Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Discovered: Migrant Safe House in Scottsdale, Arizona! – ICE and Gov. Agents provide 24/7 security and catering to Illegal Immigrants




I wish that every American family was collecting money and clothing from our Government too. It's too bad that we aren't important enough)


Discovered: Migrant Safe House in Scottsdale, Arizona! – ICE and Gov. Agents provide 24/7 security and catering to Illegal Immigrants

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On Monday night, TGP’s Jordan Conradson investigated the Homewood Suites in Scottsdale, Arizona after receiving a tip that it was an illegal immigrant safe house. The hotel is located at 9880 N Scottsdale Rd.

When Conradson arrived at the hotel, every entrance was barricaded, and he had to park down the street. He walked up to the hotel and greeted some officers.


Conradson: what’s going on here?

LES Officer: You actually need to leave the property it’s actually a closed hotel.



Conradson: Oh, so what’s going on?

LES Officer: This is a private property man.

Conradson: But what’s going on?

LES Officer:  If you want to get information for that you need to go to endeavors.org.

Conradson: I heard that they were harboring illegal immigrants here. Is that true?

LES Officer: You can go to the endeavors.org website and they’ll give you as much information as they can.

Conradson: Who do you work for?

LES Officer: I’m contracted with LES, it’s a law enforcement contract service company.

Conradson: Why aren’t people allowed on the premises?

LES Officer: You can go to endeavors.org to get information for that other than that this is closed this is private property from the company that’s here.

Endeavors.org is the website for Family Endeavors, a San Antonio nonprofit tied to the Biden administration. They received an $87 million no-bid contract in March to clothe and shelter illegal immigrants. They then received ANOTHER contract for $530 MILLION shortly after.

Conradson went to another entrance to get to the bottom of this.

Conradson:  What is going on here?

DOT Agent: I don’t know. All I can let in is people who have badges on the property.

Conradson: Who do you work for?

DOT Agent: The Department of Transportation.

Conradson: Who is staying here? Who are you protecting? Are illegal immigrants staying in this hotel?


A Selrico Services food van pulled out of the parking lot. Selrico is a food service company that is also based in San Antonio. They must be contracted to provide food for those in this country illegally.

A Scottsdale local was walking in his neighborhood to see what was going on at this hotel that is right next to his home. Richard could not believe this was happening and agreed to do an interview.

Conradson: I’m pretty sure that they’re housing are legal immigrants inside of this hotel off of taxpayer dollars. what do you think about that, Richard?

Richard: It’s terrible that they would put that in the middle of a nice community without alerting all of the neighbors. There are a lot of rumors going around and everyone is concerned about who’s living next to them.

Conradson: Yeah, so we know a lot of a lot of these illegal immigrants are bringing crime across the border, they’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing you name it even human slaves right, human sex trafficking is a big issue. You don’t want that in your community, do you?

Richard: I don’t think anyone wants that in their community.

Conradson: do you have kids?

Richard: I have two little kids and were just walking around here to see what’s going on. They have it blocked off with security guards and I’m just trying to become informed on what’s next to me.

Richard lives in a nice suburban community. This is usually a very safe area when there are not illegal immigrants living at the hotel down the street. Residents were not even notified that this would be happening and the ones who know are not happy.

Conradson called the local police station since he could not get any answers from the representatives at the hotel.

Conradson: I would like to know what is going on at the Homewood Suites on Scottsdale Rd. and Mountainview. Do you have any information about what’s going on there?

Dispatcher: Nothing outside of the fact that it’s being monitored by ICE and that we have police presence there from other agencies 24/7.

Conradson: Who is managing the hotel?

Dispatcher: I don’t have that information exactly

Conradson: But ICE is in there 24/7?

Dispatcher: Yeah, it’s being monitored by them and outside agencies.

Conradson: Do you know what the outside agencies are?

Dispatcher: I think it’s just a mix of all Arizona state agencies.

