Friday, June 4, 2021

I was told yesterday that ALL WHITE MEN are too afraid to stand up for what they beleive in...

  I was told yesterday that ALL WHITE MEN are too afraid to stand up for what they believe in...


I must say that I agree.


Are they just too lazy or afraid or what?


Are you really that stupid to think that 99% of the shootings are with LEGAL guns?




Don't be dumb ! 

How many people do YOU know with guns? 


And what crimes do THOSE people commit? 




We have removed all SIX coke machines. Pepsi here we come.



Coke is now gone.... Pepsi will now be in our businesses.


Please boycott Coke and its products



Thursday, June 3, 2021

Oh my God... he told us that "ALL the b_tches have fake stones".


A Co-worker was bragging about getting ONE of his girlfriends a Cubic Z instead of a real diamond.

He said that almost every woman that he knows has one, and that MOST are too stupid to go get it appraised. 

He said that almost every male that he knows has at least two or three women. And they all have secrets how to hide it.

Every single woman on this earth should get her ring appraised.

They aren't really that stupid are they?

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Joe Biden Says Black Entrepreneurs Don’t Succeed Like Whites Because They Don’t Know How to Find Lawyers or Accountants (VIDEO)...( Read his statements at the bottom)


 (My God he thinks they're stupid. Why do they think he really cares?)

Joe Biden Says Black Entrepreneurs Don’t Succeed Like Whites Because They Don’t Know How to Find Lawyers or Accountants (VIDEO)

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Well this sounds a little racist.


Joe Biden on Tuesday delivered a speech on the 100-year anniversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre.


Biden was being his old perverted, racist self on Tuesday.

He just can’t help himself.

Joe Biden made a racist remark during his speech after telling little girls in pigtails they would get ice cream if they sat through his speech.

“The data shows young black entrepreneurs are just as capable of succeeding given the chance as white entrepreneurs are, but they don’t have lawyers, they don’t have accountants, but they have great ideas,” Biden said.


In other words, blacks can’t figure out how to find accountants and lawyers but old white man Joe Biden will show them the way!



This sounds like a new spin on Joe’s Biden’s previous racist statements about “poor” children: “Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.”


 Or when Joe Biden suggested that Blacks and Hispanics who live in the inner cities are too stupid to figure out how to get online.



(He thinks they are too stupid. He has never wanted to bring them up.... why do they think that he is trying to help? He is trying keep them down so they will THINK That they NEED him.)












Dr. McCullough Sounds the Alarm on Covid Jabs: All Covid-19 Vaccines Produce the Dangerous Wuhan Spike Protein (AUDIO)



Dr. McCullough Sounds the Alarm on Covid Jabs: All Covid-19 Vaccines Produce the Dangerous Wuhan Spike Protein (AUDIO)

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Dr. Peter A. McCullough sounded the alarm on the Covid-19 vaccines and explained how they all make the dangerous Wuhan spike protein.

Dr. McCullough is an Internist, Cardiologist, Epidemiologist and testified to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs in November 2020.


“It’s alarming right now – we have had over 4400 deaths and 14,000 hospitalizations….That is probably only the tip of the iceberg,” Dr. McCullough said in an interview with Rose Unplugged on 1320 AM WJAS.

Dr. McCullough said people who have been infected with Covid-19 should not get the vaccine.

The doctor also said pregnant women, women of child-bearing years, children or healthy people under 50 should not get the Covid jab.

Dr. McCullough explained how all Covid-19 vaccines produce the dangerous Wuhan spike protein and what that does to a person’s body.


Check out Rose Unplugged on WJAS 1320 AM – The Talk of Pittsburgh 1320 AM





Joe Biden is ANTI - White in order to KEEP African Americans "depending on him" instead of standing on their OWN two feet.



Do you really think that he cares about LIFTING up the black community? 

WE are NOT stupid.