Friday, October 1, 2021

Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh tests positive for COVID-19 Kavanaugh shows no symptoms, is fully vaccinated, court says



Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh tests positive for COVID-19

Kavanaugh shows no symptoms, is 

fully vaccinated, court says


Breakthrough Cases Surge: Vaccinated Individuals Accounted for 87% of Covid Hospitalizations Over the Past Week in Wales UK; 99% of All New Cases Were Under 60 Years Old


 PLEASE .... Pass this on

Breakthrough Cases Surge: Vaccinated Individuals Accounted for 87% of Covid Hospitalizations Over the Past Week in Wales UK; 99% of All New Cases Were Under 60 Years Old

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As the English would say: I hate to be the one to ‘prick your bubble,’ but…

…That rushed vaccine ain’t working out too well.


According to the most recent data that was released by public health officials in Wales, UK, vaccinated Individuals accounted for a whopping 87% of all new Covid hospitalizations last week – even though 69% of the citizens are considered ‘fully vaccinated.’

The data also revealed that 99% of positive tests were from people under the age of 60 and that 63% of the total were vaccinated.


In other words, only 13% of severe cases that required a trip to the hospital were unvaccinated people, which suggests those who have taken the experimental jab are more likely to experience adverse reactions and become hospitalized by Covid-19.


The notion of vaccinated individuals being more susceptible to the virus is nothing new, and has been supported by other credible studies in places like Israel.

These new numbers just serve as more confirmation.

In a desperate attempt to save their crumbling narrative, public health officials in the UK insist that the vaccines have been working effectively and are keeping hospitalizations much lower than they otherwise would be. They have even enlisted their mouthpieces in the media to twist the data so it fits their narrative.

In one of the most egregious examples of this boot-licking chicanery, the BBC ran the headline: “Covid-19 in Wales: a third of positive cases are unvaccinated.


Here are some snippets of their perfectly backwards reporting with some of their lies peppered in for good measure.

Just look at how they spin the top-line numbers:

“A third of people with confirmed Covid cases in Wales in the past week were unvaccinated, according to new figures released by Public Health Wales.

Nearly 13% of hospital patients with confirmed Covid were unvaccinated.


Even Pravda would be proud.

In outright lie #1, in a desperate attempt to explain the sky-high percentage of hospitalizations among the vaccinated, they claim the percentage of people in Wales that have been vaccinated is much higher than it actually is, even according to their own reporting in the very same article.

This lie is repeated throughout and is even the caption on their headline photo.

The sheer numbers of people vaccinated – nearly 95% of those over 60 and 84% of those under 60 – mean that statistically, double-vaccinated people will still be a significant proportion of hospital patients.

They maliciously bury the much-lower, actual totals of vaccinated individuals in the closing line of the article.

“The total of first doses of vaccine has risen to 2,403,572 (75.8% of the total population) and 2,214,247 (69.9%) have been fully vaccinated.”

They also compare the new numbers that are being compiled from early September (end of summer/beginning of fall) to numbers from the height of the Covid spread last winter in another attempt to claim the vaccines are working.

Despite the number of positive cases being just as high – which they admit – they claim that hospitalizations were 4x higher last winter than they are now – which is a true statement…

but if you compare these numbers to September of last year, hospitalizations are right about on par with what they were when there was no vaccine.

Last winter, when Covid cases in the community were similarly high but the vaccine programme had only just started, there were four times as many Covid patients in hospitals in Wales.”

The article even cuts out a huge chunk of vaccinated people from their calculations when they come up with a phony base rate of infection in the community – only 46.7% were considered vaccinated in their equation.

“The hospital admissions rate is 53 per 100,000 of the population in those unvaccinated compared to 32 per 100,000 in those fully vaccinated, in the past month.

Of 19,140 positive tests in the past week, PHW said 33% were among unvaccinated people – that’s 6,321 people. 4.5% had one dose and 41.2% two doses, the rest were unknown.

You can see they also pull a cheap bait-and-switch when explaining the base rate for hospitalizations – calculating the total number of positive cases instead of hospital visits.

Each lie is accompanied by some version of the phrase, “But, without the vaccine, those hospital numbers might be even higher,” which appears several times throughout the article.

Overcompensating a little much?





Thursday, September 30, 2021

Obama's comments were even deleted or left out of interview with ABC (don't agree with them... they will cut it out or critisize you)

 I am soooooo ANTI - ABC and I used to LOVE that channel. I watched so many programs... Now NONE!!!! We have even changed all the tv's to a different default channel. We don't want them to air for one single minute.

ABC News cuts Obama's criticism of 'open borders' from televised interview

ABC excludes Obama's criticism of 'open borders' from televised portion of interview

ABC instead focus aired portion of Obama's border comments on his criticism of Republicans over immigration reform


ABC News cuts Obama's criticism of 'open borders' from televised interview 



ABC News left out a remark from former President Barack Obama describing "open borders" as "unsustainable" from the televised portion of his interview on ABC's "Good Morning America."

