Tuesday, June 8, 2021

BREAKING GEORGIA UPDATE: Ruby Freeman who Jammed Suspect Ballots Into Voting Machines Multiple Times on Election Night Is Subpoenaed






BREAKING GEORGIA UPDATE: Ruby Freeman who Jammed Suspect Ballots Into Voting Machines Multiple Times on Election Night Is Subpoenaed


BREAKING GEORGIA UPDATE: Ruby Freeman who Jammed Suspect Ballots Into Voting Machines Multiple Times on Election Night Is Subpoenaed



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Yesterday we reported that Shaye Moss was subpoenaed in Georgia for her activities in the 2020 election in Fulton County. Now it’s her mother’s turn, Ruby Freeman.

Over the weekend it was reported that Ruby Freeman’s daughter Shaye Moss, who was also Ruby’s boss during the election counting process in Fulton County, Georgia, was subpoenaed:


Shaye Moss was famous for kicking everyone out of the room where votes were counted in Fulton County and telling observers to go home.  Then Shaye and others including Ralph Jones and her mother Ruby dragged hidden boxes of ballots out from underneath tables and started running them through the machines.  Ruby Freeman was caught on tape running the same stack of suspect ballots through the machines multiple times:


CONFIRMED: Supervisor Shaye Moss – Who “Yelled Out” for Georgia GOP Observers to Go Home – Is Same Woman Who Pulled the Suitcase Ballots Out from Underneath the Table When they Left

Ruby Freeman and daughter and elections supervisor Wandrea “Shaye” Moss Last Thursday Cristina Laila reported on the explosive video that was revealed during the Georgia ballot counting at the State Farm Arena where crooked Democrats pulled out suitcases full of ballots and began counting those ballots without election monitors in the room. Trump’s legal team … Continue reading CONFIRMED: Supervisor Shaye Moss – Who “Yelled Out” for Georgia GOP Observers to Go Home – Is Same Woman Who Pulled the Suitcase Ballots Out from Underneath the Table When they Left

(read above)

Now tonight it’s mama’s turn


Ruby Freeman was subpoenaed and was served as is noted in the below tweet.

Like daughter, like mama. This story is not over yet!



(read the tweets etc at the link at the top of the page.) 



Monday, June 7, 2021

IT’S WORSE THAN WE THOUGHT! Fauci and Top US Doctors Caught! They CONSPIRED to Disqualify Hydroxychloroquine as COVID Treatment — MILLIONS DEAD AS A RESULT



read the whole story at link above along with many other stories.




IT’S WORSE THAN WE THOUGHT! Fauci and Top US Doctors Caught! They CONSPIRED to Disqualify Hydroxychloroquine as COVID Treatment — MILLIONS DEAD AS A RESULT

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The Gateway Pundit has reported extensively this past year on the effects of hydroxychloroquine in treating the COVID-19 virus.

We knew that the Dr. Tony Fauci and the medical elites conspired to ban the use of this very successful drug.

We reported earlier on how Dr. Fauci used bogus studies to disqualify HCQ in treating coronavirus.

Now this…  There is proof that Dr. Fauci and top US medical experts all conspired using obviously false information to disqualify hydroxychloroquine and MILLIONS DIED as a result of their action.

s previously reported–

It’s been over a year since the WHO declared the coronavirus a pandemic after originally downplaying the threat.  It is no secret that both the disease and the response to combat it following this SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in late 2019 have turned our world upside-down.  Mandates, lockdowns, and guidelines seem to change every time Dr. Fauci opens his mouth.   All of these unprecedented rules were put into place, we were told, to slow down the spread of a disease that today is linked to the death of over half a million Americans and 3.7 million global citizens in the last year.

You would think that researchers would have concentrated on prophylactic and therapeutic solutions of this disease especially since this disease is a death sentence for the elderly, the obese, those with preexisting conditions.  The coronavirus doctors have forced children to avoid school, mask up, and get vaccinated.  One would think that after all this time there would be a consensus in the hospitals, in the nursing homes, and in other treatment centers on how to treat a Covid positive patient or resident.  This is not the case.

There still is no agreed-upon treatment plan for elderly patients who catch coronavirus to assist in their recovery.

The CDC and Dr. Fauci ignored treatment plans for coronavirus patients unless the person was under severe distress.

