Monday, September 13, 2021

Syracuse Professor Defends 9-11 Attacks – Claims It was Attack on “Heteropatriarchal Capitalistic Systems”


Syracuse Professor Defends 9-11 Attacks – Claims It was Attack on “Heteropatriarchal Capitalistic Systems”

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Jenn M. Jackson is a professor at Syracuse University. She is an assistant professor of political science and uses they/them pronouns to describe herself.

On the 20th Anniversary of the 9-11 attacks on America, Jenn tweeted out that it was an attack on the ‘heteropatriarchal capitalistic systems – a system many white Americans fight to protect.’


It was like she was auditioning to be a member of Joe Biden’s cabinet.

This is the kind of garbage being taught in our universities and colleges today.



 The Daily Mail reported:


A professor at Syracuse University has drawn strong reactions for a tweet calling the attacks on September 11, 2001 a strike against ‘heteropatriarchal capitalistic systems’.

Jenn M. Jackson, an assistant professor of political science, made the remarks in a series of tweets on Friday, a day before the 20th anniversary of the attacks that killed 2,977 people.

‘We have to be more honest about what 9/11 was and what it wasn’t. It was an attack on the heteropatriarchal capitalistic systems that America relies upon to wrangle other countries into passivity,’ wrote Jackson, who uses they/them pronouns.

‘It was an attack on the systems many white Americans fight to protect,’ they added.




According to VAERS Website: The US Is Averaging 70 Deaths per Day Due to COVID Vaccine Since July 24th — Or 3,296 COVID Total Vaccine Deaths



According to VAERS Website: The US Is Averaging 70 Deaths per Day Due to COVID Vaccine Since July 24th — Or 3,296 COVID Total Vaccine Deaths

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The VAERS website released its most recent weekly numbers on Thursday, September 9th.

There are now 14,701 reported deaths from the COVID vaccine in the United States according to the latest numbers.


There were 11,405 reported deaths from the COVID vaccine in the United States back on July 24th

And this was up from 9,125 reported deaths from the COVID-19 vaccinations total from earlier in the month in July


IDE OPEN Along Heavily Trafficked Drug Route in Southern Arizona

The number of deaths linked to the CDC promoted vaccines this year has absolutely skyrocketed. According to the CDC’s own data.


The VAERS database contains information on unverified reports of adverse events (illnesses, health problems and/or symptoms) following immunization with US-licensed vaccines.  The CDC government website links to VAERS platform.


In June VAERS reported 6,985 deaths due to the COVID vaccines.  

Then it jumped to  11,405 in July

And now it is at 14,701 reported deaths.

That is a jump of 3,296 since July 24th.


This comes out to 70 average deaths per day due to the coronavirus vaccine in the last 47 days.
This needs to stop!

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database contains information on unverified reports of adverse events (illnesses, health problems and/or symptoms) following immunization with US-licensed vaccines. Reports are accepted from anyone and can be submitted electronically at”

There were over 675,000 adverse reactions reported to the COVID vaccine listed this year.




Saturday, September 11, 2021

9-11 brought us together... Biden is separating the country by skin color.



How dare you ! 

The day AFTER 9-11 we all came together and we felt so close to every other American.

Do we feel the same way now? Hell NO !!!

We are taught to hate each other and that is what the teachers are teaching YOUR children and Grandchildren.


Members of Congress and Their Aides are Exempt From Biden’s Vax Mandate...(Post Office too)



Members of Congress and Their Aides are Exempt From Biden’s Vax Mandate

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Members of Congress and their aides are exempt from Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate for federal workers.

Since Joe Biden’s executive order applies to federal workers in the executive branch, members of congress and staffers in the legislative branch are exempt.


Newsweek reported:

President Joe Biden’s new vaccine mandates for federal employees don’t apply to members of Congress or those who work for Congress or the federal court system.

