Thursday, April 29, 2021

Damn guns....Oh wait this was a knife).... 2 children killed, 16 people stabbed at China kindergarten. (stop the damn killing)



(What the hell is wrong with people?  These were babies !!!!!)




2 children killed, 16 people stabbed at China kindergarten

·1 min read

BEIJING (AP) — Chinese state media say two children were killed and 16 other people were injured by a knife-wielding attacker at a kindergarten in a southern city.

The Xinhua News Agency said the attack occurred Wednesday afternoon in a township outside Beiliu, a city in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

It said a suspect has been arrested and an investigation is underway. Two of those injured were being treated for serious injuries, it said. It was clear if the injured were children or adults.

Past years have seen numerous such attacks, usually perpetrated by people who were described as mentally or emotionally disturbed or who bore grudges against the owners of such facilities.

Experts say China lacks sufficient capacity to diagnose and treat people with such conditions. The country tightly restricts access to guns, so knives are almost always used in such attacks.


No one else will show the photo so I will...... Here is the COP KILLER



Court documents state Heacook was attacked by Randon D. Wilkerson, 30. According to a witness, Wilkerson slammed his foot repeatedly on the officer's head while he lay unconscious, police said. 

Corp. Keith Heacook, Delmar Police Department
Corp. Keith Heacook, Delmar Police Department

President's Speech.... so weak and disappointing.



He NEEDED two women behind him to show the others when to applaud.


So weak and full of NOTHING.


NOTHING about bringing the country TOGETHER... he will only keep dividing.


He will just continue to give free money for those too lazy to work and raise your own damn kids.


 Nothing about the border

Nothing about bringing the people together.


So embarrassed to call him the LEADER. He is NOT a leader... he does what Nancy and Kamala say.

I am really ashamed to call him the pres... I can't even finish typing it.

(hangs head and closes this post)









Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Damn it be proud of your race...... White black or brown...... be proud !!!




there is NOT ONE SINGLE race more important than another.


PEOPLE ... help stop this NOW ! 

Wait... I'm talking about the ones that aren't out there with knives threatening or the ones with guns looking for trouble or the ones beating someone because they look different, or the ones looting, or the ones doing the B&E's, or the ones robbing stores.... ETC.


The ones we talk about are the ones that are doing good things for ALL PEOPLE.............NOT being THUGS(all races have thugs).












Don't SAY it unless YOU can prove it..... stop spreading LIES, you look stupid



Don't repeat it just because one of your so called friends on social media said it.


Be an Adult and KNOW the facts.






Fox News host slams network for coverage of false stories about Biden’s red meat plans and Harris’s book




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Fox News host slams network for coverage of false stories about Biden’s red meat plans and Harris’s book

Stephen Proctor

Juan Williams, co-host of The Five on Fox News, called out the network on Tuesday for its recent repeated coverage of false stories. This was in the context of discussing the as-of-yet unsubstantiated story that recently broke about former Secretary of State under President Obama, and current Climate Czar John Kerry, allegedly giving classified Israeli information to Iran when he was Secretary of State, which Kerry denies. Williams suggested using caution when reporting on the story, pointing to two recent narratives that got a lot of airtime on Fox News that turned out to be untrue.

One such story was the false claim that President Biden plans to limit the amount of red meat Americans can consume as part of his climate plan. The story was first printed in British tabloid The Daily Mail, which combined Biden’s goal of cutting down on greenhouse gasses with a year-old study out of the University of Michigan which suggested cutting down on red meat as a way of doing just that. The story blew up among conservative groups, right wing media and Republican elected officials at all levels of government. After reporting on Biden’s nonexistent plan for days, on Monday, Fox News issued a correction.

“To me, when you talk about, you know, ‘Oh, is this right wing going after John Kerry. They don’t like John Kerry.’ It just worries me,” Williams said. “Like last week we had the hamburger story. ‘Oh, Biden’s gonna take your hamburger.’”

Williams also pointed to another bogus story, that Vice President Harris’s children’s book was being given out at a migrant shelter. Once again, many in right wing media, including Fox News, jumped on the story, some suggesting the book, Superheroes Are Everywhere, was part of an official welcome package handed out to every child. But in reality, only one copy of Harris’s book was given to a child at a migrant shelter in Long Beach, California, and that particular book was a one-time donation during a charity drive. The New York Post reporter responsible for the story resigned on Tuesday, claiming she was ordered to write it.

“Or, you know, it’s always, ‘Kamala Harris’s book is being given to immigrants.’ These stories are false,” Williams said, “but the right wing echo chamber starts going crazy because you can go after a Democrat.”

As for the Kerry story, Williams pointed out that even staunch Republican Lindsey Graham is unsure of the validity of the allegations.

“On this story, I think it’s important that you notice that people like Lindsey Graham, you know, strong Republican voice out of South Carolina, says he doesn’t know whether or not we can trust this so-called tape,” Williams said. “The State Department saying that the timeline is way off."

The Five airs weeknights at 5 p.m. on Fox News Channel.