Wednesday, August 11, 2021

A man died in West Africa of a virus that causes internal bleeding and organ failure. The WHO says it has the potential to 'spread far and wide.' (pass it on)





A man died in West Africa of a virus that causes internal bleeding and organ failure. The WHO says it has the potential to 'spread far and wide.'


A man died in West Africa of a virus that causes internal bleeding and organ failure. The WHO says it has the potential to 'spread far and wide.'
·3 min read
field researcher WHO
The World Health Organization has confirmed a man's death from the highly infectious Marburg virus, which can be passed to humans from fruit bats. World Health Organization
  • A man in Guinea, West Africa, has died of the Marburg virus, which causes internal bleeding and organ failure.
  • The World Health Organization (WHO) said the disease has the potential to spread far and wide.
  • The disease can be passed to humans from fruit bats, says the WHO.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

A man in Guinea, West Africa, has died after contracting the Marburg virus, which causes internal bleeding and organ failure. The World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed the man's death on August 9 and said the "highly infectious disease" has the potential to "spread far and wide."

This marks the first time the Marburg virus has ever been detected in Guinea, per the WHO.

According to the WHO, the man visited a local clinic to seek treatment, but his condition deteriorated quickly before his death. Researchers at Guinea's national hemorrhagic fever laboratory and the Institute Pasteur in Senegal have confirmed the man's Marburg virus diagnosis.

The WHO said the virus can be passed to people from fruit bats and is transmitted from one person to another through surfaces and bodily fluids.

The organization said the illness tends to begin with an abrupt and sudden onset of high fever and headaches, with severe internal bleeding occurring within seven days. The WHO currently pegs the fatality rate between 24% and 88%.

"We applaud the alertness and the quick investigative action by Guinea's health workers," Matshidiso Moeti, the WHO's regional director in Africa, said in the organization's August 9 statement.

"We are working with the health authorities to implement a swift response that builds on Guinea's past experience and expertise in managing Ebola, which is transmitted in a similar way," Moeti said.

Contact tracing efforts are underway to identify the deceased's close associates. In an interview with Reuters on August 10, Georges Ki-Zerbo, the WHO country head in Guinea, said 155 people were identified as close contacts. They will be observed, he said, for three weeks.

"It is active surveillance. The contacts are kept at home, isolated from other members of the family. They are visited every day to check on potential symptoms," Ki-Zerbo told Reuters.

"Globally, the approach to combating Marburg would not be different from Ebola. The only difference is that there is no vaccine or drug specifically directed to the virus. Only supportive care is available," he said.

The WHO said the Marburg virus is from the same virus family as Ebola, which has a 50% fatality rate. A 2014 outbreak of Ebola saw 28,600 infections and 11,300 recorded deaths across Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone.

Gueckedou, the prefecture in Guinea where the man died of the Marburg virus, is the same place where the 2021 Ebola outbreak in Guinea was first detected, said the WHO.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Marburg virus was first identified in 1967 after scientists working at labs in Marburg and Frankfurt in Germany and Belgrade, Serbia, fell ill. In total, 32 people were infected and seven deaths were reported at the time. The CDC said the virus was traced back to scientists who had been exposed to the tissues of imported African green monkeys during their research.

However, fruit bats remain the "reservoir (hosts)" of the Marburg virus, but do not show obvious signs of illness even when they are carrying the disease, per the CDC.

As of August 9, Guinea reported a total of 27,112 COVID-19 cases and 263 deaths, with a weekly average of 150 new cases a day. Only 2.67% of Guinea's population has been fully vaccinated.

Read the original article on Insider


Black Lives Matter Utah chapter president steps down after death threats for comments about US flag




Black Lives Matter Utah chapter president steps down after death threats for comments about US flag

Lex Scott drew national attention for remarks she made in a social media post calling the American flag a “symbol of hatred.”



The founder of Black Lives Matter Utah, Lex Scott, announced to social media on Sunday that she would be stepping down as both president of the BLM Utah chapter and Utah Black History Museum.

This comes more than a month after a controversial post she shared on social media about the American flag went viral and sparked an eruption of death threats.

Lex Scott Utah
(Credit: screenshot)

“The only new thing was when someone attempted to climb over my fence and instead of defending myself, I relaxed my body and told myself that I wished they would hurry and get it over with. I did not even want to fight back,” Scott wrote in a Facebook post on the BLM Utah chapter’s page.


“The exhaustion of being on defense had worn on me. So prepared to die that I welcomed death and that is not living. I also was not prepared to have someone hurt my family. They are amazing. They do not deserve this life. This life of staying in hotels all the time when a death threat come in. The massive security procedures that became a part of daily life. This is not life. And my family should not have to live that.”

