Sunday, August 15, 2021

EVERY doctor has their OWN opinion about vaccines... this is a new virus... how can they say what will happen in the years to come?



There is NOT ONE SINGLE person that can say what will happen to a body down the line because of the vaccine. NO ONE has every gotten this vaccine UNTIL covid came around.

NO one can say 100% or that means that they knew about this virus long ago and NEVER told us.

Could the people that got the jab be passing the virus? NO one can say because we were told this was such a NEW virus that there wasn't even a vaccine so don't say that you know for sure.

Don't say that YOU KNOW that it is safe.... it is something brand new and NO ONE knows what will happen to those that have been vaccinated.

Is it safe? Maybe... Maybe NOT. 





Saturday, August 14, 2021

BROTHERLY LOVE: REPORT – DNA Testing Confirms Ilhan Omar Married Her Biological Brother – Testing Allegedly Included Ilhan’s Dirty Cigarette Butt


BROTHERLY LOVE: REPORT – DNA Testing Confirms Ilhan Omar Married Her Biological Brother – Testing Allegedly Included Ilhan’s Dirty Cigarette Butt

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A new report alleges DNA testing confirms Ilhan Omar was married to her biological brother Ahmed Elmi.

The two were allegedly married to bypass immigration laws. Omar has never been indicted on this crime.

The test results were originally posted on GOP strategist Anton Lazzaro‘s Facebook page. He was arrested hours later by the feds on sex trafficking charges.

Ilhan and her father Nur Said.


Evidence emerged earlier that Rep. Ilhan Omar did indeed marry her brother, and that her real name may actually be Ilhan Nur Said.

A resurfaced tweet from 2013 links to a now-deleted Instagram post in which she refers to her father by the name Nur Said.


he tweet was later deleted after the news broke!

But it was saved before it was deleted…

In 2009, Rep. Omar married Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, who was the son of Nur Said.

As the Gateway Pundit previously reported, in 2017, Rep. Omar swore under penalty of perjury while divorcing her husband (brother?) that she hadn’t seen Ahmed N. Elmi since 2011 and didn’t know anyone who could help her contact him.


Then on Friday a new report was released  alleging a DNA test confirmed the two were brother and sister lovers.

The Daily Mail reported:

Persistent claims that leftist congresswoman Ilhan Omar married her own brother to get around US immigration laws may be legitimized by what appears to be a conclusive DNA test



The results of the test assert that there is a 99.999998% chance that Omar and her second husband Ahmed Elmi are siblings.

The report, drawn up by Endeavor DNA Laboratories does not name either Omar or Elmi, instead referring to them as ‘Sibling 1’ and ‘Sibling 2.’ understands that Omar is Sibling 1.

It says that Sibling 1’s sample was garnered from a cigarette butt and Sibling 2’s from a drinking straw.

Omar has never before been known publicly to be a smoker, although her third husband Tim Mynett is. However, a grainy picture of her with a cigarette in her mouth, said to have been taken outside her home in Washington, D.C. appears as part of the evidence gathered in an intensive investigation by a shadowy conservative group.

The test was posted online by Anton Lazzaro, a Republican strategist in Minneapolis on Wednesday. Around 12 hours later Lazzaro was arrested on federal sex trafficking charges.

He is now in custody awaiting a hearing on Monday.

Lazarro’s lawyer Zachary Newland could not immediately be reached as he was on a flight. However he confirmed by email that the website was put up by his client.

Omar’s spokesman Jeremy Slevin threw shade on the report. ‘This is a fraudulent website created by a man charged this week with child sex trafficking and lying to federal investigators to cover it up,’ he said in a statement.








Obama Variant: 60+ Test Positive on Martha’s Vineyard Week After Mask-less Birthday Weekend; Almost Half of New Cases are Fully Vaccinated



Obama Variant: 60+ Test Positive on Martha’s Vineyard Week After Mask-less Birthday Weekend; Almost Half of New Cases are Fully Vaccinated

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The “Obama Variant” has descended onto Martha’s Vineyard following his pompous 60th birthday bash that included around 400 of the world’s self-identified elites gathered to celebrate their progressive savior.

In an exclusive report by the DailyMail, they found that at least 63 people have tested positive with Covid on the island since Obama and his “sophisticated” super-spreaders galavanted around – all weekend long. 

There has been an increase in cases each day since the weekend ended. Six people tested positive Sunday, seven Monday, 10 Tuesday, 13 Wednesday and 18 Thursday.


 The number of positive tests was the most they have seen in a week since back in April – Almost half of them were individuals who are fully vaccinated.


Citing their purported fears over the spread of new variants, Obama and the mainstream media announced his party would be scaled back and limited to close friends and family.

Yet hundreds flew into the small town from around the world to attend the event. 

According to DailyMail:

But despite the ex-president’s insistence that he had disinvited everyone but his family and close friends, 300 to 400 people showed up to his party, everyone from Jay Z and Beyonce to Chrissy Teigen and John Legend, a staffer working the event told

Many of the guests flew in by private jet and stayed in Edgartown, the center of the island’s COVID resurgence. 




The Saturday night party wasn’t the only biohazard these hypocrites were a part of. Some guests arrived as early as Thursday to attend a dinner at the Barn Bowl & Bistro. The rest came on Friday to join a larger kick-off celebration at the swanky Winnetu Oceanside Resort. He followed up his birthday party super-spreader with gathering on Sunday at Beach Road restaurant under a specially-built marquee that allowed guests to fawn in peace away from the little people.

They partied all weekend while mask mandates have been reinstated at many bars and restaurants throughout the island.

Rules for thee but not for me. 


The 4-day binge left many of the residents upset even though Obama had hired a ‘coronavirus coordinator’ and supposedly tested anyone who attended his gatherings.

This is just the latest proof that if the left did not have double standards, they would not have any standards at all.




Friday, August 13, 2021

Whistleblower Steps Forward — Provides Proof From Detroit TCF Center that Election Computers Were Connected Online — WITH PHOTO

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BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Whistleblower Steps Forward — Provides Proof From Detroit TCF Center that Election Computers Were Connected Online — WITH PHOTO


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A brave whistleblower stepped forward and shared an image of a computer that was used at the TCF Center to process absentee ballots from a recent Detroit election.

According to our whistleblower, who had access to the room where absentee ballots were being counted, Wayne County election workers were instructed to keep laptops used in the counting facility on “airplane mode” at all times.

This was during the August primary election in Detroit for city officials and local proposals.

The photo was taken when the whistleblower turned off the “airplane mode,” and the following internet connections appeared:

** City of Detroit (actively connected to the computer)
** AV Connect
** Challenger Admin
** Challenger Checkin
** Conti-HTE
** Conti2018
** Cp77949

We shared the image of the computer screen with the former two-term MI Senator Patrick Colbeck. He explained to us that the image could be “an internal network, but definitely vulnerable to devices in proximity.”

The whistleblower who does not wish to be identified over fears of retribution also shared their concern over events that occurred at the TCF Center during the November 2020 election.

Here is the image from the TCF Center provided by the whistleblower.

This is explosive news!

We also saw this in Michigan’s 2020 presidential election. Matthew DePerno is the only attorney in America to legally gain access by a judge to a forensic audit of the Dominion Voting machines that were used in the 2020 election.

In June 2021 Attorney DePerno posted a series of tweets, where he explained how the EMS (election management system) was REMOTELY and successfully logged into anonymously on two different dates.

He begins his series of tweets by saying, “We have been lied to.”

1. The Antrim County election management system (EMS) was REMOTELY and successfully logged into anonymously on 11/05/2020 at 5:55 PM and again on 11/17/2020 at 5:16 PM.
Yes, that is correct . . . REMOTELY

2. Those dates are significant because they correspond directly to the dates the county and SOS were trying to correct the intentional computer problems that subverted the election.
These logons appear to have escalated privileges at the time of logon. Again . . . REMOTELY

4. We were told there was no internet connection.
We were told there was no remote access.
We were told this was human error.
All lies.
This is fraud.
This decertifies the Antrim County election.
SOS Benson should resign or be impeached.

Attorney DePerno went even further during his June interview with The War Room.

DePerno said the Antrim County system was remotely accessed by an anonymous user and was used to influence the Republican vote.


So we know that these election management systems can be REMOTELY and successfully logged into anonymously.

This is a huge development and should concern every American who cares about free and fair elections.


Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Texas House Speaker signs civil arrest warrants to return absent Democrats to chamber ( EVERYONE must follow the laws, YOU are NOT special)


Texas House Speaker signs civil arrest warrants to return absent Democrats to chamber

AUSTIN, Texas — House Speaker Dade Phelan late Tuesday signed 52 arrest warrants for Democrats who left the state for Washington D.C. in July and have yet to return to the House chamber for the second special legislative session of the year.

The warrants came after Texas House Republicans voted to direct state law enforcement to track down and compel the attendance of absent Democrats by a vote of 80-12, the second time such a vote has been taken during this quorum-bust.

