Saturday, August 21, 2021

How can there be black business month and NO white or brown? That is racist !!!



IF there was a white business month they would call them "white supremacist". 

How is there a "black entertainment channel"

Black History month

NAACP Organization

Where are the White Organizations

Where is the White History Month

Where is the White Entertainment Channel

Where is the White Business Month?  


What the hell is going on in this world?


All our lives we try to treat everyone EQUALLY and now look WHO are the people trying to SEPARATE.

Why can't we all be Humans instead of being judged by the skin color ALONE? 




Friday, August 20, 2021

Rashaun Jones 35 arrested.Arrest made 15 years after Miami player’s fatal shooting

click link above to read story



Arrest made 15 years after Miami player’s fatal shooting

Rashaun Jones was arrested in the 2006 killing of Bryan Pata, his teammate on the University of Miami football team.
Rashaun Jones was arrested in the 2006 killing of Bryan Pata, his teammate on the University of Miami football team. (Miami-Dade County Police Department)

Many break through cases of fully vax people ...shouldn't the government pay the hospital bills since the gov told them to get the shot?


They want you to get the shot....they should pay the hospital and doctor bills. .

Looks like the vaccine is not working great. These people are sooooo sick. Worse than in the beginning where people were just staying at home to get over it.

Hmmmm...makes you wonder.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Booster vaccines should not be administered, WHO (World Health Org.) warns as US gives green light



Booster vaccines should not be administered, WHO (World Health Org.) warns as US gives green light


·30 min read
In this article:
Customers wait in an observation area after receiving their third Covid-19 vaccine doses in Livonia, Michigan, US on 17 August 2021 - Emily Elconin/Bloomberg
Customers wait in an observation area after receiving their third Covid-19 vaccine doses in Livonia, Michigan, US on 17 August 2021 - Emily Elconin/Bloomberg

05:59 PM

Here's a recap of today's top news:

  • The World Health Organisation has said Covid-19 booster vaccines are not necessary and called on countries with high vaccination rates to donate surplus vaccines to poorer countries rather than administering third doses. The criticism comes as the US today announced it would start delivering booster shots from 20 September.


Double-jabbed people carry same levels of Covid as unvaccinated






Double-jabbed people carry same levels of Covid as unvaccinated

·4 min read
Vaccinations are rolled out in nightclubs - Henry Nicholls/Reuters
Vaccinations are rolled out in nightclubs - Henry Nicholls/Reuters

Fully vaccinated people carry the same amount of Covid as the unvaccinated, scientists have found in a new study that calls into question the effectiveness of vaccine passports and changes to the NHS app.

Experts had hoped two doses of vaccine would significantly reduce the viral load carried by people who became infected, lowering the risk of them passing on Covid.

Previous studies showed that vaccinated people who contracted the alpha variant had far lower viral loads than the unvaccinated, while Boris Johnson backed vaccine passports in the hope they would lower transmission in hotspot venues such as nightclubs.

The NHS Covid app was also changed so double-jabbed people no longer need to self-isolate if pinged.

However, the new study by the University of Oxford shows that the delta variant wipes out the viral load reduction.

Instead, even the fully jabbed carry high levels of the virus if they become infected and are also more likely to be symptomatic than vaccinated people who pick up an alpha infection.

The results suggest those who are fully jabbed could be as capable of passing on Covid as the unvaccinated, although they are less likely to pick up the virus in the first place.

Sarah Walker, professor of medical statistics and epidemiology at Oxford, and chief investigator and academic lead for the Covid-19 Infection Survey, said: "With alpha, people with two doses had really low levels of virus.

"When delta started to come in, the first thing that happened was that the virus values went up and now we really don't see any difference in the amount of virus people get if they get infected after vaccination.

"Two doses are still protective. You are still less likely to get infected, but if you do you will have similar levels of virus as someone who hasn't been vaccinated at all."

The researchers said they were not sure whether high viral loads would translate into the same levels of transmission for vaccinated and unvaccinated people because the fully jabbed may clear the virus quicker and so be infectious for a shorter period of time.