In July, Scott drew national attention for remarks she made in a social media post calling the American flag a “symbol of hatred.”

“When we Black Americans see this flag we know the person flying it is not safe to be around,” the Black Lives Matter Utah Chapter wrote in the post on its webpage Sunday. “When we see this flag we know the person flying it is a racist. When we see this flag we know that the person flying it lives in a different America than we do. When we see this flag, we question your intelligence. We know to avoid you. It is a symbol of hatred,” Scott wrote.

Scott’s statement appalled many, including Republican U.S. Rep. Burgess Owens, who is the only person of color to represent Utah in Congress.

“According to BLM Utah, flying the American flag is now racist and hateful. What an insult to those who have fought, served and died for our freedoms,” Owens released in a public statement.

Fox News contributor and former Utah Congressman Jason Chaffetz tweeted “More divisive, and flat out wrong.”

As the outrage continued to pour in, Scott doubled down on her initial statement.

“I stand by my words,” Scott wrote. “You show up for a protest and hundreds of armed white men show up. They have guns, they yell racial slurs at you, they are carrying and wearing American flags. I run over 50 Facebook groups. We receive hate messages daily. When you click on the profiles of the people sending these messages their profiles are filled with American Flags.”

The new location of Scott and her family is unknown, but she did, however, address her heightened level of comfort and safety in her new neighborhood.

“I moved to a city which is all Black,” Scott said on the BLM Utah chapter Facebook group page. “We blend in. No one cares about Lex Scott. No one stares. I am a normal person.”

Rae Duckworth, a Utah advocate, will replace Scott as lead for the state’s Black Lives Matter chapter. Duckworth is related to 26-year-old Bobby Duckworth who was killed by Wellington police in September 2019 for carrying a knife.

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The CDC is finally listening to women about vaccines (side effects)


The CDC is finally listening to women about vaccines



A young woman gets a vaccine shot
Reuters/Ricardo Moraes
This might hurt a little.
  • Annalisa Merelli
By Annalisa Merelli



There is one potential side effect of Covid-19 vaccines that has been reported consistently, and just as consistently ignored: changes to the menstrual cycles.

Women noticed a broad range of changes in their periods. In some cases, they were earlier,  heavier, and more painful, while in others they were lighter and delayed. Others still experienced a mix of these changes, while a large percentage of women observed no changes, or didn’t report them. The reported changes typically affect one or just a couple of cycles.

These kinds of reports have been coming up since the beginning of the vaccine rollout, prompting health authorities in the US and abroad to address them—typically to reassure women the vaccines present no risks for fertility, or to highlight the absence of a clear connection between the vaccine and any changes in periods.

These changes are still left out of the possible side effect warning, but the reports have finally pushed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to at least look into the issue, so it can confirm the potential side effect.

Why aren’t period changes listed in the vaccine side effects?

According to the US Food and Drug Administration as well as Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson—the three authorized vaccine manufacturers in the US—women’s consistent reports of period irregularities following the vaccine don’t represent evidence that those irregularities exist.

This is at least in part due to the nature of periods, which can be irregular for many reasons, and the little actual understanding we still have about the ways specific factors affect them. In order to identify whether the vaccine alters periods, and how, researchers would need to track them before and after the vaccine is administered, and be able to control for all the other factors—such as stress, nutrition, medications, immunological status—that might change it.

Or, one could listen to the many thousands of women who know their periods and say the vaccine has, in some ways, affected it. This is what researchers Kate Clancy of the University of Illinois and Katharine Lee of Washington University are doing. The two are documenting reports of period changes in a study, and have so far received 140,000 reports.

The researchers told NPR they received accounts from trans men on gender-affirming therapy hormones and women in menopause who experienced period-like bleeding after the vaccine, despite not having had a period in a long time—sometimes years.

Are period changes after the vaccine worrisome?

The CDC, too, is finally searching its vaccine safety database for reports of menstrual changes to try and identify how the vaccine might impact one’s period. Finding a link and sharing the information with women who are getting the vaccine would help prepare them for a potentially unpleasant side effect, and prevent unnecessary concerns.

But beyond the annoyance, discomfort, and, in some cases, pain typically associated with periods—whether affected by vaccines or otherwise—there is no reason to fear that the impact of vaccines on periods might be a sign of anything concerning.

In fact, while acknowledging the reports of altered periods, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists continues to strongly recommend getting the vaccine, irrespective of period cycles.

Some doctors note that the changes might slightly affect the chances of getting pregnant during the cycles that have been disrupted. But this shouldn’t be reason enough to forgo the vaccine, as contracting Covid-19 infection while pregnant gravely increases the risk of severe infection and even death.