Cardiologist and Professor of Medicine Peter McCullough testified in Texas earlier this year. Dr. McCullough sees COVID patients and says 85% of COVID patients given multi-drug treatment plan recover from the disease with complete immunity. McCullough added, “The pandemic could have been over by now, he says, if those who tested positive for covid had been immediately treated before they fell ill enough to be hospitalized. He also says that thousands could have been, and still could be saved if the treatment protocol he and other physicians use were not suppressed.”

Dr. Fauci and the CDC and WHO suppressed this effective treatment plan and others.


And hundreds of thousands of innocents died.

And now this…
The c19hcq.com website tracks all of the international studies on hydroxychloroquine and its effects on the coronavirus.

There is now a new study and the results are SHOCKING!
HCQ for COVID-19: real-time meta analysis of 245 studies

HCQ is not effective when used very late with high dosages over a long period (RECOVERY/SOLIDARITY), effectiveness improves with earlier usage and improved dosing. But early treatment consistently shows positive effects.  That’s the science.

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Sunday, June 6, 2021

When will YOU be adult enough to stop this SH!T ?..Amazon Driver Arrested After Brutally Beating 67-Year-Old Woman after Pointing Out Her “White Privilege”




Amazon Driver Arrested After Brutally Beating 67-Year-Old Woman after Pointing Out Her “White Privilege” (VIDEO)

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A 21-year-old Amazon driver was arrested after beating a 67-year-old woman during a delivery.

Amazon driver Itzel Ramirez delivered more than packages. She pounded the woman in the face after the woman complained about waiting for her package.


Itzel said it was self-defense.
The victim called police after the beatdown.


Itzel reportedly said something about the woman’s white privilege.

Here is another view of the beating.



Saturday, June 5, 2021

NEW: 350-Pound Man Who Brutally Assaulted Woman at Gas Station Arrested – Currently on Parole For Assault






NEW: 350-Pound Man Who Brutally Assaulted Woman at Gas Station Arrested – Currently on Parole For Assault

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A 350-pound man who brutally assaulted a woman in a random attack at a Gardena, California gas station was arrested Friday night in Long Beach.

The attacker’s identity has not been publicly released.


ABC 7 reported that the attacker, who is in his late 40s, is currently on parole for assault.

The attacker was arrested Friday evening after a family member turned him in.


Law enforcement learned on Friday that the attacker assaulted another woman the night before the gas station attack.

The suspect punched a 63-year-old woman sitting in her car near the same intersection. The woman was sitting in her car at a red light when the man walked over to her car and punched her.


Police believe there are other victims and they are asking them to come forward, ABC 7 reported.

Surveillance video released earlier this week showed a shirtless morbidly obese black male exiting his Ford Expedition and calmly walking over to a woman filling up her gas tank.

The man repeatedly punched and kicked the woman in the head for a full minute before people intervened.


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Passenger Told to Take His ‘F–K Biden’ Shirt Off on Airline, or He Would Have to Leave the Plane ( smart African Americans aren't following for the lies... this man knows the truth)






Passenger Told to Take His ‘F–K Biden’ Shirt Off on Airline, or He Would Have to Leave the Plane

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Will Johnson of Unite America First was a paying passenger on a Southwest flight back to his home and was told by a flight attendant that he had to remove his shirt or go to the bathroom and turn it inside out, or he would have to leave the plane.

“These two women were so agitated about my shirt that I was worried they would spit into my drink if I asked them for something, so I flew home without drinking anything at all,” Johnson told the Gateway Pundit.

Johnson was on Southwest flight #2112 from Florida to Austin at 1:25 PM on Tuesday, June 1.


Johnson said that he was flying home from covering the big Boat Parade for President Donald J. Trump in Florida and was wearing an ‘F-CK Biden’ t-shirt.  He admitted that he did it partially for reaction to show the double standards that Trump supporters face.

nues below

“They told me- hey, I like your shirt,” he said.

“What really bothered me the most about the whole thing was that I was afraid of getting a drink from them,” he said. “I really thought they would spit in my drink.  It made me very nervous to be honest.”

Attempts to connect with Southwest Airlines for comment were unsuccessful.  Johnson did offer an email from another passenger, who confirmed his story, and The Gateway Pundit confirmed the email.

Hey Will!! I was on ur flight when they made you take your shirt off. It’s total bullshit.You should sue there ass!! I’m glad I got to meet you after the flight. Thank you for all that you do brother. I’m following you on everything now. Keep up the good fight.