"Immigration is tough. It always has been because, on the one hand, I think we are naturally a people that wants to help others. And we see tragedy and hardship and families that are desperately trying to get here so that their kids are safe, and they're in some cases fleeing violence or catastrophe," Obama told co-host Robin Roberts in the excluded portion on Tuesday.

"At the same time, we're a nation state. We have borders. The idea that we can just have open borders is something that ... as a practical matter, is unsustainable," he added. 

Fox News Channel's Jacqui Heinrich noted the omission on Tuesday for a segment on "Special Report" with Bret Baier.


ABC did air a portion where Obama blamed Republicans for the failure of comprehensive immigration reform to pass Congress, and highlighted his administration's approval of temporary legal status given to Haitian migrants following the devastating 2010 earthquake there. 

"ABC World News Tonight" also excluded Obama's "open border" remarks in its coverage, instead spending less than a minute discussing the interview and focusing on the groundbreaking of the Obama Presidential Library in Chicago.

ABC included Obama's full comments in the online article about his interview, although they weren't mentioned until the 13th paragraph.

Obama's admission that the crisis at the southern border, which is seeing record numbers of migrants attempting to cross it, amounted to "open borders" ran in stark contrast to the Biden administration's messaging surrounding the deteriorating situation, as well as its insistence that the border was "closed." 


The Biden administration came under intense scrutiny last week after the clearing of an encampment consisting of up to 17,000 Haitian migrants at the border led to thousands being released into the U.S., with court dates scheduled months later.

According to the U.S. Border Patrol, encounters at the border are up more than 500% in 2021, with over 200,000 migrants encountered in the month of August alone.











Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

This world has turned into a large huge protests all about the words "GIVE ME"




What happened to REAL men and women working for it and feeling good that they did it themselves instead of hand outs??

Vaccinated Michigan couple die minutes apart from COVID-19 while holding hands




Vaccinated Michigan couple die minutes apart from COVID-19 while holding hands

A vaccinated Michigan couple died less than a minute apart Monday from a breakthrough case of COVID-19. The two were holding hands when they died.

Cal Dunham, 59, and Linda Dunham, 66, started to feel sick during a family camping trip earlier this month but assumed it was a cold. Their daughter, Sarah Dunham, said her father warned her that the couple was not feeling well. The couple was hospitalized and placed on ventilators a few days later, according to a local Fox station.


Doctors told Dunham on Sunday there was not much else they could do, and the couple would likely need to come off life-support the following day. When it came time to disconnect the couple on Monday, Cal was wheeled into Linda's room, and the couple was reunited. Fox-17 reported that moments later, the couple held hands, and Cal died at 11:07 a.m. with Linda right behind him at 11:08 a.m.

“[My father] called me before our family camping trip and said he wasn’t feeling good, but he thinks it’s just like sinus, and [Linda] caught it, and she’s like, 'He gave me his cold,'” Dunham told the local outlet. “The third day, they woke me up and said, ‘We’ve got to go because we don’t feel well.’ So I packed them all up, and they left.”

“She always joked and said, ‘Well, you’re going to go before I am. I’ll be right there behind you. I promise,'" Dunham said of her mother. "She really was, like she really was right there behind him.”

According to Dunham, the couple took the virus seriously and were always cautious. However, both had underlying health issues. Dunham said it was comforting to know that her parents were together in both life and death. But her comfort turned to anger at the people who were not taking the virus seriously.


“I’m angry because so many people are like, ‘If I catch COVID, I catch COVID. That’s what it is.' No, it’s not,” Dunham said. “It could be any person. It could be anybody. They did everything right. They did everything to protocol the way it should be done.”

According to the New York Times, 22,227 people in Michigan have died from COVID-19, and 690,558 people have died in the United States.

Washington Examiner Videos

Tags: News, Coronavirus, death, Michigan

Original Author: Misty Severi

Original Location: Vaccinated Michigan couple die minutes apart from COVID-19 while holding hands


Monday, September 27, 2021

Surprise! Another Hate Hoax: Black Emory University Employee Arrested for Vandalizing Autism Center with Racist, Anti-Semitic Graffiti

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Surprise! Another Hate Hoax: Black Emory University Employee Arrested for Vandalizing Autism Center with Racist, Anti-Semitic Graffiti

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Roy Lee Gordon, Jr.

A black Emory University employee was arrested last week for vandalizing the Emory Autism Center with racial and anti-Semitic slurs.

The local media reported on the alleged hate crime at the time.



But it was just another hate hoax.

The Post Millennial reported:



Suspected vandal Roy Lee Gordon Jr., an-ex Emory University employee and black man, has been arrested for allegedly spraying racist graffiti at his workplace.

In what appears to be another incident in a string of hate hoaxes in the past several months, the former part-time Emory staff member is accused of vandalizing the university’s Autism Center with racist and antisemitic graffiti in early August.

 According to the Daily Wireracial slurs were written near the workspace occupied by two African-American women. There was also a swastika painted near the office of a Jewish individual. In addition, a glass door had been ruined and nearby vending machines were damaged.