Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Catholic University of America Posts Paintings of George Floyd as Jesus in Campus Ministry Office (pass this on)




Catholic University of America Posts Paintings of George Floyd as Jesus in Campus Ministry Office

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The Catholic University of America has paintings of George Floyd as Jesus hanging outside of the university chapel in the campus ministry office and inside its law school.

The Daily Signal reported.

Paintings depicting George Floyd as Jesus Christ hang in both The Catholic University of America’s campus ministry office and its law school, The Daily Signal has learned.

Catholic University appeared to shrug off responsibility for the painting Monday, telling The Daily Signal that artist Kelly Latimore’s painting “Mama” depicts “the Virgin Mary supporting the body of the dead Christ”—although the artist has indicated repeatedly that his painting depicts both Floyd and Jesus.

“You can identify Jesus by the marks in the halo,” said Karna Lozoya, vice president for university communications. Lozoya would not further address the matter with The Daily Signal.

“The icon has no place at The Catholic University of America; it is blasphemous and an offense to the Catholic faith, but it is not surprising at all that it was put there,” a junior at Catholic University told The Daily Signal in an email. “It is just another symptom of the liberalization and secularization of our campus.”


This is not the first time something like this happened.
Democrats pictured repeat felon George Floyd as an angel during his funeral.
They sure pick some bizarre role models.



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Monday, November 22, 2021

UPDATE: It Was Intentional! Christmas Parade Killer Darrell Brooks Charged with 5 Counts of Intentional Homicide – The Media Was Wrong AgainUPDATE: It Was Intentional! Christmas Parade Killer Darrell Brooks Charged with 5 Counts of Intentional Homicide – The Media Was Wrong Again




ANOTHER LOW LIFE piece of crap !!!  (my opinion of course)

4 of the 5 dead were the dance group called " the dancing Grannies". They were all ELDERLY ladies. You piece of garbage and everyone else that stands by you.


UPDATE: It Was Intentional! Christmas Parade Killer Darrell Brooks Charged with 5 Counts of Intentional Homicide – The Media Was Wrong Again !

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Waukesha suspect Darrell Brooks with his Ford SUV in a video he published on YouTube in 2019.

Multiple people were killed and injured after a person driving an SUV plowed through a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin on Sunday evening.

As The Gateway Pundit reported earlier the suspect’s name is Darrell Brooks and he was recently released on bail.

The suspect Darrell Brooks is a sex offender and has a long record.The Chisholm attorneys let the Christmas parade killer back on the street last week.

And now we know that Darrel Brooks was released back on the street with a VERY LOW BAIL after he purposely RAN OVER A WOMAN with his car following a fight.

That woman was his baby’s mother.

Earlier today the media ran defense for this monster saying he was actually fleeing some sort of knife fight.  We now know this was also a media lie.

Authorities charged Darrell Brooks with five counts of homicide on Monday afternoon.

The attack was intentional.


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Attorney Releases First Pages from Subpoenaed FDA Files – Shows Pfizer Documented 158,893 Adverse Events with 25,957 Nervous System Disorders in First Few Months of Distribution



 please read the article AND LOOK at the numbers at the bottom.... they knew...PASS THIS ON




Attorney Releases First Pages from Subpoenaed FDA Files – Shows Pfizer Documented 158,893 Adverse Events with 25,957 Nervous System Disorders in First Few Months of Distribution

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Attorney Aaron Siri, Managing Partner of Siri & Glimstad, published his first report on the information he received from the FDA.

Siri has extensive complex civil litigation experience, including civil rights involving mandated medicine.

Aaron Siri has a history of representing people for vaccination injury for quite a while he recently told a US panel discussion led by Senator Ron Johnson that during the COVID crisis their phones have received an avalanche of requests. Aaron added, “If we actually sued all of the pharmaceutical companies for all of the complaints it would actually impossible for all of the attorneys around the country, around 100, to handle all of those matters.”

Attorney Aaron Siri recently released the first batch of subpoenaed documents from the FDA on Pfizer’s COVID vaccine. The documents reveal that in the first few months of this year there were already 158,893 Adverse Events recording including 25,957 nervous system disorders.

Via Aaron Siri on Substack.