Conradson: Are they communicating with you on how many people they’re bringing into Scottsdale, into the hotel?

Dispatcher: I don’t have any specifics on it

Conradson: Where do I find more information?

Dispatcher: You could try to look up any of the ICE numbers online and see if they give any further.

Conradson: Do you have any information on exactly what’s going on? I mean obviously, they’re harboring illegal immigrants, but do you know anything else?

Dispatcher: No we don’t have an

This is atrocious. Over 600 MILLION DOLLARS are funding this operation to flood red counties with illegal residents and brand new Democrat voters, and it’s costing the taxpayers money and it’s putting the American people in DANGER.

Instead of protecting American citizens, officers are being paid by our tax dollars to protect non-citizens who are invading our communities.












President Trump Releases Statement on Georgia Ballot Alarm Incident – Calls on Republicans and Patriots to Help Protect the Storage Facility





President Trump Releases Statement on Georgia Ballot Alarm Incident – Calls on Republicans and Patriots to Help Protect the Storage Facility

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As reported earlier by Joe Hoft an alarm went off at the facility in Fulton County, Georgia, where election ballots are held. The building houses election ballots for the county from the 2020 election.

On Memorial Day Monday President Trump called on Republicans and Patriots to help secure the warehouse where the ballots are stored.





“BREAKING: Alarm Went Off at Secure Building in Fulton County Georgia Where Ballots Are Kept – Building Found Wide Open”

Great work is being done in Georgia revealing the Election Fraud of the 2020 Presidential Election. But, we must not allow ANYONE to compromise these ballots by leaving the building unsecured, which was done late Friday. Republicans and Patriots must protect this site and the Absentee Ballots. The Left talks about election security but they do not practice what they preach because they are afraid of what might be found. Fulton County Leadership—do the right thing and protect these ballots. Our Country is at stake!





NC Lt. Governor Mark Robinson: Critical Race Theory Mirrors Teachings Of The KKK ..(he is sooooo right)




NC Lt. Governor Mark Robinson: Critical Race Theory Mirrors Teachings Of The KKK (VIDEO)

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North Carolina Lt. Governor Mark Robinson was recently interviewed on Newsmax and spoke about the far left concept of Critical Race Theory being pushed in many American schools.

Robinson suggested that Critical Race Theory has much in common with the teachings of the KKK, and he is right.


Critical Race Theory teaches that a person’s skin color is the most important thing about them.

From Newsmax:

NC Lt. Gov. Robinson to Newsmax: Critical Race Theory Mirrors Ku Klux Klan

North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson compared critical race theory to the ideology of the Ku Klux Klan on Newsmax on Friday, saying they ”mirror each other.”


The 52-year-old Republican, the first Black person to hold the office of lieutenant governor in North Carolina, derided critical race theory, which the Encyclopedia Britannica defines as the belief that race is a socially constructed category ingrained in law intended to maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites. It holds that the U.S. society is inherently racist.

”It is absolutely insidious,” Robinson said on ”Greg Kelly Reports.” ”What’s happening here, you go and take critical race theory is that is applied down and … then take some of the ideologies that were pushed by groups like the Ku Klux Klan and other hate groups, you can almost set them on top of each other, and they mirror each other in the way that they divide and the way they demonize people by race.”

Robinson, a veteran of the U.S. Army Reserve and a native of North Carolina — the ninth of 10 children — in November was voted to the second highest elected position in the state. He also derided Black Lives Matter, saying its name is a complete misnomer.

Watch the videoat the link at top.

Robinson is a rising star in the Republican party, and this is why.

The man speaks the truth.

Cross posted from American Lookout.





Whaa..... whaa..... you pick on me for this and then you pick on me for that. Put your adult panties on and act like one.



No one can treat you like an adult unless you act like one.


Stop being an embarrassment and acting like a VICTIM.


You are NOT a victim you just want to belong to a group of people that want to look like idiots.

Be a better person than they are.....



