Thursday, October 28, 2021

Fauci’s NIH Also Funded Medical Experiments on AIDS Orphans in NY City ..It Wasn’t Just Beagles and Monkeys – Fauci’s NIH Also Funded Medical Experiments on AIDS Orphans in NY City .... ( What the Hel!)



 When will people see that Biden and Fauci are NOT your friends?




It Wasn’t Just Beagles and Monkeys – Fauci’s NIH Also Funded Medical Experiments on AIDS Orphans in NY City

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In August Gateway Pundit contributor Cassandra Fairbanks broke the story on Dr. Fauci’s use of taxpayer money to torture beagles in barbaric animal testing.

Dr. Fauci funded a study in Tunisia where beagle dogs were eaten alive by parasite-infected flies.

Dr. Fauci also spent over $16 million in taxpayer funds on disturbing “toxic brain injection” experiments on monkeys in 2018.

And Dr. Fauci was more recently caught funding gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China laboratory blamed for the production and leak of the coronavirus.
Fauci lied about his funding of the lab under oath numerous times.

Now this…
Dr. Fauci’s NIH was also caught funding experiments on AIDS orphans at a New York City hospital in 2004.

The Fauci NIH approved experiments on hundreds of New York City orphans.  Government agencies and pharmaceutical companies used the orphans in deadly AIDS drug trials.

In 2005, the city of New York hired the VERA Institute to form a final report on the drug trials. VERA was given no access to medical records for any of the children used in trials. Their report was published in 2008.

They reported that twenty-five children died during the drug studies, that an additional fifty-five children died following the studies (in foster care), and, according to Tim Ross, Director of the Child Welfare program at VERA (as of 2009), 29% of the remaining 417 children who were used in drug studies had died (out of a total 532 children that are admitted to have been used). [LINK]

The WIKIPEDIA writers cover up all details, as is expected.

No payment or compensation has been paid to any of the children used in the trials, or to their families.

A hospital nurse later spoke out to reporters about the testing. She reported that children would immediately get sick, break out or throw up during the testing.
They were orphans at the Incarnation Children’s Center in New York City.


The ICC Investigation website offers several documents and interviews with children and childcare workers at the hospital who participated in the research.

Download the collected PDFs: The ICC Investigation | Related-HIV-Testing-and-AIDS-Drug-Investigation | Media-Coverage-and-Cover-up | Media Part 2

Note: The investigator credited with exposing this horrific study on AIDS orphans is (or was) an AIDS ‘skeptic’ but his research and interviews were explosive and disturbing.

Woman wasn't tested by urgent care cause she was vaccinated later dies of COVID-19


 this was trending

Woman wasn't tested by urgent care because she was vaccinated - but later dies of COVID-19

"They screened her but she was vaccinated and so they didn’t feel the need," said Teresa Lisowski. "When I asked her she said they didn’t need to test me because I am vaccinated."

Lisowski says her mother Marilyn Pfeifer did everything right. The 74-year-old was fully vaccinated and on Aug. 4th when she started to experience sinus congestion, ear pain, and a headache, she headed to Lakes Urgent Care in Livonia.

Covid was a concern, but records obtained by her daughter, show she was diagnosed with a sinus infection - and never tested for Covid.

"They screened her, but she was vaccinated and so they didn’t feel the need," she said. "When I asked her, she said 'They didn’t test me because I am vaccinated.'"

But Marilyn's symptoms only got worse. A little over a week later, an ambulance rushed Marilyn to St. Mary's Hospital in Livonia where tests revealed despite being double vaccinated, she had COVID-19.

In a matter of days, Marilyn's lungs collapsed and she was placed on a ventilator. Teresa decided to confront the clinic.

"I pulled up my picture and I said, 'This is my mom on a ventilator across the street,'" Lisowski said. "(I said) 'She was here two weeks ago. You guys diagnosed her with a sinus infection and you did not Covid test her because she is vaccinated - and now she is fighting for her life on a ventilator.'"

Sadly - the Covid diagnosis came too late. Marilyn died on Sept. 5th - on her 75th birthday.

"Her team of doctors said multiple times if she would have just come in sooner, they could have given her Regeneron or the monoclonal antibodies," Lisowski said.

So why wasn't Marilyn tested for Covid and what does it take for the Lakes Urgent Care Clinic to be tested? FOX 2 called to find out and hasn't heard back.

Neither has Teresa.

"I am very angry still," she said.

Right not the CDC only recommends testing for people with symptoms - vaccinated or not. Teresa believes it should be mandated.

Marilyn Pfeifer

Marilyn Pfeifer 

"If my mom’s death isn’t for anything, it's if we can kind of push for change," Lisowski said. "Because how many other people out there have to die." 


Meg Markle needs to STOP playing a victim


YES .... you are disliked by MANY people.... so what.... get over it.