However, Prof Walker added: "The fact that they can have high levels of virus suggests that people who aren't yet vaccinated may not be as protected from the delta variant as we hoped.

"It comes back to this concept of herd immunity, and the hope that the unvaccinated could be protected if we could vaccinate enough people. But I suspect the higher levels of the virus in vaccinated people are consistent with the fact that unvaccinated people are still going to be at high risk."

People who are double jabbed no longer need to be quarantined if they are pinged by the Covid app, but the new results suggest there could still be a risk even among the fully vaccinated.

Dr Koen Pouwels, senior researcher at Oxford University's Nuffield Department of Population Health, said: "Whilst vaccinations reduce the chance of getting Covid-19, they do not eliminate it.

"More importantly, our data shows the potential for vaccinated individuals to still pass Covid-19 onto others and the importance of testing and self-isolation to reduce transmission risk."

Despite the findings, the study showed the jabs are still helpful in preventing an infection in the first place, which will have a role in stopping transmission. Two doses of the AstraZeneca jab lowered the rate of a new infection by 67 per cent and Pfizer by 82 per cent.

The research, not yet peer-reviewed, also showed that while two doses of the Pfizer jab are initially more effective, four to five months after the second dose it is the same as the AstraZeneca vaccine.

The team studied 384,543 people who picked up an infection between December and May, when the alpha variant was dominant, before comparing them to 358,983 people infected between May and August, when delta had taken over.

Prof Walker said that even if the jabs did not stop transmission, they were likely to prevent hospitalisation and death.

"There are lots of reasons why the vaccines may be very good at reducing the consequences of having the virus," she added. "You may well still have a milder infection and might not end up getting hospitalised.

"While the results are important, they aren't everything and it is really important to remember the vaccines are super-effective at preventing hospitalisations."

Prof Paul Hunter, professor in medicine at the University of East Anglia, said: "We now know that vaccination will not stop infection and transmission, although they do reduce the risk.

"The main value of immunisation is in reducing the risk of severe disease and death. The evidence available shows that protection lasts longer against severe disease than against mild disease, and all current UK vaccines are very good at this, even against the delta variant. To me, that is the most important value of immunisations."

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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

They tell you to get the shot but WILL NOT pay if something happens to you.... read


Federal vaccine court hasn't helped those whose lives were altered by COVID-19 shots

·7 min read

Angela Marie Wulbrecht jumped at the first chance to get a COVID-19 vaccine, driving three hours from her home in Santa Rosa to a mass-vaccination site on Jan. 19. Twelve minutes after her Moderna shot, she stumbled into the paramedic tent with soaring blood pressure and a racing heartbeat.

So began a calvary of severe fatigue, brain fog, imbalance and other symptoms that are still with her eight months later.

Wulbrecht, 46, had been a nurse for 23 years before the fateful shot. She was healthy, ate a vegan diet and was an accomplished salsa dancer. Since January, she’s had to leave her job and has missed out on many activities with her husband and 12-year-old daughter, Gabriella. She has spent about $35,000 on out-of-pocket medical bills, despite having insurance.

“I wanted to get vaccinated as soon as I could to help fight the pandemic,” said Wulbrecht, who still supports the vaccination campaign. Her husband got his shots despite her reaction, and Gabriella was scheduled to get her first dose Wednesday. “But it would help those who are hesitant if they took care of those of us who got injured.”

The options are slim for people who suffer rare life-altering injuries after a COVID-19 shot. It's a problem whose significance is growing as states and the federal government increasingly ponder vaccine mandates.

A federal program compensates people experiencing vaccine injuries, but not injuries from COVID-19 vaccines — not yet, anyway.

Such injuries are rare, but “if you’re going to take one for the team, the team has to have your back,” said Katharine Van Tassel, a vaccine law expert at the Case Western Reserve University School of Law in Cleveland. “That’s a moral imperative.”

Thirty-five years ago, Congress created the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, known as the vaccine court, for children hurt by routine immunizations administered as a condition of school entry. Since it began operations in 1988, the vaccine court has paid more than $4 billion to over 8,000 families who could provide a “preponderance of evidence” that vaccines against diseases like measles and pertussis hurt their kids.