Tuesday, August 10, 2021

(She is calling people of color STUPID) Marxist Oregon Governor Signs Law Allowing Students to Graduate Without Proof They Can Read, Write or Do Math


Marxist Oregon Governor Signs Law Allowing Students to Graduate Without Proof They Can Read, Write or Do Math


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Possibly the most incompetent Democrat in office today, Oregon Governor Kate Brown, signed a new law allowing students to graduate without proving they can read, write or do math.
Wow. Isn’t that the purpose of school?

This effectively makes a diploma worth nothing in the state of Oregon.
That’s how the Marxists like it.
Who in their right mind can support this?

An Oregon high school diploma does not guarantee that students who earned it can read, write or do math at a high school level.


Via The Post Millennial:

An Oregon high school diploma does not guarantee that students who earned it can read, write or do math at a high school level.

Governor Kate Brown dropped the requirement that students demonstrate they have achieved those essential skills by signing Senate Bill 744 into law. She declined again Friday to comment on why she supported suspending the proficiency requirements, reported OregonLive.

The bill was not entered into the legislative database until July 29, a departure from the standard practice of updating the public database the same day a bill is signed. Charles Boyle, the governor’s deputy communications director, said the governor’s staff told legislative staff the same day the governor signed the bill.

Boyle said in an emailed statement that suspending the reading, writing and math proficiency requirements will benefit “Oregon’s Black, Latino, Latina, Latinx, Indigenous, Asian, Pacific Islander, Tribal, and students of colour.”

You don’t need to read or write but you better wear a mask!


It just goes to show that she and her political party have no brains or sense to begin with.



This is called ‘the soft bigotry of low expectations‘.   Oregon Governor Kate Brown has cancelled the proficiency standards for reading, writing and math from High School graduation requirements.



The governors office says “suspending the reading, writing and math proficiency requirements … will benefit “Oregon’s Black, Latino, Latina, Latinx, Indigenous, Asian, Pacific Islander, Tribal, and students of color.”

In essence, the students of color are not smart enough to learn reading, writing or math – so they shouldn’t be expected to read, write or understand mathematics.

Kate Brown looks, sounds and acts like a typical left-wing moonbat.  It’s hard to imagine a state governor saying the minority students in the state are not smart enough to pass proficiency standards; thereby signaling her extreme racist perspectives- and gaining cheers from her leftist tribe; yet here we are.

OREGON – […] Through a spokesperson, the governor declined again Friday to comment on the law and why she supported suspending the proficiency requirements.

Brown’s decision was not public until recently, because her office did not hold a signing ceremony or issue a press release and the fact that the governor signed the bill was not entered into the legislative database until July 29, a departure from the normal practice of updating the public database the same day a bill is signed.

The Oregonian/OregonLive asked the governor’s office when Brown’s staff notified the Legislature that she had signed the bill. Charles Boyle, the governor’s deputy communications director, said the governor’s staff notified legislative staff the same day the governor signed the bill.  (read more)



Monday, August 9, 2021

When SUBWAY dumps the "purple hair".... we will all go back. Don't you dare disrespect MY FLAG.




We have decided to boycott "purple hair" over her DISRESPECT of AMERICA.


That flag gave you the right to act like an A$S but not to turn your back on it.


Go live under another flag, we don't want LOSERS here like you.






Sunday, August 8, 2021

Biden admin. expected to issue guidance on THIRD VACCINE SHOT by early September



Biden admin. expected to issue guidance on third vaccine shot by early September

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - JULY 11: Democratic presidential candidate, former Vice President Joe Biden gives a speech on his foreign policy plan on July 11, 2019 in New York City. Biden, who is running for the 2020 Democratic party presidential nomination, spoke about his foreign policy experience and a vision that sees the world in contrast to the policies of President Donald Trump. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – JULY 11: Joe Biden gives a speech on his foreign policy plan on July 11, 2019 in New York City. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 6:07 PM PT – Saturday, August 7, 2021

The Biden administration is reportedly gearing up to issue new guidance on a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Reports said the Food and Drug Administration is expected to make the announcement in the coming month, advising people with weakened immune systems to receive a third shot.

This comes as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director said the agency will use evidence, such as immune responses and vaccine effectiveness, to come to a decision on booster shots. Pfizer is already seeking authorization for a booster shot, while Moderna said it expects people to need a third shot by this winter.

This all comes as reports on Saturday said some Americans are lying to clinics and getting a third vaccine dose even though it has not yet been approved. “We are just starting to get data on [people who were able to get a third shot],” said CDC Director Rochelle Walensky. “We are trying hard to encourage people to report on the safety side if people have taken the initiative to get their third shot…again, not yet recommended.”


Conservatives and Republicians are too wimpy to do anything but complain behind phone and computer screens.

 We hear it daily and NEVER see anyone doing anything.

When did they get so wimpy and lazy?