Biden issued two executive orders on Thursday requiring vaccination against COVID for federal workers and contractors who work for the federal government. He also asked the Department of Labor to issue an emergency order requiring businesses with more than 100 employees to ensure their workers are vaccinated or tested on a weekly basis.

However, Biden’s order on federal workers applies to employees of the executive branch. The House of Representatives and the Senate belong to the separate legislative branch, and the courts to the judicial branch of the federal government.


USPS workers are also getting special treatment.

USPS workers are part of the federal vaccine mandate under OSHA jurisdiction, though technically not under the executive order.









Friday, September 10, 2021

Stillbirths have doubled during covid in Mississippi. Officials are sounding the alarm.



Stillbirths have doubled during covid in Mississippi. Officials are sounding the alarm.

Side view close-up of pregnant woman touching her belly. Pregnancy health & wellbeing concept.

Mississippi has recorded 72 fetal deaths in unvaccinated pregnant women infected with the coronavirus, state health officials announced Wednesday, sounding the alarm on the virus's danger in pregnancy.

Speaking during a news conference, Mississippi State Health Officer Thomas Dobbs said those deaths had occurred since the start of the pandemic. The number, which includes only deaths that occurred past 20 weeks of gestation, "is twice the background rate of what would be expected," he said.

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"That's quite a number of tragedies that, sadly, would be preventable right now," Dobbs said, referring to the availability of vaccines.

He said the state is also investigating the deaths of eight pregnant women who were infected with the virus. Those deaths occurred over approximately the past four weeks, during the delta variant-fueled surge, he said. Many underwent emergency Caesarean sections in an attempt to save their babies.

Citing those cases, Dobbs and other state health leaders urged those who are pregnant to get the shot that can protect them from the virus.

"We encourage you to please get vaccinated," said State Epidemiologist Paul Byers, noting that his daughter had recently delivered a healthy baby after rolling up her sleeve. "That's going to be the best way to ensure that you and your babies stay healthy."

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Research has found that pregnant and recently pregnant women face a higher risk of becoming severely ill from covid-19, with an increased likelihood of requiring hospitalization, intensive care and use of a ventilator. Those who contract the virus in pregnancy are also at greater risk of preterm birth.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention last month began urging coronavirus vaccination in pregnant women, after studies found no increased risk of miscarriage among those who got the shots. Immunization rates are low in the expectant population, with just 24% having received at least one shot, according to the CDC.

"The vaccines are safe and effective, and it has never been more urgent to increase vaccinations as we face the highly transmissible Delta variant and see severe outcomes from covid-19 among unvaccinated pregnant people," CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said in a statement last month.

In Mississippi, the overall vaccination rate has remained stubbornly low. With just under 40% fully vaccinated and 48% partially vaccinated, its vaccination rate is second-to-last in the nation.

The delta variant has hit hard in the state, where recent weeks have been the worst of the pandemic, according to data compiled by The Washington Post. The average number of infections was hovering at about 2,800, down from the 3,586 recorded Aug. 20, but still far above the numbers seen before this summer.

Almost 1,300 people were hospitalized, and the state recorded its highest number to die in a single day Monday, with 124. Per capita, it is now second in the nation in total coronavirus deaths, at 285. (New Jersey, the leader in deaths per capita, stands at 303.)

Dobbs lamented the state's standing during a live-streamed discussion Friday with Mississippi State Medical Association President Mark Horne, saying that "it doesn't have to be this way."

"In Mississippi, we're complacent about being last," Dobbs said. "Aren't we? And if you see some folks out there talking, they're saying, 'This is inevitable; people are going to die; it's not worth trying.' That is a loser mentality, right? Other people don't do this badly."

He noted that the state recorded almost 900 deaths in August, including 61 in people who were between 18 and 31 years old.

"Not a single one of them was vaccinated," Dobbs said. "I feel confident, if they had been vaccinated, every single one of those people would be with us today. It's a stark and painful truth, but it's just what reality shows."

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I will get my shot when EVERYONE allowed over our borders gets THEIR shot



What is fair is fair !!