The warrants, first reported by the Dallas Morning News, will be delivered to the House Sergeant-at-arms Wednesday morning, according to Phelan spokesperson Enrique Marquez.

Democrats were able to avoid the reach of state lawmakers during the first special session of the year by crossing state lines for their quorum bust. But since the start of the second special session, some Democrats have begun returning to Texas, even as they continue to avoid entering the House chamber.


Four of the 57 quorum-busting Democrats returned to the House chamber on Monday: James Talarico of Round Rock and Joe Moody, Mary Gonzalez and Art Fierro of the El Paso, Texas, area.

While some members have returned home or traveled to other locations outside of Texas, almost half of the 57 Democrats who originally broke quorum said they plan to stay in Washington and push for federal voting rights legislation.

Texas Democratic lawmaker: We fled Texas, risked our lives to restore voting rights

Texas Democrats vs. Gov. Greg Abbott: Who will blink first? Abbott may have the upper hand

State Rep. Eddie Rodriguez, D-Austin, said he is still in Washington and does not plan on returning to the House “anytime real soon.”

“We’re united in staying away from the House as long as possible,” Rodriguez said, adding that he and many of his colleagues do not believe Phelan has the authority to issue arrest warrants for absent members. “The court will have to make some kind of decision on whether that’s something that can be done or not.”

A group of the quorum-busting Democrats have filed two lawsuits in response to Republican efforts to bring them back to the House floor to establish a quorum, including one in federal court that argues these GOP efforts infringe on their constitutional rights.

They also filed suit in a Travis County state district court, where a judge issued an order prohibiting the arrest of absent members. But the Texas Supreme Court on Tuesday temporarily blocked the order in response to an emergency petition from Phelan and Gov. Greg Abbott.

State Rep. Lyle Larson, R-San Antonio, was the lone Republican to vote against authorizing the use of arrest warrants to compel attendance in the chamber.

“Have we got to the point where we believe our own bull shizz so much that we arrest our own colleagues,” he said on Twitter. “Civil discourse took a nasty turn today.”

Phelan signed just one arrest warrant during the first special session, for Rep. Philip Cortez of San Antonio. Cortez was one of the 57 Democrats to break quorum and head to Washington, but he returned to Austin and said he hoped to negotiate over the language of the GOP elections bill.

One day later, he returned to Washington and Phelan signed the warrant for his arrest.

This article originally appeared on Austin American-Statesman: Texas House speaker signs arrest warrants for absent state Democrats


A man died in West Africa of a virus that causes internal bleeding and organ failure. The WHO says it has the potential to 'spread far and wide.' (pass it on)





A man died in West Africa of a virus that causes internal bleeding and organ failure. The WHO says it has the potential to 'spread far and wide.'


A man died in West Africa of a virus that causes internal bleeding and organ failure. The WHO says it has the potential to 'spread far and wide.'
·3 min read
field researcher WHO
The World Health Organization has confirmed a man's death from the highly infectious Marburg virus, which can be passed to humans from fruit bats. World Health Organization
  • A man in Guinea, West Africa, has died of the Marburg virus, which causes internal bleeding and organ failure.
  • The World Health Organization (WHO) said the disease has the potential to spread far and wide.
  • The disease can be passed to humans from fruit bats, says the WHO.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

A man in Guinea, West Africa, has died after contracting the Marburg virus, which causes internal bleeding and organ failure. The World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed the man's death on August 9 and said the "highly infectious disease" has the potential to "spread far and wide."

This marks the first time the Marburg virus has ever been detected in Guinea, per the WHO.

According to the WHO, the man visited a local clinic to seek treatment, but his condition deteriorated quickly before his death. Researchers at Guinea's national hemorrhagic fever laboratory and the Institute Pasteur in Senegal have confirmed the man's Marburg virus diagnosis.

The WHO said the virus can be passed to people from fruit bats and is transmitted from one person to another through surfaces and bodily fluids.

The organization said the illness tends to begin with an abrupt and sudden onset of high fever and headaches, with severe internal bleeding occurring within seven days. The WHO currently pegs the fatality rate between 24% and 88%.

"We applaud the alertness and the quick investigative action by Guinea's health workers," Matshidiso Moeti, the WHO's regional director in Africa, said in the organization's August 9 statement.

"We are working with the health authorities to implement a swift response that builds on Guinea's past experience and expertise in managing Ebola, which is transmitted in a similar way," Moeti said.