NYC Psychiatrist Tells Yale Audience She Fantasizes About Shooting White People in the Head and Burying Their Body with Her Bloody Hands





NYC Psychiatrist Tells Yale Audience She Fantasizes About Shooting White People in the Head and Burying Their Body with Her Bloody Hands

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Photo credit: New York Post

A New York City-based psychiatrist recently told a Yale audience that she fantasizes about shooting white people in the head, burying their body and walking away guiltless.

Dr. Aruna Khilanani said she had fantasies of “unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way” during virtual remarks in April.

Audio of Dr. Aruna Khilanani’s remarks can be heard here.

The psychiatrist also said “white people are out of their minds” and their brains are damaged and demented: “They have five holes in their brain. It’s like banging your head against a brick wall.”


The New York Post reported (emphasis ours):

Khilanani opened her remarks by telling the audience, “I’m gonna say a lot of things, and it will probably provoke a lot of responses, and I want you to just maybe observe them in yourself.”


She then added “prayers up for DMX” before discussing what she described as the “intense rage and futility” people of color purportedly feel when talking to white people about racism.

“We are calm, we are giving, too giving, and then when we get angry, they use our responses as confirmation that we’re crazy or have emotional problems,” Khilanani said. “It always ends that way, happens every time. Like a goddamn timer, you can count it down.

“Nothing makes me angrier than a white person who tells me not to be angry, because they have not seen real anger yet,” she said — before talking about how she “systematically” cut off most of her former white friends “around five years ago.

“I stopped watching the news,” Khilanani continued. “Once I started, I couldn’t stop.”

“It was also a public service,” she said. “I had fantasies of unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way, burying their body and wiping my bloody hands as I walked away relatively guiltless with a bounce in my step. Like I did the world a f–king favor.”







Smith Telling BLM Protesters: “Ain’t nobody gonna be beggin for justice…Get ready for war…Bring your guns…your bombs…your rocket launchers!”

 What a sad looking freaking IDIOT. What an ass.



NEW VIDEOS Emerge of Minnesota’s Winston Boogie Smith Telling BLM Protesters: “Ain’t nobody gonna be beggin for justice…Get ready for war…Bring your guns…your bombs…your rocket launchers!”

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Winston Boogie Smith was shot and killed yesterday in Minneapolis. The shooting took place only blocks from George Floyd Square.

100 Percent Fed Up reports – When the news of Smith’s death broke, not much was known about him. Today, after an evening of BLM setting fires and looting stores in Minneapolis, like T-Mobile and CVS, more is coming out about the 32-year-old with a mile-long rap sheet, who had a warrant out for his arrest for aggravated assault, and according to the police report, “produced a handgun” during his arrest.


We decided to look further into Winston on social media and discovered that the 32-year-old was not a big fan of the police or of peaceful protests. In the video below, that was shared on his Instagram account 7 weeks ago, the rapper talked about how protesters were doing it all wrong, with their “hands in the air,” and asking for justice. He appears to suggest that he’ll be bringing the same weapons the police have to the next protest.

“Asking for justice?” he asked, adding, “Seriously, that’s the plan?” He continued, “Motherf*ckers been killing y’ all for years! Hey, I ride with my shit for years. When it come to me, that’s not the plan y’all.”


“I’m coming to the protest, I’m bringing the same shit they bringin’,” Winston Boogie Smith told his followers.



In another video posted to his Instagram account, Winston Boogie Smith warns of war and pleads with his followers to stop with the peaceful Martin Luther King Jr. nonsense and start bringing weapons to protests.

Winston Boogie Smith:”Whoever’s at these protests in Minnesota, with all these killings—y’all not saying the right shit. Y’all telling the motherf8ckers to come with their hands up for some peaceful protest. F*ck that. F*ck anybody who peaceful right now. Go get y’all gasoline at the gas station. Go get some dish soap. If you scared you don’t got no gun, you don’t need no gun. Go get some dish soap, go get some glue, get some bleach, some honey some shit that you can f*cking throw at these f*cks. Ain’t nobody gonna be begging for no justice!” he said.



He continued, telling his followers to “Get ready for war!” He continued with his rant, saying they’re going to “move on these ops” adding, “Suit up. Lace your boots up, it’s war f*cking time. Bring your gun to the protest. Bring the f*cking bombs and rocket launchers you been rapping about!”

Watch his incredible call to violence here:

This is the guy that the media and Democrats will be trying to convince everyone was an angel. Please share this article with everyone before the media gets away with justifying the violence and lawlessness by BLM and Antifa as a way to “honor” the life of the “mostly peaceful” Winston Boogie Smith.