(ANYONE can be a follower.... but it takes a strong person to be a leader). NOT A PROTEST LEADER...EVERYONE can do that by screaming and yelling and acting a fool.




If you don't respect OUR AMERICAN FLAG... Go live under another flag.



YOU are a piece of crap and we don't want you here disrespecting OUR flag.



Denver BLM Leader And School Board Member Under Investigation On Multiple Sex Abuse Allegations, Including 62 High School DACA Students...(WOW 62?)






Denver BLM Leader And School Board Member Under Investigation On Multiple Sex Abuse Allegations, Including 62 High School DACA Students


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A local Denver school board member, Black Lives Matter protest leader, and anti-gun activist is facing dozens of accusations of sex abuse, rape, harassment, and “inappropriate behavior” from a variety of community members, including 62 high school students and illegal aliens in the DACA program, at least one as young as 14. Tay Anderson is denying the allegations and hopes to continue his work on the school board and in activism, but more victims continue to come forward. He is now stepping aside from his duties while the investigation continues.

 Chalkbeat Colorado reports:

Denver school board member Tay Anderson said Sunday he would step back from “everyday board functions” until an outside firm hired by the school district completes an investigation into sexual assault allegations against him.

In a separate statement, the school board clarified that Anderson will still vote on key matters, including the selection of a new superintendent, which is set to happen June 3. A Denver Public Schools spokesperson said Anderson’s stepping back means Anderson will not attend school or district meetings with staff or students.

Anderson announced his decision two days after the school board announced it was aware of new allegations against him.

Anderson is under investigation by an outside firm hired by Denver Public Schools. The district launched the investigation after the civil rights group Black Lives Matter 5280 said in March that a woman came to them to report that Anderson had sexually assaulted her.

Separate from that accusation, former members of anti-gun violence group Never Again Colorado said that Anderson engaged in inappropriate behavior when he was the group’s president in 2018.

Then this week, Denver parent Mary-Katherine Brooks Fleming testified before a Colorado legislative committee that 62 young people, nearly all of them current Denver high school students, came to her starting in August seeking help and protection from a specific man “in a position of trust.” She said they had experienced abuse ranging from unwanted touching to violent rape.

Anderson has consistently denied all allegations against him. He said Sunday that he expects to be cleared and return to all his duties.

The Denver Post elaborates:

Denver Public Schools acknowledged Friday night that its board and the Denver Police Department are aware of new sexual assault allegations against school board member Tay Anderson after a woman testified this week before a legislative committee about a sexual predator within the school system who has targeted students.

On Tuesday, Mary-Katherine Brooks Fleming, a parent of three DPS students, told the state House Judiciary Committee there is “a sexual predator targeting DPS children” during her public testimony in support of a bill that would make it easier for victims to sue institutions who employ child sexual abusers.

Brooks Fleming told the committee 62 people had come to her for help regarding a single individual, but she did not name that person. Their experiences ranged from unwanted touching to “violent acts of rape,” she said. Sixty-one of them lacked documentation or were recipients of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, and the youngest was 14, she said.

“Those who came to my home didn’t have health insurance, couldn’t afford emergency rooms, and even if they could, they wanted to avoid mandatory reporters for fear that such an interaction could jeopardize their family,” Brooks Fleming said in her testimony. “It is horrifying to realize that someone had preyed on these children, knowing their silence was guaranteed.”

In a statement emailed to The Post on Friday night, the Denver Public Schools Board of Education stated, “The Board was made aware of testimony at the Colorado Capitol this week and was later informed that the accusations were against Director Tay Anderson. The Denver police are also aware of these accusations.”


The Denver Police Department’s investigators have spoken with Brooks Fleming about her comments, but they have not heard from any victims, Jay Casillas, a department spokesman, said in an email to The Post.

“If someone is a victim, we encourage them to contact Denver Police,” Casillas wrote.