Two months and one day after it was sued, and close to 3 months since it licensed Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine, the FDA released the first round of documents it reviewed before licensing this product.  The production consisted of 91 pdf pages, one xpt file, and one txt file. You can download them here.

While it is for the scientists to properly analyze, let me share one observation.  One of the documents produced is a Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports of [the Vaccine] Received Through 28-Feb-2021, which is a mere 2 ½ months after the vaccine received emergency use authorization (EUA).  This document reflects adverse events following vaccination that have completed Pfizer’s “workflow cycle,” both in and outside the U.S., up to February 28, 2021.

Pfizer explains, on page 6, that “Due to the large numbers of spontaneous adverse event reports received for the product, [Pfizer] has prioritised the processing of serious cases…” and that Pfizer “has also taken a [sic] multiple actions to help alleviate the large increase of adverse event reports” including “increasing the number of data entry and case processing colleagues” and “has onboarded approximately [REDACTED] additional fulltime employees (FTEs).”  Query why it is proprietary to share how many people Pfizer had to hire to track all of the adverse events being reported shortly after launching its product.

As for the volume of reports, in the 2 ½ months following EUA, Pfizer received a total of 42,086 reports containing 158,893 “events.”  Most of these reports were from the U.S. and disproportionately involved women (29,914 vs. 9,182 provided by men) and those between 31 and 50 years old (13,886 vs 21,325 for all other age groups combined, with another 6,876 whose ages were unknown).  Also, 25,957 of the events were classified as “Nervous system disorders”

Here are the current Open VAERS numbers.

Read "replies" to a post before posting YOUR OPINION..... sometimes the details are in those other replies and you won't look silly



This goes for "f-b".....or "twit"...... or "nextdoor".


Stop looking like a fool.


Please make a post asking people to read details before ASSUMING something and making a fool out of themselves.


This happens on ALL social media and ALL sites on the internet.



He's NOT a REAL Man...he is something on the BOTTOM of my shoe) Alleged Waukesha Suspect Was Recently Released on Bond – Rapped about ‘F**k Donald Trump and F**k Pigs’ – Lived in Milwaukee, Launched Attack in Conservative Waukesha





 (Sex offender and long record? So you hurt and kill CHILDREN and dancing Elderly Ladies?  This Son of a B!tch didn't have to do this. 

Be a REAL man and run for office and change things NOT kill innocent people. You are a piece of sh!t)



Alleged Waukesha Suspect Was Recently Released on Bond – Rapped about ‘F**k Donald Trump and F**k Pigs’ – Lived in Milwaukee, Launched Attack in Conservative Waukesha

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Waukesha suspect Darrell Brooks from Milwaukee

Multiple people were killed and injured after a person driving an SUV plowed through a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin on Sunday evening.

There are also reports of gunshots being fired by police at the SUV.

According to eyewitnesses, the terrorist mowed over several elderly women called “The Dancing Grannies.”

Following the attack, the local police scanner captured the name of the suspect who left his ID in the vehicle. (my comment... they don't catch the smart ones....LOL )

 Laura Loomer was first to report on this.


The suspect Darrell Brooks is a sex offender.

He has a long record.

Journalist Karol Markowicz confirmed his identity from his birth date.

His social media under the name “MathBoi Fly” was found by an intelligent investigator.

Brooks was not a fan of Donald Trump or Scott Walker.

As we reported earlier, Waukesha is a very conservative area in Wisconsin.

Trump won Waukesha in 2020 over Joe Biden 59.6% to 38.8%.

Brooks rapped about “F**k Donald Trump and F**k Pigs.”

And then he drove to the Waukesha Christmas parade and slaughtered innocent Americans.






Sunday, November 21, 2021

Don't let anyone destroy your city.



This is YOUR city...  don't let the thugs destroy it. See something...say something.






Saturday, November 20, 2021

“Don’t Do It Unless You Are Ready to Suffer and Die” – California Man Who Died from the COVID-19 Vaccine Described His Horrific Pain and Suffering in Writing Before Passing Away





“Don’t Do It Unless You Are Ready to Suffer and Die” – California Man Who Died from the COVID-19 Vaccine Described His Horrific Pain and Suffering in Writing Before Passing Away

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Michael “Mike” Anthony Granata of Gilroy, California, who turned 56 this month, suffered an unexpected death after he received the Moderna vaccine.  He only took the vaccine due to pressure from his doctor.  He soon developed multisystem inflammation and multisystem failure that even the medical professionals could not stop according to his obituary.

