that over the longer term, small or moderate amounts of alcohol might actually benefit the immune system by reducing inflammation.


Heavy alcohol consumption, on the other hand, particularly over the long term, can suppress the immune system and potentially interfere with your vaccine response, experts say. Since it can take weeks after a COVID shot for the body to generate protective levels of antibodies against the novel coronavirus, anything that interferes with the immune response would be cause for concern.

“If you are truly a moderate drinker, then there’s no risk of having a drink around the time of your vaccine,” said Ilhem Messaoudi, director of the Center for Virus Research at the University of California, Irvine, who has conducted research on the effects of alcohol on the immune response. “But be very cognizant of what moderate drinking really means. It’s dangerous to drink large amounts of alcohol because the effects on all biological systems, including the immune system, are pretty severe and they occur pretty quickly after you get out of that moderate zone.”

Moderate drinking is generally defined as no more than two drinks a day for men and a maximum of one drink a day for women, whereas heavy drinking is defined as four or more drinks on any day for men and three or more drinks for women. Keep in mind that one “standard” drink is considered five ounces of wine, 1.5 ounces of distilled spirits, or 12 ounces of beer.

Some of the first concerns about alcohol and COVID vaccination began circulating after a Russian health official who warned in December that people should avoid alcohol for two weeks before getting vaccinated and then abstain for another 42 days afterward. According to a Reuters report, the official claimed that alcohol could hamper the body’s ability to develop immunity against the novel coronavirus. Her warning sparked a fierce backlash in Russia, which has one of the world’s highest drinking rates.

In the United States, some experts say they have heard similar concerns about whether it is safe to drink around the time of vaccination. “We’ve been getting a lot of questions from our patients about this,” said Dr. Angela Hewlett, an associate professor of infectious diseases who directs the COVID infectious diseases team at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. “Understandably, people who are receiving these vaccines want to make sure they’re doing all the right things to maximize their immune response.”

Clinical trials of the COVID vaccines that are currently approved for use by the Food and Drug Administration did not specifically look at whether alcohol had any impact on the effectiveness of the vaccines, Hewlett said. It’s possible that there will be more information on that in the future. But for now, most of what is known comes from previous research, including studies that examined how alcohol affects the immune system in humans and whether it hinders the immune response in animals that received other vaccines.

One thing that is clear from studies is that heavy alcohol consumption impairs the immune response and increases your susceptibility to bacterial and viral infections. It prevents immune cells from traveling to sites of infection and carrying out their duties, like destroying viruses, bacteria and infected cells; makes it easier for pathogens to invade your cells, and causes a host of other problems.

In contrast, moderate drinking does not seem to have this effect. In one study, scientists exposed 391 people to five different respiratory viruses and found that moderate drinkers were less likely to develop colds, but not if they were smokers.

In another study, Messaoudi and colleagues provided rhesus monkeys access to alcoholic beverages for seven months and then looked at how their bodies responded to a vaccine against poxvirus. Much like humans, some rhesus monkeys enjoy alcohol and will drink a lot, while others show less interest and will limit themselves to small amounts. The researchers found that the animals that were chronically heavy drinkers had a weak response to the vaccine. “They had almost a nonexistent immune response,” Messaoudi said.

The animals that consumed only moderate amounts of alcohol, however, generated the strongest response to the vaccine, even compared to the teetotalers that consumed no alcohol at all. Studies in rats have found a similar pattern: Those consuming large amounts of alcohol have only a weak immune response to infections compared to animals given moderate amounts of alcohol or none at all. Other studies have found that when people drink moderately, it seems to lower inflammatory markers in their blood.

Another reason to moderate your alcohol intake is that heavy drinking — along with the hangover that can ensue — can potentially amplify any side effects you might have from the COVID vaccine, including fever, malaise or body aches, and make you feel worse, said Hewlett of the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Hewlett chose not to drink after getting the COVID vaccine. But she said that people should feel free to imbibe so long as they drink within reason.

“Having a glass of champagne probably won’t inhibit any immune response,” she said. “I think having a celebratory beverage in moderation is fine.”

This article originally appeared in The New York Times.