Contact tracing efforts are underway to identify the deceased's close associates. In an interview with Reuters on August 10, Georges Ki-Zerbo, the WHO country head in Guinea, said 155 people were identified as close contacts. They will be observed, he said, for three weeks.

"It is active surveillance. The contacts are kept at home, isolated from other members of the family. They are visited every day to check on potential symptoms," Ki-Zerbo told Reuters.

"Globally, the approach to combating Marburg would not be different from Ebola. The only difference is that there is no vaccine or drug specifically directed to the virus. Only supportive care is available," he said.

The WHO said the Marburg virus is from the same virus family as Ebola, which has a 50% fatality rate. A 2014 outbreak of Ebola saw 28,600 infections and 11,300 recorded deaths across Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone.

Gueckedou, the prefecture in Guinea where the man died of the Marburg virus, is the same place where the 2021 Ebola outbreak in Guinea was first detected, said the WHO.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Marburg virus was first identified in 1967 after scientists working at labs in Marburg and Frankfurt in Germany and Belgrade, Serbia, fell ill. In total, 32 people were infected and seven deaths were reported at the time. The CDC said the virus was traced back to scientists who had been exposed to the tissues of imported African green monkeys during their research.

However, fruit bats remain the "reservoir (hosts)" of the Marburg virus, but do not show obvious signs of illness even when they are carrying the disease, per the CDC.

As of August 9, Guinea reported a total of 27,112 COVID-19 cases and 263 deaths, with a weekly average of 150 new cases a day. Only 2.67% of Guinea's population has been fully vaccinated.

Read the original article on Insider


Black Lives Matter Utah chapter president steps down after death threats for comments about US flag




Black Lives Matter Utah chapter president steps down after death threats for comments about US flag

Lex Scott drew national attention for remarks she made in a social media post calling the American flag a “symbol of hatred.”



The founder of Black Lives Matter Utah, Lex Scott, announced to social media on Sunday that she would be stepping down as both president of the BLM Utah chapter and Utah Black History Museum.

This comes more than a month after a controversial post she shared on social media about the American flag went viral and sparked an eruption of death threats.

Lex Scott Utah
(Credit: screenshot)

“The only new thing was when someone attempted to climb over my fence and instead of defending myself, I relaxed my body and told myself that I wished they would hurry and get it over with. I did not even want to fight back,” Scott wrote in a Facebook post on the BLM Utah chapter’s page.


“The exhaustion of being on defense had worn on me. So prepared to die that I welcomed death and that is not living. I also was not prepared to have someone hurt my family. They are amazing. They do not deserve this life. This life of staying in hotels all the time when a death threat come in. The massive security procedures that became a part of daily life. This is not life. And my family should not have to live that.”

In July, Scott drew national attention for remarks she made in a social media post calling the American flag a “symbol of hatred.”

“When we Black Americans see this flag we know the person flying it is not safe to be around,” the Black Lives Matter Utah Chapter wrote in the post on its webpage Sunday. “When we see this flag we know the person flying it is a racist. When we see this flag we know that the person flying it lives in a different America than we do. When we see this flag, we question your intelligence. We know to avoid you. It is a symbol of hatred,” Scott wrote.

Scott’s statement appalled many, including Republican U.S. Rep. Burgess Owens, who is the only person of color to represent Utah in Congress.

“According to BLM Utah, flying the American flag is now racist and hateful. What an insult to those who have fought, served and died for our freedoms,” Owens released in a public statement.

Fox News contributor and former Utah Congressman Jason Chaffetz tweeted “More divisive, and flat out wrong.”

As the outrage continued to pour in, Scott doubled down on her initial statement.

“I stand by my words,” Scott wrote. “You show up for a protest and hundreds of armed white men show up. They have guns, they yell racial slurs at you, they are carrying and wearing American flags. I run over 50 Facebook groups. We receive hate messages daily. When you click on the profiles of the people sending these messages their profiles are filled with American Flags.”

The new location of Scott and her family is unknown, but she did, however, address her heightened level of comfort and safety in her new neighborhood.

“I moved to a city which is all Black,” Scott said on the BLM Utah chapter Facebook group page. “We blend in. No one cares about Lex Scott. No one stares. I am a normal person.”

Rae Duckworth, a Utah advocate, will replace Scott as lead for the state’s Black Lives Matter chapter. Duckworth is related to 26-year-old Bobby Duckworth who was killed by Wellington police in September 2019 for carrying a knife.

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The post Black Lives Matter Utah chapter president steps down after death threats for comments about US flag appeared first on TheGrio.