Michael started to feel ill three days after he received the Moderna vaccine on August 17.  He was in ICU for several weeks and stabbed with needles up to 24 times a day for those several weeks, while also receiving 6 or 7 IVs at the same time (continuously). He described it as constant torture.

Many nurses and other staff have urged him and his wife to share their stories and to get the truth out to the public regarding the risk of taking the clinical trial vaccine.
In his obituary Michael shared his last message,

“I was nothing more than a covid vaccine human guinea pig and the doctors excited to participate in my fascinating progression unto death. I wished I would have never gotten vaccinated. If you are not vaccinated, don’t do it unless you are ready to suffer and die.”

Here is the excerpt from his obituary:

Michael “Mike” Anthony Granata February 21, 1965 – November 1, 2021

Michael, a longtime resident of Gilroy, passed away on November 1, 2021.  Never a kinder more gentle man did I know than my husband, Michael.

For those who knew Mike, you know that he was a good and honest man.  He was kind, considerate, and always polite.

Mike was adamant that people know what happened to him that caused his early and unexpected death.

Message from Mike: “Many nurses and non-nursing staff begged me and my wife to get the truth out to the public about the Covid-19 vaccines because the truth of deaths from the vaccine was being hidden within the medical profession. I promised I would get the message out.

So, here is my message: “I was afraid of getting the vaccine for fear that I might die. At the insistence of my doctor, I gave in to pressure to get vaccinated.  On August 17th I received the Moderna vaccine and starting feeling ill three days later. I never recovered but continued to get worse. I developed multisystem inflammation and multisystem failure that medical professionals could not stop. My muscles disappeared as if to disintegrate. I was in ICU for several weeks and stabbed with needles up to 24 times a day for those several weeks, while also receiving 6 or 7 IVs at the same time (continuously). It was constant torture that I cannot describe. I was no longer treated as a human with feelings and a life. I was nothing more than a covid vaccine human guinea pig and the doctors excited to participate in my fascinating progression unto death. If you want to know more, please ask my wife.  I wished I would have never gotten vaccinated. If you are not vaccinated, don’t do it unless you are ready to suffer and die.”

Mike did not deserve the pain and suffering he endured.  He was a good man and deserved better.

Mike was born in San Jose, California and moved to Gilroy at age one, where he resided for the last 55 years.

Mike attended Las Animas Elementary and Gilroy High schools.  He graduated from both San Jose State University and Santa Clara University earning several scholastic degrees.

Mike was an intelligent man but never flaunted it.  Mike chose to clothe himself in humility, kindness and gentleness every day, and preferred to work quietly behind the scenes doing good deeds and expecting nothing in return.

Michael was a licensed professional engineer and the owner of Engineering By Design, Design Engineering and Professional Engineering and Design. For the last 10+ years Michael worked in the Marine industry utilizing his IP for design and engineering that is known and used worldwide.

Michael could be seen twice daily walking his Golden Retriever around the neighborhood or up at Gavilan College for the last 20+ years in his jeans, t-shirt and hat.

Michael was proud to be a gear-head, a true car restoration enthusiast and tinkerer.

Mike loved spending time with his wife, his dog, his cars and playing the drums as he was quite a gifted musician.

Michael was preceded in death by his brothers Anthony Edward Granata and Salvatore Anthony Granata.

Michael is survived by his wife, Susie Granata of Gilroy, his parents Anthony and Elizabeth Granata of Morgan Hill; his sister Catherine Flowers (John) of Brentwood, CA; Nieces: Heather Trumbull (Christopher), Mindy Peterson (Ryan), Jeannene Brady, and Alyssa Granata, and great nephews and niece: Anthony and Trevor Peterson, and Karlie and Colin Trumbull.

Michael Granata burial was on November 15th.

The Gateway Pundit shares our thoughts of comfort and condolences to the grieving family.


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