© 2021 The New York Times Company


Cyber Ninjas Are Also Part of Team Refuting Secretary of State Benson’s Letter Claiming ‘Operator Error’ in Election Results in Antrim County, Michigan

(please click on the link above to read more TRUTHFUL stories. Don't believe the lies when you can read and SEE the proof.)






Cyber Ninjas Are Also Part of Team Refuting Secretary of State Benson’s Letter Claiming ‘Operator Error’ in Election Results in Antrim County, Michigan

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The Michigan case is still alive where the Secretary of State’s office claimed that it was human error in Antrim County that caused the error identified after the election that changed the winner of the county from President Trump to Biden.  This was identified in a recount after the election and President Trump was announced the winner in the county.

A lawsuit has been in place for some time led by attorney Mathew Deperno.  His team refuted this message from the Secretary of State’s office that claimed operator error rather than machine-related errors caused the voter discrepancy in the county.  The audit team Diperno put together includes Cyber Ninjas – the same firm running the election audit in Maricopa County right now.

We’ve reported that the Secretary of State in Michigan is connected to George Soros:


We also reported in December that the results of Deperno’s initial analysis of the voting machines in Antrim County included numerous material errors and issues:

BREAKING: Antrim Co. Forensic Report BOMBSHELL Reveals Dominion Machines Were Set At 68.05% Error Rate…Meaning 68.05% Of Ballots Could Be Sent Out For Mass Adjudication, Giving Individuals Or Machines Ability To Change 68.05% Of Votes

This morning, during an emergency hearing, MI 13th Circuit Court Judge Kevin A Elsenheimer granted permission to Attorney Matthew Deperno to release the findings from their forensic examination on 16 Dominion Voting machines in Antrim County, MI where thousands of votes flipped from President Trump to Joe Biden on November 3, 2020. Earlier this week, … Continue reading BREAKING: Antrim Co. Forensic Report BOMBSHELL Reveals Dominion Machines Were Set At 68.05% Error Rate…Meaning 68.05% Of Ballots Could Be Sent Out For Mass Adjudication, Giving Individuals Or Machines Ability To Change 68.05% Of Votes


The fact that the machines sent such a material amount of ballots to adjudication is a very BIG issue.   We reported how this should be addressed before these machines are ever used in an American election again:

EXCLUSIVE: Voting Machine Systems Should Be Banned from US Elections Until the Highly Suspect “Adjudication Process” Is Defined and Corrected

Since the 2020 election the American public learned that voting machines and the systems surrounding the machines have the ability to send ballots to adjudication.  So what is ballot adjudication? According to Pursue Democracy. So when an excess number of ballots are sent to adjudication, ballots can then be altered.  So when do ballots go … Continue reading EXCLUSIVE: Voting Machine Systems Should Be Banned from US Elections Until the Highly Suspect “Adjudication Process” Is Defined and Corrected


Yesterday Mlive provided an update on Deperno’s Antrim County audit:

A Michigan judge on Monday said he’ll allow a dozen tech and election experts, including the Florida firm Cyber Ninjas and others who alleged election fraud following the November presidential election, to refute a secretary of state election report that determined mistakes in Michigan voting results were caused by human error and didn’t signal vulnerability or tampering with election machines.

Cyber Ninjas is the name of a Florida-based consulting firm owned by Doug Logan, who’s expressed support for election fraud “Stop the Steal” conspiracy theories on social media. The company was recently hired by the Republican-majority Arizona Legislature to conduct an audit of election results in Maricopa County. That audit began last week…

Antrim County Circuit Judge Kevin A. Elsenheimer said expert witness testimony or any reports they produce should address only claims made in a report published by Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson’s office that was produced by J. Alex Halderman, a computer security and systems specialist and professor at the University of Michigan.

Halderman’s March 26 report, entitled “Analysis of the Antrim County, Michigan November 2020 Election Incident,” outlined procedural and computer-related flaws he found while reviewing Antrim County election results.

Antrim County became a focal point for election challengers after the clerk there reported incorrect preliminary results that indicated now-President Joe Biden beat former President Donald Trump in the conservative-leaning county.