Anderson, who has been under investigation by the school district for a single sexual assault allegation since early April, referred questions to his attorney, Christopher Decker. Decker denied the allegations on behalf of his client.

In a statement to The Denver Post, Decker wrote, “Nothing is worse or more unacceptable than the harm caused by sexual assault upon our children, or the related harm caused by not believing those who have been victimized in this way. This is also why false assertions of these horrible crimes act to cheapen and diminish its importance. It is because of these two truths that responsible people and organizations must carefully investigate such inflammatory claims completely, and with an open and fair process.”

Mary-Katherine Brooks Fleming’s posted her testimony on Twitter:

The Denver Post story continues:

Brooks Fleming, who is active in Denver’s social justice community and who has volunteered at Blue Bench, a nonprofit organization that aids sexual assault victims, previously had declined to name the person she was accusing to The Post.


Anderson has been under scrutiny for an alleged sexual assault since March 26 when Black Lives Matter 5280 published a public statement saying a woman came to the group in February to report that Anderson had sexually assaulted her. The statement said the woman wanted Anderson to issue a public apology and to seek help from a licensed professional.

In a news conference two days later with Decker at his side, Anderson denied the allegation, saying he was not aware of any situation that could be construed as sexual assault. He also welcomed any investigation into the accusation.

The Denver Public Schools board hired the Investigation Law Group, an outside firm, to investigate the situation. On May 18, the school board said the firm was conducting final interviews and was expected to produce its report within the next 30 days. However, Brooks Fleming’s testimony came after that announcement was made and on Friday the district said the investigation remains open.

Black Lives Matter 5280 released this statement regarding Anderson’s alleged abuse within their organization:

Anderson is attempting to play the victim, saying a web hacker has orchestrated all of this, as KDVR FOX 31 reports:

Anderson’s attorney, Chris Decker — who’s also a FOX31 legal analyst — said in a statement that no one has come forward with any more information about the allegations, including some brought forth in March, and that police have not contacted him, either.

Decker also said “a known racist criminal web hacker … claims (to me and others) to have orchestrated these false allegations against Director Anderson” — information he said has been reported to police.

“On behalf of Director Anderson, I ask only for a responsible and thorough investigation of these concerning matters and assure the public that if that is done, he will be cleared of any and all wrongdoing,” Decker said. “The only thing worse than sexual assault on children, or the denial or coverup of the same, is weaponizing false claims of sexual assault and irresponsibly publishing or concluding it has happened when it has not.”

Anderson released this generic statement via his Twitter page, but doesn’t address any of the accusations:

Anderson was apparently injured by police when protesting against a homeless camp clean up. He vowed that the “City of Denver, you fucked with the wrong person” while wearing his official school board name badge.

Oh but it gets better for Mr. Anderson! Back in 2018 he was found guilty of retaliation after someone came forward with another set of accusations of abuse. Westword reports:

But Anderson, 22, acknowledges that a May 2018 Denver Public Schools investigation found that he had engaged in retaliation while advocating on behalf of former Manual High School Principal Nick Dawkins, whom the district had investigated following employee complaints of harassment and bias. A Dawkins accuser tells Westword that retaliation took the form of social media posts aimed at her that began appearing the previous month. She viewed it as harassment of a person who’d made claims of harassment.

“In early 2018, I worked at Manual High School as a paraprofessional,” Anderson says in a statement provided to Westword. “During that time period, I posted my concerns about another Black leader leaving Denver Public Schools on several social media channels. I was informed that my social media activity could interfere with the investigation regarding that leader. When I continued to speak out on social media, it was determined that my actions were retaliatory.”


Among his many other stunts are when he vowed to stay seated during the Pledge Of Allegiance at school board meetings.

All suspects are, of course, innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.





Anderson held this press conference the other day:







Why aren't there PRO-Whites? There is PRO everyone except for Whites....Hmmmm


Black panthers


pro Latino

pro Asians


but NO PRO WHITE..... Hmmmm