STOP whining !!! 

What happened to you and Harry wanting your PRIVACY?  You are out in public more NOW than you were then. 

You just wanted it both ways.. you wanted to a royal but not do anything for it. Just handed to you like so many others.

GO back into hiding and stop your crying.

Good Lord... this is ONE of the reasons that people can't stand either one of you.


Now Twitter is deleting accounts that speak badly about you??

You would be surprised at the number of people that don't like you.

 You would be NOTHING without your FAMOUS friends.



Tuesday, October 26, 2021

BREAKING: Fulton County Georgia Ordered More Than One Million Absentee Ballots from Printer Days Before the 2020 Election Knowing There Was No Time to Mail Them Out – Why?



BREAKING: Fulton County Georgia Ordered More Than One Million Absentee Ballots from Printer Days Before the 2020 Election Knowing There Was No Time to Mail Them Out – Why?

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More shocking news on Runbeck printing company which supplied ballots to both Arizona and Georgia.

We’ve already made some shocking observations about Runbeck – the Arizona printing company involved in the 2020 Election in both Arizona and Georgia.

We know that Runbeck shipped thousands of ballots to the same guy in Georgia who was behind the calls of a water main break in Atlanta and who was behind the removal of the whistleblower from working in Georgia elections.  (If there was a Republican Party in Georgia who cared about the integrity of their elections, this guy would be gone.)

We also know Brian Runbeck works for the company with his name.  Although not listed as a member of the Executive Team, Brian Runbeck, identifies himself as the Client Services Manager/Project Manager and Production Coordinator at Runbeck Election Services.  He manages the production of election ballots and related official election material.  He claims he handles high pressure deadlines and high volume production.

Mr. Runbeck also made 50 separate donations to Act Blue, Biden for President and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee between August 15 and October 30, 2020.

We also know that ballots in Georgia were different for Democrat and Republican areas.  This was done by the printer.

NOTE that the BAR CODE is missing from these ballots. This is important because as IT specialist Javon Pulitzer noted in testimony earlier this week, the Fulton County ballots in the general election for GOP precincts included a barcode while the ballots in Democrat districts did not include the barcode.  (Again, if there was a Republican Party in Georgia who cared, this would be investigated and criminals put in jail.)

Today Kevin Moncla reports at Uncoverdc more on Runbeck printing.

According to Moncla, Fulton County, Georgia ordered and received over 1 million ballots from Runbeck in the last 10 or so days before the election.  The ballots received were absentee ballots based on the size of the ballots ordered and related invoices.

With just 10 days until the November 3rd election, there was literally no way to sort, prepare, fold, stuff and mail out the ballots before the election. Especially considering there were no envelopes ordered. This fact alone removes any possibility that they intended to mail the ballots.

Moncla lists other reasons why this should be investigated.  It makes no sense why Fulton County would need over a million absentee ballots for the 2020 Election only days before Election Day knowing that they would never be mailed out.

If we had a Republican Party they would get to the bottom of this.  If we had a Justice Department that wanted justice they would get to the bottom of this.  If we had a Democrat Party that doesn’t steal elections this never would have happened.




Senior Advisor Reveals NJ Governor Murphy to Impose State-Wide Covid Vaccine Mandate AFTER Re-Election


 I think believe that ALL Democrats will make this sneaky move beware !

(look at my post about removing parent's rights in their child's school, but read this one first)




BREAKING: Project Veritas: Senior Advisor Reveals NJ Governor Murphy to Impose State-Wide Covid Vaccine Mandate AFTER Re-Election (VIDEO)

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Project Veritas on Monday released video of a senior campaign advisor admitting New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy will impose a state-wide Covid vaccine mandate AFTER re-election.

Phil Murphy is hiding information from the public in order to win independents, moderates and undecided voters.


Wendy Martinez, a senior advisor for Phil Murphy told a Project Veritas journalist the governor is waiting to impose the mandates until after the election because the “independents and undecided” will not vote for him if he did mandates.

“He [Murphy] is going to do it [COVID vaccine mandate], but he couldn’t do it before the elections,” Martinez said. “Because they’re [undecided and independents] all into the my rights, my sh*t,” Martinez said.


“This appears to be a top down understanding,” James O’Keefe said.

Matthew Urquijo, manager of NJ Forward said, “Once, you know, we have a win, he’s like, ‘Alright, guns blazing,” like, who cares? I’m in it, let’s do the mandates, let’s do this, XY and Z.”








MAGA Rapper Bryson Gray Performs “LET’S GO BRANDON” – LIVE In Scottsdale, Arizona At Free Political Prisoners Rally

WATCH: MAGA Rapper Bryson Gray Performs “LET’S GO BRANDON” – LIVE In Scottsdale, Arizona At Free Political Prisoners Rally

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On Sunday night, Arizona Patriots held a rally to free political prisoners in Scottsdale, Arizona, and MAGA rappers turned it up.