It looks like Deperno, Cyber Ninjas and others will be busy over the next month putting together a report refuting Secretary of State Benson’s report that the issue in Antrim County was related to operator error.


















Andrew Brown Jr. search warrant: Drug deals captured on camera weeks before fatal police shooting Search warrant says informant allegedly purchased illegal drugs from Brown for over a year



Andrew Brown Jr. search warrant: Drug deals captured on camera weeks before fatal police shooting

Search warrant says informant allegedly purchased illegal drugs from Brown for over a year

Andrew Brown Jr. – a Black man fatally shot as sheriff's deputies executed a warrant in Elizabeth City, N.C., on April 21 – was described as a drug dealer in the Pasquotank County area and had a criminal rap sheet over 180 pages long and dating back to May 1988, according to a copy of the search warrant and other records obtained by Fox News.

Brown's family and their attorneys entered the Pasquotank County Sheriff's Office Monday afternoon to be privately shown the body camera footage of the shooting – following a two-hour delay that Pasquotank County Attorney R. Michael Cox said happened to blur faces and complete redactions to the video.

Six days after the shooting, authorities have provided few details about the circumstances of Brown's death, but Pasquotank County Sheriff Tommy Wooten II petitioned the court Monday for the public release of the body-camera footage even as the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation continues its independent probe into Brown's death.

An initial search warrant signed off by North Carolina Superior Court Senior Resident Judge Jerry R. Tillett on April 20 states that Agent R.D. Johnson of the Dare County Narcotics Task Force was in communication with a confidential source who said they had been purchasing narcotics from Brown for over one year. The informant claimed that they had purchased different quantities of cocaine, "crack" cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine from Brown on numerous occasions.


Brown would sometimes travel to Dare County to deliver the narcotics, according to the informant. Other times the informant traveled into Elizabeth City to purchase narcotics from Brown at numerous hotel/motels and Brown's residence on Perry Street on at least three occasions.

On March 17, the Dare County Narcotics Task Force utilized the informant to conduct a "controlled purchase" of a quantity of cocaine from Brown that was recorded with audio/video devices. On March 29, the informant carried out another controlled purchase of meth from Brown captured on camera.

The warrant was requested by Pasquotank County Sheriff's Office Investigator D. Ryan Meads.

Meads and other agents assigned to the Albemarle Drug Task Force are also "familiar with Brown and know him to be a source of supply of 'crack' cocaine, cocaine, heroin/fentanyl and methamphetamine to the Elizabeth City/ Pasquotank County area," the warrant states.


Investigators believe the establishment at 421 Perry St. in Elizabeth City "is being used to store, package and distribute narcotics, namely 'crack' cocaine," the warrant states. Two vehicles regularly seen at the residence were believed to be in Brown’s possession and were being used by him to store, traffic and distribute illegal narcotics. There is reason to believe that the home was being used by Brown as a "secure location" to store drugs, currency and recordation of sales or monies owed, the warrant says.

The search warrant included photos of two vehicles seen parked outside: a green 2004 BMW 745 LI four-door sedan with a North Carolina license plate registered to Andrew Brown Jr., as well as a second BMW four-door sedan that was gray in color and has a fictitious license plate number.

The informant described Brown as a "drug dealer" in the Elizabeth City/Pasquotank County area and admitted to purchasing "crack" cocaine from Brown on multiple occasions. The individual also witnessed crack cocaine inside the residence within 14 days of the application of the search warrant.


Meads has over 1,000 hours of law enforcement training, to include drug enforcement, narcotics investigations and identification. As an employed law enforcement officer he has dealt with informants, conducted surveillance, arrested suspects, seized evidence and executed search warrants. He has successfully developed narcotics investigations and made felony and misdemeanor arrests for violations of the North Carolina Controlled Substance Act, according to the warrant.

The document, which indicated the search wasn't completed, didn't list anything found. Fox News also obtained a copy of Brown's separate criminal rap sheet that is more than 180 pages long and dates back to May 1988. Arrest warrants against Brown that were released last week charged him with possession with intent to sell and deliver three grams of each of the drugs.

Fox News' James Levinson and the Associated Press contributed to this report.