The court also covers vaccine injuries in pregnant women, and from the flu vaccine. But it does not cover aftereffects from COVID-19 shots.

A smaller federal program, the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program, addresses illnesses resulting from drugs or vaccines administered during a public health emergency, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. But that program requires evidence that’s harder to pin down, does not pay attorney fees and rules by administrative fiat, while the vaccine court has judges.

The countermeasures program has yet to pay anything to anyone hurt by a COVID-19 vaccine, and its largely invisible decisions are “an inscrutable enigma,” said Brian Abramson, an expert on vaccine law.

David Bowman, a spokesperson for the Health Resources & Services Administration in the federal Department of Health and Human Services, said the countermeasures program had a total of seven staff members and contractors and was seeking to hire more. He declined to answer questions about how COVID-19 vaccine claims could be handled in the future.

In June, a bipartisan group of lawmakers led by Reps. Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas) and Fred Upton (R-Mich.) introduced legislation to address problems with the original vaccine court, including a two-year backlog of cases. That bill would also increase the pain and suffering or death payments to people who can prove an injury, from $250,000 to $600,000.

A spokesperson for Doggett said he hoped the bill would eventually allow patients injured by COVID-19 vaccines to get compensation through the vaccine court. But that’s far from guaranteed.

In general, it is very difficult to prove a vaccine caused an injury that arises after vaccination, since the ailments can be coincidental. But the rare vaccine injury can be devastating to a person’s health and financial resources.

Wulbrecht, whose care has included five ambulance trips, each billed for $3,000, filed a claim in February with the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program. She got a note acknowledging her claim but hasn’t heard further from the program.

She’s in a Facebook group created for people reporting grievous COVID-19 vaccine-related neurological issues. It was launched by Dr. Danice Hertz, a retired gastroenterologist in Santa Monica who has been diagnosed post-vaccination with mast cell activation syndrome, a rare condition in which part of the immune system goes haywire.

Hertz got her first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on Dec. 23, shortly after it was authorized by the Food and Drug Administration for emergency use. Within 30 minutes, she suffered terrible numbness and pain in her face and tongue and “felt vibrations going through my whole body,” she said.

More than 90% of the 150 people in the Facebook group are women, Hertz said. She is careful to keep what she terms anti-vaccine “riffraff” off the list, but she said many of the injured people have been frustrated at being unable to get a diagnosis or find doctors who understand the nature of their injuries.

Talk of vaccine injuries is sometimes muted in public health circles because of reluctance to feed the anti-vaccine movement and its bogus claims of vaccine injury ranging from infertility to magnetism to microchips secretly implanted by Microsoft founder Bill Gates.

But rare reactions like the ones Hertz and Wulbrecht report are scattered through the vaccine literature and often attributed to a phenomenon called “molecular mimicry,” in which the immune system responds to an element in the vaccine by attacking similar-looking human proteins. Guillain-BarrĂ© syndrome, or GBS, is caused by an immune attack on the nervous system in reaction to a vaccination, and to viral infections. It has been reported after influenza shots, and the single-dose Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine.

Hertz and others have been in contact with Dr. Avindra Nath, chief of clinical medicine at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, whose specialty is the study of immune-modulated neurological illness. Nath said he was studying some of the patients but hadn’t confirmed their illnesses were caused by a COVID-19 vaccine.

“We have to find these answers, but they aren’t easy to come by,” Nath said. “I know these reactions are rare, because there were 36,000 NIH employees vaccinated against COVID and, if it was common, I could study it here. But I don’t have a single NIH employee” who experienced it.

Regardless of how common the reactions are, vaccine law specialists worry about the impact of a failure to help those hurt by shots administered before the products gain full FDA approval, which could come this fall.

Congress created the vaccine court to keep pharmaceutical companies from abandoning production of common childhood vaccines by protecting them from damaging lawsuits, while at the same time offering support for kids hurt by a vaccine.

The Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program arose as part of the 2005 Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act, and was pushed through to shield drug companies from lawsuits over products like the anthrax and smallpox vaccines, which had a relatively high rate of dangerous side effects. COVID-19 vaccines shouldn’t be in the same category, Van Tassel said.

The PREP Act is likely to set an almost insurmountable burden of proof for injury compensation, she said. Rewards depend on “compelling, reliable, valid medical and scientific evidence,” which doesn’t exist for COVID-19 vaccines because they are so new.

But cause and effect appear clear to women like Brianne Dressen, a Saratoga Springs, Utah, preschool teacher who was bedridden for months with neurological symptoms that began after she got an AstraZeneca shot in a clinical trial last November.

“Vaccines are an important piece of the puzzle to get us through the pandemic,” she said. “But some people are going to draw the short straw with any drug or vaccine, and we need to take care of them.”

KHN (Kaiser Health News) is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues. Together with Policy Analysis and Polling, KHN is one of the three major operating programs at KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation).

This story originally appeared in Los Angeles Times.


Sunday, August 15, 2021

VACCINATED Southwest airlines flight attendant died from covid-19


A Southwest Airlines flight attendant died from COVID-19 less than 2 months after testing positive, following a trip to Hawaii, reports say

Photo of Maurice Reggie Shepperson, who died of COVID-19, on a plane
Maurice "Reggie" Shepperson tested positive for COVID-19 in July and died on Tuesday, his family and friends told USA TODAY. Marcia Hildreth/GoFundMe
  • A vaccinated Southwest Airlines flight attendant died from COVID-19 on Tuesday, USA TODAY reported.

  • Maurice Shepperson was put on a ventilator in a Las Vegas hospital, his mother told the outlet.

  • Shepperson tested positive for COVID-19 in early June after flying to Hawaii, she told USA TODAY.

  • See more stories on Insider's business page.

A Southwest Airlines flight attendant died from COVID-19 less than two months after he tested positive following a work trip to Hawaii, his family and friends told USA TODAY on Thursday.

Maurice Reginald "Reggie" Shepperson, 36, died on Tuesday, Dawn Shepperson, his mother, told the paper.

Shepperson tested positive for coronavirus in early July, Marcia Hildreth, a friend and fellow Southwest flight attendant, told USA TODAY.

Both Hildreth and Shepperson's mother told the paper that he was fully vaccinated.

More than half of the US population has had two shots, meaning they're fully vaccinated against COVID-19, data from the CDC showed.

A UK study recently found that having two vaccine shots lowers the risk of infection from the Delta variant by 50% to 60%, compared with unvaccinated people. Another UK study in July found that two doses of the Pfizer or AstraZeneca vaccines were 88% and 67% effective, respectively, against symptomatic COVID-19 from the Delta variant.

Shepperson often flew to Hawaii for work, his mother told USA TODAY. She told the paper that she joined Shepperson for one of the trips in early June. This was one of the last plane journeys that he took for Southwest before testing positive for the virus, his mother said.

Insider has reached out to Southwest for comment. A Southwest spokesman confirmed to USA TODAY that an employee died on Tuesday, but declined a request for further details.

"We are heartbroken over the loss of our Southwest employee," the spokesperson said in a statement to the paper. "Out of respect for the family, we do not have additional information to share."

Shepperson spent one month in a Las Vegas hospital, where he was put on a ventilator, his mother and Hildreth told USA TODAY.

"It hurt me so bad because it was just so quick," his mother told USA TODAY. "I didn't have time to really even acknowledge what was going on."

In a separate interview with the Las Vegas Review-Journal, his mother said Shepperson drove himself to the hospital after saying that he couldn't breathe.

Hildreth set up a GoFundMe page on Friday to raise money for the funeral expenses on behalf of Shepperson's mother. So far, it's reached nearly $4,500.

Southwest is one of three airlines in the US that are not requiring employees to get vaccinated, CNN reported on Wednesday. CEO Gary Kelly said the company will "continue to strongly encourage" that workers get vaccinated, but won't require it.

In February, a survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that 55% of Americans said they had already been vaccinated or would get a shot as soon as possible. That figure rose to 69% in July.

Read the original article on Business Insider