Bryson Gray is the most banned rapper alive after Youtube removed his viral “Let’s Go Brandon” song for violating Youtube’s medical disinformation policy.

“Let’s Go Brandon, The Pandemic ain’t real they just planned it”, raps Bryson Gray.


 Unlike globalist endorsed rappers Gray uses clean language and makes godly rap music.

Rappers that use horrible and degrading language towards women, racial slurs against Asians, and promote illegal and immoral activity, are not deplatformed or demonetized.


“Let’s Go Brandon” immediately went viral and reached #1 on Apple music. 

For the first time, Bryson Gray and Tyson James performed the song live on stage.


Is YOUR child safe?? Louisiana High School Under Investigation For Vaccinating Teenage Students Without Parental Consent


"Completely Reckless” – Louisiana High School Under Investigation For Vaccinating Teenage Students Without Parental Consent (VIDEO)

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A mother was left stunned and outraged this week when she was made aware of her son receiving a Covid-19 vaccine at his high school without her consent.

Jennifer Ravain – the mother of a 16-year-old student at East Jefferson High School in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana – found out about the “nightmare” scenario on Wednesday, which was when an Oschner mobile vaccination clinic was at the school to vaccinate the teenagers.

Somehow, she says, her son was able to sign the parental consent form himself without anyone notifying her before he received his jab. 

Allowing the minor to receive the Covid vaccine without parental consent directly violates the state guidelines, which require a parent or guardian to sign off on the experimental jab before it can be administered to ANYONE who is under the age of 18. The policy is clearly stated as such on the Louisiana Department of Health’s website.

G. Shelly Maturin, the attorney representing Ravain, called out both the school as well as the vaccine clinic for their ‘lawless behavior’ that has created a “nightmare” situation. Maturin also claims that multiple other underage students were also permitted to receive the experimental vaccine without parental consent.

He wrote in a statement:

“The egregious and reckless actions of Ochsner and East Jefferson High school went well beyond any legal and moral bounds and at a minimum, constitute a battery upon the minor child. Their actions should shock the conscience of all citizens of Louisiana.”

Maturin says he’s examining every avenue to hold the vaccine clinic and the district accountable for their egregious actions.

The health care provider who administered the shots at the school, Ochsner Health System, apologized for their employees who ignored the protocols they had in place when vaccinating students at East Jefferson High School. They also confirmed that the incident took place at one of their mobile vaccine clinics that was part of a school vaccination event on October 21, 2021.

According to 4WWL, A spokesperson from Ochsner said the following:

“While we firmly believe in vaccinating adolescents to keep them safe from COVID-19, this should be done only with parental consent. Our team has been notified that a student was vaccinated without proper parental consent at a school vaccination event on October 20, 2021.We have procedures in place to ensure that all policies are followed; however, in this instance, this did not occur. We have taken immediate action to review our on-site vaccination policies and to ensure that these policies will be strictly enforced moving forward.

As a leading healthcare provider in this community, we value the trust that parents put in us to care for their children, and we are revising our school vaccination program to ensure that this does not happen again.

We are in communication with the parent who brought this to our attention. We offer our sincere regret and apology for any distress this has caused.”

Jefferson Parish Public Schools also confirmed that the incident took place in a statement that was released by the board on Friday night. The letter made clear that the school board had partnered “with multiple healthcare providers” to provide vaccinations to students and staff members on school grounds. They also acknowledge that “obtaining written consent” from a parent before a student receives a jab would be considered standard operating procedure but the practice was not followed by the vaccine clinic.

Jefferson Parish Public Schools released a state late Friday night:

Today, we were made aware of an incident that occurred this week during a vaccine event held by Ochsner Health, whereby a student received a vaccine without parental consent. Ochsner Health officials have informed us that they are conducting a thorough investigation of the vaccine event to ensure this was an isolated incident and does not occur again. 

We believe that broad participation in vaccinations reduces the risk of COVID-19 transmission and is essential to keeping our schools and community safe and healthy. Jefferson Parish Schools has partnered with multiple healthcare partners to provide vaccination opportunities to eligible employees and students since vaccines first became available. Our standard operating procedures include obtaining written consent from a parent or legal guardian prior to a student receiving the vaccine during an event conducted at one of our schools. 

We will continue to work with Ochsner Health and our other healthcare partners to ensure vaccination events conducted on our campuses follow this process.”

Either way, whether it was the school’s negligence or the healthcare provider’s, these adults need to be held accountable. A parental consent form for children under 18 years old is not a new concept by any stretch of the imagination. Not knowing how their own procedures weren’t followed isn’t a good enough excuse for this type of incident to occur – especially if they are planning on continuing to administer the experimental vaccine at the school.

Watch W44L’s coverage on the incident: